

单词 勘测

勘测 noun ()

investigation n

勘测 noun, plural ()

investigations pl

勘测 verb ()

investigate v

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

菲律宾军方立即派 遣了两艘船和两架 OV-10 飞机向地勘测船提 供援助, 但它们到达时中国巡逻舰已经离开了当地。
The Philippine military immediately dispatched two ships and two OV-10 planes in support of the seismic vessel, but arrived only after the Chinese patrol vessels had left the area.
现有地图、地质和岩土工程技术地 勘测 、 城 市分区和土地分割规划都由 公共工程和安置部编制。
Existing maps, geological and geotechnical ground surveys, zoning and parcellation plans are prepared by the Ministry of Public Works and Settlement.
土著传 统捕鱼区很大一部分尚勘测,成 为土著斐济人投资和经济社会发展努力的一个 重大障碍。
A significant area of native traditional fishing grounds remains un-surveyed and poses a major obstacle to the i Taukei’s drive in investment and economic and social development.
2011/12 年财政期间的主要优先事项包括继续为秘书长个人特使履 行职能提供支助,包括协助安排西撒哈拉争端各方之间的会议;分析该区域的政
治问题,并在秘书长特使访问该区域期间提供后勤支助;为难民署的工作提供便 利,力求扩大旨在加强西撒哈拉分裂社区之间关系的建立信任措施方案;对受到
[...] 地雷和战争遗留爆炸物污染的危险地区进 勘测 和 清 理;提供雷险教育;为非洲 联盟阿尤恩办事处提供协助。
The main priorities during the financial period 2011-12 include continued support to the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General in the performance of his functions, including assistance with the organization of meetings between the parties involved in the dispute over Western Sahara; analysis of political issues in the region and logistical support during his visits to the region; facilitation of the work of UNHCR in seeking to expand the confidence-building measures programme aimed at enhancing
relations between divided communities of
[...] Saharawis; conduct of surveys and clearance [...]
of hazardous areas contaminated by landmines
and explosive remnants of war; provision of mine risk education; and provision of assistance to the African Union Office in Laayoune.
第4条 开发水下文化遗产的活动应当优先考虑使用非破坏性的技术 勘测 方 法 ,而不 是去打捞有关物品。
Rule 4. Activities directed at underwater cultural heritage must use non-destructive techniques and survey methods in preference to recovery of objects.
从那 以后,以色列当局开始制订考勘测 计 划 ,还设计了一条新路。
Since then, the Israeli authorities have started planning the
[...] archaeological surveys and the design [...]
of a new pathway.
项目的例子包括:专用遥控潜水器和自动潜航器、海底石油 和天然气建造和生产服务仓、海底石油和天然气井室型歧管、预测设备发送和收 回过程中船只和有效载荷移动的计算机模拟系统、海洋学和气象学测量浮标系 统、深水海洋热能转换系统(OTEC)以 勘测 船 仪 器和定制。
Examples of projects include: specialized remotely operated vehicles and autonomous underwater vehicles; service capsules for subsea oil and gas construction and production; chamber manifold for subsea oil and gas wells; computer modelling system to predict vessel and payload motions during equipment launch and recovery;
oceanographic and
[...] meteorological measurement buoy systems; deepwater ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) system; and survey vessel instrumentation [...]
and customization.
[...] 系统在一个补充性的金属氧化物半导体多色图像传感器的基础上开发而成,以 确保地球偏远地区勘测分辨率为 10-:-15 米。
The system of video monitoring and telecommunications was developed on the
basis of a multicolour CMOS image sensor to
[...] ensure the exploration of the Earth’s [...]
remote area with a resolution of 10-:-15m.
[...] 染的地区进行扫雷行动,进行紧急未爆弹药和一般性爆炸危险评估、路 勘测, 在 达尔富尔村庄和新的达尔富尔混合行动队部销毁危险爆炸物,并对达尔富尔目 [...]
In order to further reduce the number of unexploded ordnance accidents among the civilian population, and to enable peacekeepers and humanitarian personnel to access areas safely, UNAMID will continue to conduct clearance operations in areas contaminated with explosive remnants, conduct emergency unexploded
ordnance and general explosive hazard
[...] assessments, route surveys, demolitions [...]
of explosive hazards in Darfurian villages
and new UNAMID team sites and also conduct unexploded ordnance risk education for the targeted Darfur population.
根据拟议工作计划,英国海底资源有限公司将(a) 收集和分析范围广泛的环 境数据以获得环境基线,(b) 开勘测航行 和分析以获得矿体圈定并安排商业开 采业务的优先次序,(c) 继续系统工程工作以进一步评估商业资源回收的经济可 行性和整体技术方法。
Under the proposed plan of work, UK Seabed Resources Ltd will (a) collect and analyse a broad range of environmental data to obtain the environmental baseline, (b) conduct survey cruises and analysis to obtain ore body delineation and prioritize commercial recovery operations, and (c) continue systems engineering efforts to further assess the economic viability and overall technical approach of commercial resource recovery.
又有两个多重任务工作组部署到该地区,开 勘测 和清理作业。
Two additional multitasking teams were deployed in that
[...] area and began survey and clearance [...]
因此,柬埔寨继续坚持这些地点的军事化不仅有悖于和平及东盟团 结的精神,而且违反了 1954 年《关于发生武装冲突时保护文化财产的海牙公约》 和 1972 年《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》以及 2000 年《泰国和柬埔寨关勘 测和划 定陆地边界的谅解备忘录》的精神和宗旨。
Thus, the continued insistence of Cambodia on militarizing these locations would not only run counter to the spirit of peace and ASEAN solidarity, but also violate the spirit and purposes of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and the 1972 Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, as well as the 2000 memorandum of understanding between Thailand and Cambodia on the survey and demarcation of the land boundary.
莫特麦克唐纳公司负责项目的主要咨询服务工作,其咨询服务子合同公司包括:HTSPE(英 国)、DHI(丹麦)、中国水利水电科学研究院(北京)、北京中水新华国际工程咨询有限公 司、中国农业大学国际农村发展中心(北京)、甘肃省水文水资 勘测 局 和辽宁省水文水资勘测局等咨询机构。
Sub-consultancy contracts are in place with HTSPE
(UK), DHI (Denmark),
[...] IWHR (Beijing), Xinhua IECCO (Beijing), CIAD (Beijing), Gansu Hydrological and Water Resources Bureau and the Liaoning Hydrological and Water Resources Bureau.
他主要负责印度洋多金属结勘测和 勘 探 、印度洋南部海洋学 研究、大陆架划界、印度排他性经济水域多波束信号频域水深测量、深海科学研 究船 Sagar Kanya 和其他租用船只的管理等国家重大推进项目。
He was mainly involved as leader in major national thrust programmes such as the Survey and Exploration of Polymetallic Nodules in Indian Ocean, Oceanography studies of Southern Ocean, Delineation of Continental Shelf demarcation, Multibeam Swath Bathymetric Surveys in EEZ of India, Vessel Management of ORV Sagar Kanya and other Chartered Vessels.
(b) 夜间用地球物理方法绘制海底地图和进行海 勘测。
(b) Mapping and
[...] sea floor surveying during the [...]
night using geophysical methods.
由于人道主义、恢复和发展活动之间的关联,冲突 后局势提出了独特的挑战;需要努力将风险评估和弱点的分析 勘测 更 好 地纳入 早期预警和防备系统中。
Post-conflict situations presented unique challenges because of the nexus among humanitarian, recovery and development activities; efforts needed to be made to better integrate risk assessment and vulnerability analysis and mapping into early warning and preparedness systems.
勘测飞行 期间,可能还会观察到并记录一系列 其他特征。
A range of other features may also be observed and recorded during a reconnaissance flight.
计划将在美 国国家航空航天局(美国航天局)月 勘测 轨 道 器在轨实验期间使用月球探索 中子检测器的仪器继续进行研究活动。
It is planned to continue the research during further experiments on board the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States, using the Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND).
目 前这些石油公司对在有争议地区周遭水域进行石油 储勘测的兴 趣有限,因为这些地区归属不明,而 且南海属敏感政治问题,另外这些公司对进行此类 活动的财政和技术可行性也有顾虑。
Thus far, Chinese oil companies’ interest in exploiting oil reserves in the waters around the disputed areas has been limited due to the unclear status, political sensitivity of the South China Sea issue as well as financial and technological concerns about the feasibility of such operations.126 These companies, especially CNOOC, which is the only one possessing deep sea drilling technology, have been trying to overcome these obstacles.
非洲经委会通过开展培训、能力建设和知识管理活动,促进了非洲各 勘测 机构 和地理信息系统技术采用者在监测国家和国家以下各级艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染率 方面的经验交流。
Through training, capacity-building and knowledge management activities, ECA has facilitated the exchange of experience among African national mapping agencies and geographic information system technology practitioners in monitoring HIV/AIDS rates at the national and subnational level.
在事件刚刚发生后,通勘测飞行提供的报告对 于确定污染性质和规模而言往往至关重要。
At the outset of an incident, reports from reconnaissance flights are often vital to establish the nature and scale of the pollution.
在这类前瞻性表述中,公司依赖某些与地质环境条件、大宗商品价格、市场和汇率的稳定性、资本的可用性以及公司继续开展地 勘测 和 钻 探项目的能力有关的假设。
In making such forward-looking statements, the Corporation has relied upon certain assumptions relating to geological settings, commodity prices, the stability of markets and currencies, the availability of capital, and the Corporation's ability to continue with the seismic and drilling programs.
冯·洪堡成为他的导师,在欧勘测 的 过 程中,他发现了一种新的草酸铁矿并以洪堡的名字为其命名,以示对这位年长导师的尊敬。
The latter became his mentor and, during the course of his travels in Europe, Rivero discovered a new iron-oxalate that he named humboldtine in the older man’s honor.
波尔航天的高分辨率成像科学实验(HiRISE)照相机于2005年8月经由火 勘测 轨 道 飞行器发射升空,是迄今送离地球轨道的最大、分辨率最高的相机。
Launched into space via the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in August 2005, Ball Aerospace’s High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera is the largest and highest resolution camera ever sent beyond Earth’s orbit.
另外,您可以采用驻法的英语持 勘测 师。
Alternatively you could employ the services of English Chartered Surveyors who live in France.
AirMagnet Survey 解决了网络安装人员和 IT 员工在部署
VoWLAN 网络时所面临的挑战,并为他们提供内置的语音就绪验证系统(包括预先设置好的 Cisco 792X 电话和 Vocera
[...] 徽章支持,并可选择添加其他供应商的资料),使用户可以确保其网络设计符合电话供应商的建议,并可执行实际语 勘测。
AirMagnet Survey addresses challenges faced by network installers and IT staff while deploying VoWLAN networks, and powers them with a built-in voice readiness verification system (includes pre-configured support for Cisco 792X phones and Vocera badges, plus the option to add profiles for other vendors) that allows users to ensure that their network
design is inline with the recommendations of the phone vendor, and also allows them to perform
[...] real-world voice surveys.
2007 年上半年,国家科学和应用预防保健中 勘测了 120 口水 井;12 个省级初级卫生保健中心检验了 2 240 口地下深水井,各省居民都参与这 些水井的养护。
In the first 6 months of 2007 the National Centre of Scientific and Applicatory Preventive Health (NCSAPH) investigated 120 artesian wells, the 12 raion Primary Healthcare Centres (PHC) have verified 2240 phreatic wells, the population being involved in their maintenance.
Surmont自去年10月下旬成立以来,先后收购了矿区土地,进行了三维地 勘测 , 开 展了岩心钻孔钻探计划,确认了该项目的生产潜力,并向阿尔伯塔省能源资源保护局提交了项目申请。
Surmont has, since incorporating late in October last year, acquired its lands, conducted a 3D seismic survey, carried out a corehole drilling program, confirmed the project's production potential, and submitted its project application to ERCB.
曾在中国早期近海风能项目中发挥过核心作用的江苏龙源电力集团近海风电公司的高宏飙先生和上 勘测 设 计研究院的林毅锋先生代表中国风能行业在研讨会上做了主旨发言。
Mr. Gao Hongbiao of Jiansu Longyuan Offshore Wind Power Co. and Mr. Lin Yifen at Shanghai Investigation Design & Research Institute were other prominent speakers from the Chinese industry, both playing a central part in China’s first offshore wind projects.
乔治·温哥华(George Vancouver,1757–98 年)13 岁加入皇家海军,在 1778–80 年詹姆斯·库克 (James Cook) 船长命运多舛的第三次航行期间,他曾在皇家海军舰艇 Discovery(发现号)上担任海军少尉侯补军官,后来成为太平洋西北部的著名探险家 勘测 师。
George Vancouver (1757–98), who became a noted explorer and surveyor of the Pacific Northwest, joined the Royal Navy at the age of 13 and was a midshipman on H.M.S. Discovery during Captain James Cook’s ill-fated third voyage of 1778–80.




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