

单词 勒紧裤带

See also:

勒紧 v

tighten v

External sources (not reviewed)

尽管受到数月间欧洲经济形势不明朗的影 响,其它产业部门都勒紧裤腰带过 日 子,而波 兰的航空产业则出现了增长。
While other sectors, hit by months of economic
[...] turmoil in Europe, tighten their belts, the Polish aviation [...]
sector is growing.
Belt tightening” seems to be the buzzword [...]
of the new millennium for road builders all across America these days.
TRAIL TWINSKIN融合了轻量,用来支撑紧身 短 裤 和 塔 夫绸外层 裤 , 腿 间单 带 来 的 压缩和姿势支撑来减少摩擦。
The Trail Twinskin combines a light, supportive tight short and taffeta overshort, with a single layer innner thigh area that eliminates chafing.
那么到底带多少件衣服裤子才 算足够?
How many pieces of clothes are consider as enough?
不结盟运动要求立即执行安全理事会第 1860(2009)号决议,包括立即停火, 以色列占领军撤离加沙,并采取措施满足加沙 带 巴 勒 斯 坦 人民 紧 迫 人 道主义 需求,包括完全按照第 1860(2009)号决议的要求和规定,长期持久开放加沙的过 境点,确保人道主义援助和其他必要物资和货物自由通行,并为人员进出加沙地 带提供方便。
The Non-Aligned Movement calls for the immediate implementation of Security Council resolution 1860 (2009), including the call for an immediate ceasefire leading to the withdrawal of Israeli occupying forces from Gaza, as well as for measures to address the pressing humanitarian and economic needs of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, including through the sustained and permanent reopening of the Gaza crossings, fully in accordance with the terms and provisions of resolution 1860 (2009), to ensure unimpeded provision of humanitarian assistance and other essential supplies and goods and to facilitate the movement of persons to and from the Gaza Strip.
近两个星期以来,不断呼吁安理会采 取行动,解决危机,解决加沙带巴 勒 斯 坦 人民遭受的苦难,经过一系列长时紧张会晤和磋商,包括部长级会晤和磋商,安理会通过了载有许多重要条款的第 1860(2009)号决议,其中呼吁刻不容缓地“立即实行持久的、受到全面尊重的停 [...]
火”,并“在加沙各地畅通无阻地提供和分发人道主义援助,包括食品、燃料和 医疗”。
After nearly two weeks of incessant calls upon the Council to act to
address the crisis and
[...] suffering being endured by the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and after a long series of intensive [...]
meetings and
consultations, including at the Ministerial level, the Council adopted resolution 1860 (2009), which, among many important provisions, calls in the immediate stage for “an immediate, durable and fully respected ceasefire” and “the unimpeded provision and distribution throughout Gaza of humanitarian assistance, including food, fuel and medical treatment”.
与会者欢迎国际社会对军事敌对行动造成的加沙 带 巴 勒 斯 坦 民众 紧迫 人 道主义需要作出协调一致的反应,并敦促捐助者继续为这些迫切的优先需要提 供资金,包括通过联合国联合呼吁程序提供资金。
Participants welcomed the concerted response of the international community to the immediate humanitarian needs of the Palestinian population in Gaza that arose as a result of the military hostilities, and urged donors to continue to provide funding for these urgent priority needs, including through the United Nations consolidated appeals process.
国际捐助界 显示已经做好准备,3 月 2 日在沙姆沙伊赫举行的支 持勒斯坦 经济重建加沙国际会议上慷慨认捐了大 约 45 亿美元,以便启动庞大的加沙带紧 急 重 建工 作。
The international donor community demonstrated its readiness and generosity at the
International Conference in
[...] Support of the Palestinian Economy for the Reconstruction of Gaza, held at Sharm el-Sheikh on 2 March, by pledging some $4.5 billion to jump-start the immense and urgent task of rebuilding the Gaza Strip.
阿联酋代表团要求国际社会,作紧 急 事 项, 采取 A/64/339 号文件所载报告的结论和建议中指示 的一切措施,包括如果以色列未能完全遵守所有联 合国决议,即对以色列实施制裁;要求以色列允许 特别委员会成员进入被占领土,以履行其使命;并 要求以色列政府对其给勒斯坦人民和被占领的叙 利亚戈兰人民造成的损失给予适当补偿。
His delegation requested the international community,
[...] as a matter of urgency: to take all the measures indicated in the conclusions and recommendations of the report contained in document A/64/339, including the imposition of sanctions on Israel if it failed to comply fully with all United Nations resolutions; to request Israel to allow the members of the Special Committee to enter the occupied territories in order to fulfil its mandate; and to require the Israeli Government to pay appropriate compensation for the damage it had inflicted on the Palestinians and [...]
the population of the occupied Syrian Golan.
[...] 的所有义务,停止其全部侵犯行为和非法措施,包括 对加沙带巴勒斯坦 人民实施的集体惩罚政策及其 非法定居活动,并且明确表示以全面的方式在固定的 [...]
时间期限内谈判解决所有核心问题——耶路撒冷、定 居点、难民、边界、安全和水。
The international community must be resolute in demanding that Israel abide by all its obligations under international law and cease all of its violations and unlawful measures, including
its policy of collective
[...] punishment of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and its illegal [...]
settlement activities, and
that it unambiguously negotiate and resolve all core issues — Jerusalem, settlements, the refugees, borders, security and water — in a comprehensive manner and within a fixed time frame.
[...] 15G所编织的各种各样成品,当中由手套,袜子,五趾袜,和护腿袜,到帽子,围巾, 带 , 甚 至服装 裤 袜 , 小背心,童装以及其它针织配件等。
Also shown, SWG091N 15G demonstrates the extended capability of WHOLEGARMENT knitting, ranging from gloves, socks, five-toe socks, and leg warmers to caps, scarves,
neck-ties and even garments such
[...] as leggings, tanktops, camisoles, childrenswear as well [...]
as other knitted goods and accessories.
您的女儿挑选了一些衣服试穿,您迫不及待地想看到她穿上最新款的“小冒险家朵拉”衣服的样子...然而,您看到的现实却是:牛 裤 包 得 太 紧 而 且 裤 腰 太低 ; 裤 裆 也太短了,是的,她的肚脐露得全世界都能看到了。
Your daughter picks out some outfits to try on and you can’t wait to see the latest “Dora the Explorer” fashions on
her…then reality bites:
[...] The jeans are too tight and riding too low; the top is too short and [...]
yes, that’s her belly button out for the world to see.
[...] 高跟系列紧身衣,效果远远超出一 紧 身 裤 , 其设计非常精细,由GASPARD YURKIEVICH设 [...]
计的Haute Couture系列,采用最顶级的面料制造,梭织效果令人瞠目,注重每一个细节,
GERBE (booth 1C06), a global authority and legendary French name in hosiery and legwear, will
present both its groundbreaking Stiletto
[...] range of footless tights that go far beyond [...]
simple leggings, and also the ultra-sophisticated,
Haute Couture collection designed by GASPARD YURKIEVICH, a world of modern luxury legwear full of graphical details and stunning woven effects, in the finest materials.
凯恩斯具有典型的轻松休闲的带生 活 氛围, 裤和 T 恤是常见的服装。
An easy tropical lifestyle typifies Cairns, and shorts [...]
and T-shirts are normal attire.
具体而言,它们包括:委员会一贯支持以和平方式解 决巴勒斯坦问题;政治进程停滞不前,在努力促成西 岸与加沙带在巴勒斯坦 权力机构下实现统一方面 缺乏进展,此外包括东耶路撒冷在内的整个巴勒斯坦 被占领土实地局势日益恶化;2007 年 11 月安纳波利 斯会议后得以恢复的以巴双方政治进程未能产生任 何实际结果;国际社会对加沙遭受的攻击作出了反 应,呼吁保持冷静并尊重无辜平民的生命;四方继续 为实现阿以冲突的全面解决而开展努力;委员会在活 动中力求提请注意急需采取协调一致的集体努力,缓 解实地的消极事态发展。
They include in particular the Committee’s consistent support for a peaceful solution of the question of Palestine; the stagnation of the political process, lack of progress in efforts to unite the West Bank and the Gaza Strip under the Palestinian Authority, and the worsening situation on the ground throughout the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem; the failure of the political process between the Israeli and Palestinian sides, which was resumed after the Annapolis Conference of November 2007, to produce any tangible results; the response by the international community to the assault on Gaza by calling for calm and respect for the lives of innocent civilians; the continued efforts by the Quartet to achieve a comprehensive resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict; and the Committee’s activities which sought to draw attention to the urgent need for coordinated and collective efforts to mitigate the negative developments occurring on the ground.
安全理事会和所有相关方必须进行所需的努力 并尽力确保该决议得到有效实施,以结束所有的军事 活动和暴力;解决加沙带巴勒斯坦 平民严重的人道 主义需要和经济需要,包括通过解除以色列的封锁; 保证实现持久停火;并帮助各方从这场危机导致我们 走上的悬崖返回到和平的道路上来。
It is imperative that the Security Council and all concerned parties exert the required efforts and work to ensure the effective
implementation of that resolution
[...] in order to bring an end to all military activities and violence; to address the serious humanitarian and economic needs of the Palestinian civilian [...]
population in the Gaza
Strip, including through the lifting of the Israeli blockade; to guarantee a durable ceasefire; and to help the parties return from the precipice to which this crisis has led us and back to the path of peace.
每一款均配有带宽大割边浮雕图案的皮革表带或彩色帆布 带 以 及牛 仔 裤 风 格 的表扣。
Each style is finished with a wide edge-cut embossed leather strap or a color canvas strap and jeans-style buckle.
与会者强调,加沙带是 1967 年被占勒斯坦领土的组成部分,该领土是 未来巴勒斯坦国的立国之地,他们同时也重申,建立一个具有生存能力的巴勒斯 [...]
坦国除其他外将需要国际社会的持续支持,他们还呼吁增加对巴勒斯坦权力机构 的财政和经济援助。
While participants stressed that the Gaza Strip constitutes an integral [...]
part of the Palestinian Territory occupied in 1967
on which the future Palestinian State shall be established, they reiterated that the establishment of a viable Palestinian State will require, inter alia, the sustained support of the international community and called for increased financial and economic assistance for the Palestinian Authority.
[...] 必要采取具体措施应对以色列的恐怖行动,迫使以色 列停止侵略行径、停止建造定居点、解除对加沙带 巴勒斯坦人民的封锁、结束对阿拉伯被占领土的占领 以及撤至 [...]
1967 年 6 月 4 日的边界。
We believe that, today more than ever, the international community must take concrete measures to deal with Israel’s horrific actions and compel it to put an end to its aggressive practices, halt its settlement
construction, lift the blockade
[...] against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, end to its [...]
occupation of the occupied Arab
territories, and withdraw to the borders of 4 June 1967.
我国认为,为了实现这一目标,在不影响《联合 国宪章》规定的安全理事会职责的情况下,也可以通 过国际系统其他机构寻找一些其他合法途径,使整个 国际社会能够确保伸张正义,从而响应 勒 斯 坦 人民紧急呼吁,同时为实现中东持久和平与安全铺路。
To achieve that, my country believes that — without prejudice to the responsibilities of the Security Council established in the United Nations Charter — there are a number of legal alternatives in other bodies of the international system that could enable the international community as a whole to ensure that justice is done, thereby effectively responding to the urgent appeal of the Palestinian people and, at the same time, paving the way for the restoration of lasting peace and security in the Middle East.
20 此外,据报道,女学生禁 止穿着鲜艳服装、不许留长指甲或文身、不许戴便帽或只戴帽子不戴围巾、不许 穿紧身或短牛裤。
He warned that the police would strictly monitor all public places, including vehicles, and take legal action against all those who breach morality codes.20 Furthermore, female students are reportedly banned from wearing bright clothes, having long nails or tattoos and also from wearing caps or hats without scarves, or tight or short jeans.
鉴于基本建设总计划时间表安紧凑 , 而且基本建设总计划时间表 上的任何延误都会产生带费用,所以秘书长提议从 2009 年 7 月 1 日起 租用一个商业数据中心设施,并雇用国际电子计算中心,由它在这个现 成可用的设施内安装新的信息和通信技术(信通技术)设备,将所有系统 搬迁到新的二级数据中心,并管理新的二级数据中心的一些业务(见 A/63/743)。
In view of the strict time schedule and the associated costs attached to any delay in the schedule of the capital master plan, the Secretary-General proposed to lease a commercial data centre facility, starting on 1 July 2009, and to engage the services of the International Computing Centre to install new information and communications technology (ICT) equipment in this readyto-use facility, migrate all systems to the new secondary data centre and manage some of the operations of the new secondary data centre (see A/63/743).
这些龙头项目将满足《援助计划》中详细阐明的巴勒斯坦 人在短期优先事项方面的需求,并在当 紧 张 局 势和 勒 斯 坦 人民处境艰难的情况下取得明 显的积极成果。
These Flagship Projects will meet the short-term priority needs of the Palestinians detailed in the Programme of Assistance, and will be highly visible with positive achievements in the current climate of tension and hardship experienced by the Palestinian people.
目前,主办天基信息平台各区域支助办事处的有六个国家机构 (阿尔及利亚空间局、伊朗空间局、尼日利亚国家空间研究和发展局、巴基斯
[...] 区域组织(位于日本神户的亚洲减灾中心、位于内罗毕的资源测绘促进发展区 域中心、位于特立尼达和多巴哥圣奥古斯丁的西印度群岛大学和位于巴拿马城 的拉丁美洲和勒比潮湿热带地区 水中心)。
Currently, UN-SPIDER regional support offices are being hosted by six national organizations (the Algerian Space Agency, the Iranian Space Agency, the Nigerian National Space Research and Development Agency, the Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission, the Romanian Space Agency and the National Space Agency of Ukraine) and by four regional organizations (the Asian Disaster Reduction Center, based in Kobe, Japan; the Regional Center for Mapping of Resources for Development, based in Nairobi; the University of the West Indies, based in St. Augustine, Trinidad and
Tobago; and the Water Center
[...] for the Humid Tropics of Latin America and the Caribbean (CATHALAC), [...]
based in Panama City).
需要立即采取措施解决加沙带巴勒 斯 坦人民 迫切的人道主义和经济需要,包括充分遵守第 1860(2009)号决议内容和规定,长期持续开放加沙过 境点,以确保人道主义援助和其他必要物质供应畅 通,方便人员进出加沙。
pressing humanitarian and economic needs of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, including by the sustained and permanent opening of Gaza’s border crossings in full compliance with the terms and provisions of resolution 1860 (2009), in order to ensure the free access of humanitarian aid and other essential supplies and goods and to facilitate the passage of persons to and from Gaza.
自从以色列 1967 年占领西岸和加沙带以来,许多 勒 斯 坦 的考古遗址和文化财产遭 到了以色列当局有组织的没收、掠夺和挖掘,使巴勒斯坦的文化遗产受到威胁,否定巴勒斯 [...]
Since Israel’s occupation of the West
[...] Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967, hundreds of Palestinian archaeological [...]
sites and cultural property
have been systematically confiscated, looted and excavated by Israeli authorities, endangering Palestinian cultural heritage and denying Palestinians their cultural patrimony, as well as denying development and access to heritage sites and historic places of worship.
在 2009
[...] 年期间,委员会的工作仍将着重于促进国际舆论更好地 了解巴勒斯坦人民实现不可剥夺权利的重要性,这些权利包括自决权、建立独立 主权国家的权利和回返的权利,以及更好地了解全面、公正和持久地解决 勒斯 坦问题紧迫性
Throughout 2009, its work will remain focused on promoting a better understanding, as gauged by international public opinion, of the importance of the achievement by the Palestinian people of its inalienable rights, namely, the right to self-determination, the right to an independent, sovereign State and
the right of return, as
[...] well as the urgency of achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting solution of the question of Palestine.




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