

单词 勋衔

See also:


harbor (feelings)
hold in the mouth
bit (of a bridle)


link v

External sources (not reviewed)

她还指出,由于东道国政府的协议,与缔约方会 议前后衔接地 举行执行委员会的会议,其相关的费用对于预算的影响很小。
She also pointed out that costs related to holding Executive Committee meeting back-to-back with a Meeting of he Parties usually had little impact on the budget because of host government agreements.
10.用户发贴数统计,用户等级勋等 实 用功能。
10. user Posts statistics , user class HonoursOther useful features.
该办公室还管理技术 合作项目和基金;建立和维持非洲经委会与其发展伙伴之间的伙伴关系,调动预算外资源;为 实务部门和次区域办事处提供指导和支持,帮助他们建立由需求驱动的高质量技术合作项目, 这些项目应与非洲经委会的规划和分析工作明 衔 接 ,且显然有助于实现非洲经委会的预期成 绩;处理项目评估,监测和评价技术合作项目。
The Office also manages technical cooperation projects and funds; builds and maintains partnerships between ECA and its development partners and mobilizes extrabudgetary resources; provides guidance and support to the substantive divisions and subregional offices in developing higher quality demand-driven technical cooperation projects that are clearly linked to the Commission’s normative and analytical work and that clearly feed into the achievement of the Commission’s expected accomplishments; and handles project appraisal, monitoring and evaluation of technical cooperation projects.
目前的监管框架(具体而言包括工作人员细则和条例》、秘书长公报、行政指 示和其他有关行政通知,以及下文中将详尽介绍的 2001 年《国际公务员行为标
准》(见A/56/30,附件二)1 )包含各种相关规定,涉及因财务利益、工作人员与
[...] 其他利益攸关方之间的个人关系、接受第三方提供的荣誉 勋 章 、 优惠、馈赠或 薪酬而产生的实际或潜在利益冲突,并包含因外部雇佣关系或职业或其他外部活 [...]
The current regulatory framework (specifically the Staff Rules and Staff Regulations, Secretary-General’s bulletins, administrative instructions and other relevant administrative issuances as well as the Standards of conduct for the international civil service of 2001 (see A/56/30, annex II),1 addressed in greater detail below) includes provisions governing actual or potential conflicts of interest arising from financial interests, personal relationships between staff
members and other stakeholders, the receipt
[...] of honours, decorations, favours, [...]
gifts or remuneration by third parties, as well
as parameters addressing conflicting loyalties that may result from outside employment or occupation or other outside activities, including political activities.
委员会下列委员参加了本来文的审议:阿卜杜勒法塔赫·奥马尔先生、莱兹赫里·布齐德先 生、克里斯蒂娜·沙内女士、马哈吉卜·埃尔·哈伊巴先生、艾哈迈德·阿明·法萨拉先 生、岩泽雄司先生、海伦·凯勒女士、拉杰苏默·拉拉赫先生、赞克·扎内莱·马约迪纳女 士、尤利亚·安托阿尼拉·莫托科女士、迈克尔·奥弗莱厄蒂先生、何塞·路易斯·佩雷 斯·桑切斯-塞罗先生、拉斐尔·里瓦斯·波萨达先生、奈杰尔·罗德 勋 爵 、 费边·萨尔 维奥利先生和克里斯特·特林先生。
The following members of the Committee participated in the examination of the present communication: Mr Abdelfattah Amor, Mr. Lazhari Bouzid, Ms. Christine Chanet, Mr. Mahjoub El Haiba, Mr. Ahmad Amin Fathalla, Mr. Yuji Iwasawa, Mrs. Hellen Keller, Mr. Rajsoomer Lallah, Ms. Zonke Zanele Majodina, Ms. Iulia Antoanella Motoc, Mr. Michael O’Flaherty, Mr. José Luis Pérez Sanchez-Cerro, Mr. Rafael Rivas Posada, Sir Nigel Rodley, Mr. Fabián Salvioli and Mr. Krister Thelin.
总干事借此 机会还授予他《海地勋章。
On the same day, he was awarded the “Haiti” medal by the Director-General.
目前联合国系统设有 若干“一体化”的战略规划程序,即:为启动和实施推进维和部或政治部领导的特 派团制订的综合特派团规划流程(不论这些流程是否涉及透过特别副代表/驻地协调 员/人道主义协调员“三重衔”, 对实地工作队和特派团实行结构性的一体化); 为人道协调厅制订的共同人道主义行动计划;执行机构和非政府组织的人道主义活 动;以及除了各国政府和世界银行的减轻贫困战略文件,或任何其他国家的战略之 外,为促进发展制订的联发援框架。
Currently, several “integrated” strategic planning processes exist within the United Nations system, namely, IMPP for start-up and ongoing missions led by DPKO or DPA (regardless of whether or not these involve structural integration of the UNCT and the mission on the ground through a “triple-hatted” Deputy Special Representative/RC/HC); the Common Humanitarian Action Plan (CHAP) for OCHA; implementing agencies and NGO humanitarian activities; and UNDAF for development, in addition to the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) of governments and the World Bank, or any other national strategy.
为鼓励这些好做法,妇女和社会发展部批准通过了第 498-2009 号部长决 议,该决议通过了对妇女和社会发展部门进行 勋 的 条 例,设立了“促进残疾人 融入社会功勋章” 奖项,其目的是通过相关政策认可由民间社会组织以及自然 人开展的工作,将残疾问题提上公共议程,并以此促进公共和私人机构以及社会 大众生成与残疾人权利相关的意识。
In order to encourage these good practices, the Ministry of Women and Social Development adopted Ministerial Decision No. 498-2009, which laid out the rules of procedure for the award of decorations in the women and social development sector and created the Order of Merit for the Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities.
2003年7月17日,为表彰舍弗勒女士对巴伐利亚和巴伐利亚人民作出的杰出贡献,巴伐利亚州州长Edmund Stoiber博士在慕尼黑授予她巴伐利亚州功 勋 章。
On July 17, 2003, the Bavarian Governor Dr. Edmund Stoiber awarded Mrs. Schaeffler the Bavarian Order of Merit for the outstanding service she has performed for Bavaria and Bavarian citizens.
获得了加拿勋章( Order of Canada)和首个联合国科学、教育和环保奖的Angelo,1980年在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省创立了“加拿大河流日”活动并获得巨大成功,之后他又成功说服众多组织及联合国机构,在2005年由联合国批准设立“世界河流日”。
Angelo, a member of the Order of Canada and an inaugural recipient of a United Nations (UN) Award for Science, Education and Conservation, founded the highly successful Rivers Day event in British Columbia in 1980 before successfully lobbying numerous organizations as well as agencies of the UN to recognize WRD in 2005.
联合王国最高法院 法官 Mance 勋爵担任执行理事会主席,荷兰的 Nico Schrijver 为现任会长。
Lord Mance, Justice of the United Kingdom Supreme Court, is the Chair of its Executive Council, and Nico Schrijver, of the Netherlands, is its current President.
y 授勋章及其他土库曼斯坦国家勋 章 , 授予战争、其他特殊国家 称号和奖章
Confers honours and other State awards, and grants military and other special State titles and distinctions.
关于个人利益冲突的报告(A/66/98)是依据大会 第 65/247
号决议提交的,提供了本组织工作人员面 临的主要利益冲突类型的全面资料,并说明了所设立
[...] 的解决冲突的监管框架,这些冲突包括一般和经济利 益冲突;因接受馈赠、荣誉勋章、 优惠或薪酬产生 的冲突;因外部职业或就业和外部活动产生的冲突; [...]
The report on personal conflict of interest (A/66/98), submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 65/247, provided comprehensive information on the main types of conflict of interest faced by the Organization’s staff and described the regulatory framework put in place to address, inter alia, general and financial conflicts of interests;
conflicts resulting from the receipt of
[...] gifts, honours, awards, favours and [...]
remuneration; conflicts arising from outside
occupation or employment and outside activities; and conflicts stemming from personal relationships.
头三位条约法特别报告员都忽视了这个问题,直到1962 年汉弗莱·沃尔 多勋爵在 他的第一次报告中才述及这个问题。
(20) This problem was overlooked by the first three Special Rapporteurs on the law of treaties and taken up only by Sir Humphrey Waldock in his first report in 1962.
Ball of Revenge: Sick of [...]
Muriel's doting on Courage, Eustace invites Katz, Le Quack, the Weremole, the Cajun Fox, the Giant
Foot, and the Puddle Queen go to the house to destroy Courage in a game of dodgeball.
由卫生和消费者事务部国家药物计划政府代表团提名后获功 勋 章 (2 008 年);卫生和消费者事务部国家药物计划政府代表团临床委员会成员;西班牙病 理学协会荣誉主席和创始成员。
Medal of the Order of Merit, awarded following nomination by the Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs of the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs (2008); member of the Clinical Commission of the Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs of the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs; Honorary President and Founder of the Spanish Pathology Association.
值得注意的是,“礼品、荣誉、优惠”类别减少将近 10%的直接原因可能是 2010 年 1 月印发的关于报告、保留和处置来自政府和非政府渠道的荣誉 勋 章、 优惠、礼品或报酬的新行政指令 ST/AI/2010/1。
It is worth noting that the nearly 10 per cent decrease under the category “gifts, honours, favours” may be directly attributable to the new administrative instruction, ST/AI/2010/1 on reporting, retaining and disposing of honours, decorations, favours, gifts or remuneration from governmental and nongovernmental sources, issued in January 2010.
在担任亲善大使之前,郑勋先生 已经访问过贝宁,参观联合国儿童基金会在那里支持的艾滋病防治、供水和环境卫生、教育及儿童保护等项目。
Prior to his appointment, Mr. Chung traveled to Benin where he visited UNICEF-supported programmes in HIV/AIDS, water and sanitation, and education and protection.
各缔约方局可能要求就商标的某些成分,如纹章、徽章、肖像 勋 章 、 称号、厂 商名称或非申请人的姓氏、或者其他类似说明,所提供的合法性使用的证明文件,除 [...]
Documentary evidence of the legitimacy of the use of certain elements incorporated in a
mark, such as armorial bearings, escutcheons,
[...] portraits, honorary distinctions, [...]
titles, trade names, names of persons other
than the name of the applicant, or other like inscriptions, which might be required by the Offices of the Contracting Parties shall be exempt from any legalization as well as from any certification other than that of the Office of origin.
荣誉警方特别职勋章、Sangram 奖章、Paschimi 明星奖章、警察荣誉奖章(1989 年)和(最高)总统卓越警察奖章(1998 年)。
Police Special Duty Medal, Sangram Medal, Paschimi Star, Police Medal for Meritorious Service (1989) and (the highest) President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Service (1998).
In 1994, he launched a series of musical and environmental projects in Korea for young people.
The Anglican party, represented by such distinguished
[...] personalities as Lord Shaftesbury and [...]
William E Gladstone, occupied a central position
in public life, while Nonconformist groups like the Baptists with their silver tongued orator Charles H Spurgeon and the Christian (Plymouth) Brethren reached many with the gospel.
德蕾莎修女的工作得到全世界的认可和赞扬,她也因此获得多个奖项和荣誉, 包括 1979 年 的诺贝尔和平奖;因其人道主义工作获得 1980 年印度公民的最高奖项-“印度国宝 勋章 (Bharat Ratna);因其促进国际和平和理解而获得罗马教皇约翰 XXIII 和平奖(1971 年) 和尼赫鲁奖(1972 年)。
Mother Teresa’s work has been recognized and acclaimed throughout the world and she has received a number of awards and distinctions, including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, India’s highest civilian honour, the Bharat Ratna in 1980 for her humanitarian work, the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize (1971), the Nehru Prize for her promotion of international peace and understanding (1972) and the Balzan Prize (1979).
国家主席根据全国人大和全国人大常委会 的决定,公布法律,任免国务院总理、副总理、国务委员、各部部长、各委员会 主任、审计长、秘书长,授予国家 勋 章 和荣誉称号,发布特赦令,宣布进入紧 急状态,宣布战争状态,发布动员令;代表中华人民共和国,进行国事活动,接 受外国使节;根据全国人民代表大会常务委员会的决定,派遣和召回驻外全权代 表,批准和废除同外国缔结的条约和重要协定。
Pursuant to the decisions of the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee, the State President promulgates statutes; appoints and removes the Premier, Vice-Premiers, State Councillors, Ministers in charge of Ministries or Commissions, and the Auditor-General and the Secretary-General of the State Council; confers State medals and titles of honour; issues orders of special pardons; proclaims martial law; proclaims states of war; and issues mobilization orders.
洛矶决定逃离农场的第二天,留下福勒 勋 章 和 他的海报的下半年,他实际上是一个噱头公鸡,只有两个字“飞”被拍出来的一门大炮。
Rocky decides to flee the farm the next day, leaving behind Fowler’s medal and the second half of his poster, showing that he was actually a stunt cockerel, only the word “flying” by being shot out of a cannon.
2010亚太电影奖国际评委会主席、奥斯卡获奖制片人戴维•普特 勋 爵 表 示:“影片种类的繁多和演员令人惊叹的演技,让我们每一个类别的评审工作都非常艰难。
President of the International Jury for APSA 2010, Academy-Award winning producer Lord David Puttnam, said: “The sheer variety of films and staggeringly good performances made our task very difficult indeed, in every category.




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