

单词 勉勉强强

勉强 noun

reluctance n

勉勉强强 ()

barely adequate
only just up the task
achieve with difficulty

External sources (not reviewed)

(3) 委员会若干委员对采用的术语表示犹豫,因为他们认为《维也纳公约》未 界定“成立的保留”的定义,因而可能 勉强 和 人 为地创造了新一类的保留而造 成混乱。
(3) Some members of the Commission expressed hesitation regarding the chosen terminology, which in their view could introduce an element of confusion by unnecessarily and artificially creating a new category of reservations, because the Vienna Conventions had not defined an “established reservation”.
勉强这样 说的,但是,如果说所有阿族仍然 住在科索沃,而塞族却没有住在那里,使人不禁要 提出一个简单的问题:在战争期间被杀的 12 000 至 15 000 名阿族人是否真正仍然住在科索沃?
I say this with reluctance, but to say that all Albanians are still living in Kosovo but Serbs are not begs the simple question: Are the 12,000 to 15,000 Albanians who were killed during the war really still living in Kosovo?
Khan 先生警告说,问题不在于信息, 而是执行能力薄弱,因此对于治理结构未如理想, 勉强 能 够 解决其政治和经济 问题的国家来说,提供切合实际的信息和做好宣传就是一大贡献。
Mr. Khan warned that the issue was not information but weak enforcement capabilities, so that realistic information and advocacy about countries, whose governance structures were not ideal but managed to solve problems of political and economic development, would be a major contribution.
估计有 1 000 多名街头流浪者没有获得任何救治,因为他们时常迁徙且对救 治设施持怀疑勉强态度
The estimate is that some 1,000 street inhabitants do not receive any treatment, because of both their mobility and of their distrustful and reluctant approach towards the establishment.
勉强帮助 他的母亲莎拉(劳丽梅特卡夫)运行客栈和派生娱乐从“太阳冲浪”(连接到一个太阳能供电的火箭顶上板skysurfing和帆板的混合体),一种消遣,经常得到他的麻烦。
He is shown begrudgingly [...]
helping his mother Sarah (Laurie Metcalf) run an inn and deriving amusement from “solar surfing”
(a hybrid of skysurfing and windsurfing atop a board attached to a solar-powered rocket), a pastime that frequently gets him in trouble.
然而,性别平等问题的总体优先事项的地位,在重大计划 IV 的决议草案中只是勉强 地有所体现(在双年度部门优先事项 2 第 16 小段中的简单隐喻和第 4 段中的正式援引 (《又要求总干事……》)。
However, gender equality is only timidly recognized as a global priority in the draft resolution for Major Programme IV: a mere allusion in subparagraph (xvi) of Biennial sectoral priority 2 and a formal reference in paragraph 4 (“Requests the Director-General”).
为了在遭到台风袭击过勉强维持 生活,马利赛尔自己和孩子们每天三餐都是米饭和红薯。
To make ends meet after the typhoon struck, Maricel would prepare daily meals of rice and sweet potato for herself and her children.
不可否认,无力获得象样生活 标准的感觉,是冲突的潜因——在地球的不同纬度, 芸芸众生在最岌岌可危的经济和社会条件 勉强度 日,他们有权过上象样的生活。
The sense of powerlessness to achieve a decent standard of living — a right due to the vast multitudes who, in different latitudes of the Earth, subsist in the most precarious economic and social conditions — is undeniably a latent source of conflict.
当我向萨那询问目前的情况时,她十分沮丧,但仍 勉强 挤 出 一丝笑容。
When I asked Sana about the situation, she was gloomy, but still managed a smile.
[...] 索沃冲突终止后不久,采取了国际社会参与科索沃审判分庭的做法。当时司法系 统只勉强运作 ,国际法官在审判分庭也不占据多数,这种做法被认为是不足的, [...]
Conversely, international participation in trial panels in Kosovo, introduced soon
after the conflict was over, when the
[...] judicial system was barely functioning and [...]
international judges were not in the majority
in trial panels, was seen as insufficient, and increased internationalization was regarded as necessary to improve the administration of justice.
北美洲在 2009 年经历了严重的经济衰 退,但在微弱复苏的带动下,在 2012 年勉强达到了 2008 年本来可预期实现的收 入水平;因此该地区由于金融危机损失了四年的增长。
North America experienced a severe downturn in 2009 but, with a weak recovery, managed to attain in 2012 the income that might have been expected in 2008; the region therefore lost four years of growth owing to the crisis.
据统计,1996年全市有市属工业企业90家,经过1998年前后的破产重组,2000年仅有8户企 勉强 维 持 经营。
Records show that, of the original 90 industrial enterprises owned by the Yumen government in 1996, only 8 survived the crash of 1998 and were still clinging on in 2000.
[...] 年)中得到阐述,但这是一份非强制性文件,大多数国家在其文化政策中继 勉强 实 施 着该 《建议》。
Moreover, a number of aspects relating to the status of creators and artists are covered by the Recommendation concerning the Status of
the Artist (1980), a non-binding instrument
[...] which continues to be followed to [...]
a limited extent in the cultural policies of most States.
最后勉强巴格 达以外延长阿巴斯王朝的力量,10世纪中叶,阿拔斯王朝的哈里发几乎没有任何权力,作为军事指挥官的摆布的傀儡,只是在。
Eventually, the power
[...] of the Abbasids barely extended outside [...]
Baghdad, and by the middle of the 10th century, the Abbasid
caliphs had virtually no power, serving merely as figureheads at the mercy of the military commanders.
社会弱势人群,包括移徙 者只勉强应付——家园遭到破坏、土地保有安排没 有保障、在无任何基础设施或基本服务的外围地区安 置,他们还要面对政治家的矛盾情绪,这种人只有在 希望获得弱势群体的选票时才承诺和兑现。
The vulnerable members of society, migrants included, had to make do with what was left ― dilapidated homes, insecure tenure arrangements, settlements in peripheral areas without any infrastructure or basic services ― and faced the ambivalence of politicians who only promised and delivered when they wanted the votes of those vulnerable persons.
一些金伯利进程参与勉强符合 金伯利制度的最低要求,非法贸易商滥用金 伯利进程制度,为科特迪瓦钻石的非法贸易提供便利。
Some KP participants barely meet the KPCS [...]
minimum requirements and KPCS is being misused by illicit traders to facilitate
the illicit trade in Ivorian diamonds.
尽管法庭可被看 作仍在“开办阶段”,现在确定这一阶段过去后法庭的日常工作量和产出还为时 过早(见 A/66/7/Add.6,第 19 段),但是似乎很明显,按照目前案件产生的速度, 现有法官应付新的案件量已十勉强 , 并已开始出现延误。
Although it may be considered that the Tribunal is still in its “start-up phase”, and that it is too soon to determine what the ongoing caseload and output of the Tribunal might be when that phase has passed (see A/66/7/Add.6, para. 19), it seems clear that the existing judges have barely been able to keep pace with the new caseload at the rate it is being generated and that delays are beginning to be experienced.
勉强同意 生姜,但由于他落地的结果,他的翅膀受伤,他不能告诉他们立即。
Rocky reluctantly agrees to Ginger, [...]
but due to injuring his wing as a result of his landing, he cannot show them immediately.
由于共同巿场、关税联盟及经济联盟增多,这个伸缩性更有必 要,上述由联合反对或联合解释性声明构成的先例,很有可能在保留方面发生, 因为这些机构与其成员国往往分享管辖权;要求后者与它们所属的机构分开采取 行动是勉强的。
This flexibility is all the more necessary in that, with the proliferation of common markets and of customs and economic unions, the precedents constituted by the joint objections and interpretative declarations referred to above will in all probability recur with respect to reservations, given that such institutions often share competence with their member States, and it would be highly artificial to require the latter to act separately from the institution to which they belong.
(c) 共有51,000 人沦为境内流离失所,住在只勉强 遮 风 挡雨的临时帐篷 里,而其他人则投靠亲友,似乎稍微安全一些。
(c) A total of 51,000 people were internally displaced in makeshift shelters that provided minimal protection, while others fled to homes of friends and relatives that seemed slightly safer.
[...] 管部门采取了前所未有的积极步骤,连同政府各机构实施的政策措施 勉强 帮助 金融系统走出 2008-2009 年金融危机带来的压力。
Aggressive and unprecedented steps by fiscal and monetary authorities in conjunction with the policy
initiatives of governmental bodies narrowly allowed the financial
[...] system to survive stresses of the 2008-2009 [...]
financial crisis.
尽管世界各地的数百万人民在贫穷和饥 饿这种极端困苦、丧失人性的条件 勉强 度 日,但 有数十亿美元却被用于购置旨在实施大规模滥杀滥 伤的武器。
While millions of people around the world were reeling under the grinding, dehumanizing conditions of poverty and hunger, billions of dollars were being spent on weapons designed to kill and maim indiscriminately on a massive scale.
他还说,世界上最贫困人群“正在不断耗尽其资产和财富才 勉强 养 活自 己”。
The world’s poorest people, he added, “are depleting their assets, depleting their wealth, just to be able to feed themselves.
捷克共和国规定,贫困的标准勉强 维 持温饱,家庭收入达到这一标准,才 能满足家庭成员的各项基本生活需求。
The Czech Republic has set the limit of poverty as a subsistence minimum. The subsistence minimum is the level of household income which secures the basic living needs to its members.
一般来说创建一个实用的UI控件需要长达一年时间的全面测试及构建;而且最终的成品很可能只是一 勉强 能 用 并看起来过时的UI。
Creating a functional UI control can take up to one year to fully test and build; applications end up with a just-good-enough UI that can look outdated.
今年这个赛季不莱梅表现的并不好——在参加联赛的18支球队中他们 勉强 排 第 12位,而且他们可能是今年目前为止发挥最不稳定的球队。
It’s not been a particularly great season for Werder Bremen this year – they languish in 12th spot in the 18-team league, and have probably the most inconsistent side in the division so far this year.
07年底下单的魔方,饱受了周折,起初因为色差问题(这应该是我的问题,因为我确认了的,因为供应商说做6色非常复杂,其实颜色相差不多,看起来还比原先客户要的好看,我也就答应做下去),在供应商完成了产品前我收到了样品,寄去公司看后,公司回复说颜色有色差,虽然这个好看些,但是不能够让客 勉强 来 接受我们的产品,要求重新做,当时货已经全部做好,我也付了30%预付款,如果重新做那我们要付了全部货款后再重新下单,我当时头一下大了,那要损失一大笔,还有时间,公司回复:即使损失再大,也要交给客户满意的产品,除此之外我们没有任何理由与客户协商。
Place an order by the end of 07 the Rubik's cube, suffered setbacks, at first because the problem of chromatic aberration ( this should be my problem, because I confirmed, because suppliers do 6 colors is very complicated, in fact, color difference not many, look than the original customers want to look good, I also promised to do so ), the providers completed products before I received the samples sent to look after, company, company replied that
color color, although
[...] this good, but can not let customers reluctant to accept our products, asked to do, then the goods [...]
already all ready,
I also pay 30% in advance, if to do that we have to pay all payment to place an order, I had a big head, it will lose a lot of, have time, reply: even if the loss, but also to pay to the customer satisfied with the products, in addition we have no reason to negotiate with customer.
然而,相同的引擎安装在更加轻的“黑豹”和“虎”I坦克上动 勉强 算 够 用,用在“虎王”的确是有一点力不从心了,这和二战中其他的重型坦克情况有些类似,并且其高油耗导致行驶里程过短。
The Tiger II was under-powered, like many other heavy tanks of World War II, and consumed a lot of fuel which was already in short supply.




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