单词 | 勉力 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 勉力—make an effortless common: strive exert oneself Examples:勉力而为—try one's best to do sth [idiom.] See also:勉—make an effort exhort
专利检索应该是任何公司为勉力开发研 究所做的基本投入的一部分。 wipo.int | Patent searches should be part of the essential [...] inputs to any company’s R&D effort. wipo.int |
饱受贫困之苦和冲突摧残的国家往往在勉力支撑,以便控制自己的领土,满足其国民的基本需要以 及扩大法治。 daccess-ods.un.org | States wracked by poverty and rattled by conflict often struggle to control their own territory, provide for their citizens’ basic needs, and extend the rule of law. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,摩加 迪沙本已薄弱的保健服务部门正在勉力应付伤亡情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Meanwhile, Mogadishu’s already weak health services are struggling to cope with the casualties. daccess-ods.un.org |
有代表团还指出,任何编纂尝试都可能影响既定的双边条约义务以及在政治一级勉力达成的协定。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was also noted that attempting any sort of codification [...] would affect the established bilateral treaty obligations, as [...] well as agreementsassiduously reached atthe political level. daccess-ods.un.org |
相反,它挣扎着勉力实现了 2% 的增长。 china.blackstone.com | Instead, it struggled to grow at 2%. blackstone.com |
审查报告指出,该司在及时而有效地甄选和征聘警察方面一直是勉力为之, 而且提供给外地警官的政策指南依据传统的模式,很少就如何实施其临时执法或 [...] 警务改革任务提供指导。 daccess-ods.un.org | The review noted that the [...] Divisionhas struggled toachieve the [...]timely and effective selection and recruitment of police, [...]and that the policy guidance available to police officers in the field was based on traditional paradigms with little direction on how to implement their interim law enforcement or police reform mandates. daccess-ods.un.org |
在阿尔及利亚,《法官规约》涵盖公正和中立、忠诚、勤勉、能力、保守职业秘密、良好礼仪和尊严等方面,同时适用于法官和检察官。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Algeria, the Statute of Magistrates covered impartiality [...] and neutrality, [...] loyalty, diligence, competence, professional secrecy, [...]good manners and dignity, whichapply toboth judges and prosecutors. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际援助机构已在勉力应付加沙平 民人口日益增加的需求,这种急剧的费用攀升毫无必要地增加了这些机构的财政 负担,而加沙平民人口的困苦也因以色列的非法围困和政策而继续加深。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such a steep rise in costs will needlessly add to the financial burden of international aid organizations already struggling to cope with the increasing needs of the civilian population in Gaza, whose hardship continues to intensify because of Israel’s illegal siege and policies. daccess-ods.un.org |
他同时与销售监管局的工作人员会面,勉励他们要致力确保一手住宅物业销售安排和交易的透明度和公平性,保障准买家权益。 news.gov.hk | Prof Cheung also met with its staff and encouraged them to ensure the sale of first-hand residential property is transparent and fair, and to protect buyers' interest. news.gov.hk |
最终,电力的abbasids勉强延长巴格达外,由中间的10世纪,阿巴斯caliphs几乎已经没有权力,服务只是作为人物,在慈悲的军事指挥官。 mb-soft.com | Eventually, the [...] power ofthe Abbasidsbarely extendedoutside Baghdad, [...]and by the middle of the 10th century, the Abbasid [...]caliphs had virtually no power, serving merely as figureheads at the mercy of the military commanders. mb-soft.com |
中国在纺织品和服装部门的比较优势是复杂的,除了有完整的产品周期、新进技术 和最近的质量改善之外,还有便宜、勤勉的女性劳动力,以及增加的生产力和极大的 经济规模。 eu-china.net | Apart from the complete product cycle, modern technology, and recent [...] improvements in quality, it consists of cheap hard-working female [...] labour, increased productivity andenormous economies [...]of scale. eu-china.net |
耳机线与耳塞独创「左灰色、右黑(或白)色」设计 -- 灰色是左耳耳机、黑(或白)色则是右耳耳机,直觉简单的识别配戴方式,让您再也不需要勉强自已的视力去辨视耳机上刻印得小小的R 及L 了。 pro2inc.com | The gray colour is for the left ear while the black (or white) colour is for the right ear. pro2inc.com |
然而,相同的引擎安装在更加轻的“黑豹”和“虎”I坦克上动力勉强算够用,用在“虎王”的确是有一点力不从心了,这和二战中其他的重型坦克情况有些类似,并且其高油耗导致行驶里程过短。 trumpeter-china.com | The Tiger II was under-powered, like many other heavy tanks of World War II, and consumed a lot of fuel which was already in short supply. trumpeter-china.com |
我们热切关注才华横溢并且努力勤勉的电影人,从他们的电影中,我们可以看到他们所付出的艰辛努力,” 独立电影联合主席肖恩•麦克马纳斯(Sean Mc Manus)说。 piaget.com.cn | We love to highlight talented, hardworking filmmakers whose herculean efforts can be seen in their films," said Film Independent Co-President Sean Mc Manus. en.piaget.com |
调查表明,数百 万人始终生活在自己或其所爱的人会伤亡或失踪的 恐惧之中,数百万人在竭力供养孩子或勉强生存。 daccess-ods.un.org | It revealed that millions of people live in constant fear that they or someone they love will [...] be killed or wounded or disappear, and that millions are [...] struggling toprovide for their children or simply to survive. daccess-ods.un.org |
责任:虽尽最大努力及时、勤勉、专业地执行指定工作,但 Interroll 不会提供任 何保证或承担任何损失的责任,不论是由于任何产品失效或故障或者无法发现日后失 [...] 效的产品在工厂验收之前、期间及之后生产延迟或随后停工所引起的直接损失还是间 接损失。 interroll.com | Liability; Whilstevery effortwillbe made to carry [...] out the specified work in a timely, diligent and professional manor, [...]Interroll does not offer any warrantees or accept liability for any costs whatsoever, directly or indirectly arising from delays or subsequent loss of production either before, during or after the Site Survey due to the failure or breakdown of any product or its failure to identify a product that subsequently fails at a later date. interroll.com |
然而,法律一般规 定公司的每名高级职员(包括董事、董事总经理及秘书)於行使本身的权力及履行本身的职责时,必须以公司的最佳利益为前提而诚信地行事,并以合理审慎的 人士於类似情况下应有的谨慎、勤勉及技巧行事。 cre8ir.com | However, as a matter of general law, [...] every officer [...] of a company, which includes a director, managing director and secretary, in exercising his powersand discharging his duties must do so honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests [...]of the [...]company and exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances. cre8ir.com |
把公司专利和专利产品的 情况包括在商业计划中很重要,因为它 能有力说明你公司产品的新颖,提供勤勉的证据,并减少侵犯其他公司专利的 风险。 wipo.int | Including information on your company’s patents and patent strategy in the business plan is important, as it is a strongindicator of the novelty of your company’s products, provides evidence of due diligence and reduces the risk of infringement of other companies’ patents. wipo.int |
研 祥 智 能 科 技 股 份 有 限 公 司 之 监 察 委 员 会(「监 察 委 员 会 」)已 於 截 至 二 零 零 七 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 止 年 度,按 照 中 国 公 司 法、香 港 相 关 法 例 及 法 规 之 规 定 及 本 公 司 之 组 织 章 程,审 慎 行 使 其权力,维护 本 公 司 股 东 之 利 益,遵 守 诚 信原 则及 审慎勤勉地工作。 evoc.com.cn | The Supervisory Committee of EVOC Intelligent Technology Company Limited (the ‘‘Supervisory Committee’’), in accordance with the Company Law of the PRC, requirements of the relevant laws and regulations of Hong Kong and the Articles of Association of the Company during the year ended 31 December 2007 exercised conscientiously its authority, safeguarded the interests of the shareholders and the Company, followed the principle of honesty and trustworthiness and worked cautiously and diligently. evoc.cn |
缔约方会议主席感谢特设工作组主席努力和勤勉地领导了讨论并将结果提 交缔约方会议通过,并请缔约方会议通过特设工作组转交的题为“《公约》之下 的长期合作行动问题特设工作组的工作结果”的决定草案。 daccess-ods.un.org | The President thanked the Chair of the AWG-LCA for his hard work and diligence in leading the discussions, and delivering an outcome to the COP for adoption. daccess-ods.un.org |