单词 | 勉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 勉—make an effortless common: exhort Examples:勉勉强强—barely adequate achieve with difficulty only just up the task 勤勉adj—diligentadj industriousadj 勉强adv—reluctantlyadv barelyadv
而且,新村运动的三大宗旨——“勤勉、自助和合作”如燎原之 火,影响了农村以外的广大地区。 fao.org | Diligence, selfhelp and cooperation, the three tenets of the new community movement, however, spread beyond the rural areas like a prairie fire. fao.org |
在过渡时期,办公室有二 至三名极为尽职的塞拉利昂工作人员,以及两位勤勉的辩护人办公室代理主任。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the interim, the office was staffed by two or three extremely devoted Sierra Leoneans, and two different hardworking acting heads of the defence office. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,性别平等问题的总体优先事项的地位,在重大计划 IV 的决议草案中只是极勉强地有所体现(在双年度部门优先事项 2 第 16 小段中的简单隐喻和第 4 段中的正式援引 (《又要求总干事……》)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, gender equality is only timidly recognized as a global priority in the draft resolution for Major Programme IV: a mere allusion in subparagraph (xvi) of Biennial sectoral priority 2 and a formal reference in paragraph 4 (“Requests the Director-General”). unesdoc.unesco.org |
然而,法律一般规 定公司的每名高级职员(包括董事、董事总经理及秘书)於行使本身的权力及履 行本身的职责时,必须以公司的最佳利益为前提而诚信地行事,并以合理审慎的 人士於类似情况下应有的谨慎、勤勉及技巧行事。 cre8ir.com | However, as a matter of general law, every officer of a company, which includes a director, managing director and secretary, in exercising his powers and discharging his duties must do so honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the company and exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances. cre8ir.com |
责任:虽尽最大努力及时、勤勉、专业地执行指定工作,但 Interroll 不会提供任 何保证或承担任何损失的责任,不论是由于任何产品失效或故障或者无法发现日后失 效的产品在工厂验收之前、期间及之后生产延迟或随后停工所引起的直接损失还是间 接损失。 interroll.com | Liability; Whilst every effort will be made to carry out the specified work in a timely, diligent and professional manor, Interroll does not offer any warrantees or accept liability for any costs whatsoever, directly or indirectly arising from delays or subsequent loss of production either before, during or after the Site Survey due to the failure or breakdown of any product or its failure to identify a product that subsequently fails at a later date. interroll.com |
把公司专利和专利产品的 情况包括在商业计划中很重要,因为它 能有力说明你公司产品的新颖,提供勤勉的证据,并减少侵犯其他公司专利的 风险。 wipo.int | Including information on your company’s patents and patent strategy in the business plan is important, as it is a strong indicator of the novelty of your company’s products, provides evidence of due diligence and reduces the risk of infringement of other companies’ patents. wipo.int |
审查报告指出,该司在及时而有效地甄选和征聘警察方面一直是勉力为之, 而且提供给外地警官的政策指南依据传统的模式,很少就如何实施其临时执法或 警务改革任务提供指导。 daccess-ods.un.org | The review noted that the Division has struggled to achieve the timely and effective selection and recruitment of police, and that the policy guidance available to police officers in the field was based on traditional paradigms with little direction on how to implement their interim law enforcement or police reform mandates. daccess-ods.un.org |
本人确认,根据本人目前掌握的情况,本人可以投入必要时间,按照《规 则》确定的时限,勤勉、高效地进行本项仲裁。 daccess-ods.un.org | I confirm, on the basis of the information presently available to me, that I can devote the time necessary to conduct this arbitration diligently, efficiently and in accordance with the time limits in the Rules. daccess-ods.un.org |
我是勉强这样说的,但是,如果说所有阿族仍然 住在科索沃,而塞族却没有住在那里,使人不禁要 提出一个简单的问题:在战争期间被杀的 12 000 至 15 000 名阿族人是否真正仍然住在科索沃? daccess-ods.un.org | I say this with reluctance, but to say that all Albanians are still living in Kosovo but Serbs are not begs the simple question: Are the 12,000 to 15,000 Albanians who were killed during the war really still living in Kosovo? daccess-ods.un.org |
研 祥 智 能 科 技 股 份 有 限 公 司 之 监 察 委 员 会(「监 察 委 员 会 」)已 於 截 至 二 零 零 七 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 止 年 度,按 照 中 国 公 司 法、香 港 相 关 法 例 及 法 规 之 规 定 及 本 公 司 之 组 织 章 程,审 慎 行 使 其 权 力,维 护 本 公 司 股 东 之 利 益,遵 守 诚 信原 则及 审慎勤勉地工作。 evoc.com.cn | The Supervisory Committee of EVOC Intelligent Technology Company Limited (the ‘‘Supervisory Committee’’), in accordance with the Company Law of the PRC, requirements of the relevant laws and regulations of Hong Kong and the Articles of Association of the Company during the year ended 31 December 2007 exercised conscientiously its authority, safeguarded the interests of the shareholders and the Company, followed the principle of honesty and trustworthiness and worked cautiously and diligently. evoc.cn |
他同时与销售监管局的工作人员会面,勉励他们要致力确保一手住宅物业销售安排和交易的透明度和公平性,保障准买家权益。 news.gov.hk | Prof Cheung also met with its staff and encouraged them to ensure the sale of first-hand residential property is transparent and fair, and to protect buyers' interest. news.gov.hk |
我要借此机会,代表管理局感谢海底争端分庭即 将离任的庭长特雷韦斯法官及其同事,感谢他们以迅 速、勤勉和透明的方式开展咨询程序。 daccess-ods.un.org | I should like to use this opportunity, on behalf of the Authority, to express our appreciation to the outgoing President of the Seabed Disputes Chamber, Judge Treves, and to his colleagues, for the expeditious, diligent and transparent manner in which the advisory proceedings were conducted. daccess-ods.un.org |
他还勉励与会者就寻找出最佳建议展开卓有成效的讨论,以便有效地实施该公 约。 unesdoc.unesco.org | He urged all the participants to engage in a fruitful debate in order to determine the best proposals with a view to ensure the effective implementation of the Convention. unesdoc.unesco.org |
突尼斯勉励全体成员国共同努力实现国际青年年订 立的目标、使青年问题再次成为国际社会工作的核 [...] 心领域,同时广泛动员青年,让这次国际青年年取 得成功。 daccess-ods.un.org | Tunisia urged all Member States [...] to help achieve the noble goals set for the International Year of Youth, to place youth [...]once again at the centre of the international community’s priorities and to mobilize youth to make the International Year a success. daccess-ods.un.org |
Khan 先生警告说,问题不在于信息, 而是执行能力薄弱,因此对于治理结构未如理想,但勉强能够解决其政治和经济 问题的国家来说,提供切合实际的信息和做好宣传就是一大贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Khan warned that the issue was not information but weak enforcement capabilities, so that realistic information and advocacy about countries, whose governance structures were not ideal but managed to solve problems of political and economic development, would be a major contribution. daccess-ods.un.org |
估计有 1 000 多名街头流浪者没有获得任何救治,因为他们时常迁徙且对救 治设施持怀疑和勉强态度。 daccess-ods.un.org | The estimate is that some 1,000 street inhabitants do not receive any treatment, because of both their mobility and of their distrustful and reluctantapproach towards the establishment. daccess-ods.un.org |
他勉强帮助他的母亲莎拉(劳丽梅特卡夫)运行客栈和派生娱乐从“太阳冲浪”(连接到一个太阳能供电的火箭顶上板skysurfing和帆板的混合体),一种消遣,经常得到他的麻烦。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | He is shownbegrudgingly [...] helping his mother Sarah (Laurie Metcalf) run an inn and deriving amusement from “solar surfing” [...](a hybrid of skysurfing and windsurfing atop a board attached to a solar-powered rocket), a pastime that frequently gets him in trouble. seekcartoon.com |
此外,平原地区的洞里萨湖产鱼最多,Chak Tomuk 平原附近的洪泛区是 [...] 最大的产粮区,如马德望、磅通、磅湛、茶胶寺、波罗勉和柴桢省。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to this, the plain area is the biggest place, Tonle Sap Lake, to provide fish, and the flooded areas around Chak Tomuk plain area [...] are the biggest rice producers such as Battambang, Kampong Thom, Kampong [...] Cham, Takeo,Prey Veng, and Svay Rieng [...]provinces. daccess-ods.un.org |
完善了内部管理和内部控制制 度,建立了良好的内控机制。本公司董 事、高级管理人员在履行公司职务时, 均能勤勉尽职,遵守国家法律、法规和 公司章程、制度,维护公司利益,没有 发现有违法、违规和损害本公司利益的 行为。 wqfz.com | The Supervisory Committee is of the view that: in 2011, the Company operated in strict compliance with the Company Law, the Articles of Association and other related laws and regulations and the decisions made were scientific and reasonable; the internal management and internal control system was improved and a sound internal control mechanism was established; the Directors and senior management of the Company performed their duties diligently and in compliance with the laws and regulations, the Articles of Association and the rules to protect the Company’s interests, and no violation of laws and regulations and no activities that harmed the Company’s interests were discovered. wqfz.com |
不可否认,无力获得象样生活 标准的感觉,是冲突的潜因——在地球的不同纬度, 芸芸众生在最岌岌可危的经济和社会条件下勉强度日,他们有权过上象样的生活。 daccess-ods.un.org | The sense of powerlessness to achieve a decent standard of living — a right due to the vast multitudes who, in different latitudes of the Earth, subsist in the most precarious economic and social conditions — is undeniably a latent source of conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
相反的情况是,科 [...] 索沃冲突终止后不久,采取了国际社会参与科索沃审判分庭的做法。当时司法系 统只能勉强运作,国际法官在审判分庭也不占据多数,这种做法被认为是不足的, [...]人们认为增加国际化程度是改善司法所必须的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Conversely, international participation in trial panels in Kosovo, introduced soon [...] after the conflict was over, when the [...] judicial systemwasbarely functioning [...]and international judges were not in the majority [...]in trial panels, was seen as insufficient, and increased internationalization was regarded as necessary to improve the administration of justice. daccess-ods.un.org |
专利检索应该是任何公司为勉力开发研 究所做的基本投入的一部分。 wipo.int | Patent searches should be part of the essential inputs to any company’s R&D effort. wipo.int |
北美洲在 2009 年经历了严重的经济衰 退,但在微弱复苏的带动下,在 2012 年勉强达到了 2008 年本来可预期实现的收 入水平;因此该地区由于金融危机损失了四年的增长。 daccess-ods.un.org | North America experienced a severe downturn in 2009 but, with a weak recovery, managed to attain in 2012 the income that might have been expected in 2008; the region therefore lost four years of growth owing to the crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了在遭到台风袭击过后勉强维持生活,马利赛尔自己和孩子们每天三餐都是米饭和红薯。 unicef.org | To make ends meet after the typhoon struck, Maricel would prepare daily meals of rice and sweet potato for herself and her children. unicef.org |
社会弱势人群,包括移徙 者只能勉强应付——家园遭到破坏、土地保有安排没 有保障、在无任何基础设施或基本服务的外围地区安 置,他们还要面对政治家的矛盾情绪,这种人只有在 希望获得弱势群体的选票时才承诺和兑现。 daccess-ods.un.org | The vulnerable members of society, migrants included, had to makedo with what was left ― dilapidated homes, insecure tenure arrangements, settlements in peripheral areas without any infrastructure or basic services ― and faced the ambivalence of politicians who only promised and delivered when they wanted the votes of those vulnerable persons. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于共同巿场、关税联盟及经济联盟增多,这个伸缩性更有必 要,上述由联合反对或联合解释性声明构成的先例,很有可能在保留方面发生, 因为这些机构与其成员国往往分享管辖权;要求后者与它们所属的机构分开采取 行动是很勉强的。 daccess-ods.un.org | This flexibility is all the more necessary in that, with the proliferation of common markets and of customs and economic unions, the precedents constituted by the joint objections and interpretative declarations referred to above will in all probability recur with respect to reservations, given that such institutions often share competence with their member States, and it would be highly artificial to require the latter to act separately from the institution to which they belong. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据人权法,国家 不仅不得直接侵犯生命权,而且要求保障生命权,还必须履行其应尽勤勉义务, 采取适当措施阻止、调查、起诉和惩治行凶之人。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under human rights law, the State is not only prohibited from directly violating the right to life, but is also required to ensure the right to life, and must meet its duediligence obligations to take appropriate measures to deter, prevent, investigate, prosecute and punish perpetrators. daccess-ods.un.org |
二、在任何情况下,控制方均应偿还承运人根据本条勤勉执行任何指示而可 能承担的合理的额外费用,且应补偿承运人可能由于此种执行而遭受的灭失或损 坏,包括为承运人可能赔付其他所载运货物的灭失或损坏而作出赔偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | 2. In any event, the controlling party shall reimburse the carrier for any reasonable additional expense that the carrier may incur and shall indemnify the carrier against loss or damage that the carrier may suffer as a result of diligently executing any instruction pursuant to this article, including compensation that the carrier may become liable to pay for loss of or damage to other goods being carried. daccess-ods.un.org |