单词 | 勇往直前 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 勇往直前—advance bravelySee also:往往adj—very oftenadj 往往adv—invariablyadv 前往v—gov visitv 前往—leave for proceed towards 往前—move forwards
我希望,这次会议还将为安全理事会注入新的更多活 力,并使它能够在维持全球和平与安全方面 勇往直 前。 daccess-ods.un.org | I hope the meeting will also provide fresh [...] additional vigour for the Security Council and [...] enable itto forge aheadinthe maintenance [...]of global peace and security. daccess-ods.un.org |
有效执行第 1373(2001)号和第 1624(2005)号决 议是勇往直前和协调一致的反恐框架的必要先决条件 和关键组成部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | The effective implementation of resolutions 1373 (2001) and 1624 (2005) is an essential prerequisite and key element of an unyielding and consistent counterterrorism framework. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然工作繁忙带来沉重压力,秘书处职员仍能勇往直前,敬业乐业,尽忠职守。 legco.gov.hk | Despite the pressure brought on by a heavy workload, staff of the Secretariat soldiered on to perform their duties with professionalism and dedication. legco.gov.hk |
当 某部门要交成绩表的时候,便只顾勇往直前,而不会理会其他环节有否受到 影响和是否有需要互相沟通。 legco.gov.hk | When a certain department is required to present its report [...] card, it will only goahead without paying any [...]attention to whether other components [...]will be affected and if there is a need for mutual communication. legco.gov.hk |
常言道「有志者勇往直前」,在过去十年,冠 捷从多翻风浪中茁壮成长,必可把握未来庞大的机 遇。 cre8ir.com | TPV has weathered the storms of the past decade, and we have emerged stronger than everto take advantage of the enormous opportunities ahead. cre8ir.com |
在马尔代夫盛贸饭店,您可满怀信心,勇往直前,圆自己海岛旅行之梦。 shangri-la.com | At Traders Hotel, Malé, Maldives, [...] you canmove aheadwith confidence while fulfilling [...]your island fantasies. shangri-la.com |
我 不知这是否民 建 联 的新 [...] 态 度 ,民建 联 在 地 区 上表现得很 威 猛,勇 往 直 前,但他 们来到 立法会作表决 时,却 往往畏 [...]首 畏 尾。 legco.gov.hk | I do not know whether this is the new approach of the Democratic Alliance for the [...] Betterment of Hong Kong [...] (DAB); DABmembers often behave very bravely andfearlessly intheir [...]constituencies, but when they [...]vote in the Legislative Council, they at once become very timid and hesitant. legco.gov.hk |
他们一如以往,跟随着中央政府所发出的号令,勇往直前,务求做得更多、更好、更快。 housingauthority.gov.hk | They march, as they have alwaysmarched,to a relentless drum beat pounding out of an office on Upper Albert Road : more, better, faster. housingauthority.gov.hk |
英政府以及每㆒位香港㆟都必须扞卫《联合声明》,向着「㆒国两制」这目标勇往直前。 legco.gov.hk | The two Governments and each and every Hong Kong citizen must safeguard the Joint Declaration and progress towards “one country, two systems”. legco.gov.hk |
我们 应 该 继续勇 往 直 前,尽快落实 普 选 的一大 步, 还 是 接受在四二六 人 [...] 大 释 法的 框 架 下,不 容 改 变 的 死 局 ? legco.gov.hk | Should we continueto brave forward and take a great [...] step to strive for the expeditious implementation of universal suffrage; [...]or should we accept to confine ourselves to the unyielding deadlock set under the framework of the 26 April NPC interpretation? legco.gov.hk |
既 然 政 府 可 以 退 回 85 亿 元税款,为 甚麽在 这 方 面 却未能勇 往 直前呢? legco.gov.hk | Since the Government could give a tax rebate of $8.5 billion, why can it not be bolder in this respect? legco.gov.hk |
他有正事不做,走出来批评这些年轻人“刚愎自用,勇往直前”。 legco.gov.hk | Instead of attending to his duties, he [...] criticized that these young people "were unable to compromise and [...] they chose to stubbornlycharge aheadwith their ideals". legco.gov.hk |
今天 , 香港走 [...] 到了一个十字路 口 , 究 竟 我们是要勇 往 直 前,完善 现有的 社 会制度 及 价 值 [...], 跟 世 界 的民主潮 流接轨 , 抑 或 是 要 走 上封闭 的 回 头 路? legco.gov.hk | Should we stride forwardcourageously,perfecting the [...] existing social system and values so as to dovetail the democratic [...]trend of the world, or should we turn back to the blind alley? legco.gov.hk |
我 们要不怕艰苦折磨,勇往直前,义 无反顾, 不达目的誓不罢休。 legco.gov.hk | We should bravedifficulties andsufferings and move forward without turning back, until thegoal is [...] reached. legco.gov.hk |
只 有同心 协 力 , [...] 以 港 人 的 福 祉 为 依 归,勇 往 直前,才能为本港的 经济复 苏 、 [...]安 定 繁 荣 缔 造 和 谐 的社会 气 氛 。 legco.gov.hk | Only by working together with the well-being of [...] Hong Kong people at heart can the [...] Legislative Council forge forwardto create a harmonious [...]social atmosphere in which Hong Kong [...]enjoys stability and prosperity after economic recovery. legco.gov.hk |
爱彼祝贺品牌形象大使沙钦·坦杜卡尔百尺竿头,更进一步;沙钦对比赛的热情不仅敦促其不断勇往直前,更 给予他自己重新发明自己的契机,进而寻求更上一层楼的突破。 audemarspiguet.com | Audemars Piguet congratulates its ambassador Sachin Tendulkar whose passion for the game not only keeps him going, but also gives him the opportunity to reinvent himself and raise the bar for himself. audemarspiguet.com |
您的工作需要选取订单叉车可以 勇往直前、保持可靠的性能、节省成本并且拥有体贴的人体功能学设计来保持您的驾驶员在工作中保持强有力的状态。 yale.com | Your application demands order selectors that can go the distance, with reliable performance, cost-saving performance and thoughtfully designed ergonomics that will keep your operators going strong, shift after shift. yale.com |
有关例子包括:南韩 MBC 电视台的节目「我们结婚了」及 「Dream Team」、内地湖南卫视的「勇往直前」,以及美国 Discovery Channel 由 Samantha Brown 主持的「Passport to Asia」,上述电视节 目均为香港带來庞大的宣传效益。 legco.gov.hk | Among the examples were We’ve Got Married and Dream Team on MBC of South Korea, 勇往直前 on Hunan TV in Mainland China and Passport to Asia featuring Samantha Brown on Discovery Channel in the US, which generated massive exposure and publicity for Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
我宁 可唐司长在处理这方面事务上勇往直前,可 惜他今天不在席。 legco.gov.hk | Yet, we fail to see the Chief Secretary [...] charging ahead in the face of the accessibility problem. I would rather have Chief Secretary Henry TANG chargingahead on this issue. legco.gov.hk |
拼 搏 ——拼搏就是使出全部力量搏斗或争取,是一种不怕困难、不畏惧艰险、敢想敢干、勇往直前的精神和勇气,体现的是创业精神、竞争精神、奉献精神。 tsfsclx.cn | Hard work------ Hard work is exerting all their efforts to [...] fight or compete; it is [...] the spirit and couragenot afraid of difficulties, doing not fear hardship, daring to think and work, marching fearlessly [...]onward; it embodies the [...]entrepreneurial spirit, competitive spirit and dedication. tsfsclx.cn |
山形天珠 办事如有靠山, 增加勇气, 百事不惧、勇往直前. dzicrystal.com | Dzi with Peak Motif Backing the wearer to handle administrative [...] affairs, go forward courageously and fearlessly dzicrystal.com |
我们 希望局长和 新 加设的人员,以及现 时其 他同事,勇 往直前;希望他 们 在 10 月可以再 次 向 我 们 提交建 议,不要令今 天 支 持 他 们 的议员失 望 。 legco.gov.hk | I hope that the Secretary, the incumbent of the new post and all her colleagues willstrive to submit new proposals to the Legislative Council in October. legco.gov.hk |
凭藉七十多年稳固的往绩,细心管理的资产负债表,多元化且具协同效益的业务组 合,加上经验丰富、合资格及云集各方专业人才的管理团队,我们有信心勇往直前。 hsinchong.com | In order to remain strong and competitive in the midst of this rapid business growth, Hsin Chong will continue to emphasise the importance of our human capital and consistent delivery of quality, on time and cost effective products and services to our clients. hsinchong.com |
我们承诺,日后,釜山医疗院全体职员要不懈努力勇往直前。通过公益优先、患者为中心、提高竞争力,来带头增进地区保健福利和稳固社区先进的医疗文化。 chn.busanmc.or.kr | In the future, Busan Medical Center will [...] promise you to move forwardstrongly to increase [...]local health welfare by priority of [...]public interests, the patient-centered hospitals and improvement of competitiveness and lead the settlement of advanced medical culture in the region. eng.busanmc.or.kr |
为回应现今印刷业界激烈的竞争环境,以及科技之日新月异,本公司特别重视人材培育,强调品质效率创新及快速的顾客回应,整合全体力量,勇往直前。 ahcap.com.tw | In order to respond the intense competition environment made in the present printing industry, and the non-stop progress of printing skill, we pay particular attention fledge human resource, emphasize quality, [...] efficiency & innovation and fast respond customer¡¦s demanding; thus we integrate the [...] strength and go forward without fear. ahcap.com.tw |
7月中旬,案例征集与评审相继顺利完成,一无返顾、勇往直前的 12人自驾房车环球旅行团队“不可掉头”与年逾花甲才学车,立志驾房车横穿欧亚大陆的张志武(长老也)先生获得了“年度人物”的桂冠,并将受邀访问世界顶级房车展——Caravan Salon Düsseldorf 2012;开房车走遍全中国(曾驾房车到达珠峰大本营),即将开始房车环球的张广智先生与中国首位驾国产房车抵达珠峰大本营的王仁和先生获得了“希望人物”的称号。 aic.atcshow.com | They are the persons of the year and were invited to Caravan Salon Düsseldorf 2012, the world’s top class caravaning trade show; Mr. Zhang Guangzhi, who is just set out to start his RV world trip, and Mr. Wang Renhe, who was the first Chinese driving a domestic RV to Everest Base Camp were awarded in the name of ‘Characters of Hope of the year’. aic.atcshow.com |
长期以来,乍得一直呼吁 采取行动阻止达尔富尔难民与叛军穿越苏丹边境前往乍得。 crisisgroup.org | Chad has longbeen pressing for action to stop refugees and rebels from Darfur crossing its border. crisisgroup.org |
防范小组委员会向国家人权事务专员办公室建议如下:(a) 深入开展工 作,定期查访拘留和囚禁场所,其中包括尽快与被拘禁人员取得联系,直接前往关押地点,核实被剥夺自由者的处境以及所受到的待遇;(b) 快速有效地处理那 些针对酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的投诉;(c) 严格履行 法律赋予的权利,向检察机关检举各类违法行为,并对司法部门的相关工作进行 有效监督。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee recommends that CONADEH: (a) step up its regular visits to detention centres; the visits should include direct contact with the detainee and onsite inspections of the premises in order to monitor the conditions in which detainees are held and the kind of treatment they receive; (b) respond promptly and effectively to any complaints it receives of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment; and (c) comply rigorously with its legal mandate to report violations of which it has knowledge to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, and ensure effective oversight of action taken by the judicial authorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
如先前报告所述,经陆路前往直布罗陀的旅客主要 是来自西班牙的当天往返游客;搭机旅客主要来自联合王国;乘船旅客部分从摩 [...] 洛哥乘轮渡前来,部分为乘游轮的一日游游客。 daccess-ods.un.org | As previouslyreported,arrivalsin Gibraltarby land comprise [...] mainly day visitors arriving from Spain; arrivals by air [...]are primarily from the United Kingdom, and arrivals by sea comprise ferry arrivals from Morocco and day-trip arrivals from cruise ships. daccess-ods.un.org |