

单词 勃拉姆斯

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External sources (not reviewed)

Lighting mode: Brahms Children Song, Lake [...]
of Swan, Beauty in the sleeping Forest.
她的诗歌朗 诵将配有肖邦、舒曼勃拉姆 斯彪 西 等 人 的 作 品 ,作 为 背景音乐。
That will come as no surprise, in view of the fact that his work already enjoys overwhelming international attention.
MSC Sinfonia is named in homage to the rousing symphonies of Europe's great classical composers: from
Beethoven's romantic masterpieces to Mozart's lively works, paired with the contemporary
[...] tones of Debussy, Tchaikovskyand Brahms.
世界着名钢琴 家,阿根廷驻教科文组织常驻代表 Miguel Angel Estrella 先生阁下为会议开幕式作了精彩演
[...] 出,他先后演奏了伊萨克·阿尔贝尼斯(Isaac Albeniz)和约翰·勃拉姆斯Johannes Brahms)的乐曲。
The opening ceremony of the Conference began and ended with a magnificent musical performance by H.E. Mr Miguel Angel Estrella, world-renowned pianist and
Permanent Delegate of Argentina to UNESCO, who played two pieces, the first by
[...] Isaac Albeniz and the second byJohannes Brahms.
2011 年 12 月 29 日,六个小组前往大马士革、姆斯里弗姆斯德利布、马。
On 29 December
[...] 2011, six groups travelled to Damascus, Homs, Rif Homs, Idlib, Deraa and Hama.
中包括巴勒斯坦领导人对实现和平以及对落实以 1967
[...] 年以前边界为基础的两国解决方案所作的明确 承诺(最初是 20 多年前的《巴勒斯坦独立宣言》); 分别在马德里、塔巴、赫和安纳波的承诺;八年多前的《平倡议》、 中东和平路线图和《四方声明》;美利坚合众国和所 有其他有关国家的外交努力——作出对等的回应,反 [...]
Rather than reciprocate the efforts and gestures made for peace — from the explicit commitment to peace and the two-State solution based on the pre-1967 borders made by the Palestinian leadership, beginning with the Palestinian Declaration of
Independence over
[...] 20 years ago; to the Madrid,Oslo,Taba, Sharm el-Sheikh and Annapolis commitments; the ArabPeaceInitiative over eight years [...]
ago; the road map
to Mideast peace and the Quartet Statement; the diplomatic efforts of the United States of America and all other concerned nations — Israel continues to pay only lip-service to the pursuit of peace, while its actions are actually destroying any chance for the realization of peace.
该项目编制了若干关于财产所有权的法律研究报告,并在所有五个个案研究遗址进行 了当地人口的社会经济抽样调查,这五个进行个案研究的遗址是:圣路内加尔)、 波多诺伏(贝宁)、长江下游六个运河城市中的同济大学和西塘(中国)、勃拉老 挝)和乔治敦(圭亚那)。
The project produced reports of the legal study on property ownership and the socio-economic sample surveys of the local population
conducted in all five case
[...] study sites –St Louis (Senegal); Porto Novo (Benin); Tongi andXitang ofthe six Canal Towns of the Lower Yangzte River (China), Luang Prabang (Laos) and Georgetown [...]
我自己也有过类似的经历,我在姆斯欣赏名作《夜巡》(Night Watch)时就受到启发,构思出一个故事。
And I myself have had the experience of being inspired to a story by the sight of Rembrandt’s “Night Watch” in Amsterdam.
考虑到项目周期短,并需要补充资金,所以选择了下列目前正受益于其他相关保护项 目的遗址开展试点活动:波多诺伏(贝宁);圣路内加尔);乔治敦(圭亚 那);勃拉老挝)和长江下游六个运河城市(中国)。
In view of the short period of the project duration and the need for supplementary funding, the following sites which benefit from ongoing conservation projects were selected: Porto Novo (Benin);St Louis (Senegal); Georgetown (Guyana); Luang Prabang(Lao People’s Democratic Republic) and the Six Canal Towns of the Lower Yangtze River (China).
[...] 数据库,将有关传播题材纳入培训研讨会(曼谷、里加、达拉姆办事处),向全 国委员会分发光盘,发行《电视媒体操作技能》新手册及为全国委员会设计的网站模板,出 [...]
Other initiatives included an ongoing development of the databases in order to offer a wider range of services for National Commissions and their partners, the inclusion of
communication-related topics at training seminars
[...] (Bangkok, Riga, Dares Salaam cluster), the [...]
distribution of the CD-ROM for National
Commissions, a new brochure on “Skills for Handling the TV Media” and the creation of a website template for National Commissions, the publication of the fourth and fifth editions of the newsletter NCP Synergy.
根据阿根廷提供的资料,阿根廷共和国拒绝联合王国在领土适用《气候变化 公约》和《东京议定书》、《养护信天翁和海燕国际协定》、《濒危野生动植物种国 际贸易公约》、《养护野生动物移栖物种公约》、拉姆湿地公约》,理由是福 克兰群岛(马尔维)乔治亚岛和南桑威奇群岛以及周边海域是阿根廷领土 不可分割的部分。
For its part, according to information provided by Argentina, the Argentine Republic has rejected the territorial application effected by the United Kingdom of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol, the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
Fauna and Flora, the
[...] Convention on theConservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals and the RamsarConvention on Wetlands, on the grounds that the Falkland Islands (Malvinas), [...]
along with the surrounding
maritime areas, were an integral part of the territory of Argentina.
纪念活动包括:和巴勒斯坦驻印度尼西亚代表 以及万隆天主教大学法学院合作举办一次展览;在 坦桑尼亚的达拉姆地一位着名诗人举行 了诗歌朗诵会,表达了声援巴勒斯坦人民的愿望; 在国立莫斯科国际关系学院举行了一次活动,与会 [...]
者包括俄罗斯外交部代表、巴勒斯坦大使馆代表以 及非洲和亚洲国家大使;在南非比勒陀利亚举行了 一次小组讨论,并且在此再次举办上述展览,共有
150 名政府、民间社会和学术界代表出席。
Commemorative events had included: an exhibit, produced in
collaboration with the
[...] representative of Palestineto Indonesia and the Faculty of Lawat Atma Jaya Catholic [...]
University; in Dar esSalaam,Tanzania, a recitation by a local
poet of renown expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people; an event at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations with the participation of representatives of the Russian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Embassy of Palestine and ambassadors of African and Asian States; and in Pretoria, South Africa, a panel discussion and a reproduction of the exhibit, with 150 representatives of Government, civil society and academia in attendance.
2008 年举办的活动包括:蒙特里 国际研究学院和姆斯·不扩散研究中心主办的题为“迈向 2010 年:《非洲 无核武器区条约》在加强《不扩散条约》的裁军目标方面的作用”的区域研讨会; “国际原子能机构面为核材料和活动有限的加勒比国家建立的强化保障体系区 域研讨会”;以洲社会科学研究院及挪威和智利政府主办的“核挑战” 研讨会。
Activities conducted in 2008 include the regional seminar “Towards 2010: the Role of the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty in Strengthening the Disarmament Objectives of the Non-Proliferation Treaty”, organized by the Monterey Institute of
International Studies and the James Martin
[...] Center for Non-Proliferation Studies; the “Regional Seminar on the Strengthened International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Safeguards System for Caribbean States with Limited Nuclear Material and Activities”; and the “Nuclear Challenges” seminar organized by the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales and the Governments of Norway and Chile.
斯拉姆·莫夫总统的倡议下,2011 年被宣布为乌兹别克斯坦小企业 [...]
On the initiative
[...] of President IslamKarimov, 2011 [...]
has been declared the year of small businesses and private enterprise in Uzbekistan.
我想首先感谢塞内加尔阿卜杜·拉姆·洛 大使阁下和马耳他萨维奥尔·博格大使阁下今天分别 以巴民行使不可剥夺权利委员会的主席和报 告员身份所做的全面发言并向我们介绍这个项目下的 四项决议草案(A/66/L.15、A/66/L.16、A/66/L.17 和 A/66/L.18)。
I would like to begin by thanking
[...] Ambassadors Abdou Salam Diallo of Senegal and Saviour Borg of Malta, the Chair and Rapporteur, respectively, of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rightsof thePalestinian People,for their [...]
comprehensive statements
today and for introducing the four draft resolutions before us under this item (A/66/L.15, A/66/L.16, A/66/L.17, A/66/L.18).
卡,政府和泰米尔拉姆解放组织在挪威的支持下建立了社会性别问题小组委员会,以制定注重社会性 别问题的和平进程指导准则。
In Sri Lanka, the Government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, supported [...]
by Norway, established a subcommittee on
gender issues to elaborate gender-sensitive guidelines for the peace process.
从《世界遗产名录》和《暂定名录》中选择了五处遗址开展试点活动:圣路内加尔)、波多诺伏(贝宁)、长江下游六个运河城市(中国)、勃拉老挝)、乔治 敦(圭亚那)。
Five pilot sites – Saint Louis (Senegal), Porto Novo (Benin), Six Canal Towns (China), Luang Prabang(Lao People’s Democratic Republic) and Georgetown (Guyana) – have been selected from the World Heritage List and from the Tentative List to test the project.
In its report, the
[...] League ofArab States indicated that, in Homs and Dar‟a, [...]
armed groups committed acts of violence against
Government forces, resulting in death and injury.
我们欢迎建设和平委员会主席、德国常驻代表彼 得·维蒂希大使阁下所作的发言、孟加拉国常驻代表 阿布拉姆·杜勒·穆明大使宣读的不结盟运动 的发言以及由比利时常驻代表扬·格使阁下宣 读的几内亚比绍、塞拉利昂、利比里亚以及布隆迪这 几个国别组合的主席的联合发言。
We welcome the statement of the Chairperson of the Peacebuilding Commission, His Excellency Ambassador Peter Wittig, Permanent Representative
of Germany; that of
[...] the Non-Aligned Movement, read by the Permanent RepresentativeofBangladesh,Ambassador Abulkalam Abdul Momen; and the joint statement of the [...]
Chairs of the country-specific
configurations for Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Burundi, read by His Excellency Ambassador Jan Grauls, Permanent Representative of Belgium.
济增长和发展,使它得以加强国际地位,恢复其作为一个国际捐助者的作 用,并为国际人道主义援助和发展援助做出了雄勃勃诺。
Russia’s economic growth and development allowed it to strengthen its international positions, to resume it role as an international donor, and to take up ambitious commitments for international humanitarian and development assistance.
教师专业学习与发展:可推广的最佳研究成果之综合》由海伦·姆勃Helen Timperley)教授主笔,并由新西兰奥克兰大学的教师教育者阿龙·威尔孙(Aaron Wilson)、 希瑟·Heather Barrar),以及研究助理艾琳·冯(Irene Fung)协
Professor Helen Timperley was lead writer for the Teacher Professional Learning and Development: Best Evidence Synthesis Iteration [BES], assisted by teacher educators Aaron Wilson and Heather Barrar and research assistant Irene Fung, all of the University of Auckland.
国家计划的战略目标在于将土库变为的强大国家,使社会经济 发展指标达到世界高水平,保证居民的优质生活。
The strategic goal of the national programme is to turn Turkmenistan into a rapidlydeveloping, strong State with superior world-level social and economic indicators and high living standards.
In addition, Mr.
[...] Richardson serves as Senior Fellow for LatinAmericaat Rice University's James [...]
A. Baker III Institute for Public
Policy and has joined several non-profit and for- profit boards, including Abengoa's International Advisory Board, the fifth largest biofuels producer in the U.S., WRI World Resources Institute, Refugees International and the National Council for Science and the Environment.
[...] 段)的构想,可建立一个类似于意大利的里拉姆理论物理中心的国际天文中心, 该中心将为发展中国家和工业化国家的空间科 [...]
Associated with the concept of the world space observatory (for the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum) (WSO/UV), an international centre for
astronomy could be established—similar in
[...] spirit to the Abdus Salam International Centre [...]
for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy—that
would provide opportunities to space scientists from developing and industrialized countries alike to undertake joint research projects.
(哥伦比亚)(以西班牙语发言):我首 先要就尊敬的巴巴大卫·汤普森和阿根廷前 总统内斯托尔·基什内尔的逝世表示我本人及哥伦比 亚政府的哀悼。
(Colombia) ( spoke in Spanish): I would like to begin my statement by expressing my condolences and those of the Colombian Government on the death of The Honourable David Thompson, Prime Minister of Barbados, and of former President of Argentina Néstor Kirchner.
(a) 议定书第3 条所指的清除、排除或销毁战争遗留爆炸物和第4 条通用 电子模板,由协调员德国的彼得拉·德雷士负总责; (b) 议定书第8条第2 款所指的援助受害者,由协调员奥地利妮·卡尔纳女士负总责,克罗地亚的达尼·纳茨·女士以协调员之 友身份予以协助
(b) Victim
[...] assistance, pursuant to Article 8 (2) of the Protocol, under the overall responsibility of the Coordinator,Ms. Stephanie Karner of Austria, tobe assisted by Ms. Danijela Žunec Brandt of Croatia, as Friend of the Coordinator




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