

单词 势降

See also:

male genitals
outward appearance


fall v
descend v

come down

External sources (not reviewed)

Benefits: Maintenance and design cost reductions, no corrosion problems like aluminum, food contact compliance, better hygiene and safety performance along with considerable weight reduction.
只有这样, 才能使势降级, 防止出现新一轮残害更多无辜平民的暴力行为。
This is necessary for the
[...] de-escalation of the situation to prevent the onset [...]
of yet another cycle of deadly violence in
which more innocent civilian lives will be lost.
67 中国 政府由此开始于 2011 年中旬采取更温和的行事方 法以给地区紧张势降温。
The most active of these eleven actors include the Bureau of Fisheries Administration, China Marine Surveillance, the local governments, the PLAN and the foreign ministry (see Appendix C).
Benefit from reduced coil memory, [...]
excellent bending flexibility, easy cabling and installation in the field and improved kink resistance.
采用业界先进的ETCA平台,实现了大容量(最大支持1亿动态用户和2亿静态用户,业界第一)、高集成度(满配置只需4个机架,业界最少),节省机房面积和功耗,符合绿色网络发展的 势 , 降 低 了 TCO。
Data redundancy center adopts the advanced ETCA platform, realizing large capacity (supporting up to 100 million dynamic users and 200 million static users, ranking No.1 in the industry), and high integration (4 racks for full configuration, the most compact in the industry).
[...] 专注于提供高能效“绿色”电源解决方案,事实印证这类电源解决方案能够为客户提供诸多 势 : 降 低 能 耗,提高功率密度,提升较高环境温度下的工作性能,通过减少热耗降低系统和站点级冷却成本,以及改进替代能源应用中的能量收集等。
Power-One’s focus on high-efficiency “green” power
solutions has proven to provide a wide range of
[...] customer benefits: Reduced energy consumption, [...]
increased power densities, better
performance in elevated ambient-temperature environments, less dissipated heat lowers system and site-level cooling costs, improved energy harvesting in alternative-energy applications.
换句话说,如果不进行 技术性调整将这些费用增加到上面所列的实际零增长预算的总额之上,活动的水平 势 必会 降低。
In other words, the level of activities will inevitably be reduced if these costs are not added, as technical adjustment, on top of the ZRG budget level indicated above.
非洲和北美洲的女性在存活 率方面的势则下降了(见表 6 和图一)。
In Africa and Northern America,
[...] the female advantage in survivorship declined (see table 6 [...]
and fig. I).
玉米和小麦价格沿续了始于 2007 年年初的降趋势,2009 年玉米价 格下降 25%,小麦价格下降 30%。
Continuing their downward trend started in early 2007, the prices of maize and wheat declined in 2009 by 25 per cent for maize and 30 per cent for wheat.
男性和女性就业 率均呈降趋势,不 过,与女性相比(1.0 个百分点),男性降幅略高(1.1 个百分 点)。
The descendent trend occurred for both – male and female – but a bit deeper for male (1.1 p.p.) than for female (1.0 p.p.).
儿童死亡率之所以呈降趋势,在很大程度上是因为儿童和和母亲得到更 多由强制性医疗保险提供的卫生保健和救助服务。
The tendency of child mortality decrease is in most respects due to the improved access to health care and assistance for children and mothers, offered through the mandatory health insurance.
尽管确切的影响仍然难以用数字表 示,商品价格上涨和波动往往因金融因素而加剧,包括期货市场的大规模投机以 及美元动荡和降趋势。
Even though the precise impact remains difficult to quantify, commodity price increases and volatility tend to be exacerbated by financial
factors, including large-scale speculation in futures
[...] markets and a volatile and downward trending United States dollar.
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此外,由于全球人口数量呈降趋势 、 经 济下滑、就业活动率大幅下降, 农村地区人口在总人口中所占的比重有所上升,农业产值在国内生产总值中所占 的比重也在不断增加,农业人口在总人口中所占的比重也在增加。
Part of the global picture of decrease of the population, the economic decline and decrease of occupational and activity rate, the share of the population in the rural area from the total population has increased, the share of the agricultural production in the GDP has also grown, the share of the population involved in agriculture has also risen.
欧盟的渔船总数、总吨位和总功率变化 在过去10年中呈降趋势,20 05至2010年间欧盟15国机动渔船的总数实现了8%的 净下降,总功率实现了11%的净下降。
The evolution in the combined number, tonnage, and power of European Union fishing vessels indicates a downward tendency in the last decade and the combined EU-15 motorized fishing fleet achieved a net reduction of 8 percent in the number of vessels and of 11 percent in power between 2005 and 2010.
官方发展援助已从蒙特雷会议前的 降 趋 势 中 回 升,我们深受鼓舞。2001 至 2007 [...]
年间,实际官方发展援助增加了 40%,我们也注意到,2002 年以后的援 助流量中,债务减免和人道主义援助占了很大一部分。
We are encouraged by the recovery
[...] of ODA from its declining trend before the [...]
Monterrey Conference (ODA in real terms increased
by 40 per cent between 2001 and 2007), while noting that a significant part of aid flows after 2002 comprised debt relief and humanitarian assistance.
对第二章 程序的使用长期处于降趋势,这 是由于 PCT 实施细则中 2002 [...]
年和 2004 年生效的修改所造成 的。
The long-term decline in the use of the [...]
Chapter II procedure is due to changes in the PCT regulations that came into effect in 2002 and in 2004.
她接着提供了一些图表,这些图表显示,剩余各项受控用途的关键用途 提名及关键用途豁免呈降趋势;另 外,她还提供了一份载有各缔约方提出申 请的理由和委员会对关键用途提名的审议及建议的摘要。
She then presented charts showing the downward trend of critical-use nominations and critical-use exemptions for each of the remaining controlled uses; in addition, a summary of the party’s reasons for the application and of the Committee’s review and recommendation of the critical-use nomination was given.
除了因鯷鱼产量下降导致秘鲁和智利产量下降外,2009和2010年海洋总捕 捞量出现降趋势的其 他主要捕鱼国有:亚洲的日本、韩国和泰国;美洲的阿根 [...]
Besides decreased production by Peru and Chile as a consequence of the drop in
anchoveta catches, other major fishing
[...] countries with downward trends in total marine [...]
catches in 2009 and 2010 were: Japan,
the Republic of korea, and Thailand in Asia; Argentina, Canada and Mexico in the Americas; Iceland in Europe; and to a lesser extent New Zealand.
由于成本上涨,合同条款不够灵活,最 近美国财政部又向国际银行交易施压导致伊朗项 目融资困难,外国在伊朗投资降的 趋 势 大 为加 重。
A slowdown in foreign investment has been aggravated by rising costs, inflexible contract terms and, more recently, difficulty in securing financing owing to the pressures exerted by the U.S. Treasury Department on international bank transactions.
[...] 里亚与青年党之间的摩擦加剧,以及缺乏其他可行的反对派武装团体,都加剧了 这种降趋势。
Enhanced international scrutiny of Eritrea’s actions in Somalia and the region, growing friction in Eritrea’s
relationship with Al-Shabaab and the absence of other viable armed opposition groups have all
[...] contributed to this trend.
(vi) 在捐助国,对援助的政治支持减少了,导致援助资金减少:捐助 国国内生产总值每下降 1%,援助资金会减少 1%;并且 (vii) 社会对教育的需求降,特别对势 群 体 而言。
(vi) reduced political support for aid in donor countries and hence reduced aid flows: a 1% drop in donor-country GDP is associated
with a 1% drop in aid flows;
[...] and (vii) a decline in the social demand for education, in particular for vulnerable groups.
业已取得的积极进展, 以及利比里亚、尼泊尔、塞拉利昂等地冲突的结束, 使得儿童兵的数量在全球范围内得以 降 , 并 且这 一势有望得到进一步巩固。
Nevertheless, positive developments and an end to the wars in Liberia, Nepal and Sierra Leone had led to a decrease in the total number of child soldiers in the world, and there was a possibility that the downward trend would continue.
2007 年至 2009 年二亚甲基双氧苯丙胺(俗称“摇头丸”)供应量显著下降,可能是由于其生产 所需的前体短缺;虽然现有的
[...] 2010 年数据并非最终数据,但一些指标表明,降的趋势已经 稳定,供应量有可能反弹。
The availability of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, commonly known as “ecstasy”) declined significantly between 2007 and 2009, possibly as a result of a shortage of the precursors necessary for its manufacture; while the available data for
2010 was inconclusive, some indicators
[...] suggest that the declining trend had stabilized, [...]
and possibly that availability had rebounded.
若按死亡率和生育率审查现 有人口状况并密切联系移民流时,我们会发现,鉴于因人口年龄结构不平衡导致 的负面潜力的累积与加强,该国人口 降 趋 势 实 际 上仍在继续。
If we look at the present level registered by mortality and fertility, closely correlated with the migration flows, it results that the process of degradation actually continues, due to the accumulation and consolidation of the negative potential contained in the imbalances affecting the age structure of the population.
许多发展中 国家作出了值得赞扬的努力,通过开展类似《非洲农 业发展综合方案》这样的倡议扭转了投资的 降势 头;南南合作是一个有前途的途径,可用于分享可持 续农业发展方面的经验。
Many developing countries had made commendable efforts to reverse the downward trend in investment through initiatives such as CAADP, and South-South cooperation was a promising vehicle for the sharing of expertise in sustainable agricultural production.
但是,还可以采取其他的行动加强所实现的淘汰,例如采取有 利环境的生产做法降低进 口替代品价格的新奖励措施和正确地查明影响作物的具体害虫 [...]
However, other actions could also be taken to strengthen the phase-out achieved, such as the adoption of
environment-friendly production practices, new
[...] incentives to reduce the price of [...]
imported alternatives and the correct identification
of the specific pests or diseases affecting crops.
联合国共同国家方案的发展面临着一些挑战:首先是国内的政治 势 , 特别是对人权 问题的日益关注以及政府对人权的敏感,所以很难制订由国家工作队和政府共享的共同国家 [...]
方案;其次,伊朗的捐助情况很差,很难形成信托基金资源和联合国联合计划;第三, 在
Several challenges were encountered in the development of United Nations
common country programmes: firstly, the
[...] domestic political situation, especially the growing [...]
concern over human rights issues
and the government’s sensitivity on human rights, have made it very difficult to develop a common United Nations country programme for which UNCT and the government would have shared ownership; secondly, the profile of the donor community in Iran is very low and it has been very difficult to generate FIT resources and joint United Nations programming; and, thirdly, there is still reluctance and technical barriers among UNCT members to put together financial and human resources for joint activities.
阿尔及利亚感到鼓舞的是,马耳 他已经采取措施并作出努力,增进 势 群 体 ,尤其是儿童和妇女的权利,同时还 在推动妇女进入劳动力市场。
Algeria was encouraged by the measures and efforts already under way to promote the rights of vulnerable groups, especially children and women, and by the increased participation of women in the labour market.
在 “本會 促請政府”之後刪除“ 審慎評估落實小班教學所需”,並以 “ 善 用中小學學生人口降 所 節 省”代替 ;在“ 資 源 , ”之前 刪除 “ 額 外”及在其後 刪除“ 衡 量 政府及家長雙 方的承擔, 並 在 確保”, 並以“進 行 小班教學的”代替;在“師資 培 訓 ”之後刪除“得以配 合 下”,並以“,並以分 區 分 級 的過渡 模式”代替;及 在 “ 逐 步 在小學” 之後加上“和初 中開始”。
To delete "prudently assess" after "the Government to" and substitute with "make optimal use of"; to delete "additional" before "resources"; to delete "required for implementing" after "resources" and substitute with "saved due to the drop in the primary and secondary school student population to provide training for teachers on"; to delete ", weigh the commitments of both the Government and parents and, by ensuring that complementing training for teachers is available" before ", progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with "and, through a 'by district and by grade' mode of transition"; to delete "in" after "progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with ", starting with"; and to add "and junior secondary forms," after "primary schools".




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