

单词 势族

See also:


situation n
trend n
power n

outward appearance
male genitals

External sources (not reviewed)

应该考虑到会延续势族群― ―例如海地的非洲人后裔―― 所受歧视的历史因素。
Consideration should be given to historical dimensions that perpetuated discrimination against vulnerable persons, such as persons of African descent in Haiti.
[...] 缔约国确保缔约国目前的政治局势不会煽动把矛头特别指向非公民、移民人口、 移民工人、难民和其他势族群的进一步的暴力行为。
The Committee urges the State party to ensure that the current political situation in the State party does not foment further violence that
targets groups particularly non-citizens, migrant populations, migrant workers, refugees
[...] and other vulnerable ethnic groups.
泰国赞赏比利时对促进和保护所有人、特别是 势族 群 的 人权作出的承 诺。
Thailand commended Belgium for its commitment to promote and protect human rights for all, particularly the vulnerable groups.
尽管 2008 年在人道主义领域取得了进展,但伊 拉克人民的势族群和 境内流离失所者的境况仍然 令人关切。
Despite the progress achieved in the humanitarian field throughout 2008, the circumstances of the vulnerable sectors of the Iraqi people and the internally displaced persons are still a source of concern.
委员会注意到伊朗 伊斯兰共和国国内各种积极的事态发展,包括 2005 年批准《公民权利法》、修正 《第四次发展计划》,这项计划使国家可以向欠发达省份,特别是 势族 裔 群 体 居住地区的发展划拨预算和一定比例的石油天然气收入,并使该国得以对人权问 题与国际社会一道积极参与,例如关于提倡文明间对话的倡议。
The Committee noted the various positive developments that have taken place in the Islamic Republic of Iran, including the approval of the Law on Citizenry Rights, in 2005, the amendment of the Fourth Development Plan, which allows budget allocations and a percentage of oil and gas revenues for the development of less developed provinces, particularly inhabited by disadvantaged ethnic groups, and the country’s active engagement with the international community on human rights issues, such as its initiative on promoting dialogue among civilizations.
因此,捐助方义不容辞的首要任务是,将尚未到位 的人道主义援助充分实施到位;47 政府方面则应保 证援助人员能畅通无阻地进入救援地区,同时还包 括恢复原有的势族群援 助计划,而政府在这些方 面尚无任何进展。
As a priority, it is incumbent on the donor community to provide adequate humanitarian support, which is not yet forthcoming;47 and on the government to ensure free unfettered access to the area, including for the resumption of pre-existing programs for vulnerable communities, which it has not yet done.
该委员会建议希腊提高势族群和 穆斯林少数民族的教育质量, 包括培训这些群体自己的教师,确保有足够数量的中学,以及建立用学生母语教 [...]
CERD recommended that Greece improve the quality of
[...] education for vulnerable ethnic groups and [...]
the Muslim minority, including through training
teachers belonging to these groups, ensuring a sufficient number of secondary schools and creating preschools that teach in the mother tongues of their students.98 55.
当中国自己以主要捐献国--尤其是在非洲和亚洲--崛起 时,欧盟仍视其为赚大钱、地方落后、 势族 群 和大量环境严重退化的一个发展中国 家。
While China itself is emerging as a significant donor, in particular in Africa and Asia, the EU still considers it as a developing country with large income and regional disparities, vulnerable groups and massive environmental degradation.
否则, 可能会引起紧张势,这可能为族 主 义、 种 族 歧 视 、仇外心理和相关不容忍现 象深深子扎根于社会埋下祸根。
If not, it may give rise to tensions which may lay the ground for racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance to become deeply entrenched within society.
预计在上述提案基础上共同努力产生 势 头 , 将能在 族 群 中建立起信 任,奠定必要的先决条件,以走向深化改革。
It is envisaged that the momentum generated by working [...]
together on the basis of these proposals will enable all communities
to build trust that is a pre-requisite to embark on greater reforms.
民族 团结政府采取了各种措施,向处于 势 的 少数 民 族 提 供 保护和紧急救助,并向受 害者提供赔偿。
The Government of National Unity has taken
various measures to provide protection and
[...] emergency aid to vulnerable minorities, together with compensation [...]
for victims.
它旨在支持蒙古 政府提升少数族和农村弱势群体 的人身安全,并采用多部门方法解决少数民族的需要。
The project aims at supporting the Government of
Mongolia in improving human
[...] security of ethnic minorities and rural disadvantaged populations [...]
and brings a multi-sectoral
approach to addressing the needs of ethnic minorities.
Diène 先生也提到了他认为的族主义 的三种 势 : (a) 种族暴力 和歧视 的高涨,包括反犹太主义和仇视伊斯兰心理同时上升;(b) [...]
民主社会中政治党派对 种 族 主义的政治工具化;(c) 种 族 主义的思想和 科学合法化。
Mr. Diène also made reference to
[...] what he saw as three trends in racism: (a) the surge in racist violence [...]
and discrimination, including
the joint increase of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia; (b) the political instrumentalization of racism by political parties in democratic societies; and (c) the intellectual and scientific legitimization of racism.
在1972年2月于亚的斯亚贝巴举行的安理会会议期间,非洲统一组织(非统组织)请求安全理事会采取行动,执行其涉及纳米比亚、南罗得西亚 势 、 南非 种 族 隔 离 问题、葡萄牙统治下殖民地问题的相关决议以及大会关于自决权问题的第1514(XV)号决议。
During Council meetings held in Addis Ababa in February 1972, the Organization of African Unity (OAU) requested the Security Council to take action to implement its relevant resolutions as well as General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV)
on the right to self-determination
[...] with regards to the situations in Namibia, Southern [...]
Rhodesia, the question of the apartheid
in South Africa, and the territories under Portuguese administration.
非政府组织就大会第 64/147
[...] 号决议提出的主要关切涉 及下列问题:东欧右翼极端主势力 的 抬头 族 裔 、 宗教和语言上的少数群体; 移民;土著人民;言论和意见自由;近期与种族定性有关的立法。
The main concerns raised by non-governmental organizations in relation to General Assembly resolution 64/147 relate to issues pertaining to
the increase of right-wing
[...] extremism in Eastern Europe; ethnic, religious and linguistic [...]
minorities; immigrants; indigenous
peoples; freedom of expression and opinion; and recent legislation related to racial profiling.
大会在第 64/147 号决议中,对于包括新纳粹组织和光头党组织在内的各种 极端主义政党、运动和团体以及类似的极端主义意识形态运动在世界许多地方的 扩展感到震惊,在第 6 段中关切地注意到“正如当代形式种族主义、种族歧视、 仇外心理和有关不容忍行为问题特别报告员在其最近报告中所述,若干国家种族 主义事件增加,造成此类族主义事件的光头党组 势 力 上 升,针 族 裔 、宗教 或文化社区成员和少数民族的种族主义和仇外暴力行为死灰复燃”。
In its resolution 64/147, the General Assembly, alarmed at the spread in many parts of the world of various extremist political parties, movements and groups, including neo-Nazis and skinhead groups, as well as similar extremist ideological movements, noted with concern, in paragraph 6, “the increase in the number of racist incidents in several countries and the rise of skinhead groups, which have been responsible for many of these incidents, as well as the resurgence of racist and xenophobic violence targeting members of ethnic, religious or cultural communities and national minorities, as observed by the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance in his latest report”.
鼓励公民的积极参与,特别是 来自少数族或弱势群体的公民。
The active participation of citizens, especially from minority or vulnerable groups, was encouraged.
教科文组织特别侧重于诸如女性移徙者 和少数族这样的弱势人群
UNESCO particularly
[...] focuses on disadvantaged groups such as female migrants and ethnic minorities.
它鼓励埃塞俄比亚加紧执行措施促进和保护经济、社会和文化权利,特别是儿 童、妇女、少数族和弱势群体 的权利,并制止所有形式的歧视。
It encouraged Ethiopia to intensify measures for the promotion and protection of economic, social and cultural rights, in particular the rights of the child, women, minorities and vulnerable populations, and in combating all forms of discrimination.
此外,近来的族 紧张局势也突 出表明,必须解决土地权、移徙问题和部落和平共处等问题。
In addition, recent tribal tensions underline the importance of addressing land rights, migration issues and the peaceful coexistence of tribes.
[...] 的技巧、经验、对当地情况的了解和勇气,才能应对一 族 裔 紧张 局 势 愈 演 愈烈 的环境,在安全不稳定的条件下搭建文化和政治桥梁,调解分歧,传播全球价值 [...]
As demonstrated by special political missions, such as in Guinea-Bissau and the Central African Republic, it takes considerable skill,
experience, local knowledge and courage
[...] to enter into a situation of growing ethnic tension with the [...]
aim of building cultural and
political bridges, mediating differences, disseminating global values and helping to build durable local institutions, all in conditions of uncertain security.
我们 坚信,这方面的任何单方面步骤,可能导致该地区内 已经非常复杂族裔局势爆炸 ,尤其是在人们对社会 经济局势和犯罪与腐败情况严重日益不满的背景下。
We are convinced that any unilateral steps in
this area could ignite the already
[...] complex inter-ethnic situation in the district, [...]
especially against the backdrop of the
growing dissatisfaction in the socio-economic situation and the high level of crime and corruption.
可持续发展的基本障碍包括族主义 、对 势 群体 困境的忽视、唯物主义、两性不平等、无效和不公平的治理结构以及腐败。
Fundamental obstacles to sustainable
[...] development included nationalism, ignorance of the [...]
plight of the less-privileged, materialism,
gender inequalities, ineffective and inequitable governance structures and corruption.
一 些国家建立了专门的国家机制,以便打击种族主义、 种族歧视、仇外心理以及相关不容忍行为,并且促进
[...] 平等、正义和尊严,而其它国家则制定了法律以及国 家规划和政策,其中包括平权行动措施,它们将确保 少族裔和弱势群体充分融入社会。
Some States have created specialized national mechanisms to combat racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, and to promote equality, justice and dignity, while in others legislation, as well as national plans and policies, including affirmative action
measures, have been adopted that will
[...] ensure that minorities and vulnerable groups can [...]
be fully integrated into society.
第 01310 Rev.段的 33
[...] C/DR.9,该决 议草案建议加强支持提高少数族和 弱 势 儿 童 的教育质量,尤其是提高中欧、东欧和东 [...]
南欧地区国家罗姆人以及其它罗姆人已成为重要少数民族的会员国的罗姆人的教育质 量,并请求从正常计划预算中划拨 50,000 美元。
Add. which seeks to increase support to contributing to the
improvement of quality education for
[...] minorities and all disadvantaged children with [...]
special attention to the Roma population
in the Central, East and South-East European region, but also the other Member States where the Roma population form an important ethnic minority in the particular state and requests an allocation of $50,000 from the regular programme budget, the Commission recommended that the General Conference invite the Director-General to examine the possibility of taking into account the request in implementing the work plans and through a search for extrabudgetary funding specifically devoted to this area.
加强民间社会的作用和善治,以及向土地问题、难民回返、 境内流离失所者以族裔紧张态势引 发 的地方争端解决机制提供援助,也将依然 是加强民主进程方面的优先事项。
The reinforcement of the role of civil society and good governance, as well as assistance regarding mechanisms for resolving local disputes arising from land issues, return of refugees, internally displaced persons and ethnic tensions, will also remain as priorities of strengthening the democratic process.
为了使族群体和弱势群体 有更多的受教育机会,政府重点采取了一些措 施,例如在各省建立供少数民族学生就读的小学和中学以及供孤独就读的学校, [...]
To create further opportunities to receive
[...] education for the ethnic and disadvantaged people, [...]
the Government pays attention to
and has adopted, for example, measures on the promotion of education of ethnic people in remote areas by establishing primary and secondary ethnic schools and schools for orphans in all provinces.
此外,工作组还愿重申人权理事会第12/16 号决议中所阐述的原则,该项决
议在注意到行使见解和言论自由权带有特殊义务和责任的同时,呼吁各国不得施 加限制,包括讨论政府政策和开展政治辩论;报告有关人权、政府活动和政府腐
[...] 败问题;从事竞选、和平示威或政治活动,包括和平或民主活动;表达见解和不 同意见、宗教或信仰,包括少族裔 或 弱 势 群 体成员的此类活动。
Moreover, the Working Group wishes to reiterate the principle, enunciated in Human Rights Council resolution 12/16, which calls on States, while noting that the right to freedom of opinion and expression carries with it special duties and responsibilities, to refrain from imposing restrictions, including on discussion of Government policies and political debate; reporting on human rights, Government activities and corruption in Government; engaging in election campaigns, peaceful demonstrations or political activities, including for peace or democracy; and
expression of opinion and dissent, religion or belief, including by persons
[...] belonging to minorities or vulnerable groups.
5.3 他担心订于2011年11月28 日举行的刚果民主共和国总统选举会使约瑟
[...] 夫·卡比拉再次连任,他有卢旺达血统,因而有可能再次点燃 族 紧 张 局 势 ,给 他们带来酷刑风险,并使包括申诉人及其子女在内的人们的生命受到攻击。
5.3 He fears that the presidential election scheduled for 28 November 2011 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which could result in the re-election of Joseph
Kabila, who is of Rwandan origin, might
[...] once again stir up ethnic tensions, bringing [...]
with them the risk of torture and attacks
on people’s lives, including his and his children’s.
艾滋病、教育、妇女和儿童权利的增进和保护以及难民管理。 它鼓励埃塞俄比亚加紧执行措施促进和保护经济、社会和文化权利,特别是儿 童、妇女、少数族和弱势群体 的权利,并制止所有形式的歧视。
It encouraged Ethiopia to intensify measures for the promotion and protection of economic, social and cultural rights, in particular the rights of the child, women, minorities and vulnerable populations, and in combating all forms of discrimination.




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