

单词 势如破竹

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势如破竹的国 际化扩张中,源于欧洲文化的罗兰贝格公司从一开始就非常注重本土化。
From the beginning of its explosive global expansion, Roland Berger, a company rooted in European culture, concentrated on localization.
1960 年 12 月 14 日,当《联合国宪章》驱动的非殖民化进程已 势如破竹 时,联合国大会通过了关于《给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言》的第 1514(XV)号决议, 该决议宣布,“有迅速无条件终止各种形式之殖民主义之必要”,并规定了指导非 殖民化进程的两项基本原则:自决和领土完整。
On 14 December 1960, when the decolonization process driven by the Charter of the United Nations was already well under way, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 1514 (XV) on the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, which proclaimed “the necessity of bringing to a speedy and unconditional end colonialism in all its forms and manifestations” and set out two fundamental principles that should guide the process of decolonization: self-determination and territorial integrity.
引爆点威力无穷: 根据流行病学理论,引爆点存在并出现于当一种地方病因为感染了足够多的宿主而成为流行病时, 此后,传染之力就势如破竹、所 向披靡。
Significance precedes momentum: In epidemiology, the point at which a disease has infected enough hosts that the infection moves from local illness to raging epidemic can be thought of as the tipping point.
如果调解人没有遵守这些准则, 他们不仅可破坏有关局势中的 和平与和解,而且可能鼓励其他局势中的暴力行 为。
If mediators fail to observe these guidelines, they may not only undermine peace and reconciliation efforts in the situation concerned, but [...]
also encourage violence in other situations.
雖然很多主要工程計劃,如機場 核心工程 計劃竹篙灣 發展計劃已經完成,而部分主要工程計劃尚未展 開,但仍有很多中小型工程計劃將會推行。
Although many
[...] major projects, such as the Airport core projects and Penny Bay project, [...]
had been completed and some major
projects had yet to start, there were still many works projects of small and medium scales that would be implemented.
短期债务问题日趋严重,也可能加剧各国的脆弱性 如 果 欧 洲的 势恶 化,就破坏发 展中国家脆弱的增长业绩。
The increasing importance of short-term debt may
also lead to greater
[...] vulnerabilities, especially if the situation in Europe deteriorates, thereby [...]
hurting the fragile growth
performance of developing countries.
當局採取的紓 減 環境影響措施,如在 竹 篙 灣採取的措施,亦有助 把沉澱物 [...]
限制在可以 接受的水平內。
Mitigation measures like those
[...] being undertaken at Penny's Bay also helped [...]
keep the sediment levels within acceptable limits.
同样令人忧虑的是,由于这破坏 稳定 的 势 力 继 续得 到支持、保护和庇护,国际社会打击恐怖主义的努力受到削弱。
Equally of concern was that the efforts of the
international community to fight
[...] terrorism were being undermined by support, protection [...]
and shelter that these forces of
destabilization continue to receive.
区域经济一体化之所以可带来各种惠益,不仅是它可以利用发展 机遇,而且还由于它有助于本区域面对共同的威胁发出更有力的声 音,尤其是考虑到在如能源 和粮食安全、灾害、自然资源的压力、 社会排斥和不平等加剧等领域具有的共同脆弱性和风险有可能导致发 生冲突和社会紧张势,破坏增 长过程本身。
Regional economic integration could be beneficial not only to exploit developmental opportunities but also to help the region articulate a more effective response to common threats. In particular,
shared vulnerabilities
[...] and risks in areas such as energy and food insecurity, disasters, pressures on natural resources, social exclusion and rising inequalities, could lead to conflicts and social tensions and disrupt the growth process itself.
以色列作为占领国的非法侵略行径正 破 坏 局 势的 稳定,而且损害了根据 1967 年 6 [...]
月 4 日边界的两国 解决方案的可行性。
Israel’s illegal acts of aggression as occupying Power were
[...] destabilizing the situation, and undermined [...]
the viability of the two-State solution
on the basis of the 4 June 1967 borders.
恐怖主义运动、贩毒、洗钱和所有其他形式的国际有组 织犯罪也必须纳入到南方的政策范围内,因为这些犯罪助长地区的紧张 势 、破 坏善治并使合作变得困难(如果不是使其不可能的话)。
Terrorist movements, drug trafficking, money-laundering and all other forms of international organized crime must also come within the policy ambit of the
South, for they contribute to
[...] regional tensions, subvert good governance and make cooperation difficult, if not impossible.
它很受鼓舞的是,智利愿意保障所有儿童,尤其是 势 群 体 儿童, 如 难民 儿童、农村地区家庭的儿童或贫困线以下家庭的儿童接受教育。
It was encouraged by Chile’s readiness to guarantee access to
education for all children,
[...] especially those from marginalized communities, such as refugee children [...]
and children whose families
live in rural areas or below the poverty line.
[...] (如建築碎料、瓦礫、泥土、混凝土等)會運往公眾填料接收設 施作重用和循環再造,而少量不可循環再造的非惰性廢物 如竹、 木料等)則會棄置於堆填區。
With regard to the construction waste generated, inert materials (such as broken bricks and concretes, tiles, soil, and so on) would be transported to the public fill reception and sorting facilities for reuse and recycling, while a
small amount of non-recyclable and
[...] non-inert waste (such as bamboo, woods, and so on) would [...]
be disposed of at landfills.
如穆莱 特先生所强调的那样,科索沃北部 局势仍然紧张,可能加剧当地势, 破 坏 实 质性谈判 取得进展的机会。
Nevertheless, as Mr. Mulet stressed, there are continuing tensions in northern Kosovo that may exacerbate the situation on the ground and undermine the chances for [...]
progress in the substantive negotiations.
(j) 規定地鐵有限公如未能如 期 建成竹篙灣 鐵路線,唯 一的法律 責任是因應香港迪士尼的預期遊客人數,安 [...]
排提供足夠的 巴 士服務
(j) provides that MTRCL’s sole liability would be to procure [...]
the provision of adequate bus services at a level commensurate
with the anticipated number of guests at HKD if it fails to complete the PBRL on time
以時計工業為例,1970年代電子跳字技術 如破竹 , 瑞 士傳統機械時計飽受打擊,繫於存亡之秋;然而三十年後的今天,高級機械腕錶卻已經重歸正統,市場需求不斷上升,製錶業界更不斷提升產品設計及修飾工藝水平,嶄新的技術亦不斷湧現,複雜機械腕錶再度晉身藝術收藏品的殿堂。
Fast forward thirty years to today, the increasing demand urges the watch industry to improve the design and craftsmanship of the product as well as developing new techniques.
许多竹类植物无 法达到我国政府将竹类植物群落定义为森林的标准 如 最 低 高度 竹 杆 最 低眉径)。
Many bamboo species are unable to reach minimum height in situ and
[...] or minimum diameter of bamboo culm for the definition [...]
of forests as adopted by the Chinese government.
如 此 情況導竹篙灣 鐵路線未能達到預計的11.25%工程項目 內部回報率,她詢問政府是否需要進一步作出資助。
If, in turn, PBRL failed to achieve the [...]
estimated PIRR of 11.25%, she asked whether further subsidies would be required from the Government.
会上,上海交通大学的如竹教授 做了关于“中国能源的前景”的主题报告;国际交流处郭亮副处长介绍了上海交通大学对外交流合作和未来发展的情况;挪威研究理事会(Research Council of Norway)的Rune Volla博士做了关于“挪威能源领域研究与国际合作战略”的主题报告。
Prof. Wang Ruzhu talked about the future development of China’s energy sector;  Ms. Guo Liang, Deputy Chief of the International Exchange Office, briefed on SJTU's international cooperation and exchange; and  Dr. Rune Volla with the Research Council of Norway (RCN) introduced the energy research and international cooperation strategy in Norway.
她察悉南區有不少居民反對在海洋公園 興建3間酒店的建議,她並詢問該項建 如 何 配合 黃 竹 坑 的 活化 社區及酒店發展計劃。
Noting that many residents in the Southern District objected to the proposed development of
three hotels in the OP,
[...] she enquired how it would tie in with the rejuvenation and hotel development plan for Wong Chuk Hang.
建議興建的竹篙灣鐵路包括㆒條長3.6公里的的新鐵路,由現有的東涌線從陰澳 連至迪士尼主題公園位竹篙灣 的新址 如 圖 1. 2a所示。
The proposed Penny’ Bay Rail Link(PBRL) comprises a new 3.6 km link from the
existing Tung Chung Line at
[...] Yam O to the Penny's Bay site of the proposed new Disney Theme Park as shown by Figure 1.2a.
无论是抱着公开的还是不可告人的目的,为颠覆国家政治和法律制度敌对性 地使用电信,是违反这方面国际公认准则的行为,也是不负责任地使用这种媒体
[...] 的负面表现,其后果可能造成紧张关系和不利于国际和平与安全的 势 , 从 而破 坏《联合国宪章》阐述的宗旨和原则。
The hostile use of telecommunications, with the declared or hidden intent of undermining the legal and political order of States, is a violation of the internationally recognized norms in this area and a negative and irresponsible use of such means, which can give rise to tensions and situations that are not
conducive to international peace and
[...] security and thereby undermine the principles and [...]
purposes enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.
如我用竹織成 鴨子的這類工業,又有 否被納入定義中?
Or industries like
[...] weaving a duck out of bamboo splints, have they [...]
been added to the definition?
面对国家和政府机构的这些开放举措,那些企破坏叙利亚势力企 图利用有利的环境损害国家的 安全与稳定,他们阻断公路,威胁公民,强迫学校和 [...]
政府机构关闭,继续破坏公民的利益、安全,妨碍他 们在全国各地正常生活。
Faced with these initiatives of openness by the
State and its institutions, those
[...] who are attempting to undermine Syria have tried to [...]
exploit the positive environment in
order to erode the country’s security and stability by blocking roads, threatening citizens, forcing schools and Government institutions to close and continuing to carry out acts that run counter to the interests of citizens, their security and their ability to live normal lives throughout the country.
潛泳或借助呼吸器具潛水、任何種類的危險攀爬或攀山、探索洞穴、跳傘、特技跳傘、懸掛式滑翔、滑翔、傘滑翔、熱氣球飛行、小型飛機飛行活動 (micro-lighting)、高空彈繩跳、涉及爆炸品的活動 如 爆 竹 及 煙 花)、戶外冬季運動,如滑雪和用滑雪板滑雪 (snowboarding)、騎馬打獵或需要駕駛或騎乘的任何種類比賽以及各種形式的專業運動。
Underwater swimming or diving involving the aid of breathing apparatus, any kind of outdoor climbing or mountaineering, pot-holing, parachuting, skydiving, hang-gliding, gliding, para-gliding, ballooning, micro-lighting, bungee-jumping, any activities involving explosive or explosion
(including but not limited to
[...] firework or firecracker), outdoor winter sports such as skiing [...]
and snow-boarding, hunting on
horse-back or driving or riding in any kind of race and all forms of professional sports.
[...] 和安全,侵犯国家主权和领土完整,危及国家机构行使职能和稳定,对国家的生 产基础设施和经济活动带来严重损害,并创造新的紧张局势的温床,有时还引发 国际冲突,从而进一破坏国际局势 稳 定
Cuba stresses that all terrorist acts and actions affect the life, health, property and safety of innocent people, violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States, jeopardize the functioning and stability of national institutions, cause serious damage to the production infrastructure and
economic activity of
[...] States and further destabilize the international situation by creating new [...]
hotbeds of tension and,
on occasion, triggering international conflicts.
过去几年,阿塞拜疆军事预算成倍增加(2012 年国防预算为 34.7 亿美元), 而且阿塞拜疆领导人持续使用咄咄逼人的反亚美尼亚的粗暴言辞,这也加大了
[...] 二国之间的差距,加剧了南高加索地区紧张 势 , 并严 重 破 坏 了旨在和平解决 现有问题、特别是纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫地区冲突的谈判进程。
The manifold increase of Azerbaijan’s military budget over the last years (the defence budget for 2012 is $3.47 billion) and the persistent aggressive and harsh anti-Armenian rhetoric of the Azerbaijani leadership also increase the gap between the two nations, heighten the
tension in the region of the South
[...] Caucasus and seriously undermine the negotiation process [...]
aimed at the peaceful settlement
of existing problems, particularly the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
[...] 要更多地参与,特别是在剩余但关键的过渡时期阶段,以确保社会经济和政治紧 张势不会破坏和 平过渡,因而也不影响恢复宪法秩序。
At all meetings of the International Contact Group on Guinea, my Special Representative underscored the need for the increased engagement of the international community, particularly in the remaining but critical phase of the transition, to
ensure that socio-economic and political
[...] tensions do not disrupt the peaceful transition [...]
and therefore do not jeopardize
the return to constitutional order.
预计联索政治处将实现其目标,但前提是:(a) 内外反势力不破坏过渡联 邦机构的稳定;(b) 过渡联邦政府和反对派签署一份全面和平协定;(c) [...]
区域各 国政府和组织支持和平进程;(d) 国际社会继续协调支持索马里和平进程;(e) 区域各国致力于促进非洲之角区域的和平与稳定。
UNPOS is expected to achieve its objectives provided
that (a) the Transitional Federal
[...] Institutions are not destabilized by internal or [...]
external opposition; (b) the Transitional
Federal Government and the opposition sign a comprehensive peace agreement; (c) regional governments and organizations are in support of the peace process; (d) renewed and concerted engagement is provided by the international community in support of the peace process in Somalia; and (e) countries of the region are committed to promoting peace and stability in the Horn of Africa region.




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