

单词 势利





be self-interested


take advantage of the new situation [idiom.]
make the best of new opportunities

See also:

outward appearance
male genitals

External sources (not reviewed)

它迫使本组织以批 判的眼光进行自查和反省,找到如何使自己适应新的 势 , 利 用 有 限的资源实现更高效益和 更大影响力的途径和方法。
It is also an occasion for the Organization to examine itself critically and determine how it can adapt and achieve even greater efficiency and impact in the use of its limited resources.
(a) 贴现率上调并不反映利率的势,利 率 在 最近一段时期通常呈下降趋 势。
(a) The increase in the discount rate does not reflect the trend in interest rates, which have generally tended to decrease over the recent period.
我们还必须查明每个国家的基本实力,理 解各国适应变化、势利导方面的能力限制,并在掌 握此等情况的基础上采取行动。
We must also identify each country’s fundamental strengths, comprehend the limits of its capacity to absorb change and act on what that knowledge tells us.
充分发挥Wi-Fi的势,利用现 有的Wi-Fi部署实现无缝集成,同时采用最新的技术开发成果。
Brings the full benefits of Wi-Fi, enabling seamless integration with existing Wi-Fi
[...] deployments while leveraging the latest technological [...]
关于经纪势利 - 他 们不接受中小投资者 - 他喜欢说,“当你有钱时,你会不会想回去。
About brokers snobs - they do not [...]
accept small investors - he likes to say that "when you have money you will not want to go back there.
势利的少 女明星的受害者到的青年排水Donkeyvac的怪物,和基拉安慰KYLEE的提醒她更好的时代,而行吟...
The snobbish teenage star [...]
falls victim to the youth-draining Donkeyvac monster, and Kira comforts Kylee by reminding her
of better times while the othe...
媒体专业人员应深入了解各种重要问题和发展 势 , 利 用 自 己收集的材料引起公众对 于发展问题的注意,使公众对这些问题具有与其重要性相当的认识。
Media professionals should have a deep knowledge of
[...] important issues and trends to put material [...]
they gather in a context that will engage
public attention and increase public understanding of development issues in proportion to their true significance.
知情人士曾指出,我国LED行业产品国家标准缺失严重,一些区域市场隐约显现出地方保护主义的抬头 势 , 利 益 驱 使形成地方壁垒或将加深产业泡沫,阻碍产业健康发展,产生不间断性的恶性竞争。
Insiders pointed out that, China's LED industry is lack, products are national standards of some regional markets could show up trend of local protectionism, motivated to form local barriers or will deepen industry bubble, hinder the healthy development of the industry, produce the unremittance vicious competition.
菲律宾鼓励文莱继续努力,增进和保护该国人 民的利,尤其是势群体的权利。
It encouraged Brunei Darussalam to continue its efforts to promote and protect the rights of its people, especially of vulnerable groups.
它很受鼓舞的是,利愿意保障所有儿童,尤其是 势 群 体 儿童,例如难民 儿童、农村地区家庭的儿童或贫困线以下家庭的儿童接受教育。
It was encouraged by Chile’s readiness to guarantee access to education for all children, especially those from marginalized [...]
communities, such
as refugee children and children whose families live in rural areas or below the poverty line.
预计本次级方案将能够实现其各项既定目标和预期成果,但前提 是:(a) 经济、社会与环境状况和势继续有 利 于 可持续性发展战略、 包括绿色增长方法的实施;(b) 目标国家的国家经济、社会与政治局面 [...]
能够保持稳定;(c) 政府机构和民间社会组织具有确保成功合作的必要
人力和财力;(d) 能够为确保技术合作活动达到所需要的深度和广度筹 集到充足的预算外资源。
The subprogramme is expected to achieve its objectives and expected accomplishments on the assumption that: (a)
economic, social and environmental
[...] conditions and trends continue to be conducive to the implementation [...]
of sustainable development
strategies, including the green growth approach; (b) national economic, social and political conditions in the target countries remain stable; (c) government institutions and civil society organizations have the necessary human and financial capabilities to ensure successful cooperation; and (d) adequate extrabudgetary resources are mobilized to ensure the necessary outreach and depth of technical cooperation activities.
除了上述交战方之外,该报告附件一还在“在已列入安全理事会 议程的武装冲突势中招募或利用儿 童、杀害和残害儿童和/或对儿童实施强奸 [...]
及其他形式性暴力的当事方名单,同时注意到对儿童犯下的其他侵害和虐待行 为”标题下列出了以下反叛运动:正义运动和平派、促进权利和民主人民力量运
In addition to the above-mentioned belligerents, annex I to
the Secretary-General’s report lists
[...] under the heading “parties that recruit or use [...]
children, kill or maim children and/or
commit rape and other forms of sexual violence against children in situations of armed conflict on the agenda of the Security Council, bearing in mind other violations and abuses committed against children”, the following rebel movements: JEM/Peace Wing, Movement of Popular Force for Rights and Democracy, SLA/Abu Ghasim, SLA/Free Will and SLA/Unity.
(a)项至(d)项列出的是第(1)款所载该一般规则的除外情形(取消胜出供 应商的资格、取消采购、根据第 20
[...] 条[**超级链接** ]以价格异常偏低为由否决 中选提交书,或者根据第 21 条[**超级链接** ]以胜出供应商一方进行 利 诱、 有不公平竞争势或者有利益冲 突为由将其排除在外)。
) The exceptions to the general rule set out in paragraph (1) are listed in subparagraphs (a) to (d) (disqualification of the winning supplier, cancellation of the procurement, rejection of the successful submission on the ground that it is abnormally low in accordance with article 20 [**hyperlink**], or exclusion of the winning supplier on the grounds of
inducement from its
[...] side, unfair competitive advantage or conflict of interest in accordance with [...]
article 21 [**hyperlink**]).
因此 “创造者”对其“精神与物质利益”的(人身)保护 利势 必 与 这种保护所产生的个人物 质利益结合到一起,而发明创造者的个人利益却建立在消费者的开支之上。
Thus the (human) right to the protection of “moral and material interests” of “authors” is inextricably bound up with the right to the private material benefits which result from such protection.
阿尔利亚感到鼓舞的是,马耳 他已经采取措施并作出努力,增进 势 群 体 ,尤其是儿童和妇女的 利 , 同 时还 在推动妇女进入劳动力市场。
Algeria was encouraged by the measures and efforts already under way to promote the rights of vulnerable groups, especially children and women, and by the increased participation of women in the labour market.
这三个机利用其相对势和专 长, 提供种子和农业投入,以确保种植季节的成功。
The three agencies drew on their comparative advantages and expertise [...]
to supply seeds and agricultural inputs and ensure
that the planting season was successful.
委员会鼓励缔约国考虑在其福利制度中增加有保障的最低收入规定,以促进采取 一种和已有的利一起减轻势和边 缘化个人和群体的贫困、基于人权的办法, 如社会援助办法和收入补贴办法。
The Committee encourages the State party to consider including in its welfare system a guaranteed
minimum income that
[...] promotes a human rights-based approach and brings together already existing benefits to combat poverty among disadvantaged and marginalized [...]
individuals and
groups, such as the social assistance scheme and income support scheme.
除了针利比亚局势实施 限制性措施的理事会第 2011/137/CFSP 号决定,尤 其是其中第 [...]
8(2)条,以及《欧洲联盟条约》第 31(2)条,该决定附件所列其他人 员和实体已列入第 2011/137/CFSP 号决定附件四中。
In addition to the Council Decision
2011/137/CFSP concerning restrictive
[...] measures in view of the situation in Libya, and in particular [...]
article 8(2) thereof, in conjunction
with article 31(2) of the Treaty on the European Union, additional persons and entities listed in the annex to the Decision have been included in annex IV to Decision 2011/137/CFSP.
[...] 况确实符合非洲联盟的和平与安全议程的最主要目 标,即创造利势头,以便建立一个更一体化、更和 平与更繁荣的非洲。
That is indeed in consonance with the overriding objective of the African Union’s
peace and security agenda, which is to
[...] create an enabling momentum for a more integrated, [...]
peaceful and prosperous Africa.
[...] 国家仍然犹豫不决,中国已开始与这些国家现任 领导人以外的团体建立更广阔的关系 利 用 自势推动 这些政府进行改革、增加国际参与。
While still hesitant about punitive sanctions, China is starting to develop broader
relationships beyond current leaders
[...] and to exercise some leverage to push the governments [...]
toward reform and international engagement.
为了加强建设和平委 员会,我们必须借助审查工作以及国别组合促成的出 色成果所带来的利势头。
In order to strengthen it, we must take
advantage of the favourable
[...] momentum generated by the review and by the excellent results achieved through the country configurations.
虽然是重要的一步, 但选举不应转移对其他建设和平问题的注意力,如 妇女利、保护弱势人群 以及难民、流离失所者和 前作战人员重新融入社会的问题。
While an important step, the elections should not distract attention from other peacebuilding issues, such as women’s rights, protection of vulnerable individuals and the reintegration of refugees, displaced persons and former fighters.
谨随信转递阿拉伯国家联盟秘书长纳比勒·阿拉比博士阁下给你的一封信, 内容是 2012 年 6 月 2 日在卡塔尔国多哈举行的阿拉伯国家联盟理事会部长级特 别会议通过的关于利亚局势的第 7507 号决议(见附件)。
I have the honour to transmit herewith a letter addressed to you from H.E. Nabil Elaraby, Secretary General of the League of Arab States, regarding resolution No. 7507 concerning the situation in Syria, dated 2 June 2012, which was adopted by the Council of the League of Arab States at its extraordinary session held at the ministerial level in Doha (see annex).
其中包括旨在推动以下方面的 政策:(a) 经济竞争力和环境可持续性;(b) 贸易和运输联系;(c) 建立公私伙 伴关系,促进提供社会服务和基础设施发展;(d) 性别平等政策;以及(e) 改善 有关处境利和弱势群体的数据。
These include policies that promote: (a) economic competitiveness and environmental sustainability; (b) trade and transport links; (c) public-private partnerships for provision of social services and infrastructure development; (d) gender equality policies; and (e) better data on disadvantaged and vulnerable groups.
利用IT优势:尽 管很多矿业公司表示出创新的意愿,但它们在利用如数据分析法等后端技术、或并购结束之后有效整合不同技术平台方面却未能成功。为了在降低成本的同时改善运营,它们应当重新审视其IT策略,并且考虑投资可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)、检测控制和数据采集(SCADA)系统、制造执行系统(MES)、商业智能系统、数据分析法以及高级制造系统。
At the IT edge: Despite demonstrated willingness to innovate, many mining [...]
companies fail to leverage back-end technology,
such as data analytics or properly integrating disparate technology platforms following an M&A. To improve operations while reducing costs, they should revisit their IT strategies and consider investing in programmable logic controllers (PLCs), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, manufacturing execution systems (MES), business intelligence systems, data analytics and advanced manufacturing systems.
努力编纂国家法、统一现行法律(习惯法、宗教法和现代法)并将儿童和妇 女权利国际文书纳入家庭法律和法典,对传统司法体系进行重组,使其 利 于弱 势群体
The effort to codify national legislation, the unification of the existing legal systems (customary, religious and modern), and the transposition of international instruments on the rights of the child and the rights of women
into domestic law and the Family Code have restructured the traditional
[...] legal system to the benefit of vulnerable groups.
目前正在各省举行的讨论政治、社会和经济问题的协商和对话以及正在提 出的各种要求,已经为举行一次全国对话会议开辟了途径,并强调了必须争取与
[...] 社会合作伙伴、知名人士以及国内外所有的 利 亚 政 治 势 力 进 行会谈,以期共同 筹备将在会谈结束后举行的主题为“对话是结束这场危机的唯一途径”的全国对 [...]
The consultation and the dialogues that are now being held in the governorates to discuss political, social and economic issues and the demands being made have opened the way for a national dialogue conference and emphasized the need to pursue talks with
social partners, prominent individuals
[...] and all the Syrian political forces in the country [...]
and abroad with a view to the joint
preparation of the national dialogue conference, which will be held once these talks are completed: dialogue is the only way to end the crisis.
[...] 化措施:横向多样化,开发替代作物;纵向多样化,开发能够获取价值链中更大 的部分的农产品和工序;从事能利 用 比较 优 势 的 非 农业活动。
Three diversification measures exist: horizontal diversification into alternative crops, vertical diversification into agricultural products and processes that capture a higher
proportion of the value chain as well as diversification into non-agricultural
[...] activities that exploit comparative advantage.
联合国共同国家方案的发展面临着一些挑战:首先是国内的政治 势 , 特别是对人权 问题的日益关注以及政府对人权的敏感,所以很难制订由国家工作队和政府共享的共同国家 [...]
方案;其次,伊朗的捐助情况很差,很难形成信托基金资源和联合国联合计划;第三, 在
Several challenges were encountered in the development of United Nations
common country programmes: firstly, the
[...] domestic political situation, especially the growing [...]
concern over human rights issues
and the government’s sensitivity on human rights, have made it very difficult to develop a common United Nations country programme for which UNCT and the government would have shared ownership; secondly, the profile of the donor community in Iran is very low and it has been very difficult to generate FIT resources and joint United Nations programming; and, thirdly, there is still reluctance and technical barriers among UNCT members to put together financial and human resources for joint activities.
在以下具体预防犯罪领域进行了研究或传播了研究结果:规划国家技术援 助方案;闭路电视的最有利用; 评估法院分流方案;预防网络犯罪和身份犯 [...]
罪;犯罪置换的风险和预防犯罪举措促成犯罪的影响;预防金融犯罪;欺诈和 洗钱;预防恐怖主义活动和资助恐怖主义行为;禁毒执法对策;减少与酗酒有
关的暴力;亲密伴侣实施的暴力或凶杀;人口贩运;以及关于重罪和有组织犯 罪以及预防山林纵火的会议。
Specific areas of research and dissemination of findings related to crime prevention include: planning for a
national programme of technical assistance; the
[...] most effective use of closed-circuit [...]
television; evaluations of court diversion
programmes; the prevention of cybercrime and identity crime; the risks of crime displacement and criminogenic effects of crime prevention initiatives; the prevention of financial crime; fraud and money-laundering; the prevention of terrorist activities and the financing of terrorism; law enforcement responses to drugs; the reduction of alcohol-related violence; intimate partner violence and homicide; human trafficking; and conferences on serious and organized crime and on bushfire arson prevention.




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