

单词 势不可挡的

See also:

可的 adj

shameful adj

不可 adj

unacceptable adj

External sources (not reviewed)

Pitch’s seemingly overwhelming power of nightmare proves no match against the children’s faith, which restores the Guardians’ full power to battle the villain.
这些事态发展中尤为突出的是看 势不可挡的 全球 化进程,其特点是信息传播技术(ICTs)、特别是互联网的显著增长和扩展,以及在软件和 多媒体应用方面的进展。
Prominent among these developments is the seemingly unrelenting globalization process marked by the phenomenal growth and spread in communication and information technologies (ICTs), especially Internet and advances in software and multimedia applications.
New York Magazine》的Jonathan Van Meter 说,“长达几十年之久,纽约人绝对不会想到的喝酒玩乐的地方—宾馆,不论其好坏,转眼间已经成为一 势不可挡的 文 化 力量,重回这个城市。
Says Jonathan Van Meter in New York Magazine, “After decades of irrelevancy—the last place on Earth most New Yorkers would go to be at the center of it all—hotels have become, for better or worse, a cultural force in the city again.
经济贫困也是一把双刃剑:一方面,人们对福 的 需 要可 能 势不可挡 ; 另一方面,两极分化的生活环境也对基督徒工人本身提出了挑战。
Economic poverty is also a two-edged sword: the needs of the people can be overwhelming, and the extreme living conditions create personal challenges for Christian workers.
然 而现在迫切需要采取进一步 的有效 行 动,恢复所有社区对善治和法的信 心 ,并防止 势不可 阻 挡 地 恶 化成进一 的两 极分化和可能的暴力事件。
[...] further effective action is required urgently to restore confidence in good governance and the [...]
rule of law among all communities,
and prevent an inexorable slide into further polarization and possible violence.
打击有罪不的斗争和寻 求真相、公正、记忆和补的广泛 努力一直在阿根 廷全国全力展开势不可挡。
The fight against impunity, and the vast
[...] undertaking for truth, justice, memory and compensation had continued unabated throughout the territory of Argentina, and was unstoppable.
这款车自2004年1月推出后已售出了15,000多辆,尽管有来自奥迪、宝马和奔 的 激 烈竞争,但销量仍 势不可挡 ”。
Over 15,000 clients have chosen the model since its launch in January 2004 and the requests keep flooding in despite stiff competition from Audi, BMW and Mercedes”.
时至今日,移动互联网看不可阻 挡的 巨 大发 展 势 头 风 头正劲。
Fast-forward to today, and it's the massive and seemingly unstoppable growth of the mobile Internet that's all the rage.
到这一阶段,建一个的教的想法会 势不可挡, 因 为他们认为教堂是“教会的一部分”。
The desire to build a building as part of being “a church” is often overwhelming by this phase.
的动阀可以用 于老式气动发动机,不 要使用挡圈 O 形圈 (12c)。
New style poppets can be used in older air motors, but do not use the back-up o-ring (12c).
每个主题所表的范围都势不可挡, 我 意识到与人物的互动才是每次拍摄的焦点,技巧和技术方面只是其次。
The range presented by the subject matter is overwhelming, and I’ve come to realize that it’s the interaction with people that is the focus of every shoot, with the technical aspects often taking a back seat during the session.
现代的发展势不可挡,无 论这是由于它能使那些接受它的群体或民族具有强大的政 治、经济和/或军事力量,或是由于它自身的魅力对那些扎根于其他文化和文明的人类社会 的诱惑吸引,从而使所有这些占了世界人口绝大多数的社会,特别是在发展观的旗帜下,与 它结下了不解之缘。
Modernity is gaining ground, be it through the political, economic and/or military power that it gives to the groups and nations which adopt it, or by virtue of its attractiveness to human societies rooted in other cultures and civilizations and which, representing the overwhelming majority of the world’s population, are all having to come to terms with it, particularly under the banner of development.
赞比亚:国家工作队讨论是否等国家规划文件出台后才编制新的联发援框架,以确保 联发援框架与第六个国家发展计划(SNDP)保持一致,但考虑到尽管努力使联合国文件符
[...] 合国家计划,但两者周期很难保持一致,而且赞比 的 情 势不可 能 在 短期内有所变化,因此 决定开始编制工作。
Zambia: After discussing whether to wait for the national planning document to be ready in order to ensure the UNDAF’s alignment to the Sixth National Development Plan (SNDP), the UNCT decided to go ahead with the preparation of the new UNDAF, considering that despite efforts to align United Nations
documents to national plans, the cycles are hardly the
[...] same and that the situation in Zambia is unlikely [...]
to change in the short term.
然而,硬盘容量的快速耗竭很快使 人们相信,存的上升之势不可阻挡 , “存 储永远不可能过剩。
However, rapid exhaustion of hard drive
capacity quickly led to the belief that storage needs rise
[...] inexorably and that ‘there is no such thing as too much storage.
此外,根据具体开支项目的开支率衡量计划的执行情 可 能 并 不 妥 当 ,因为,在 这样具体层面的开支水平在整个双年度期间并不总是呈现线性运行 势的。
In addition, measuring the programme implementation by expenditure rates
of specific
[...] object-of-expenditure items may not be appropriate as expenditures at that level of detail are not always incurred in a linear manner during the biennium.
决议草案及反对叙利的可笑阴 谋诡计 挡不 住叙 利亚继续推动改革和保护叙利亚人民免受外国 干预和野心。
The draft
[...] resolution and the ridiculous plots and manoeuvres against his country would not deter it [...]
from moving forward on
reform and protecting the Syrian people from foreign interference and ambitions.
不会,Jabra GO 6470 采用自适应频率跳变,因可避开被 Wi-Fi 阻挡的信道
No, the Jabra GO 6470 uses adaptive frequency hopping, thereby avoiding channels that are blocked by Wi-Fi.
在二十一世纪这个全球化和信息革命的时代,无 论一国的经济状况如何,民主化潮流都 不可 阻挡 的。
In the twenty-first century, in this age of
globalization and communication revolution, the tide of
[...] democratization is unstoppable regardless [...]
of a nation’s economic standing.
在讨论中,有成员提请注意海的严峻形势,认为该势可能使 海地接 不 履 约 状态,如 不 是 完 全 不 履 约 的状态的话, 因而必须强调特别需要协助海地保持履约状态。
During the discussion, attention
was drawn to the dire
[...] conditions in Haiti, which could place the country in a situation of borderline, if not outright, non-compliance, thus making [...]
it necessary to
highlight the special need for assistance to Haiti to maintain compliance.
他本来想组队与本成不可阻挡的, 但本拒绝要约后,他从Omnitrix“环,而不是吸收功率。
He originally wanted to team up
[...] with Ben to become unstoppable, but after Ben [...]
refuses the offer, he absorbs power from the Omnitrix instead.
认识到地中海安的不可分割 性,加强地中海国家间的合作以推动该区域所 有各国人民的经济和社会发展,将大大促进该区域的稳定、和平与安全, 又认识到地中海国家迄今为止所作的努力和展示的决心,以加紧对话和协商 进程,解决地中海区域现存的问题,消除造成紧张 势 的 根 源以及由此产生的对 和平与安全的威胁;这些国家日益认识到需要进一步共同努力,加强该区域在经 济、社会、文化和环境方面的合作
Recognizing the indivisible character of security in the Mediterranean and that the enhancement of cooperation among Mediterranean countries with a view to promoting the economic and social development of all peoples of the region will contribute significantly to stability, peace and security in the region, Recognizing also the efforts made so far and the determination of the Mediterranean countries to intensify the process of dialogue and consultations with a view to resolving the problems existing in the Mediterranean region and to eliminating the causes of tension and the consequent threat to peace and security, and their growing awareness of the need for further joint efforts to strengthen economic, social, cultural and environmental cooperation in the region
在很多情况下, 联合国系的比较优势不在于其供资能力,而是其提 可 靠 的 技 术专长的能力,以 制定规范和标准,协助各国政府应对日益复杂的挑战。
In many instances, the
[...] comparative advantage of the United Nations system is not in its funding capacity, but rather in its ability to provide reliable technical [...]
expertise, to
develop norms and standards and help governments face increasingly complex challenges.
这种势可能 是由于会员国认识到迫切的环境可持续性问题,大会部有能力以节 约的方式提供替代的电子版本来取代纸面印刷版本,以及已成功试 不 断 发 展的 可持续节纸模式来提供会议服务。
This trend may be attributed to the recognition by Member States of the imperative of environmental sustainability, the ability of the Department to provide alternative electronic outputs economically to replace paper printouts, [...]
and the successful trials
of evolving sustainable paper-smart modes for provision of conference services.
事实上,如果仔细审视安理会曾推动司法行动的那些国家 势, 可以得到很不一样的经验
In fact, a closer
[...] scrutiny of the country situations in which the Council has [...]
triggered judicial action provides very different lessons.
我们希望,会议的筹备进程将朝着正确方向迈出 步骤,注重对不发达国家的发展产生影响的难以挡的脆弱性和动荡势—— 这些国家都生活在极端 贫困、饥饿和不平等之中。
We hope that steps will be taken in the right direction with the preparatory
process of Conference,
[...] focusing on the overwhelming vulnerabilities and situations of insecurity affecting the development of least [...]
developed countries
— those living with extreme poverty, hunger and inequality.
如果我们把食物重新作为我们生活和利益的中心, 我们的政策和研究的中心,那么我们仍然能够找到解决方案去扭转这个看 不可 阻挡 的、将把人类带向悬崖边缘的危险 势。
If we restore food to a central role in our lives and interests, in our policies and our research, we may still be able to come up with real
solutions to reverse a trend that
[...] appears increasingly unstoppable and ever likely to take us to the edge of the precipice.
从更广的角度来看,我们感到严重关切的是,以 色的攻击造成加沙势不断恶化, 可 能 引起该区 域紧张状况出现升级,进而破坏促进和平、公正与持 久解决巴勒斯坦问题的努力,而巴勒斯坦问题正是实 [...]
From the broader perspective, we are seriously
[...] concerned that the deteriorating situation in Gaza as a result of the Israeli [...]
attacks could lead to
an escalation of tensions in the region and undermine the efforts for promoting a peaceful, just and durable settlement of the question of Palestine, which is the key to achieving a comprehensive peace in the Middle East.
加拿大教会理事会代表参加了人权委员会举行的反对种族主义、种族歧视、 仇外心理和相关不容忍行为世界会议等世界会议,并参加 可 持 续 发展委员会的会 议,包括:(a) 人权委员会第六十一届会议:分发了关于达尔富尔、哥伦比亚和东 帝汶势的简报和关于有不罚问题 的 决 议 ;(b) 其代表获得参可持续发展委员 会 2005 年 4 月在纽约举行的会议的可;(c) 人权委员会第六十二届会议;(d) 人 权理事会第四届特别会议;(e) 人权理事会 2008 年举行的第七届会议。
Delegates of the Council have participated in the meetings of the Human Rights Commission, world conferences such as the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance
and the sessions of the Commission on Sustainable Development, including: (a) the sixtyfirst session of the Human Rights Commission: briefs on the situation in Darfur, Colombia and Timor-Leste and a resolution on impunity were distributed; (b) representatives received accreditation to the session of the Commission on Sustainable Development that met in New York in April 2005; (c) sixty-second session of the Human Rights Commission; (d) fourth special session of the Human Rights Council; (e) seventh session of the Human Rights Council, 2008.




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