

单词 劳役

劳役 ()

forced labor
corvée (labor required of a serf)
animal labor


非自愿劳役 n

involuntary servitude n

See also:



console n

forced labor
military service
servant (old)
obligatory task
use as servant


battle n
alternative service n
forced pregnancy n


health reasons pl

External sources (not reviewed)

那些刚刚从人贩子处逃脱的被贩运者往往无法负担法律援助,这是 由于人贩子将债劳役作为 控制工具,从而使被贩运者在经济上对其产生依赖。
Trafficked persons who have just escaped from their traffickers often have no financial means
to afford legal assistance, given their financial dependence on their traffickers
[...] who use debt bondage as a control tool.
[...] 侵犯人权、特别是自由权和不被 使用为奴隶或从事非 自劳役、免 受残忍和不人道待遇的权利、免受暴力侵犯的权利以及健康权等。
Trafficking is a grave violation of human rights, especially the right to
liberty and the right not to be held in slavery or
[...] involuntary servitude; the right to [...]
be free from cruel and inhumane treatment,
the right to be free from violence, and the right to health, amongst others.
在圣 马力诺,没有义兵役或文劳役。
In San Marino, neither the military nor the civil service is compulsory.
di 判处 20 年劳役,剥 夺公民权利并没收财产; 由于没有满足相关条件,撤销根据《刑法》 [...]
第 275 条提出指控。
[...] to 20 years hard labour, stripped of civil [...]
rights and possessions confiscated; charges under the Penal Code, article
275, were dropped because the relevant conditions were not met.
供应商不会使用任何形式的强迫或非自愿劳工, 并且不容忍任何工人贩卖或强劳役。
Suppliers will not use forced or involuntary labor of any type and will not tolerate the trafficking
[...] or involuntary servitude of any worker.
意识到由于犯罪分子利用移徙流动和设法规避限制入境的政策,移徙者除其 他外更易遭受绑架、敲诈、强迫劳动、性剥削、人身攻击、债 劳役 和 被 抛弃
Aware that, as criminals take advantage of migratory flows and attempt to circumvent restrictive immigration policies, migrants become more vulnerable to,
inter alia, kidnapping,
[...] extortion, forced labour, sexual exploitation, physical assault, debt servitude and abandonment
在关于移徙者保护的 66/172 号决议中,17 大会表示关切跨国和本国有组织 犯罪实体的活动以及其他在危害移徙者、特别是危害妇女和儿童的犯罪活动中 谋利者的活动日趋猖獗,这些活动无视危险和不人道的状况,还表示关切人口 贩运者及其同伙和其他有组织犯罪实体成员往往有罪而不受惩罚;鼓励各国保
护遭受本国和跨国有组织犯罪活动之害的受害人,包括通过保障医疗、心理和 法律援助的提供;鼓励各会员国制定国内立法并加强国际合作,认识到这些犯
[...] 罪行为有可能危害移徙者的生命,或使他们遭受伤害 劳役 或 剥削,其中还可 能包括债役、奴役、性剥削或强迫劳动,从而打击此类贩运和偷运行为。
In its resolution 66/172, on the protection of migrants,17 the General Assembly expressed concern about the increase in the activities of transnational and national organized criminal entities and others who profited from crimes against migrants without regard for dangerous and inhumane conditions, as well as the high level of impunity enjoyed by traffickers, their accomplices and other members of organized criminal entities; encouraged States to protect victims of national and transnational organized crime, including by guaranteeing access to medical, psychosocial and legal assistance; and encouraged Member States to combat international trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants by enacting domestic legislation and strengthening international cooperation, recognizing that those crimes might
endanger the lives of migrants or subject
[...] them to harm, servitude or exploitation, [...]
which might also include debt bondage,
slavery, sexual exploitation or forced labour.
[...] 俄比亚部队的逃兵,同时还将其作为厄立特里亚各类囚犯(被判处死刑者、被判劳役者等)的劳教营地。
This camp, which was built during the Ethiopian occupation, is being used by the Eritreans to detain prisoners of war and deserters from the Ethiopian army; it is also being used as a camp for
the rehabilitation of various categories of Eritrean prisoners (including those
[...] sentenced to death and to hard labour).
来自中国的男女往往在花费了极其高昂的费用之后被走私至世界各地,然后遭到商业性剥削 劳役 剥 削 ,以此偿还他们欠人口贩子的债务。
Chinese women and men are smuggled throughout the world at great personal
financial cost and then forced into commercial sexual exploitation
[...] or exploitative labor to repay debts to [...]
确认“贩运人口”一词应指为剥削目的而通过暴力威胁或使用暴力手段,或 通过其他形式的胁迫,通过诱拐、欺诈、欺骗、滥用权力或滥用脆弱境况,或通 过授受酬金或利益取得对另一人有控制权的某人的同意等手段招募、运送、转 移、窝藏或接收人员。根据《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于预防、禁止 和惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为的补充议定书》(以下简称《贩运议定 书》),4 这种剥削应至少包括利用他人卖淫进行剥削或其他形式的性剥削、强迫 劳动或服务、奴役或类似奴役的做法 劳役 或 切 除器官
Recognize that “trafficking in persons” shall mean the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation, which includes, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs, as set forth in the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (hereinafter referred to as “the Trafficking Protocol”);4 3.
在印度,农业、制砖、采矿和其他部 门绝大多数债劳役受害 者来自“贱民种姓”和“贱民部族”。
In India, the overwhelming
[...] majority of bonded labour victims in agriculture, [...]
brickmaking, mining and other sectors were
from scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.
鼓励那些尚未颁布国内立法的会员国,尽快颁布立法,并进一步采取有 效措施打击国际贩运和偷运移徙者的行为,确认上述罪行有可能危害移徙者的生 命,或使他们遭受伤害劳役或剥 削,其中还可能包括债务质役、奴役、色情剥 削或强迫劳动,并鼓励会员国加强国际合作,打击此类贩运和偷运行为
Encourages Member States that have not already done so to enact domestic legislation and take further effective measures to combat international trafficking in and smuggling of migrants, recognizing that these crimes may endanger the lives of migrants or subject them to harm, servitude or exploitation, which may also include debt bondage, slavery, sexual exploitation or forced labour, and also encourages Member States to strengthen international cooperation to combat such trafficking and smuggling
没有有关禁止各种形式的人口贩运(例如债 劳役 或 商 业性性剥削)的法律保护。
There are no legal protections that prohibit forms of trafficking
[...] such as debt bondage or commercial [...]
sexual exploitation.
其他权利包括不被无理 搜查、扣押和侵犯隐私权的权利以及免于奴役、非自 劳役 、 居民迁移受限制和 因债务被监禁的权利。
Other rights include right against unreasonable searches, seizure and invasion of privacy, and freedom from slavery, involuntary servitude, restriction on movement of residents, and imprisonment for debt.
应注意劳役处罚在吉布提已 不复存在。
Note that the
[...] punishment of hard labour no longer exists [...]
in Djibouti.
[...] 助,从被捕时起,除例外情况以外,有权通过书信和探访与家庭保持联系,任何 儿童不被判处或强迫劳役或体 罚,不被剥夺或禁止得到保健服务、卫生和环境 [...]
查,确保追究肇事者的责任; 敦促各国采取特别措施保护少年犯,包括提供适当的法律援助,对法 官、警官、检察官和专业律师,以及提供其他适当援助的其他代理人,如社会工 作者,进行少年司法培训,酌情设立专门法院,普及出生登记和年龄记录,少年 犯除特殊情况外,应保护他们通过书信和探访与家人保持联系的权利
Calls upon all States to protect children deprived of their liberty from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
or punishment, and to ensure that, if
[...] they are arrested, detained or imprisoned, children [...]
are provided with adequate legal
assistance and that they have the right to maintain contact with their family through correspondence and visits from the moment they are arrested, save in exceptional circumstances, and that no child is sentenced or subject to forced labour or corporal punishment, or deprived of access to and provision of health-care services, hygiene and environmental sanitation, education, basic instruction and vocational training, and to undertake prompt investigations of all reported acts of violence and ensure that perpetrators are held accountable
[...] 国家的一些种族群组内,6-10 岁的女孩被迫进行债劳役,在 当地拜物教神庙的 神父家里当所谓的 [...]
trokosi或者vudusi 。
Among certain ethnic groups in Ghana and neighbouring countries, for instance,
girls as young as 6–10 years old are
[...] forced into bonded labour, serving as so-called [...]
trokosi or vudusi in the household
of priests at local fetish shrines.
刑法典》第 434 条设立了海盗罪,其中规定:“任何人凡实施海盗行为, 应处以最短年限劳役监禁直至终 劳役 监 禁 ”。
The offence of piracy is established in article 434 of the Criminal Code, which provides that, “Anyone who commits acts of piracy shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment in the minimum degree to rigorous imprisonment for life”.
剥削应至少包括利用他人卖淫进行剥削或其他形式的性剥 削、强迫劳动或服务、奴役或类似奴役的做法 劳役 或 切 除器官”。
Exploitation shall include at minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other
forms of sexual
[...] exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or [...]
the removal of organs.
在隋炀帝的统治下,人民盛会极其痛苦,很多人死于饥饿、战争 劳役 , 剩 下的人为了逃避沉重的赋税,纷纷逃入深山,很多人口稠密的城镇都荒废了。
According to some historical books,
a big proportion of people died of
[...] hunger, war and forced labor, and the others had [...]
to run into mountains to conceal themselves
from heavy taxes; as a result, a lot of cities and towns that once had a dense population were deserted.
第385条:通过暴力或威胁使用暴力夺取或控制飞机、船只或其他载人运输 工具者,处以 20 年劳役监禁
Seizing or taking control by means of violence or threat of violence of an aircraft, ship or other mode of transport with people on board carries a penalty of 20 years’ rigorous imprisonment.
(a) 故意杀人、殴打、绑架、失踪、强 劳役 以 及 强行征召埃塞俄比亚平民 当兵;(b) [...]
(a) Intentional killings, beatings, abductions,
[...] disappearances, forced labour and conscription [...]
of Ethiopian civilians
[...] 受歧视、宗教自由、言论和结社自由、不遭受 役 和 劳役 的 自 由、个人自主和隐 私的权利,得到保健、教育和法律服务的权利,拥有遵守道德规范政府的权利。
The Bill of Rights contained in article II of the Constitution guaranteed basic rights such as freedom from discrimination, freedom of religion,
freedom of speech and association,
[...] freedom from slavery and servitude, the right [...]
to personal autonomy and privacy, the right
to health, education and legal services, and the right to an ethical Government.
宪法》第25 条保障工人免受役、劳役和强 迫劳动。
Article 25 of the Constitution guarantees workers protection
[...] from slavery, servitude and forced labour.
有权不遭受奴役,或禁止非自劳役 , 除 惩罚犯罪以外
the right to be
[...] free from slavery or involuntary servitude is prohibited [...]
except to punish crime
此外,1995 年《吉布提刑法典》第 385 条和第 387 条规定,劫持飞机、船只 或其他载人运输工具者,处以 20 年劳役监禁
Furthermore, articles 385 and 387 of the Criminal Code of Djibouti of 1995 state that hijacking aircraft, ships or other modes of transport with people on board carries a penalty of 20 years’ rigorous imprisonment.
根据《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于预防、禁止和 惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为的补充议定书》(下称“《贩运议定书》”), 这种剥削应至少包括利用他人卖淫进行剥削或其他形式的性剥削、强迫劳动或服 务、奴役或类似奴役的做法劳役或 切 除器官
Recognize that “trafficking in persons” shall mean the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation, which includes, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs as set forth in the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (hereinafter referred to as the “Trafficking Protocol”).
出于性剥削和劳动力 剥削列入强迫或役劳动或 非自愿奴役都要受到惩罚,惩罚期为五到二十年徒 刑。
Penalties for trafficking in persons for sexual
[...] exploitation and labor exploitation such as forced or bonded labor and involuntary servitude range from [...]
5 to 20 years’ imprisonment.
(d) 采取积极措施确保消除一切形式的强迫劳动和 役劳 动 以 及有害和危 险形式的童工,此外还要采取措施确保受到这种劳动形式影响的人在社会上和经 济上重返社会并避免此种现象的再次发生
(d) Take positive measures to ensure the elimination of
all forms of forced
[...] and bonded labour and harmful and hazardous forms of child labour, in addition [...]
to measures that ensure
the social and economic reintegration of those affected and avoid reoccurrence
委员会特别关切的是,禁止童工的法律没有得到执行,即便是在正式 就业部门也是如此;儿童仍然可能被用来从事各种最恶劣形式的劳动,包括强迫 劳动和役劳动和商业性性剥削。
The Committee is particularly concerned that the law prohibiting child labour has not been enforced, even in the formal employment sector, and that children are still
vulnerable to all the worst forms
[...] of child labour, including forced or bonded child labour and commercial [...]
sexual exploitation (art. 10).




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