单词 | 劲 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 劲adjective—strongadjpowerfuladj劲noun—strengthninterestn劲—enthusiasm sturdy stalwart mood expression Examples:强劲adj—powerfuladj buoyant 冲劲n—vigourBEn 更强劲adj—more powerfuladj
我们预计 未来数年的增长机会将受到局限,但由於我们的资产负债表强劲,而且毫无负债,使本公司得以稳踞有利 位置,待市场环境改善时尽享先机。 asiasat.com | Growth opportunities are likely to be limited in the coming year, but our strong, debt-free balance sheet puts us in a strongposition to take advantage of those that do appear. asiasat.com |
展望下半年,虽然航运业普遍放缓,但预期仍会 有强劲的表现。 swirepacific.com | The outlook for the [...] secondhalf is still strong despite signs [...]of a general slowdown in shipping activities. swirepacific.com |
即使行业持续受到环球经济增 [...] 长低迷影响,但Glencore却成功地拓展其行业业务、在采矿业务创造强劲业绩及在石油分部创下纪录佳绩。 glencore.com | Despite the industry continuing to be impacted by low economic growth globally, Glencore [...] successfully expanded its industrial [...] business, producing strong performances [...]in mining and a record performance in the oil division. glencore.com |
预期我们的 多元化服务式住宅及精品酒店组合将持续录得强劲表现。 wingtaiproperties.com | We expect our dynamic portfolio of serviced residences and boutique hotel to continue to deliver exceptional performance. wingtaiproperties.com |
二零一一年的溢利虽低於二零一零年,但依然 保持强劲势头。溢利由二零一零年因亚洲的实货购买及补充存货强劲所导致的高位回落。 glencore.com | Other ferroalloy consuming industries such as aerospace, automotive, oil and gas and plating remained strong throughout the second half. glencore.com |
然而 , 我们感受到来自电视行业在区内广播新电视频道之需求转趋强劲。这种上升趋势看来是由不少国家引入 新广播方式所推动 ,包括直接到户(DTH)卫星电视及经由地面宽频网络传送之网络电视(IPTV)。 asiasat.com | This increase would appear to be driven by the introduction, in many countries, of new distribution methods including Direct To Home (DTH) satellite television and internet protocol television (IPTV) delivered by the terrestrial broadband network. asiasat.com |
主要聯营公 [...] 司沙地英国银行带來的利润亦有所增加,利好因 素包括资产负债增长强劲和錄得费用收益,促使 该行收益上升,以及支出下降。 hsbc.com.tw | Profits from our principal associate, The Saudi British Bank, also [...] increased due to a combination of higher income [...] resultingfromstrong balancesheet [...]growth and fee income, together with lower costs. hsbc.com.tw |
专注於所有客户长期投资的表现,以及配合多元化的业务组合和建立分销能 力,令 M&G 取得强劲的销售净额表现,而管理基金和利润亦錄得增长。 prudential.co.uk | The core focus on long-term investment performance for all clients, combined with a well-diversified business mix and [...] established distribution capabilities, has helped [...] M&G achieve strongnetsales performance, [...]growth in funds under management and increased profitability. prudential.co.uk |
在最近的发展阶段中,新一代的G 系列已配置强劲崭新的引擎,进一步改良豪华设备,配上尖端的安全系统,还有经典越野性能,与此同时仍保持着稳重、无懈可击的外型。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | In its latest evolutionary stage, it offers state-of-the-art, powerful engines, a further improved range of luxurious appointments and the very latest safety features, as well, of course, as its now legendary off-road capabilities. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
我们一 直聚焦亚洲市场,奠定领先地位,并累积丰富的经验,配合我们雄厚的财务实力和积极进取的团 队,使我们雄踞优越位置,尽享进一步增长的机会,为股东缔造强劲及可持续的回报。 aia.com.tw | Our focus on Asia Pacific markets in which we have a leading position and depth of experience, combined with our financial strength and a highly [...] motivated team, put us [...] in a very strong position to optimise opportunities for further growth and generate strongand sustainable [...]returns for our shareholders. aia.com |
由於离岸石油服务需求强劲,加上区内消费者开支持续处 於高水平,预期下半年其他部门将有强劲的溢利表现。 swirepacific.com | With buoyant offshore oil services demand and [...] continued high consumer spending across the region, profits from the other divisions are expected to bestrong in the second half. swirepacific.com |
贸易融资增加港币㆕十㆓亿元,或百分之㆔十七点㆔,增幅令㆟鼓舞,反映区 内 贸易活动强劲,以及本行善用稳健之客户关系管理,为客户提供切合需要之 理财方案及网㆖贸易服务,成功拓展商业银行业务之结果。 hangseng.com.cn | This reflected strong regional trade flows and the success of the Bank in further expanding the commercial banking business by leveraging onstrong relationship management, customised trade solutions and e-services. hangseng.com.cn |
有利的采矿条件、优良的选矿厂表现以及较高矿石处理率令 Century 录得强劲的经营业绩。 mmg.com | Favourable mining conditions, excellent plant performance and high throughput rates [...] contributed to strong operating results [...]at Century. mmg.com |
凭藉本集团对海外 [...] 市场水泥熟料业之认识,加上水泥熟料买卖业务最近表现理想,本集团充满信心,相信此项 业务将於未来数年为本集团带来稳定溢利及强劲现金流量。 equitynet.com.hk | Given our knowledge on the cement clinker industry in overseas markets and the recent satisfactory performance of cement clinker trading business, the Group is [...] strongly confident that this business will contribute a [...] steady profit and strong cashflowto the [...]Group in coming years. equitynet.com.hk |
尽 管新做按揭增长强劲,然而由於物业市道活跃,提 前 还款亦 显着增加。 hangseng.com.cn | Despite thestrong growth in new [...] mortgages drawdown, early repayment rose significantly in an active property market. hangseng.com.cn |
我们在高档物业市场及服 [...] 务式住宅市场的知名品牌、稳健的资产负债表、强劲的经常性收入、物业发展项目的扩充以及多元化投资组合及卓越的 [...]管理执行能力,为本集团造就一个坚实的平台,支持本集团的业务达致长期增长。 wingtaiproperties.com | The combination of our reputable brands in the premium property [...] market and hospitality industry, a healthy [...] balance sheet and strong recurrent income [...]base, an expanded project development pipeline, [...]a diversified investment portfolio and strong management execution capabilities have provided the Group a solid platform from which we will sustain the long-term growth of our business. wingtaiproperties.com |
此外,我们亦建议投资者在组合内建构强劲的价值元素;预料企业债券较政府债券能提供更安全的分散投资; [...] 以及透过增持受惠於全球消费行为转变的健康护理股,尽量把握 利好的趋势。 abnamroprivatebanking.com | We also advise [...] investors to build strong blocks of value [...]into their portfolios; to appreciate that corporate bonds present [...]a safer source of diversification than government bonds; and to make the most out of the worldwide changes in consumer behaviour that are favourable for stocks in the health and wellness sphere. abnamroprivatebanking.com |
在持续充满不确定性的经济环境中,我们於本年度上半年的销售表现仍 然保持强劲,有力证明 M&G 在所有主要资产類别及分销渠道仍拥有强大实力。 prudential.co.uk | Our ability to maintain a strong sales performance over the first half of the year, against a backdrop of continued economic uncertainty, demonstrates M&G’s ongoing strength in depth across all the main asset classes and distribution channels. prudential.co.uk |
至於集团在其他市场(澳洲、印尼、新西蘭、菲律宾、台湾及越南),则錄得强劲的新业务价 值增长达 28%,展示友邦保险在区内的强劲优势及多元化地区分布。 aia.com | In the Group’s Other Markets (Australia, Indonesia, New Zealand, the [...] Philippines, Taiwan and [...] Vietnam), we delivered a strong VONB growth of 28%, demonstrating AIA’s strong position and diversified [...]footprint across the region. aia.com |
由营运产生的强劲现金流,让本集团足以应付资本开支、新投资计划以及业务扩充所需流动资金,亦让本集团 [...] 可继续实行稳健及靈活的现金流管理策略,当中我们会考虑到长远的业务发展需要、全 球经济环境、资本市场狀况等因素,以及确保我们能应付集团业务发展所面对的机会与 风险。 dch.com.hk | With strong cashflows generated [...] from operations supporting our capital expenditures, new investments and working capital [...]for our expanded operations, the Group continues to exercise a stable but flexible cash flow management strategy taking into consideration the needs for long term business development, the global economic environment, the money market conditions and the ability to meet any opportunities and risks associated with the business of the Group. dch.com.hk |
在首年里,我们已推出超过三十个新 型 号,扩 阔 了 产 品 线,并 在 全 国 拓 展 销 售 点 至 愈 二 千 个,数 目 是 以 前 的 三 倍,覆 盖 至 未 来 增 长强劲的三及四线城市。 cre8ir.com | Within the first year, it expanded the product range by introducing over 30 new models, and it had tripled the number of sales outlets to more than 2,000 nationwide, thus extending its coverage to the third and fourth-tier cities that are expected to become powerful growth drivers in the future. cre8ir.com |
2012 年市价估值有所改变带 來正面影响,促使保险业务的收益增加(而 2011 [...] 年则由於市场因素带來不利影响),同时寿险产 品销量强劲和顾客续保,亦对上述收益有利,但 [...]2011 年改良有效长期保险业务现值(「PVIF」) 的计算方法带來的利好影响不再重现,抵销了上 述部分增幅。 hsbc.com.tw | Income from the insurance business increased following the positive effect of market valuation changes in 2012 compared with the [...] adverse market effects experienced in 2011, [...] coupledwithstrong salesand renewals [...]of life insurance products, partly offset [...]by the nonrecurrence of the implementation benefit of the refinement of the calculation of the present value of in-force (‘PVIF’) long-term insurance business in 2011. hsbc.com.tw |
强劲越野表现包括能处理36˚的接近角及31˚的离去角的巅簸路面、最高达 80%的爬坡度及达至600毫米的涉水深度。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | It demonstrates extraordinary off-road and impressive dynamic performance, with the capability of managing high angle of approach (36˚) and departure (31˚) for rough terrains, gradability (maximum 80%) and fording depth (600mm). mercedes-benz.com.hk |
艺》後,中美两帮聋人艺术家再次聚首一堂,进行才艺大比并!强劲的美国黑人hip hop舞者、鬼马的本地无言天地剧团演员,以及活力无穷的协青社型仔型女,将施展混身解数,以舞蹈、默剧、形体,甚至是意想不到的身体动作和面部表情,来一次非凡体验,刺激观众的新思维。 hkiac.gov.hk | A dynamic team of US hip hop dancers will join forces with Hong Kong's Theatre of the Silence and energetic members of Youth Outreach to present a movement extravaganza combining dance, mime and physical theatre. hkiac.gov.hk |
该尊新蜡像身穿由周杰伦馈赠的华丽银色劲装,包括一袭饰有亮丽宝石的银色外套及型格长裤,充满未来感,是周杰伦2010年「超时代演唱会」的造型之一。 yp.mo | Dressed in a futuristic outfit in silver – including a metallic silver jacket studded with gem stones and a pair of silver trousers, the new Jay Chou wax figure is depicted in one of his many looks at The Era World Concert Tour in 2010, courtesy of the superstar himself. yp.mo |
营 业 额 增 加 主 要 由 於 [...] 在 美 国 市 场 推 出 了 新 一代的 空 气 质 量 产 品 、 家 居 自 动 化 产 品 及 空 调 产 品 的 电 子 控 制 装 置 的 销 售 增 加 以 及 [...] 「 Salus」 品 牌 产 品 销 售 的强劲增长。 computime.com | The increase in turnover was mainly attributable to the launch of new generation air quality products in the US, increase in sales of home automation [...] products and electronic control for air conditioning [...] products as well asrobust growthin sales [...]of Salus brand products. computime.com |
另一方面,MMG 优良财务业绩反映出商品价格(特别是铜)的强劲走势、严格的成本控制以及符合或超 预期的生产水平。 mmg.com | The MMG businesses, on the other hand, produced very strongfinancial results, reflecting verystrong commodity prices (especially copper), tight cost control and production levels that equalled or exceeded forecasts. mmg.com |
作为世界领先的科研制药公司,葛兰素史克秉承以研究开发为基础的一贯理念,凭藉公司本身的科技潜力和资源优势,在当今瞬息万变的医疗保健领域保持强劲的增长。 hkupop.hku.hk | Headquartered in the UK, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is a world leading research-based pharmaceutical company with a powerful combination of skills and resources that provides a platform which to perform effectively in today's rapidly changing healthcare environment. hkupop.hku.hk |