

单词 劫道

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External sources (not reviewed)

安理会对索马里局势持续动荡,并引发恐怖主 义、海盗及海上武装劫、人道主义 形势严峻等 一系列问题再次表示关切。
The Council reiterates its grave concern at the continued instability in Somalia, which has led to a multitude of
problems, including terrorism, acts of
[...] piracy and armed robbery at sea off the coast [...]
of Somalia, and a dire humanitarian situation.
我们坚决谴责这些武装团体对爱好和平的居 民采取惩罚行动、袭击维和人员,以及为索取赎金而 劫持人质,包劫持人道主义 组织成员。
We firmly condemn the punitive actions by the armed groups against the peaceful
population, attacks on peacekeepers and the seizure of
[...] hostages, including those from humanitarian organizations, [...]
for ransom.
乍得的人道主义援助准入主要受土匪和犯罪活动的影响,包括拦路伏击和盗 窃道主义物资劫持车 辆、以及闯入 道 主 义机构场地和设施。
Humanitarian access in Chad has been primarily affected by banditry and criminal activity, including
road ambushes and theft
[...] of humanitarian supplies, vehicle hijacking, and break-ins into humanitarian compounds [...]
and facilities.
2008 年初,西达尔富尔北部走廊发生攻击。武装团体、苏丹武装部队和民兵 在攻击期间,一再劫和破坏人道主 义 院落和中心。
During the attacks in the northern corridor of Western Darfur in early
2008, humanitarian compounds and
[...] centres were repeatedly looted and destroyed during [...]
attacks by the armed groups, SAF and militias.
武装劫:当局和道主义 机构告诉专家小组,武装抢劫案件最近急剧增 加,尤其是在尼日尔北部和马里北部。
Authorities and humanitarian agencies have told the Panel that cases of armed robbery have recently [...]
dramatically increased,
particularly in northern Niger and northern Mali.
本报告所述期间,人道主义组织依然经常成为暴力行动的目标。22 辆车劫 持,4 名道主义工作者遭绑架,11 处人道主义房地被强行闯入。
The humanitarian community also continued to be a frequent target of violent acts during the
reporting period, when 22
[...] vehicles were hijacked, 4 humanitarian workers were abducted and 11 humanitarian premises [...]
were broken into.
例如,在本报告所述期间,至少 51 部 人道主义车辆在过去 18 个月中被士劫走,用于非道主义 目的。
For example, during the reporting period, in South Sudan at least 51 humanitarian vehicles were commandeered by soldiers for non-humanitarian purposes.
有部落长老和神职人员在沿海村落就海上 劫 的 不 道 德 性 和危险性对年轻人进行教育,然而多数人对海盗行为采取宽容态度,甚至有人认为索马里海洋资源遭“掠夺”,海岸成为有毒垃圾的倾倒场,海上抢劫只不过是对这些行为的反击而已。
Clan elders and clerics are talking to youth groups in coastal
[...] villages about the immorality and dangers of [...]
piracy, but the practice is widely tolerated
and even described as a response to the “plunder” of Somalia’s marine resources and the reported dumping of toxic waste on its shores.
重建和修复 被毁和劫的住房、道主义援助、重新提供教育和卫生等基本服务是一个重要 的关注问题,正如重新开展经济活动一样。
The reconstruction and repair
[...] of destroyed or looted houses, humanitarian assistance, [...]
and the re-establishment of basic
services such as education and health is an important concern, as is the re-establishment of economic activity.
[...] 破坏:暴徒恐吓街区,反叛分子袭击平民和维和人员,毒枭随便杀害执法官员或 其他干涉他们非法买卖的任何人,以及匪 劫 持 人 道 主 义 援助车队。
The illicit trade in small arms and their ammunition wreaks havoc everywhere: mobs terrorize neighbourhoods; rebels attack civilians or peacekeepers; drug lords randomly kill law
enforcement officials or anyone else interfering with their unlawful
[...] business; and bandits hijack humanitarian aid convoys.
气候变化的 危险和广泛影响必须使我们坚信,不顾后果的消费和 生产模式是走向劫不复的道路,可能导致今世后代 和地球母亲陷入绝境。
The pernicious and pervasive effects of climate change must convince us that to follow a pattern of reckless consumption and production is to lay a path to perdition that could lead to the demise of succeeding generations and Mother Earth herself.
安全理事会对索马里局势持续动荡,引发恐怖主义、索马里沿海海盗 及海上武装劫行为、劫持人质和 道 主 义 形势严峻等一系列问题,再次表 示关切,重申有必要通过所有利益攸关方的集体努力,制订一项全面战略, 鼓励在索马里实现和平与稳定。
The Security Council reiterates its grave concern at the continued instability in Somalia which has led to a multitude of problems, including
terrorism, acts of
[...] piracy and armed robbery at sea off the coast of Somalia, hostage taking and a dire humanitarian situation, [...]
and reiterates the need
for a comprehensive strategy to encourage the establishment of peace and stability in Somalia through the collaborative efforts of all stakeholders.
尽 管有一些相反的新闻道,抢劫和骚 乱事件仍属例 外。
Incidents of looting and unrest remain the exception, despite some news reports to the contrary.
吁请参与武装冲突的其他各方不要违反本决议所提到的有关公约和适 用的国际道主义法,劫持或拘禁 道 主 义 人员或联合国人员及有关人员,并在 不加伤害或不要求让步的情况下,迅速释放被劫持者或被拘禁者
Calls upon all other parties involved in armed
conflict to refrain
[...] from abducting humanitarian personnel or United Nations and associated personnel or detaining them in violation of the relevant conventions referred to in the present resolution and applicable international humanitarian law, and speedily [...]
to release, without
harm or requirement of concession, any abductee or detainee
最近有報章道,寓意“劫市民 四大名刀”。
Recently, a newspaper carried a report using the metaphor
[...] of "the four knives robbing the public of all their money".
但直到1943年10月P-61“黑寡妇”服役以前,他们一直使 道 格 拉斯P-70“ 劫 ” 和英制“英俊战士”来与日军抗衡。
The Army use the P-70 Havoc and Beaufighter to fight with the Japanese until the first 45 P-61 Black Widow were in active service on October,1943.
2009 年9月20 日,据道一劫匪在 洗劫了一名穆斯林妇女位于英国威斯敏 斯特的家后将其裹在地毯中并放火焚烧。
On 20 September 2009, a robber reportedly wrapped a Muslim [...]
woman in a carpet and set her on fire after he raided her home
in Westminster, United Kingdom.
那些街坊跟我說,現時差不多大小的地方,月租要2,200元,還 要支付兩個月按金、1個月上期及半個月佣金, 道 要 他們 打 劫?
These kai fongs told me that at present, a place of a similar size commands a rent of $2,200 monthly, and it is necessary to pay two months of
rental as deposit, the first month of rent and half a month of commission, so does one
[...] mean they should rob to get the money?
[...] 的次數較多, 然而問題是,以深水 為例,如在某段時間大道有多幾宗 劫 案 時 ,那麼大 道 所有 的金行門口全部都是警察,但是到白田 、大坑東 、麗閣 [...]
等鄰近㆞方㆒看,便可 發覺那兒沒有警察的蹤影。
However, the problem is that, in Sham Shui Po for example, at a period of many robberies happening along Tai Po Road, there are so many
police constables around the
[...] jewellery shops located at Tai Po Road that there is hardly any police [...]
presence in Pak Tin Estate,
Tai Hang Tung Estate, Lai Kok Estate and other neighbouring areas — if you venture to find out how things are going out there.
仅在 2009 年头 4 个月 内,道的武装抢劫行为总数就有 22 起。
In just the first four months of
[...] 2009 a total of 22 armed robberies were reported.
2008 年,总共有 277 辆道主义车辆劫持(2007 年为 137 辆), 218 名道主义人员被绑架(2007 年为 147 人),192 处人道主义房地遭到袭击 (2007 [...]
年为 93 处),36 名工作人员受伤(2007 年为 24 人)。
In 2008, a total of
[...] 277 humanitarian vehicles were hijacked (compared with 137 in 2007), 218 humanitarian personnel [...]
were abducted
(147 in 2007), 192 humanitarian premises were attacked (93 in 2007) and 36 staff members were wounded (24 in 2007).
何鍾泰議員: 主席,全 球 星定位 ( 即 GPS)的設 備 可 加 強司機 和 乘客的安 全 , 因為司 機
[...] 在 發 出 信 號 後 , 警方便 可 立 即道 遇劫地 點 和 盡 快 趕 到現場。
DR RAYMOND HO (in Cantonese): Madam President, the Global Positioning System (GPS) may enhance the safety of drivers and passengers, for once the driver sends out the
signal, the police will be able to identify
[...] the location of the robbery immediately and arrive [...]
at the scene expeditiously.
不能把每天绞尽脑汁确保其行动符 合国际人道主义法要求的部队指挥官,同藐视国际道主义法,劫持吉 拉德·沙利特下士 930 天,甚至不 允许红十字国际委员会探视的恐怖分子相提并论。
There is no equivalence between military commanders who struggle daily to ensure that their operations are conducted in accordance with the requirements of international humanitarian law and the terrorists who flout that law by keeping Corporal Gilad Shalit captive, without even allowing the International Committee of the Red Cross access to see him — for 930 days.
最初,大家不道如何應付劫機, 於是聽劫 機者 的指示,按照他們的意思飛往古巴。
Subsequently, the hijackers' instruction was followed and the plane [...]
was flown to Cuba.
[...] 於罪案的分析顯示,雖然偷竊及毆打等罪案增加,但其他較嚴 重罪案,例如爆竊、刑事毀壞、勒索及 劫 罪 案 等,則有所減 少。
An analysis of the crimes revealed that while crimes such as theft and
assault had increased, other more serious crimes such as burglary, criminal
[...] damage, blackmail and robbery had decreased.
1918 (2010)号决议要求提交报告(S/2010/394),说明
[...] 可采用哪些方案来实现起诉和监禁要对索马里 沿海的海盗和海上武劫船行为负责的人的目 标,尤其是关于设立可有国际人员的国内特别分 [...]
方案,同时考虑到索马里沿海海盗问题联络小组 的工作、设立国际法庭和混合法庭的现行做法以 及取得和维护重大成果所需要的时间和资源。
The Security Council welcomes the report of the Secretary-General (S/2010/394), as requested by its resolution 1918 (2010), on possible options to further the aim of prosecuting and
imprisoning persons responsible for acts
[...] of piracy and armed robbery at sea off the coast [...]
of Somalia, including, in particular,
options for creating special domestic chambers possibly with international components, a regional tribunal or an international tribunal and corresponding imprisonment arrangements, taking into account the work of the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS), the existing practice in establishing international and mixed tribunals, and the time and resources necessary to achieve and sustain substantive results.
[...] 请他们对保护伊拉克文物免遭摧毁、 劫 及 非 法进口、出口和交易的必要性给予关注:联合 [...]
特阿拉伯、叙利亚和约旦)的文化部、国际刑警组织、世界海关组织和国际艺术品商人联合 会(CINOA)。
Prior to and during this transitional period, UNESCO contacted key players to bring their attention to the need to
protect Iraq’s cultural property against
[...] destruction, pillaging and illicit [...]
import, export and trade: the United Nations
Secretary-General, the US and UK authorities, the ministries of culture of neighbouring countries of Iraq (namely Kuwait, Turkey, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Jordan), Interpol, the World Customs Organization and the World Confederation of Art Dealers (CINOA).




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