单词 | 劫数难逃 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 劫数难逃 —Destiny is inexorable, there is no fleeing it (idiom). Your |
同样,在计划修建 Hatgyi 大坝的克伦邦,战斗的加剧已导致数 千 名 新 难 民 逃 往 泰 国。 daccess-ods.un.org | Likewise, in Kayin State where the Hatgyi Dam is planned, increased fighting has led to [...] thousands of new refugees fleeing to Thailand. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,好在非传染病并不一定意味着我们各国和 各国人民在劫难逃。 daccess-ods.un.org | The good news, however, is that NCDs do not have to spell inevitable doom for our countries and peoples. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于20世纪80年代政府实行的“拔藤”计划,很多澳大利亚的古老葡萄种植园被毁,即使Moorooroo也未 能 逃 脱 劫数。 awbc.com.au | Just four rows of these 163 year-old vines survive, making each vintage of Moorooroo Shiraz a drop of pure bottled history. awbc.com.au |
那次浩劫使大多数巴勒 斯坦人民被驱逐 或 逃 离 家园,成为没有 国家和流离失所的人民,其中近五百万人继续过着悲惨的流亡生活,栖身 于该区域各地的难民营 ,构成世界上最大 的 难 民 人 口和持续时间最长的难 民问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | by which the majority of the Palestinian people were expelled or fled from their homeland, becoming a stateless, dispossessed people, nearly five million of whom continue to tragically live in exile in refugee camps throughout the region, constituting the [...] largest refugee population [...]and most protracted refugee problem in the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
严重关切地注意到,缅甸严峻的人权状况致 使 数 以 千 计的 人 逃 往 邻国 避难 daccess-ods.un.org | Noting with serious concern that the grave human rights situation in Myanmar forces [...] thousands of people to seek refuge in neighbouring [...]countries daccess-ods.un.org |
在 2011 年 8 月在西 加扎勒河州发生的一起抢劫事件中,平民、地方安保部队和当局抢走了大约 675 吨救济粮,这些粮食本来是运送给无粮食保障的社区,包括从阿卜耶伊边境地区 逃难的家庭。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a single incident of looting in August 2011 in Western Bahr el Ghazal, civilians, local security forces and authorities stole approximately 675 tons of emergency food supplies intended for food-insecure communities, including families displaced from the border [...] region of Abyei. daccess-ods.un.org |
巴基斯坦境内正在发生的情况提醒我们,我们可 能面临这样一个世界,因气候变化而恶化的 灾 难 将迫 使数百万人逃离家 园、威胁生命和破坏生态。 daccess-ods.un.org | What is unfolding in Pakistan is a reminder that we may [...] be facing a world where [...] disasters made worse by climate change will drive millions of people [...]from their homes, threaten lives and destroy ecosystems. daccess-ods.un.org |
利比里亚政府和人民 好心地接纳数万名逃离本 国动荡的科特迪 瓦 难 民 , 其中大多数是妇女和儿童,我 谨对此表示深切感谢。 daccess-ods.un.org | I wish to express my deep appreciation to the Government and [...] people of Liberia for graciously [...] hosting tens of thousands of Ivorian refugees, mostly women and children, fleeing [...]the turmoil in their own country. daccess-ods.un.org |
除非联合国所 有相关机构加紧努力审议并处理气候变化问题,否 则,是适合描述这一危机下全球局势的字眼莫过于 “在劫难逃”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Unless all the relevant organs of the United Nations intensify their efforts to consider and address the issue of climate change, no word will be more appropriate to the global situation under this particular crisis than the word “doomed”. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然该图表明每月劫车 事件的数量下降,但这些事件继续在达尔富尔发生。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the graph indicates a decline in the number of [...] incidents per month, carjacking continues to occur [...]in Darfur. daccess-ods.un.org |
多数 难民说 其出逃 的 原 因 与 逃 往 肯尼亚的人相 同,即 索马里生活 没有安全保 障(多数人还来自摩迦 迪沙),失去家人,失去或缺乏生计, 缺乏 粮食或粮食太贵, 等等。一名 最近抵 [...] 达 的 妇女描 述 了 她 在索马里分娩 时 [...] 痛苦的状况,她告诉我, 她 一直找机会想离开家里寻求医疗帮助,但等了 70 多小时仍然无法离开家里,因为 所有这段 时 间 在 她 的 街坊里一直 发生着 激烈的 武 装 冲突。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most of the refugees gave me the same reasons for their flight as those who fled to Kenya, namely [...] insecurity of life in [...]Somalia (most were also from Mogadishu), loss of close family members, loss of or lack of livelihood, lack of or high cost of food etc. In describing her situation when she was in labour pain in Somalia, a woman who arrived recently told me that she had waited for an opportunity to go out of her home for medical help for more than 70 hours, but failed to do so because of raging armed conflict in her neighbourhood all that time. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们无法预测大规模抗议风潮会在何时何地爆发,但迟 早 难逃 一 劫 , 或 者是以暴力骚乱的形式,或者是以有组织政治运动的形式——支持主张彻底改弦易辙的政党。 project-syndicate.org | We cannot predict when or where, but sooner or later there will be an explosion of protest, whether violent or taking the form of organized support for political parties espousing radically different policies. project-syndicate.org |
正如我们听到的那样,2011 年,几内亚湾的武装 抢劫和海盗事件数量大量增加,而且影响大大加重。 daccess-ods.un.org | The year 2011 saw a significant increase in the volume [...] and impact of armed robbery and piracy incidents [...]in the Gulf of Guinea, as we have heard. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国领先教育培训机构新东方 youngchinabiz.com | Leading Chinese education firm New Oriental’s (NYSE: EDU) latest results show a company heading into a new stage of slower growth, proving that no one is immune to a slowdown once it becomes big enough and that demand for even a hot product like education is limited. youngchinabiz.com |
小武器的直接威胁迫使数百万人逃离 家 园,造成更 多 难 民 和 流离失所者 (安哥拉、加蓬、喀麦隆、中非共和国、乍得和乌干达等) daccess-ods.un.org | The direct threat of the use of light weapons [...] is forcing millions of persons to flee their homes, resulting in a growing number of refugees and displaced [...]persons (Angola, Gabon, [...]Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Uganda) daccess-ods.un.org |
因为饥饿逃离的大多数人在 其他国家被拒绝入境和给予保护,因为他们不符 合传统和法律意义上的难民。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most people fleeing from hunger are refused entry and protection in other countries because they do not qualify as refugees in the traditional [...] and legal sense. daccess-ods.un.org |
基金会副主席Philippe Larco 通过电子邮件表示:“这次大地震影响了近300万海地人,夺去 了 数 十 万 人的生命,我们幸运 地 逃 过 了这 一 劫 , 幸 存下来。 tipschina.gov.cn | Communicating by email, the foundation's vice-president [...] Philippe Larco said, "We have survived the [...] earthquake which affected almost 3 million Haitians with hundreds of thousands dead. tipschina.gov.cn |
最不发达国家要制订鼓励国内储蓄和投资的适当框架, 包括可限制资本外逃的稳定宏观经济政策、有关市场状况的可靠政 府 数 据 、 健全 的信息披露方法、以及清晰有效的从商监管框架,以减少在申请商业执照、招聘 [...] 工人、获取许可和交缴税赋等方面的非正规做法。 daccess-ods.un.org | LDCs need to set the right framework to encourage domestic savings and investment, including stable macroeconomic policies [...] that limit capital flight, reliable government data on market conditions, sound information disclosure [...]practices and clear and efficient regulatory frameworks for doing business that reduce informality, including getting a business licence, hiring workers, obtaining permits and paying taxes. daccess-ods.un.org |
有一名企圖 自 殺 的商人逃 過一劫 ,據說 除 了 是因為院 方醫護 人員的及時搶 救 [...] 外,並 且依賴 了我國 傳 統的醫術 ─ 中 醫 藥 。 legco.gov.hk | It was reported that a businessman had [...] attempted to commit suicide, but in [...] the end, he narrowly escaped death, thanks to the [...]timely resuscitation by hospital medical [...]staff and the help of our country's traditional medical treatment — Chinese medicine. legco.gov.hk |
此外,没有任何好莱坞明星来看望逃 到 我国 的数 百万难民。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, no Hollywood stars have come to visit [...] the millions of refugees who have fled to our country. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管 2011 年海盗活动比以往任何时候都更加活跃,但是 由于航运业实行最佳管理方法、采取更有效的国际反海盗海军行动以及越来越多 地使用私营海上保安公司,被劫持 的船 只 数 量 大 大减少。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although pirates have been more active than ever in 2011, the adoption of best management practices by the shipping industry, more effective international counter-piracy [...] naval operations and the [...] increasing use of private maritime security companies have substantially lowered the number of vessels successfully hijacked. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管实施航运业制定 [...] 的最佳管理办法已经改善了船员的安全和大大减少 劫持成功的次数,仍然迫切需要一个解决这一问题根 源的长期办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the implementation of the industry-developed best management practices has improved the security of crews and significantly [...] contributed to a reduction in the [...] number of successful hijackings, a long-term solution [...]to the problem that addresses its [...]root causes is still urgently needed. daccess-ods.un.org |
巴勒斯坦人民继续承受着浩劫的苦难 , 他们继续在整个区域及散居地沦为难 民,或者自 1967 年以来在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦领土上生活在好战的 占领国以色列的军事占领下,被迫忍受占领国对其基本人权的系统侵犯和战争罪 的蹂躏,长达近 44 年之久。 daccess-ods.un.org | The hardships of Al-Nakba continue for the Palestinian people as they continue to live either in exile as refugees throughout the region and the Diaspora or under the belligerent military occupation of Israel, the occupying Power, since 1967 in the Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, forced to endure the systematic violation of their fundamental human rights and war crimes at the hands of the occupying Power for nearly 44 years. daccess-ods.un.org |
有 3 名袭击者被打死,袭 击者最终逃离了现场,并劫走了达尔富尔混合行动的 1 辆车。 daccess-ods.un.org | The assailants, three of whom were killed in the attack, [...] captured a UNAMID vehicle and eventually fled the scene. daccess-ods.un.org |
欧洲议会的议员还深为关切在纳 戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫战争期间或因战争逃 离 家园 的 数 十 万 难 民 和 境内流离失所者仍 然流离失所,他们的权利、包括回返权利遭到剥夺,议员们呼吁明确和无条件地 承认这些权利,并强调需要立即实现这些权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | The European parliamentarians also express their [...] serious concerns about [...] the fact that hundreds of thousands of refugees and internally displaced persons who fled their homes during [...]or in connection with [...]the Nagorno-Karabakh war remain displaced and their rights, including the right to return, are denied, and they call for an unambiguous and unconditional recognition of these rights and underline the need for their prompt realization. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们赞赏亚洲地区当前的海盗和持械 抢 劫 者袭 击数量明 显减少,并且强调,这样的成功是国家和多 边倡议以及打击和防止海盗和海上武装抢劫区域合 作机制的结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | We appreciate the [...] significant decrease in the number of attacks by pirates and armed robbers in the Asian region [...]today and emphasize [...]that that success has emanated from national and multilateral initiatives as well as regional mechanisms of cooperation in combating and preventing piracy and armed robbery at sea. daccess-ods.un.org |