

单词 劫持人质

劫持人质 verb ()

hijack v

See also:

劫持 n

abduction n
hijackings pl


hold under duress

人质 n

hostages pl

劫持 adj

hijacking adj

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,印度尼西亚正在考虑加入 1973
[...] 年《关于防止和惩处侵害应受国际保护人 员包括外交代表的罪行的公约》和 1979 年《反劫持人质国际公约》。
Furthermore, Indonesia was considering becoming a party to the 1973 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against
Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents, and the 1979 International
[...] Convention against the Taking of Hostages.
共有 223 人被定罪,其中 176 人的罪名是组织或参加非法武装团伙;13
[...] 人实施恐 怖主义行动;16 人协助恐怖主义活动;8 人劫持人质。
The total number of those convicted was 223, of whom 176 had been convicted of the organization of, or participation in, an illegal armed
formation; 13 of the commission of terrorist acts; 16 of facilitation of a terrorist
[...] activity; and 8 of hostage-taking.
一位发言者强调有必 要处劫持人质要求支付赎金以资助恐怖行为等现象。
One speaker highlighted the need to address
[...] phenomena such as hostage-taking for the payment [...]
of a ransom to finance terrorist acts.
人权理事会注意到咨询委员会关于恐怖分 劫持人质 问 题 工作进展 情况的建议,请咨询委员会向理事会第二十二届会议提出临时报告,向第二 [...]
The Human Rights Council takes note of the recommendation of the
Advisory Committee on the progress of
[...] work on terrorist hostage-taking, and requests [...]
the Advisory Committee to submit an
interim report to the Council at its twenty-second session, and the final report at its twenty-fourth session.
劫持人质、绑 架,或恐怖分子、犯罪分子、反叛分子、叛乱者或其他非国家行为 [...]
Hence, hostage-taking, kidnapping [...]
or comparable conduct by terrorists, criminals, rebels, insurgents, paramilitary forces
or other non-State actors do not fall within the ambit of the report, which focuses on secret detention by or attributable to States and is addressed to the Human Rights Council as an intergovernmental body.
[...] 罪行定为犯罪行为:为恐怖活动提供便利(第 205 条第 1 款),公开呼吁开展恐怖 活动或公开为恐怖主义辩护(第 205 条第 2 款),劫持人质(第 206 条),组织或参 与非法武装队伍(第 208 条),劫持飞机、船舶或铁道车辆(第 211 条),企图威胁 国家官员或公职人员的生命安全(第 [...]
277 条),暴力夺权或暴力把持权力(第 278 条),武装叛乱(第
279 条)以及袭击国际受保护人员或机构(第 360 条)。
The following terrorist offences are also criminalized under criminal law: facilitation of terrorist activity (art. 205.1), public calls to carry out terrorist activity or public
justification of
[...] terrorism (art. 205.2), hostage-taking (art. 206), organization of, or participation in, an illegal armed formation (art. 208), hijacking of aircraft, [...]
ships or rolling stock
(art. 211), attempts on the lives of State or public officials (art. 277), forcible seizure of power or forcible retention of power (art. 278), armed revolt (art. 279) and attacks on internationally protected persons or institutions (art. 360).
人权观察关于在科索沃违反人道主义法行为的报告涵盖 1998年2月至9月期间,报告详细描述了发生的严重违反国际人道主义法行为(强迫失踪、屠
[...] 杀、破坏村庄、任意逮捕、警察抢掠民居、焚烧庄稼 劫持人质 和 法 外处决),受害者主要是 平民,包括“不加区分地袭击妇女和儿童”176。
In its turn, the Report of Human Rights Watch Humanitarian Law Violations in Kosovo, covering the period February-September 1998, gave a detailed account of grave breaches of International Humanitarian Law which took place (forced disappearances, killings, destruction
of villages, arbitrary arrests, looting of homes by the police, burning of
[...] crops, taking of hostages and extrajudicial [...]
executions), victimizing
mainly civilians, including “indiscriminate attacks on women and children”176.
秘书长仍是五项现有反恐文书的保存人:(a) 1973 年《关于防止和惩处侵害
应受国际保护人员包括外交代表的罪行的公约》(173 个缔约方,2008 年以来
[...] 7 个国家);(b) 1979 年《反劫持人质国际公约》(167 个缔约方,2008 [...]
年以来 3 个国家);(c) 1997 年《制止恐怖主义爆炸的国际公约》(164
个缔约方,2008 年以来 10 个国家);(d) 1999 年《制止向恐怖主义提供资助的国际公约》(172 个缔约方,2008 年以来 12 个国家);(e) 2005 年《制止核恐怖主义行为国际公 约》(67 个缔约方,2008 年以来 37 个国家)。
The Secretary-General remains the depositary for five existing counterterrorism instruments: (a) the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents, 1973 (173 parties, 7 States since 2008);
(b) the International Convention
[...] against the Taking of Hostages, 1979 (167 parties, [...]
3 States since 2008); (c) the International
Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, 1997 (164 parties, 10 States since 2008); (d) the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, 1999 (172 parties, 12 States since 2008); and (e) the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, 2005 (67 parties, 37 States since 2008).
[...] 主义问题的严重性,并强调指出需要有一项全面的战略,来应对恐怖主义、海盗 行为劫持人质问题
They underlined the seriousness of the political, security and humanitarian
problems in Somalia and stressed the need for a comprehensive strategy to address
[...] terrorism, piracy and hostage-taking.
此外,密克罗尼西亚联邦是下列七项国际反恐怖主义公约 和议定书的缔约国:1971
年《关于制止危害民用航空安全的非法行为的公约》; 1973
[...] 年《关于防止和惩处侵害应受国际保护人员包括外交代表的罪行的公约》; 1979 年《反劫持人质国际公约》;1988 年《制止在为国际民用航空服务的机场 [...]
上的非法暴力行为的议定书》;1988 年《制止危及海上航行安全非法行为公约》;
1997 年《制止恐怖主义爆炸的国际公约》;1999 年《制止向恐怖主义提供资助的 国际公约》。
Moreover, the FSM is a state party to seven international conventions and protocols on counter-terrorism: the 1971 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation; the 1973 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents;
the 1979 International Convention
[...] against the Taking of Hostages; the 1988 Protocol [...]
for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts
of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation; the 1988 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation; the 1997 International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings; and the 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism.
她不同意乌干达代表所做的分析,该分析质疑 提及受恐怖主义劫持人质影响 的人被杀的必要 性。
She did not agree with the analysis presented by the
representative of Uganda questioning the need for the reference to killings of persons
[...] affected by terrorism or hostage-taking.
提出的其他问题包括洗钱、资助恐怖主义行为 劫持人质 、 网 上犯罪、恐 怖主义的定义和自决。
Other issues raised included money-laundering,
[...] financing of terrorism, hostage-taking, financial [...]
intelligence units, cybercrime, the definition
of terrorism and self-determination.
在581 个有记录的犯罪活动中,31 个属于俄罗斯联邦《刑法典》第 205 条(恐怖行为) 下的罪行;22 个属于第 205-1
条(为恐怖活动提供便利)下的罪行;9 个属于第 205-2
[...] 条(公开号召进行恐怖活动和为恐怖主义辩护)下的罪行;5 个是第 206 条 (劫持人质)下的犯罪行为;403 个是第 208 [...]
条(组织、或参与非法组织武装团体)、 4 个是第 277(企图杀害政府或公众人物)条下的罪行。
Of the 581 recorded crimes, 31 were crimes addressed by article 205 of the Russian Federation Criminal Code (terrorist acts), 22 were crimes under article 205-1 (facilitation of a terrorist activity), 9 were crimes under article 205-2 (public calls for terrorist activity and the
justification of terrorism), 5 were crimes
[...] under article 206 (hostage-taking), 403 were [...]
crimes under article 208 (the organization
of, or participation in, an illegal armed formation) and 4 were crimes under article 277 (attempt on the life of a governmental or public figure).
最后,印度随时准备为加强各国之间有效合作以 应对海盗与海上武装抢劫威胁和确保遭海 劫持人 质安全获释的国际努力作出贡献。
In conclusion, India stands ready to contribute to international efforts aimed at increasing effective cooperation among States to
tackle the threat of piracy and
[...] armed robbery at sea and at ensuring the safety and release of hostages taken by pirates.
[...] 更新了现行刑法的规定,防止和惩罚使用炸药或致命装置、化学或生物制剂、或 其他手段或物质的行为劫持人质; 侵 害应受国际保护人员的行为;破坏海上航 [...]
行、民用航空和机场安全的行为;威胁空中和海上安全,包括威胁大陆架或岛屿 架上固定平台安全的所有其他行为。
This legal provision strengthens and updates the provisions of the current Penal Code by preventing and punishing acts committed using explosive or lethal devices, chemical or
biological agents or other means or
[...] substances; the taking of hostages; acts against internationally [...]
protected persons; acts against
the safety of maritime navigation, civil aviation and airports; and all other acts that threaten air and maritime safety, including those against the safety of fixed platforms located on the continental or insular shelf.
[...] 涉及死亡、酷刑、人身伤害、精神创伤和痛苦 劫持人质 以 及不动产和个人财产 遭受的损失和损害。
For example, a considerable number related to
death, torture, personal injury, mental
[...] pain and anguish, hostage-taking, and loss [...]
and damage to real and personal property.
各位部长表示关切萨赫勒-撒哈拉区域非法贩运枪支与非法贩运毒品和人 口之间的关联不断增加,涉及赎金 劫持人质 问 题 和恐怖主义行为威胁该区域 的安全。
The Ministers expressed their concerns regarding the growing links between illicit trafficking in firearms, illicit drug trafficking, and
trafficking in persons, in the Sahel-Saharan
[...] region where the hostage taking, involving [...]
ransom payments, and terrorist acts are
a threat to regional security.
落入国际武装冲突一方手中的所有其他记者至少应获得《第一附加 议定书》第 75
[...] 条给予的保护,其中包括,除其他外,禁止暴力侵害生命、健康 或身心福祉、羞辱和有辱人格的待遇以 劫持人质。
All other journalists who fall into the hands of a party to an international armed conflict benefit at least from the protections granted in article 75 of Additional Protocol I, which includes, inter alia, prohibition of
violence to life, health or physical or mental well-being, humiliating and
[...] degrading treatment, and taking of hostages.
更糟糕的是,预计暴力抗议、官员腐败、纵 火、冒名顶替、武装抢劫、劫持车辆、绑架 劫持人质 、 自 杀式爆炸以及路边爆 炸事件将构成作业环境的性质。
At its worst, violent protests, office occupation, arson, impersonation, armed robbery, carjacking, kidnapping, hostage-taking and suicide and roadside bombings are expected to be the nature of the operating environment.
安全理事会重申,未起诉要对索马里沿海 的海盗和海上武装抢劫、包 劫持人质 行 为 负责 的人对法治产生了不利影响,回顾安理会在第 2015(2011)号决议中决定在不损害进一步采取 [...]
步骤追究海盗责任的情况下,继续紧急考虑在国 际社会大力参与和/或支持的情况下,在索马里
The Security Council reaffirms that the failure to prosecute persons
responsible for acts of
[...] piracy and armed robbery at sea off the coast of Somalia, including hostage-taking, negatively [...]
affects the rule of
law, and recalls its decision contained in resolution 2015 (2011) to continue consideration, as a matter of urgency, without prejudice to any further steps to ensure that pirates are held accountable, of the establishment of specialized anti-piracy courts in Somalia and other States in the region with substantial international participation and/or support.
重申增进和保护所有人的人权和法治是反恐斗争的关键所在,并确认切实有 效的反恐措施与保护人权这两项目标并非相互冲突,而是相辅相成、相互促进 的,表示关切的是,恐怖主义分子绑架 劫持人质 事 件 日益增多,对落实和享有
Reaffirming that the promotion and protection of human rights for all and the rule of law are essential to the fight against terrorism, and recognizing that effective counterterrorism measures and the protection of human rights are not conflicting goals but are complementary and mutually reinforcing
加拿大还批准了 13
[...] 项联合国主持订立的与恐怖主义有关的国际公约和议定书,这些公约和文书涉劫持人质、劫机、 恐怖爆炸和资助恐怖主义等具体问题。
Canada has ratified the 13 United Nations-sponsored terrorism-related international conventions and
protocols that address such specific
[...] terrorist acts as hostage taking, hijacking, terrorist bombings [...]
and terrorist financing.
[...] 的要求,在紧急情况下支持指定官员;收集安保和威胁最新信息并提供给秘书长和其他高级官 员;劫持人质事件和其他危机局势下提供广泛援助。
It mobilizes staff to meet field requirements; supports designated officials in emergency situations; maintains up-to-date security and threat information to provide to the Secretary-General
and other senior officials; and provides extensive assistance
[...] in the event of hostage-taking and other [...]
crisis situations.
此外,《2002 年武器和炸药法(修正案)》执行了《关于在可塑
[...] 年恐怖主义(抑制爆炸)法》执行了《制 止恐怖主义爆炸的国际公约》;《2008 年受国际保护人员法》执行了《关于防止和 惩处侵害应受国际保护人员包括外交代表的罪行的公约》;《2010 年劫持人质法》 执行了《反劫持人质国际公约》。
Moreover, the Arms and Explosives (Amendment) Act 2002 implemented the Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection; the Terrorism (Suppression of Bombings) Act 2008 implemented the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings; the Internationally Protected Persons Act 2008 implemented the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons,
including Diplomatic
[...] Agents; and the Hostage-Taking Act 2010 implemented the International Convention against the Taking of Hostages.
[...] 害妇女行为的努力,同时铭记,世界许多地区仍然存在武装冲突和其他冲突以及 恐怖主义劫持人质等现 象,侵略、外国占领及族裔冲突和其他类别的冲突是持 [...]
别重视处于这种局势中的妇女和女孩的困境,优先关注和增加援助以减缓她们的 苦难,并确保适当调查、酌情起诉和惩罚所有暴力侵害妇女和女孩的行为人,以 杜绝有罪不罚现象,同时强调指出必须尊重国际人道主义法和人权法
Reaffirms that the persistence of armed conflicts in various parts of the world is a major impediment to the elimination of all forms of violence against women, and, bearing in mind that
armed and other types of conflicts
[...] and terrorism and hostage-taking still persist in [...]
many parts of the world and that aggression,
foreign occupation and ethnic and other types of conflicts are an ongoing reality, affecting women and men in nearly every region, calls upon all States and the international community to place particular focus on the plight, and give priority attention and increased assistance to relieving the suffering of, women and girls living in such situations and to ensure that, where violence is committed against them, all perpetrators of such violence are duly investigated and, as appropriate, prosecuted and punished in order to end impunity, while stressing the need to respect international humanitarian law and human rights law
[...] 综合对策对付海盗问题,并消除其根源,指出会员国 劫持人质 的 问 题上进行合 作的重要性。
To recognize that the ongoing instability in Somalia contributes to the problem of piracy and armed robbery, to stress the need for a comprehensive response to tackle piracy
and its underlying causes, and to note the importance of cooperation between
[...] Member States on the issue of hostage-taking.
重申严重关切索马里持续存在的不稳定,导致产生许多问题,包括恐怖主 义、索马里沿海的海盗行为和武装抢劫 劫持人质 和 严重的人道主义局势,重 申需要采取全面战略,通过各利益攸关方的协同努力,促进在索马里建立和平与 [...]
To reiterate its grave concern at the continued instability in Somalia, which has led to a multitude of problems, including
terrorism, acts of
[...] piracy and armed robbery at sea off the coast of Somalia, hostage-taking and a dire [...]
humanitarian situation,
and to reiterate the need for a comprehensive strategy to encourage the establishment of peace and stability in Somalia through the collaborative efforts of all stakeholders.




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