

单词 助学贷款

See also:


provide a loan (e.g. bank)
raise a loan (from e.g. a bank)

贷款 v

lend v

External sources (not reviewed)

曾任教于哈杰泰佩大学,历任加齐大学职业教育学院院长、萨姆松五·一九大学校长、高等教 助学贷款 和 宿 舍管理组织主席、高等教育委员会主席、总理府国家工作人员职业操守委员会主任。
He served as the Dean of Vocational Education Faculty of Gazi University, the Rector of Ondokuz Mayıs
University in Samsun, the Chairperson of
[...] Higher Education Credit and Hostels Institution, [...]
the Chairperson of Council of Higher
Education, the Chairperson of the Prime Ministry Public Officers Ethic Board.
政府通过了图书租借方案和学校伙食方案向中小学校提供大量课本和伙食 补助,并大大提高了学生获得高等教育奖学金 助学 金 和 贷款 的 可 能性。
The Government heavily subsidizes textbooks and primary school meals trough its Book Loan and
School Feeding Programmes, and has radically expanded students’ access to
[...] tertiary scholarships, grants and student loans.
( 大学和高等院校) 。学费由规章规定助学金和学生 贷款 必 须 保证条件 差的学生能够公平的获得。
Tuition fees are regulated
[...] and student subsidies and loans must guarantee equal access [...]
for underprivileged students.
最成功的毕业生可获得实施商业计划 助学 金 和贷 款。
The most successful
[...] graduates receive grants and other funding for carrying [...]
out their business plans.
这类举措包括免学生贷款计划 、向保健专业人员在老年保健方面的继续教育培 训提供助、使志愿人员成为专业照护者的培训机会及薪酬有所增加。
Such initiatives include student loan forgiveness plans, the provision of support for continuing education training in geriatric [...]
care for health-care professionals,
training opportunities for volunteers to become professional caregivers and pay increases.
马尔代夫目前正推行一项政策,鼓励私人提供教育服务,但明显缺少学 生贷款提供的资金助想升学者。
The Maldives is currently pursuing a policy of encouraging the private provision of educational services,
although there is a marked
[...] lack of financial assistance through student loans, for those looking [...]
for further education.
高等教育部按照其任务授权 着手让更多穷人获得高等教育,方法包括将针对合格的最后一年学生 贷款 转为 助学金。
In line with its mandate, the Department of Higher Education has set out to increase
access to higher education to the poor by, among
[...] other, converting loans into bursaries for qualifying finalyear students.
免入息审贷款计划于1998/99学年推 出,旨在为不愿意接受或未能通过有关 助 计 划 下入息及资产审查的大专学生,提供另一个资助途径。
The non-means-tested loan scheme came into operation in 1998/99 academic year to provide an alternative source of finance [...]
to tertiary students
who did not wish or failed to go through the means test as required under the financial assistance scheme concerned.
在第 2009-2
[...] 号案件和第 2009-5 号案件中,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国外地办事处 的两名贷助理收取了客户的款, 但没有给对方开具临时现金收据。
In cases numbers 2009-2
[...] and 2009-5, two credit extension assistants received payments [...]
from clients without issuing temporary
cash receipts, in the Syrian Arab Republic field office.
资助微型项目固然是土著人民 助贷款 机 制的主要目标,但从土著组织和社 区评估的各种需要和解决办法学习 以 及寻找各种创新做法,是该机制的另一重 要支柱。
While financing
[...] microprojects is the main objective of the Indigenous Peoples Assistance Facility, learning from the needs and solutions as assessed by indigenous [...]
and communities and scouting for innovations is another important pillar of the Facility.
此外,由于一些国 家重新获得国际信贷,股票市场复苏,因此私营部门能够重组资产, 助 恢 复贷款。
In addition, renewed access to international credit for some countries
and the recovery of the stock markets allowed the private sector to
[...] restructure its assets and helped normalize lending.
农发基金在不断发展的国际规范框架内根据其各种经验和最佳做法,在总裁 和高级管理层的坚定领导下,近几年里加强了同土著人民的接触,这种接触基于 三大支柱:(a) 在国际一级政策对话中起倡导作用;(b) 制订农发基金关于与土 著人民接触的政策,将其作为一种机构手段,促使该基金 贷款 和 赠 款方案及项 目系统化,以及加强农发基金的能力,从而能赋予土著人民权力,使其在区域和 国家两级参与发展进程;(c) 提供小额赠款,在基层助土著 人民社区的自主发 展。
Based on its experience and best practices, within the evolving international normative framework, and under a committed leadership of its President and Senior Management, the strengthened engagement of IFAD with indigenous peoples in recent years has been founded on three main pillars: (a) advocacy role and policy dialogue at the international level; (b) development of the Fund’s policy on engagement with indigenous peoples, as an institutional instrument to
systematize the Fund’s best
[...] practices in its loans and grants programmes and projects and enhance the ability of IFAD to empower indigenous peoples to engage in development processes at regional and country levels; and (c) microgrants in support of self-determined [...]
development of indigenous
peoples’ communities at grass-roots level.
比例,地 方当局可以决定从其预算中拨出资源来增加教师工资基金,免费提供住所,或吸 引大学毕业生到周边地区当教师,替他们偿还 学 生 贷款 本 金
A local authority may, for example, decide to allocate resources from its budget to increase the wage fund for teachers, to offer a dwelling free of charge or attract young university
graduates to go as teachers to peripheral areas by
[...] offering to repay the principal sum of their student loans for them.
磋商分成四个组:未成年女子; 妇女与和平文化;妇女、学和技 术;小 贷款 与 消 除贫困。
The consultation is divided into four groups:
The girl child; Women and the culture of peace; Women, science
[...] and technology; and Micro-credit and poverty eradication.
鉴于必须保持债务的可持续性,并鉴于尤其是最 不发达国家和陷入债务困扰风险加大的低收入国家需要外部资金来实现发展目
[...] 标,双边捐助者和多边金融机构应争取提供越来越多的赠款和减让 贷款 , 作为 其金融助手段 的优先选用方法,从而确保债务的可持续性。
Given the imperative of maintaining debt sustainability and the external financing requirements for meeting development goals, particularly in least developed countries and lowincome countries facing increased risks of debt distress, bilateral donors and multilateral financial institutions
should seek to
[...] increasingly provide grants and concessional loans as the preferred [...]
modalities of their financial support instruments to ensure debt sustainability.
现已构想了可作出哪些努 力,来提高妇女在经济活动中的参与度;加强妇女在经济生活中的作用并增进她
[...] 们的经济权利;向面临经济全球化挑战的妇女提供支助;向妇女提供更多 贷款 并资助中小 型企业;向妇女提供各种服务,使她们能兼顾家庭责任和她们在经济 [...]
Efforts are envisaged to: increase women’s participation in economic activities; strengthen the role of women in economic life and boost their economic rights; support women facing the challenges
of economic globalization; give women
[...] a larger share of loans and of funding for small [...]
and medium-sized enterprises; and
offer women services that will allow them to reconcile their family duties and their role in economic development.
民间社会倍感沮丧的是,发达国家通过金融和粮食投机、不公正贸 易规则、附加有偿条件的不合贷款 、 以及包括气候变化在内的生态损害,给最 不发达国家造成巨大损失,却连承诺向最不发达国家提供更多 助 都 没 有做到。
Civil society is frustrated that, having caused massive costs in the LDCs through financial and food
speculation, unjust trade
[...] rules, illegitimate loans with onerous conditionality, and ecological damage, including climate change, the developed countries have not even committed to provide more aid to LDCs.
[...] 的数额达到了6,029,529美元(其中 1,204,883美元来自正常预算[包括参与 计划];1,020,636美元来自预算外现金款;3,804,010美元是以学金形式 提供的实物助)。
The value of the fellowships amounted to US $6,029,529 (of which US $1,204,883 came from the regular budget (including the Participation Programme); US
$1,020,636 came from extrabudgetary cash
[...] contributions; and US $3,804,010 were contributions-in-kind in the form of fellowships).
这些研究人员将进行国 家级研究,从而有可能不仅明确最佳做法,而且指出对小 贷款 机 构 资 助 的 活 动的发展产生 不利影响的政策。
These researchers will conduct a national study, which will eventually identify not only best practices but also policies that adversely affect the growth of activities funded by MFIs.
款资助的宗教学校教 授英语,协调统一宗 教学校的课程及其与普通学校课程的同步,都为这一成功做出了贡献。
The teaching of English
[...] language in the grant-aided madrassas and the [...]
harmonization of the various syllabuses of the madrassas
and their synchronization with the curriculum of the conventional schools have contributed to this success.
在此情况下,教育部决定创建一学 生 可 以在上 面提出各种助(贷款、沙 特阿拉伯提供的资金和其它 学 金 ) 申请的联机申请网站,并决 定吸收 5 月举办的讲习班所提出的建议,更新有关的程序手册。
In this context, the MoEHE decided to create an
[...] online application website whereby students can apply for all forms of assistance (loans, Saudi and other grants) and to update [...]
their Manual of
Procedures including proposals emanating from the workshop organized in May.
法国、包括由于它参加国际金融机构,并没有给予朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 任何金融助或优惠贷款(联合 国安全理事会规定的例外除外)。
France, including in its participation in international
financial institutions,
[...] provides no financial assistance or concessional loans to the Democratic [...]
People’s Republic of Korea
(barring exceptions envisaged by the United Nations Security Council).
8.42 预计能实现本次级方案的各项目标和预期成绩,前提是:(a) 继续存在激励编纂本次级方案所 设想的国际法律文书的政治环境;(b) 各国和私人机构将继续提供自愿款 ; (c) 主学者和 专家将能够参加本次级方案计划举行的研讨会和培训班;(d) 各国政府将愿意主办和(或)赞助 区域研讨会。
Target 2012-2013: 150 end-users 8.42 The subprogramme is expected to achieve its objectives and expected accomplishments on the assumption that (a) the political environment stimulating the elaboration of international legal instruments envisaged under the subprogramme continues
to exist, (b) the flow
[...] of voluntary contributions by States and private institutions will continue, (c) leading scholars and experts for seminars and courses planned under the subprogramme will be available and (d) Governments will show readiness to host/sponsor regional seminars.
(d) 土著人民助贷款机制 有可能成为建立伙伴关系的工具,加强土著人民 在国家、区域和全球各级展开的运动和政策对话。
(d) IPAF has the potential of a partnership instrument to strengthen indigenous peoples’ movements and policy dialogue at national, regional and global levels.
[...] 扩大这些领域的数目,并在这些领域为那些获得研究生学 位学生提供贷款免除 项目,作为回报,这些学生要在他 们选择的领域内的公共或者非盈利机构工作一定时间。
The federal government should expand the number of fields in
[...] which it permits loan forgiveness to students who [...]
complete their graduate degree, in return
for a certain period of employment in their chosen fields in the public or nonprofit service sector.
政府提出一系列改善免入息审查贷款计划运作的建议,共有十项,藉以(i)减 学 生 贷款 人 的 还款负担;(ii)避免贷款人过度借贷及加强合资格申请免入息审查贷款课程的质素保证;以及(iii)更有效地打击拖欠还款的问题。
The Government has drawn up a package of 10
improvement measures aim to (i) ease the
[...] repayment burden of student loan borrowers; [...]
(ii) reduce excessive borrowing of loan
borrowers and ensure the quality of eligible courses; and (iii) tackle the student loan default problem more effectively.
[...] 实施保护的悠久历史,目前的社会保护内容包括开展各种活动,例如,开展免费 教育方案,努力将私营部门的需要纳入课程,开展老年人方案,免费提供教科书, 开展学徒方案,提供药品,提学生 贷款 , 向失业者提供支持。
His own country had a long history of social protection that currently included an array of activities, such as free educational programmes that sought to build the needs of the private sector into their curricula, programmes for the
elderly, free textbook
[...] programmes, apprenticeships, as well as programmes to provide medicines, student loans and assistance for [...]
the unemployed.
此外,教育部管理和推动向有需要学生提供资金援 助的方案;推动为妇女和有色人种学生实现教育公平; 助学 区 向 夏威夷土著居 民、美洲印第安人和阿拉斯加土著居民提供教育机会;并提供 款 , 加强传统的 黑人高中和大学以及其他服务于以前学校力量薄弱人口的机构。
In addition, the Department of Education administers and promotes programs that seek to provide financial aid to all students in need; promotes
educational equity for
[...] women and students of color; assists school districts in offering educational opportunities to Native Hawaiians, American Indians, and Alaska Natives; and provides grants to strengthen [...]
historically Black
colleges and universities and other institutions serving previously underserved populations.
[...] Synergy由一套贷款及决策管理技术组件组成,它们可以无缝地协同工作,共同构成一个高度可配置 贷款 系 统, 帮 助 全 球 金融机构可控、灵活和及时地开展信贷业务。
The CRIF Credit Framework and CRIF Synergy are comprised of a suite of lending and decision management technology components that
work together seamlessly to offer a
[...] highly configurable lending system, delivering control, [...]
flexibility and time to market
to financial institutions around the globe.
[...] 者,尤其是微型企业的创业者正式创建公司,雇用员工,支付税款和社会福利 金,购买土地,建设厂房设施,还能 助 它 们获 取 贷款 , 与 较大的运营商建立联 系,并满足政府采购要求等。
Making it easier and less costly for businesses to comply with national rules will encourage more entrepreneurs, especially microentrepreneurs, to formally set up their company, employ staff, pay taxes and social benefits, purchase
land and build plant facilities, and
[...] enable them to take out loans, establish linkages with [...]
larger operators and meet government procurement requirements.




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