

单词 动问

External sources (not reviewed)

咨询委员会在上文第一章中就监测 和评价动问题作出进一步评论。
The Committee has commented
[...] further on the issue of monitoring and evaluation activities in chapter [...]
I above.
[...] 议的成果开辟了国际森林政策进程的新纪元,比以往任何时候都更加注重实际执 行和动问题。
The outcome of the seventh session opened a new
era in the international forest policy process with the strongest ever focus on
[...] implementation and actions on the ground.
面对毒品贩运这一所有形式的跨国有组织犯罪 中最严重、破坏性最大的犯罪形式,古巴已经完全 准备好在地区和国际层面上共同做出重要的、一致 的努力,但同时指出,专门或主要在生产和中转中 心采取动,问题不 能得到解决;主要责任在于大 的消费中心。
In the face of drug trafficking, the most destructive of all forms of transnational organized crime, Cuba was totally disposed to collaborate at the regional and international level in serious and concerted efforts, but
pointed out that the
[...] problem could not be solved by acting exclusively — or even primarily — in centres of production and transit; the fundamental responsibility lay with the major centres [...]
of consumption.
关于可持续发展问题世界首脑会议(WSSD)的后续 动问 题 ,大多数会员国认为, 32 C/5 对可持续发展问题世界首脑会议是充分重视的,但在 33 C/5 中,应在教科文组织促进 人类安全改善的框架内予以加强。
Concerning the follow-up to the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), most Member States felt that the focus on the WSSD in document 32 C/5 was adequate, but that it should be strengthened in document 33 C/5 in the framework of UNESCO’s contribution to the improvement of human security.
专家们相信,这种释放信号的机 制成本最低,不会扭曲市场,能够解决金融市场和初级商品市场之间的 动问 题。
Experts believed that such a signalling mechanism, with minimum costs and no distortion to markets, would solve the linkages between financial and commodity markets.
在这一过渡时期内,我们需要有 专注于应对各种政策挑战的对策和机构,诸如对增长和通胀实行管理;处理 货币动问题;解决特别是在年轻人当中的无就业增长和失业问题;应对各 种灾害风险;以及重新平衡经济发展以便取得质量更高的增长等。
At a time of transition, policies and institutions were required which focused on policy challenges, such as managing growth and inflation, coping with currency flows, addressing jobless growth and unemployment, especially among youth, dealing with disaster risks and rebalancing economies towards better-quality growth.
大会在第 65/310 号决议中欢迎维持和平行动特别委员会的报告(A/65/19),
[...] 决定特别委员会应根据其任务规定,继续努力全盘审查整个维持和平 动问 题的 所有方面,并应审查其以前各项提议的执行情况和审议任何新的提议,以提高联 [...]
合国在此领域履行其职责的能力,并请特别委员会向大会第六十六届会议提交工 作报告。
By its resolution 65/310, the General Assembly welcomed the report of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations (A/65/19), decided that the Special Committee, in accordance with its mandate, should continue its
efforts for a comprehensive
[...] review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their [...]
aspects, review the implementation
of its previous proposals and consider any new proposals so as to enhance the capacity of the United Nations to fulfil its responsibilities in this field, and requested the Committee to submit a report on its work to the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session.
(e) 《京都议定书》第二承诺期与《公约》之下的长期合作 动问 题 特 设 工作组工作成果的关系,以及《京都议定书》第二承诺期在德班会议均衡结果中 [...]
(e) The relationship of the second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol to the outcome of the work
under the Ad Hoc Working Group on
[...] Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention, [...]
and the role of the second commitment
period of the Kyoto Protocol in a balanced outcome of the Durban session.
审查小组也承认在处理非缔约方和非合作方捕鱼动 问题上正在取得进展。
It also acknowledged the progress being made in
[...] addressing fishing activities by non-contracting [...]
and non-cooperating parties.
小组将继续为今后维和行动的部署 提供政策和业务建议,包括根据需要更新应急计划和(或)制订备选方案和提出建 议;向联合国驻非洲联盟办事处提供战略指导和支持,协助非洲联盟规划部署非
索特派团;在维和部专长领域向各个伙伴和利益攸关方提供协调一致的建议和支 持;支持和执行三阶段渐进方法和安全理事会相关决议;根据渐进方法编写安全
[...] 和维和轨道战略文件;为维和部在秘书处打击海盗协调机制内履行职责提供实质 性支持;以及为会员国、区域和国际组织提供海上军事打击海盗 动问 题 方 面的 信息。
The Team would continue to provide policy and operational advice on the deployment of a future peacekeeping operation, including: updating contingency plans and/or developing and recommending alternative options, as required; providing strategic guidance and support to UNOAU in assisting the African Union in the planning and deployment of AMISOM; providing coordinated advice and support to partners and stakeholders in areas of DPKO expertise; supporting and implementing the three-phased incremental approach and relevant Security Council resolutions; developing strategy papers for the security and peacekeeping track in accordance with the incremental approach; substantively contributing to the fulfilment of DPKO responsibilities within the Secretariat’s counter-piracy coordination mechanism; and serving as a source of
information for Member States and regional and international
[...] organizations on issues related to naval counter-piracy activities.
需要处理一系列根本性问题,包括资本市场的剧烈 动问 题 和 有害于金 融稳定的资本市场创新内容。
A number of questions about
[...] underlying issues needed to be addressed, including the great volatility of capital [...]
markets and aspects
of capital market innovations that were harmful to financial stability.
[...] 应加以集中和加强的那些领域达成共识是一件容易的事情,但这也可能意味着我们应当找出 一些得中止或抛弃的动、问题或 专题。
Furthermore, while it is easy to come to an agreement on which areas are important for UNESCO and which it should be concentrating on and
reinforcing, this also means that one should
[...] be looking for activities, issues or themes to be [...]
terminated or abandoned.
先生请与会者注意最近在贸发会议第二届全球初级商品论坛上讨论的 一些主要问题,此次论坛的主题是“国际初级商品市场的 动问 题 ”
Mr. Draganov then drew participants’ attention to some of the main issues discussed recently
at UNCTAD’s second Global Commodities Forum, the theme of
[...] which had been “volatility in international [...]
commodity markets”.
这包括参与多捐助方对苏丹南部预防冲突和建设和平工作的评 价,和共同主持评价小组一次由三个主要评价网络(人道主义 动问 责 和绩效动 态学习网络、经济合作与发展组织发展援助委员会(经合组织发援会)评价网络和 [...]
This included participating in the multi-donor Southern Sudan evaluation of conflict prevention and peacebuilding and co-chairing an Evaluation Group meeting of three main evaluation
networks: the Active
[...] Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action, the Organization [...]
for Economic Cooperation
and Development Assistance Committee (OECD-DAC) Evaluation Network, and the United Nations/Evaluation Group Haiti earthquake response evaluations.
挪威欢迎非洲联盟-联合国小组关于非洲联盟维 持和平动问题的报告(S/2008/813)。
Norway welcomes the report of the African Union-United Nations panel on African Union peacekeeping operations (S/2008/813).
[...] 土著人民拥有和使用土地、领地和自然资源,在与土著人民有关的 动问 题 上 , 政府向土著人民咨询的义务,以及企业的相关责任;研究所产生的影响和缓解的 [...]
Such matters include recognition of the existence of indigenous peoples and of their own social and political structures; indigenous possession and use of land, territory and natural resources; exercise by the State of
its duty to consult indigenous peoples
[...] in relation to activities that might affect [...]
them, and the related responsibility
of business; impact studies and mitigation measures; and benefit sharing with indigenous peoples.
论坛还建议,该倡议确保《联合国气候变化框架公约》 之下的长期合作动问题特设工作组第八届会议报告(FCCC/AWGLCA/2009/17)中 [...]
所载的保障措施得到实施,该报告注意到《联合国土著人民权利宣言》的通过, 强调需要尊重土著人民的知识和权利;需要土著人民全面、有效参与、不把自然 森林转作他用和保护生物多样性;以及需要解决砍伐森林的驱动原因和土地保有 权问题。
The Forum further recommends that the Initiative ensure the
implementation of the safeguards contained in the report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on
[...] long-term cooperative action under the United [...]
Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change on its eighth session (FCCC/AWGLCA/2009/17) which stresses the need to respect the knowledge and rights of indigenous peoples, noting the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; the need for the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples, the non-conversion of natural forests for other uses, and the conservation of biological diversity; and the need to address the drivers of deforestation and land tenure issues.
专家组还敦促科特迪瓦当局为警察和宪兵配备必要数目的车辆,以解决边境 地区的动问题和防止武器可能通过邻国输入的问题。
The Group also urges Ivorian authorities to equip the police and gendarmerie
with the necessary number of vehicles in
[...] order to address mobility problems at borders [...]
and prevent the possible introduction
of weapons through neighbouring countries.
关于戈德斯通报告(A/HRC/12/48)的后续 动问 题, 我们特别希望今后几个月中,在联合国机构再次 审议该报告的时候,安全理事会中那些完全不顾国际 人权和国际人道主义法准则和原则、顽固而强硬地支 持以色列政权的成员能够调整它们的立场,顺应国际 上日益高涨的要求起诉加沙战争罪犯并将其绳之以 法的呼声。
With regard to the follow-up to the Goldstone report (A/HRC/12/48), we particularly hope that, within the coming months as United Nations bodies review the report again, those members of the Security Council who rock-solidly and unwaveringly support the Israeli regime in total disregard of the norms and principles of international human rights and international humanitarian law will adjust their positions to the growing international demand for justice and the prosecution of the Gaza war criminals.
整个维持和平动问题所 有方面的全盘审查 [P.53 ]。
Comprehensive review
[...] of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their [...]
aspects [P.53].
咨询机构和履行机构核可了更新的 2010-2011 年专家组工作方案。15 科技咨询机构和履行机构请专家组在开展更新的工作方案活动4.3和4.4 的工作 中,侧重于缔约方在《公约》之下的长期合作 动问 题 特 设工作组有关技术问题 的审议中意见高度一致的各个领域。
The SBSTA and the SBI endorsed the updated programme of work of the EGTT for 2010–2011.15 They requested the EGTT, in undertaking its work on activities 4.3 and 4.4 of the updated programme of work, to focus on areas where there is a high level of convergence in the deliberations among Parties on technology-related matters under the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention.
全球有很多城市的动问题出 现危机,这已不是什么新鲜事:不可持续的用 地,加上城市密度低,以及私人轿车和摩托车的使用,不仅导致交通堵塞,事故 率迅速上升,政治家们还日益面临严重的地方空气污染及其市民和社区的有关健 康问题。
Unsustainable land use with low urban densities and the use of private cars and motorcycles have not only led to traffic congestion and a rapid increase in the accident rate. Politicians are also increasingly facing severe local air pollution and related health problems for their citizens and communities.
经主席提议,缔约方会议决定这个项目保持开放,等待长期合作 动问题 特设工作组关于其工作中的法律备选办法的审议结果。
On a proposal by the President, the COP decided to keep this item open and await the outcome of the AWG-LCA consideration of legal options in its work.
(f) 考虑采用新的投入类型,为谈判会议和研讨会提供资料和补充:“开 拓者国际的项目”可使参与的几个国家就某个项目共同努力,以便对 长期合作动问题特设工作组 提 出 的 意见和建议 进行实际测 试 (新 西 兰,MISC.1)。
(f) Consideration should be given to using a new type of input to inform and complement negotiating sessions and workshops: ‘Pathfinder Projects’ would involve a small group of countries working together on a specific project in order to “road-test” ideas and proposals put forward in the AWG-LCA (New Zealand, MISC.1).
2009 年12月12 日,格林纳达代表小岛屿国家联盟向秘书处提交了“小岛 屿国家联盟关于《京都议定书》的存续及缔结《哥本哈根议定书》,加强执行
[...] 《联合国气候变化框架公约》的提案”,供长期合作 动问 题 特 设工作组和附件 一缔约方在《京都议定书》之下的进一步承诺问题特设工作组审议。
On 12 December 2009, Grenada, on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), submitted to the secretariat a ‘Proposal by the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) for the Survival of the Kyoto Protocol and a Copenhagen Protocol to Enhance the Implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’, as input to the
work of the Ad-hoc Working Group on
[...] Long-term Cooperative Action (AWG-LCA) and the [...]
Ad-hoc Working Group on Further Commitments
for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP).
关于匈牙利 2009 年业务计划所包括的
[...] 东欧和中亚建立区域制冷协会的 动问 题 , 他指出,执行委员会过去已作出决定,不为加 [...]
With regard to the activity for a regional refrigeration association for Eastern
Europe and Central Asia included in Hungary’s
[...] 2009 business plan, he pointed out [...]
that in the past the Executive Committee had
decided not to fund a regional refrigeration association for the English-speaking Caribbean network.
船上还有大量的免费娱乐项目供您选择(夜间表演、赌场、儿童俱乐部、24小时客房服务、健身房、图书馆以及一些大众化的 动(问 答 比 赛、游戏等等))。
There are a huge number of activities on board that are free of charge
(evening shows, casino,
[...] kid’s club activities, 24 hour room service, fitness, library and general activities organized on board (quizzes, [...]
games, etc).
鉴于特别委员会至 关重要,因为它是有权对联合国整个维持和平动 问题所 有方面进行全盘审查的唯一论坛,所以其成 员必须继续努力改善其工作方法。
In view of the Special Committee’s importance as the only forum
mandated to review
[...] comprehensively the whole question of United Nations peacekeeping operations in all their [...]
aspects, its members
must continue their efforts to improve its working methods.
93.在9月18日第9 次会议上,高级专员就全球经济和金融危机对普遍实现和 切实享受人权的影响特别会议后续 动问 题 作 了发言。
93. At the 9th meeting, on 18 September, the High Commissioner made a statement on the follow-up to the special session on the impact of the global economic and financial crises on the universal realization and effective enjoyment of human rights.
虽然国家公用事业公司(几比水电)2008 年第四季度 在世界银行基础设施方案下得到了两台新的 1.5 兆瓦发电机,但供电情况并未改 善,因为几比水电面临着严重的现金 动问 题 ,这一问题也影响到了首都的供水。
Although the national utilities company, EAGB, had received two new 1.5 megawatt generators under the World Bank infrastructures programme
in the last quarter
[...] of 2008, power supplies have not improved because EAGB faces serious cash flow problems which have [...]
also impacted on water supplies in the capital.




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