

单词 动心

心动 ()

one's heartbeat quickens
aroused (of desire, emotion, interest etc)
fig. emotionally affected

心动 adjective ()




activity center

超声心动图 n

echocardiography n

心室颤动 n

ventricular fibrillation n

External sources (not reviewed)

目标 3,具体目标 1:协会组办了 712 次职业培训动、心理社会活动、705 个儿童和妇女俱乐部和 [...]
320 个农村妇女合作社。
Goal 3, target 1: The Association has conducted 712 vocational
[...] training events, psychosocial activities, 705 [...]
children and women’s clubs and 320 rural cooperatives for women.
如上文所说,虽然许多人对反恐 动心 存 疑 虑,与极 端分子有直接接触的社区并不喜欢他们。
Despite the suspicion and scepticism noted above, communities that have direct experience with extremists do not like them.
这款先进的平板电视为您的双耳奉献丰满且深邃的音效, 动心 灵。
Coat your ears in rich, deep sound with one of the few flat-screens to dazzle the eardrums.
AutoPulse 自动心肺复 苏系统可以改善患者的血流情况,不会因为疲倦而中断,使院内的医护人员可以更好地对患者施救,提高心脏骤停患者的生存几率。
The AutoPulse cardiac support pump delivers [...]
improved blood flow without interruptions of fatigue and provides hospital caregivers
better access to the patient, resulting in the possibility of improved survival for cardiac arrest victims.
在2009年至2010年期间,NARI还进行了研究项目的评估,以评述生理 动 、 心 理 活 动 及饮 食对老年痴呆症的发展的影响,以及是否有明确证据表明,生活方式的选择与老年痴呆症的发展存在特定联系。
From 2009 to 2010, NARI also conducted a review of studies into the
[...] effects of physical and mental activity and diet on [...]
the development of Alzheimer’s disease,
and whether there is concrete evidence of a link between such lifestyle choices and the progression of Alzheimer’s in the elderly.
在Paradiski 滑雪区中心,有La Plagne 度假胜地,有餐馆,酒吧,滑雪学校等设施,这也许并不如Paradiski
[...] 或ThreeValleys 漂亮,但这里的房价非常令动心, 其 滑雪设施也极优秀- 提供各级滑雪所需。
At the heart of the Paradiski ski zone you have La Plagne which is an excellent resort with all facilities including restaurants, bars, ski schools etc. It is perhaps not as pretty as Portes du Soleil
or The Three Valleys but prices here are very attractive and skiing is excellent
[...] - again with something for all levels.
虽然《儿童和青少年法》禁止让儿童参与军事 动 、 心 理 战 、军-民运动和 类似活动,但哥伦比亚军事部队继续让儿童参与军-民运动并维持一些具体方案, [...]
如旨在发展军队与当地社区友好关系的 Club Lancita。
Although the Code on Children and Adolescents
prohibits the involvement of children in
[...] military activities, psychological operations, civil-military [...]
campaigns and similar activities,
Colombian military forces continued to involve children in civil-military activities and maintain specific programmes such as Club Lancitas, which aims to develop a rapprochement between the army and the local community.
国家武装部队还继续在军民活动中利用儿童,并坚持实施具体的儿童方案, 尽管《儿童和青少年守则》明确规定,国家不利用儿童于军事 动 、 心 理 作 战, 军民运动及类似方案。
The National Armed Forces also continue to use children in civic-military activities and maintain specific programmes for children despite the fact that the Code on Children and Adolescents expressly requires the State to
refrain from using children in
[...] military activities, psychological operations, civic-military [...]
campaigns and similar programmes.
2010 年,共有 95 797 名弱势儿童(其中 62%为男童,38%
[...] 为女童,包括与武装团体和武装部队有关联的儿童、孤儿和其他弱势儿童)从正 规和非正规教育、职业培训、一揽子创收 动 、 心 理 社 会支持、心理咨询和保健 服务中受益。
In 2010, a total of 95,797 vulnerable children (62 per cent boys and 38 per cent girls), including children associated with the armed forces and armed groups, orphans and other vulnerable children, benefited from formal and informal
education, vocational training,
[...] income-generating packages, psychosocial support, counselling [...]
and access to health services.
当地报社的记者记录下了当时观众,坐在黑暗的房间 里观看移动影像时的动心情: “短片呈现了海浪撞击在岸边破碎开来的景象。
A reporter for a local newspaper wrote enthusiastically about the experience shared by the audience of strangers, sitting in a dark theater, watching moving images projected on a screen: "The second film represented the breaking of waves on the seashore.
(i) 布基纳法索政府支持未来的中心,并准备参与相关工作;政府还 心动 员 专 家和 民间社会的其它有关各方来动中心 的 充 分发展,并决心为使中心能够在非洲范 围内发挥重大作用而做出努力。
(a) The authorities of Burkina Faso
[...] support the proposed centre, and are prepared to invest in it; they are also determined to call upon experts and other actors of civil society to help the centre to flourish [...]
and to ensure that the centre plays a major role at the African level.
津巴布韦再度承诺,将排雷动中心 迁 移至便于 所有人抵达的地区,再设立一支排雷中队,重新调查所有已知雷场和疑似危险区 [...]
Zimbabwe recommitted to
[...] relocate from its mine action centre to an areas where [...]
it will be easily accessible to all, to establish
another demining squadron, to resurvey all known minefields and suspected hazardous areas, and, to continue with mine clearance and mine risk education.
更严重的心脏心律失常还包括房颤,室 心动 过 速 和 心 室 颤 动。
More serious forms of heart arrhythmia include atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation.
以强大的动态内容管理系统为心动 力 的 自定义设计。
Custom made design powered by Content Management System.
心动图( 压力超声图):使用超声波对在跑步机上跑步的患者的心脏进行成影,主要用于帮助确定心脏处理压力的能力。
Echocardiogram (Stress Echo): sound waves are used to
[...] create an image of the heart whilst a patient [...]
is running on a treadmill and visually helps
determine the heart’s ability to cope with stress.
加上Lumax 740心动过速系列产品,BIOTRONIK提供了获批可接受磁共振成像扫描的包 心动 过 缓 、 心动 过 速 和心脏再同步治疗的业界最广泛的植入式心脏设备。
Together with its Lumax 740 tachycardia series BIOTRONIK offers the industry's broadest portfolio of implantable cardiac devices in brady-, tachy- [...]
and CRT-therapy
approved for use with MRI," stated Christoph Bohmer, Managing Director BIOTRONIK.
来自 19
[...] 个国家的 20 名参加者围绕讲习班“心动物园”这一专题,创作 了一批引人注目的插图。
The theme of the
[...] workshop, Fantastic Zoology, inspired the [...]
20 participants from 19 countries to produce a striking collection of illustrations.
多元回归分析结果表明,蟾蜍心电图中Q-T间期值对心率的影响最大,可以推断草甘膦异丙胺盐主要是通过延长蟾 心 电 活 动 周 期 中Q-T间期时值即心室收缩期而延 心动 周 期 ,导致蟾蜍心率减慢。
Because the Q-T interval in ECG waveform is the period for ventricular
contraction, it can be
[...] deduced that the GIA solution slows down the heart rate of Bufo gargarizans by prolonging ventricular [...]
Buckle up
[...] for thrilling edge-of-your-seat action and laugh-out-loud [...]
fun in Disney’s family comedy adventure G-Force.
本文件目的在于:(1)描述小儿 TTE 的各类适 应症;(2)确定小儿超心动图室的最佳仪器 设备和检查室的设置;(3)提供超声技师和医 师所必备的知识和培训的框架;(4)建立检查 操作步骤并确定必要的声窗和切面;(5)建立 完整的小儿超心动图检查所需基本测量项目清 单;(6)讨论小儿超声报告的要求和格式。
The purposes of this document are to: (1) describe indications for pediatric TTE; (2) define optimal instrumentation and laboratory setup for pediatric echocardiographic examinations; (3) provide a framework of necessary knowledge and training for sonographers and physicians; (4) establish an examination protocol that defines necessary echocardiographic windows and views; (5) establish a baseline list of recommended measurements to be performed in a complete pediatric echocardiogram; and (6) discuss reporting requirements and formatting of pediatric reports.
[...] 认为国际投资仲裁有下述缺点:牵涉巨额费用、理赔时间增多、投资人与国家 间争议案件的管理难度越来越大、 心动 辄 兴 讼和缠讼、因投资仲裁制度影响 一个主权国家的措施而普遍担心其合法性以及仲裁完全注重支付赔偿而不注重 [...]
Resulting from these unique attributes, the disadvantages of international investment arbitration are found to be the large costs involved, the increase in the time frame for claims to be settled, the fact
that ISDS cases are increasingly difficult
[...] to manage, the fears about frivolous [...]
and vexatious claims, the general concerns
about the legitimacy of the system of investment arbitration as it affects measures of a sovereign State, and the fact that arbitration is focused entirely on the payment of compensation and not on maintaining a long-lasting relationship between the parties.
在了解检查申请原因 及患者病情的基础上,这样做是为了保证能合理 选择经胸或经食道超心动图检 查模式(如静息 状态、负荷状态时、受限状态、多普勒成像、三 维成像、M型模式成像、分流评估等),或选择 最佳的负荷超心动图试 验模式(如药物或运动 负荷试验)。
This is to ensure that the correct components of a TTE or TEE study (i.e., rest, stress, limited, Doppler, three-dimensional, M-mode, shunt assessment) or the optimum stress modality (pharmacologic or exercise) is performed on the basis of the reason for the test and the characteristics of the patient.
谈完合作方面的情况后,我下面要谈谈另一个心动态, 即我们的审判与上诉工作的进展。
From cooperation, I
[...] move to another core development: the [...]
progress of our trials and appeals.
2012 年,CNNIC 聚焦团队心动力,深挖 信任的深层联结,通过一系列精心设计与安排的活动,以别开生面的形式,提供给员工一 个在繁忙工作之余,得以享受身心灵放松的机会。
In 2012, CNNIC designed and arranged a number of events by focusing on the inner motivation of the team and delving into trust, so as to offer employees a chance to bask in the relaxation of body, heart and soul in the midst of the hustle and bustle of daily work.
用十指弹奏交互式音乐应用程序上的模拟钢琴键,并且观看触控屏游戏可带来更加 心动 魄 的 体验。
Play simulated piano keys with each finger on interactive music apps and watch touch games become more thrilling.
然而,其中一些建议由于之后的动 和 新 的 所需条件的出现,尤其是业务连续性中央管理股的设立而时过境迁,该 股的目的是在全联合国更广泛的基础上处理业务连续性问题,同时考虑 到预防大流行病规划和其他非信息和通信技术方面(见 A/64/472 和本补 编第 A/64/7/Add.8 号文件),以及在因基本建设总计划而引起迁移的情 况下建立 1 个新的二级数据心的需要(见 A/64/346/Add.1)。
However, some of those proposals have been
superseded as a result of
[...] subsequent events and the emergence of new requirements, in particular the establishment of a central business continuity management unit to address business continuity issues on a broader, Organization-wide basis, taking into account pandemic planning and other non-information and communications technology aspects (see A/64/472 and document A/64/7/Add.8 in the present supplement), as well as the requirement for a new secondary data centre in the context of [...]
the relocations due
to the capital master plan (see A/64/346/Add.1).
工作组建议的一些具体措施,包括通过关于不歧视的具体立法;开展全国促 进多文化和尊重非裔厄瓜多尔人尊严的 动 ; 采 取各项措施缩小非裔厄瓜多尔人 与更广泛民众之间的现行教育差距;开展对非洲人后裔的民族教育;增强非裔厄 瓜多尔人的民间社会;采取措施消除传媒中的种族主义和种族歧视现象;进一步 鼓励非裔人参与公共行政事务;建立一个非裔厄瓜多尔人研究 心 ; 深 入开展免 费法律援助服务;在监察专员署内设立一个主管与非洲人后裔相关问题的分支单 位,并建立一个促进非裔妇女教育的专门方案。
The concrete measures recommended by the Working Group include the adoption of specific legislation on
non-discrimination; the development
[...] of a national campaign to promote multiculturalism and respect for the dignity of the Afro-Ecuadorian people; the adoption of measures to reduce the educational gap that exists between Afro-Ecuadorians and the wider population; the introduction of ethno-education for people of African descent; the strengthening of Afro-Ecuadorian civil society; measures to eliminate racism and discrimination in the media; further efforts to encourage participation of persons of African descent in public administration; the establishment of a centre for Afro-Ecuadorian [...]
studies; the further
development of free legal aid services; the creation within the office of the Ombudsman of a sub-unit dedicated to issues related to people of African descent and the creation of special programmes to promote the education of women of African descent.
临床评估从简单的检查, 如心电图 (ECG)(休息时和锻炼后均可)和超 心动 图 , 到更昂贵的侵入性检查,如冠状动脉造影术和药理应力测试。
Clinical evaluation ranges from simple investigations such as electrocardiograms (ECG) (both at rest and after exercise) and echocardiograms to more expensive and invasive investigations such as coronary angiography and pharmacological stress tests.
领先的创新医疗设备制造商德国百多力公司(BIOTRONIK)今天宣布开始进行大规模的国际性MATRIX研究(对植入百多力DX系统的患者的房 心动 过 速管理和检测)。
BERLIN--(Marketwire - January 22, 2013) - BIOTRONIK, a leading manufacturer of innovative medical technology, today announced the start of the large-scale
international MATRIX study (Management and Detection of Atrial TachyarRhythmias in Patients
[...] Implanted with BIOTRONIK DX Systems).
在印度,一名联合国志愿人员会同卫生与社会正义 心动 员志 愿人员,并记录关于一场由志愿人员发起的独特活动——“男性为终止针对女性 的暴力而行动”——的案例研究。
In India, a UN
[...] Volunteer with the Centre for Health and Social Justice mobilizes volunteers and documents case studies for Men’s Action for Stopping [...]
Violence against Women,
a unique volunteer-driven campaign.




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