

单词 动L

External sources (not reviewed)

2008--2009 年期间正在实施如下 12 个跨部门平台:a) 科学教育;b) 艾滋病毒和艾滋病;c) 可 持续发展教育;d)
参与实施“毛里求斯小岛屿发展中国家(SIDS)可持续发展战略”;e) 促进信息 与传播技术辅助学习;f)
[...] 加强国家研究体系;g) 语言和使用多种语言;h) 促进不同文明和文化间的 对话和建设和平文化;i) 支助冲突后国家和受灾国家(PCPD);j) 非洲优先:协调监督援助非洲的行 动计划;k) 教科文组织应对气候变化问题的动 ; l) 预测与展望。
The following 12 intersectoral platforms are being implemented during 2008-2009: (a) science education; (b) HIV and AIDS; (c) education for sustainable development; (d) xontribution to the implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (SIDS); (e) costering ICT-enhanced learning; (f) strengthening national research systems; (g) languages and multilingualism; (h) contributing to the dialogue among civilizations and cultures and a culture of peace; (i) support to countries in post-conflict and post-disaster (PCPD) situations; (j) Priority Africa:
coordinating and monitoring
[...] the plan of action to benefit Africa; (k) UNESCO action to address climate change; and (l) foresight and anticipation.
a. 支持促进民主公民意识的培训营行动; b. 巩固在人权和公民选举权方面所取得的成果; c. 在全国范围推广地方和解与和平委员会(CLRP),巩固社会团结与和平;加强团 结互助和社会和谐观察站的能力,支持组织团结互助日的庆祝活动; d. 加强教科文组织和平文化教席的能力; e. 协助创立一个教科文组织伦理和生物伦理教席; f. 支持促进法治的行动; g.
[...] [...] 支持国家生物伦理咨询委员会(CCNB)宣传伦理价值观的行动; h. 促进在国家政策中体现人权; i. 促进在国家政策中,特别是在减贫战略中体现人权; j. 协助实施国家减贫战略文件和监督该文件的评估工作; k. 促进青年参与决策和加强青年协会,特别是青年非政府组织的 动; l. 协助 制定和管理由青年开展的创业行动。
(k) Promotion of participation by young people in the decision-making process and in strengthening the youth association movement, in particular youth NGOs.
代理主席(以英语发言):成员们可回顾,2009 年 11 月 9 日和 10 日,大会在其第四十一次和第四十 二次全体会议上就程项目 49 举行辩论,并在第四十
[...] 二次全体会议就决议草案 A/64/L.13 和 A/64动/L.14 采取了行动。
Members will recall that the General Assembly held the debate on agenda item 49 at the 41st and
42nd plenary meetings, on 9 and 10 November
[...] 2009, and took action on draft resolutions [...]
A/64/L.13 and A/64/L.14 at the 42nd plenary meeting.
越南支持本次会议将通过的动议程 草案(A /6 5/ L.1)中 所确定的实现每个目标的整体解决方案和具 体措施。
Viet Nam supports the overall solutions and the specific measures for each
[...] Goal defined in the draft action agenda to be adopted at [...]
this Meeting (A/65/L.1).
我们将于日后就决议草案 A/64/L.27 采动, 具体日期尚待宣布。
Action on draft resolution A/64/L.27 will be [...]
taken at a later date to be announced.
大会现在将就题为“作为国际生物多样性年一项 活动的高级别会议的模式”的决定草案 A/64/L.70 采动。
The Assembly will now take action on draft decision A/64/L.70, entitled “Modalities for the highlevel meeting as a contribution to the International Year of Biodiversity”.
为促进和加速 多哈审查会议的筹备工作,他建议本委员会目前以 决议草案的形式对秘书长说明中的提议尽快采取动(A/C.2/63/L.19-23)。
In order to facilitate and expedite the preparatory work for the Doha Review Conference, he suggested that the Committee should take action as soon as possible on the proposals contained in the note by the SecretaryGeneral, now in the form of draft decisions (A/C.2/63/L.19-23).
同样在第 42 次会议上,委员会面前有爱尔兰代表兼委员会报告员提出的一 项决议草案,题为“提高联合国管理和持续开展维持和平 动 的 能 力” (A/C.5/65/L.50)。
Also at its 42nd meeting the Committee had before it a draft resolution entitled “Strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to manage and sustain peacekeeping operations” (A/C.5/65/L.50), submitted by the representative of Ireland and Rapporteur of the Committee.
主席(以法语发言):大会现在就决定草案 A/65/ L.58 采动。
The President( spoke in French ): The
[...] Assembly will now take action on draft decision [...]
这届会议分为五个部分:(i) 高级别部分,这年侧重于“当前全球和国家趋势及其对包
[...] 括公共卫生在内的社会发展的影响”,并包括年度部长级审查,后者在有关“落实全球公共 卫生方面的国际商定目标和承诺”的讨论结束时以协商一致方式通过了一项部长级宣言 (E/2009/L.12 号 文件);(ii) 协调部分,侧重于 2008 年关于“落实可持续发展方面国际商定 目标和承诺”问题的部长级宣言的后续 动 ; (i ii) 业务动部分;(iv) 人道主义事务部分, 该部分的主题是“加强人道主义援助的协调:当前挑战及其对未来的影响”;(v) 常务部 分。
The session was organized in five segments: (i) the high-level segment, focused this year on current global and national trends and their impact on social development, including health, and which included the Annual Ministerial Review, whose discussion on implementing the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to global public health concluded by a Ministerial Declaration adopted by consensus (document
E/2009/L.12); (ii) the
[...] coordination segment, focused on the follow-up to the 2008 Ministerial Declaration on implementing the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to sustainable development; (iii) the operational activities segment; (iv) [...]
the humanitarian affairs
segment whose theme was “Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian assistance: Present challenges and their impact on the future”; and (v) the general segment.
大会现在将就题为“世界统计日”的决议草案 A/64/L.53 采动。
The Assembly will now take action on draft resolution [...]
A/64/L.53, entitled “World Statistics Day”.
大会现在将对题为“《关于进一步执行小岛屿发 展中国家可持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》执行
[...] 情况高级别审查会议成果文件草稿”的决议草案 A/64/L.68 采动。
The Assembly will now take action on draft resolution A/64/L.68, entitled “Draft outcome document of the High-level Review Meeting on the implementation of the Mauritius
Strategy for the Further Implementation of the
[...] Programme of Action for the Sustainable [...]
Development of Small Island Developing States”.
(l) 监测及后续动不应仅注重目的和目标,还应注重行动,以加强相互问 责原则。
(l) Monitoring and follow-up should not focus only on goals and
[...] targets, but also on actions, to strengthen [...]
the principle of mutual accountability.
但与其他地区办事处不同,办事处不编制年度 动 报 告 。然而办 事处却有一名助理,负责出版物的推广 L - 5 ) , 其中包括为办事处年度报告的制作和出版 做编辑定稿工作。
However, it does not draw up an annual activity report, unlike other regional offices, although it has a [...]
publications promotion assistant (L-5),
whose main task is to compile and finalize drafts for the production and publication of the Bureau’s annual report.
大会现在将就决议草案 A/64/L.69 采动。我 是否可以认为大会决定通过这项决议草案?
The General
[...] Assembly will now take action on draft resolution [...]
A/64/L.69. May I take it that the Assembly decides to adopt the draft resolution?
大会现在将在日后就决议草案 A/66/L.21 采动,具体日期待宣布。
The Assembly will take action on draft resolution [...]
A/66/L.21 at a later date to be announced.
2011-2012 年期间进行的
[...] 闭会期间工作可包括那些在行动小组主持下举行的讲习班,这些讲习班将使动小组所提建议草案(A/AC.105/C.1/L.30 8, 附件)的各个方面的专家汇聚一 起;并还可包括举行专家会议,这些会议有助于设立一个飞行任务规划与运营 [...]
The Working Group further agreed that intersessional work to be carried out in the 2011-2012
period could include
[...] workshops held under the auspices of the Action Team that would gather experts on [...]
various aspects of the
draft recommendations made by the Action Team (A/AC.105/C.1/L.308, annex), and meetings of experts, which could facilitate the establishment of a mission planning and operations group.
我要通知各位成员,大会将在就议程项目 37 下 的决议草案 A/65/L.14 至L.17 采动后,就议程项 目 36 下的决议草案 A/65/L.18 和L.19 采动。
I would like to inform members that the
[...] Assembly will take action on draft resolutions A/65/L.18 and L.19, under agenda item 36, after taking action on draft resolutions [...]
A/65/L.14 through L.17, under agenda item 37.
俄罗斯认为人权 理事会和普遍定期审查机制的创立有利于展开以互 相尊重为基础的积极对话,对一些国家的人权状况
[...] 进行审查属于人权理事会的职权范围,鉴于以上原 因,俄罗斯支持对决议草案 A/C.3/63/L.33“不采取动”的动议, 呼吁其他国家采取同样立场。
Convinced that the establishment of the Human Rights Council and the universal periodic review would favour constructive cooperation based on mutual respect, and that the consideration of country-specific human rights situations was a matter for the Human
Rights Council, the Russian
[...] Federation supported the no-action motion on draft resolution [...]
A/C.3/63/L.33 and invited other States to do the same.
在一次创新性裁决中,最高法院审议了体育机构的资金配给问题,并裁 定,为解决长期不平等问题,地方理事会拨付给女性体育 动 的 资 金应是男性的 150%(H.C.J 5325/01,发展女性篮L.C.N 协会诉 Ramat-Hasharon 地方理事会 案)。
In an innovative ruling, the High Court of Justice examined the issue of the fund allocation to sports institutions, and ruled that in order to redress long-standing inequality issues, local councils should allocate funds for women’s sports at 150% of that allocated to men’s sports (H.C.J 5325/01 L.C.N Association for the Advancement of Women Basketball v. Ramat-Hasharon Local Council).
大会现在将就题为“反恐执行工作队的机构化” 的决议草案 A/64/L.27 采动。
The Assembly
[...] will now take action on draft resolution [...]
A/64/L.27, entitled “Institutionalization of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force”.
我 们同样反对在我们对决议草案 A/C.1/65/L.32*采动时可能提出的任何其他提案。
The same goes for any other proposal that may
[...] be made when we take action on draft resolution [...]
在进行下一步工作之前,我谨通知各位成员,根 据提案国的要求,将在晚一些时候对决议草案 A/64/L.5 和 A/64/L.15 采动,时间待通知。
Before proceeding further, I should like
to inform members that, at the
[...] request of the sponsors, action on draft resolutions A/64/L.5 [...]
and A/64/L.15 will be taken
at a later date, to be announced.
主席(以法语发言):大会现在就题为“青年问题 高级别会议的安排”的决议草案 A/65/L.63 采动。
The President( spoke in French ): The
[...] Assembly will now take action on draft resolution [...]
A/65/L.63, entitled “Organization of
the High-level Meeting on Youth”.
在同一次会议上,委员会同意主席提议免于适用经济及社会理事各职能委员 会议事规则第 52 条,着手对决议草案 E/CN.5/2012/L.5 采取行动。
At the same meeting, the Commission agreed to the proposal of the Chair to waive rule 52 of the rules of procedure of the functional commissions of the Economic and Social Council and proceeded to act on draft resolution E/CN.5/2012/L.5.
国际教育规划研究所L’IIPE)动 了 信 息交流服务项目,使人们能够系统地搜集 有关艾滋病病毒/艾滋病的文件和最新研究成果,并提供教育工作者使用。
IIEP launched its information-exchange service under which the most recent documentation and research studies on HIV/AIDS are collected regularly and made available to education partners.
在开始对决议草案 A/64/L.15/Rev.1 采取动 前,我谨宣布,自草案提出以来,下列国家已成为共 [...]
同提案国:阿尔巴尼亚、巴哈马、多民族玻利维亚国、 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、格林纳达、伊朗伊斯兰共 和国、巴拿马、苏丹、多哥、乌拉圭和土耳其。
Before proceeding to take action on draft resolution A/64/L.15/Rev.1, [...]
I should like to announce that since its introduction,
the following countries have become co-sponsors: Albania, the Bahamas, the Plurinational State of Bolivia, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Grenada, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Panama, the Sudan, Togo, Uruguay and Turkey.
(l) 调动资源,包括在国家一级和通过官方发展援助调动资源,使妇女有更 [...]
多机会利用现有的储蓄和贷款计划,以及利用为妇女提供资金、知识和工具以加 强其经济能力的定向方案
(l) Mobilizing resources, [...]
including at the national level and through official development assistance, for increasing women’s
access to existing savings and credit schemes, as well as targeted programmes that provide women with capital, knowledge and tools that enhance their economic capacities
我们首先将听取会员国的发言,然后大会将对题为 “履行承诺:团结一致实现千年发展目标”的决议草 案 A/65/L.1 采取行动。
We shall first hear the statements of Member States, after which the Assembly will take action on draft resolution A/65/L.1, entitled “Keeping the promise: united to achieve the Millennium Development Goals”.




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