

单词 劣质

劣质 ()

of poor quality


劣质的 adj

poor adj

劣质物品 n

rubbish n

See also:


inferior n

External sources (not reviewed)

不管学生的学习成绩而自动升级到下一 年级,会使教育质量永劣质,甚 至更差。
Automatic promotion to the next grade, irrespective of students‟ learning achievements, can perpetuate, even
[...] aggravate, the poor quality of education.
具有 讽刺意味的是,这样做时却不解决像持久贫困 劣质 住 房或高的交通量和像铅这样的神经毒 有害的压力。
It is ironic that it does this while not addressing toxic stresses, for example, chronic poverty, poor housing or high levels of traffic and neurotoxicants such as lead.
这种药叫做曲马多(Tramadol),是通过地道从埃及进口 劣质 轻 度 片状止痛药。
The pill was Tramadol, a mild opioid
[...] painkiller of poor quality imported through [...]
the tunnels from Egypt.
采用选配的牛奶隔离装置后,您可自动让初乳、被污染的牛奶或含血或高S CC 的 劣质 牛 奶输送到四个不同位置中的一个。
With the optional milk separation unit, you can automatically have colostrum milk, contaminated milk or bad milk with blood or a high SCC sent to one of four different locations.
间接的后果包括:劣质或地下堕胎手术生造成的死亡;孕妇 死亡;有害习俗造成的死亡;与贩毒、有组织犯罪和团伙活动相关的死亡;仅仅 [...]
因忽视、饥饿或虐待造成女孩或妇女的死亡;以及国家蓄意的行为或不行为造成 的死亡。
The indirect category includes:
[...] deaths due to poorly conducted or clandestine [...]
abortions; maternal mortality; deaths from
harmful practices; deaths linked to human trafficking, drug dealing, organized crime and gangrelated activities; the death of girls or women from simple neglect, through starvation or illtreatment; and deliberate acts or omissions by the State.
此外,消费增加、“垃圾”食物的进入、攻势强劲的广告、得不到充 分的医疗服务劣质婴儿 喂养,一起严重加剧了人口的营养挑战。
In addition, increased consumerism, along with the introduction and aggressive advertising of “junk” foods, inadequate access to healthcare and poor infant feeding, have severely compounded the nutritional challenges of the population.
注意 过大的雾化空气压力会增加过喷的可能性、 降低输送效率并导劣质漆膜
Excessive atomizing air pressure can increase overspray, reduce transfer efficiency, and
[...] result in a poor quality finish.
[...] 展挑战和环境挑战,包括持续贫困、粮食安全、高失业率 劣质 工 作 岗位、对自 然资源不可持续的利用,以及气候变化及其对发展中国家的影响等问题。
These challenges to the implementation of the green economy approach, however, must be overcome in order to address much larger developmental and environmental challenges, including
persistent poverty, food security, high
[...] unemployment and poor-quality jobs, unsustainable [...]
natural resource use and climate change
and its impacts on developing countries.
Dilrukshi Handunnetti与Smriti
[...] Daniel报道称,世界卫生组织的一项研究将斯里兰卡不断上升的肾病水平归咎于砷,这与另一指 劣质 饮 用 水的报告相互矛盾。
A WHO study that blames arsenic for rising levels of chronic kidney disease in Sri
Lanka is in conflict with another report that
[...] points to poor quality drinking water, [...]
report Dilrukshi Handunnetti and Smriti Daniel.
级别 3 综合食品安全和质量管理系统:并入所有级别 1 和级别 2 系统要求,并且表明已完成产品的食品质量风险分析及其相关流 程,且已经实施防止发劣质情况 的有关措施和其他质量管理系统程序。
Level 3 Comprehensive Food Safety and Quality Management System: Incorporates all Level 1 and Level 2 system requirements and indicates that a food quality risk analysis of the product and its associated process has been completed, that the actions taken to prevent the incidence of poor quality have been implemented and the remaining quality management system procedures have been implemented.
在胁迫或惩罚的威胁下的和解,充其量只能 劣质的 和解。
Reconciliation under the threat of coercion or
[...] retribution is inferior at best.
劣质UTTO产 品的水会形成具腐蚀性的混合物,进而侵蚀液压泵的黄铜部件,并在泵的黄铜柱塞上产生深刮痕。
Water that
[...] mixes with lower quality UTTO products [...]
to form a corrosive mixture erodes the yellow metal on hydraulic pumps,
causing deep scratches on the pump’s brass piston shoes.
(d) 根据《公约》第 24 条(c)款的规定,采取进一步措施,增进获得安全
[...] 饮用水的机会和改进卫生习惯,以防止并消 劣质 供 水 或饮用水污染 带来的破坏性影响。
(d) Take further measures to improve access to safe drinking water and improve hygiene practices, with a view
to preventing and combating the damaging
[...] effects of low-quality or contaminated [...]
water supplies, in the light of article 24 (c) of the Convention.
因此我们将继续从事提高客户的风险意识和使 劣质 的 仿冒产品的误区。
Therefore we will work on raising the user's awareness of the risks and pitfalls which can occur
[...] by the use of inferior product copies.
欧洲联盟代表团对在常规包装(盐水)蘑菇罐头中使用谷氨酸钠作为增味剂表示 有所保留,因为它可能掩盖原料的 劣质 量 , 从而在产品的性质方面误导消费者。
The Delegation of the European Union expressed its reservation on the use of monosodium glutamate as flavour enhancer in canned mushrooms in regular pack (brine) as it could mask poor quality of the raw material and could lead to misleading consumers as to the nature of the product and also expressed its reservation on the colouring agent caramel IV due to safety concerns.
The realized losses were mainly generated in conjunction with the disposal of poorly performing instruments.
在中国,节水型社会的概念包含:要求采取需求管理措施(尤其是减少低效用水), 提高水的经济和生态生产率,开发非传统水源(包括废污水处理回用、海水利用、雨 水利用劣质水利用等),调整产业结构以减少需水。
The concept of a water saving society in China includes the requirement to implement demand management measures – particularly reducing inefficient uses of water; increasing the economic and ecological productivity of water; developing unconventional water resources (including wastewater treatment and reuse,
water use, rainwater harvesting,
[...] poor-quality water use); and adjusting the industrial structure to reduce demand for water.
(b) 简化政策和程序,以提高支助账户对特派团服务的效率和成效,一些可 在“团结”或全球外勤支助系统实施范围内开展,但另一些可以更快地做,通过 具体的努力,消除过程中不必要的重复步骤,明确作用和职责,并减少出现必须 返工劣质产品情况
Some of this could be carried out in the context of Umoja or Global Field Support System implementation, while some could be accomplished more quickly through specific efforts to remove unnecessary duplicative steps in processes, to clarify roles and responsibilities, and to reduce the number of poor products that must be reworked
2DMax 针对读取
[...] QR 代码而优化,它可以处理因材料类型和表面不同产生的直接零件标记 (DPM) 代码质量显著下降而导致劣质代码 外观。
2DMax is optimized for reading QR codes and handles a wide range of degradations to 2D Data Matrix code appearance that result
from dramatic degradations in Direct Part Marking
[...] (DPM) code quality due to differences in material types and [...]
调查组在位于北京金源时代购物中心的老边饺子馆和东来顺金源饭庄,分别取到疑 劣质 一 次 性餐盒样品,后经北京市理化分析测试中心进行卫生性能检测,老边饺子馆所使用的“YL-03”餐盒,乙酸和正己烷蒸发残渣检测结果分别是4540mg/L和729mg/L,分别超过规定限值153倍和23倍;东来顺饭庄使用的“ZS-104”餐盒,这两项指标检测结果分别为3980mg/L和704mg/L,分别超过规定限值132倍和22倍。
Investigation team in Beijing Golden
Resources Shopping Mall in the old side of Dumpling
[...] House and Dong Lai Shun Jin Yuan restaurant, [...]
were taken to a suspected low-grade
samples of disposable lunch box, after the Beijing Municipal Center for Physical and Chemical Analysis for health, performance testing, the old side of Dumpling House The use of "YL-03" lunch boxes, acetic acid and hexane evaporation residue test results were 4540mg / L and 729mg / L, respectively, exceeding the prescribed limit of 153 times and 23 times; Dong Lai Shun restaurant use "ZS- 104 "lunch box, test results of these two indicators were 3980mg / L and 704mg / L, respectively, exceeding the prescribed limit of 132 times and 22 times.
应进行检验,确保打印和扫描之间的桥梁非常准确,尽可能减少错误扫描并防 劣质 条 码 进入系统。
Verification should be done to ensure that the bridge between
printing and scanning is accurate, to minimize faulty scanning and
[...] to ensure that inferior codes do not enter [...]
the system.
无家可归的儿童/Homeless:a) 没有固定、日常和足够的夜间住所的儿童,原因为以下所列诸项 中的一条:由于失去住所、经济困难或类似原因,目前正寄居在他人居所的儿童;由于没有其它
[...] 被遗弃在医院中的儿童,或正在等候寄养家庭收容的儿童;b) 夜间大多睡在未经指定或通常不 供人睡觉的公共或私人场所的儿童;c) 住在汽车、公园、公共场所、被废弃的建筑 劣质房 屋 、公交车或火车站或类似场所的儿童。
Homeless: a) A child who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence due to one of the following: Children who are sharing the housing of another person due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason; are living in motels, hotels, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative accommodations; are living in emergency or transitional shelters; or are awaiting foster care placement; b) Children who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation
for human beings; c)
[...] Children who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus [...]
or train stations or similar settings.
此 外,出于安全考虑,该代表团还对着色剂焦糖色 IV 表示保留。挪威和瑞士代表团也对 使用颜料持有保留,因为这可能掩盖原料的 劣质 量 , 而且无法为其使用提供合理的 技术理由。
The Delegations of Norway and Switzerland also expressed their reservation on the use of colours as they could mask poor quality of the raw material and there was no technological justification for their use.
指导方针的目的是保护高等教育学生以及其他有关各方,使其免 劣质 高 等 教育办学 的影响,并就可帮助会员国评价高等教育跨国界办学质量与针对性的手段提出建议。
The objectives of the guidelines are to protect
students and other stakeholders in higher
[...] education from low-quality higher education [...]
provision and to propose tools that can
assist Member States in assessing the quality and relevance of higher education provided across borders.
免费派送活动可以让品牌知名度骤增,从而带来潜在的利润增长,这足够抵消免费派送的负面影响,即让消费者把自己的产品与廉价 劣质 联 系 在一起。
The potential increase in revenue from suddenly increased brand recognition may
be able to offset the damage to the brand name, which may now be associated more with
[...] cheap and lower quality products.
劣质视频 线使用很细的含杂质的铜芯,防护层易燃,严重影响视频传输质量和用电安全.专业定制的视频线采用较粗的纯铜线芯,防护层阻燃,确保视频传输质量和用电安全.
Inferior video cable uses a kind of thin and impurity containing [...]
copper core ,and the protective coating can be inflammable
easily, which will affect the signal transmission and electricity utilization seriously; however, professional vedio cable adopts pure thicker copper core, with the flame-retardanting of protective coating ,it makes sure the vedio transmission more stable and electrical utilization more safe.
此外,通过与壳牌全球解决方案公司的合作,我们可提供对现有加氢处理装置进行升级的技术,这种升级技术可大大提高装置加工能力,包括提高装置进料量、加工 劣质 原 料 、改善产品质量并/或延长装置操作周期。
Additionally, working with Shell Global solutions, we can provide technologies to upgrade existing hydroprocessing units which can significantly boost a unit’s ability to run at higher feedrates, process more difficult feeds, produce higher quality products and/or increase run length.
建议制定一个由正式质量控制和产品认证支持的国家计划,以防止未经认证的供应商销劣质制冷 剂,因为这会抑制技术人员使用回收的制冷剂。
A national scheme backed by formal quality control and product certification is proposed to prevent poor quality refrigerant being distributed by uncertified suppliers that would create a disincentive for technicians to use recycled refrigerants.
开采地下水应封闭不良含水层,防控苦咸水、污废水 劣质 水 侵 入水源;鼓 励水源保护林草地建设。
The exploitation of underground water should seal the unhealthy water layers. Prevent and control bad quality water such as bitter and salty water, sewage and wastewater from getting into water sources.




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