单词 | 加盖 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 加盖 noun —cap nstamp n加盖 —put lid on (cooking pot) • fig. ratify • seal (with official stamp) • build an extension or additional storey See also:盖 pl—lids pl 盖 n—desiccator n 盖—canopy • surname Ge
如经本公司盖章授权,该位或该等受托代表人可以其个 人印章签立任何契据或文书而与加盖 本 公 司印章具有同等效力。 aactechnologies.com | Such attorney or attorneys may, if so authorised under the Seal of the Company, execute any deed or instrument under their personal seal with the same effect as the affixation of the Company’s Seal. aactechnologies.com |
收集并使用垃圾填埋气的现代加盖垃 圾填埋似乎不排放大量的四氯化碳。 multilateralfund.org | There appear to be no significant emissions of CTC from modern, capped landfills which collect and use landfill gas. multilateralfund.org |
在某些情况下,这种固体残渣被贮存在特殊的有害废物沉 积中,另外加盖隔膜或其它覆盖物排除或减少蒸发和沥出方式的排放(Pacyna [...] and Pacyna, 2000)。 zeromercury.org | In some cases such solid residues are stored in special [...] deposits for hazardous waste, which are [...] additionally secured with a membrane [...]or other cover that eliminates or reduces releases [...]by evaporation and leaching (Pacyna and Pacyna, 2000). zeromercury.org |
不能用电子文件 [...] 提交的情况下,请提交在回答工具 2 的 Excel 文件原件上加盖了公 章或负责人名章的资料。 okidata.co.jp | If there is no way to submit the electronic [...] file, please submit the original Excel copy of Response Tool2. okidata.co.jp |
在某些情况下,这种固体残渣被贮存在特殊的有毒废物沉积物中,另 外 加盖 顶 膜 消除或减少废物的蒸 发作用及沥出液(UNEP [...] 2002)。 zeromercury.org | In some cases such solid residues are stored in [...] special deposits for hazardous waste, which are [...] additionally secured with top membranes [...]eliminating or reducing evaporation and [...]leachate production from the waste (UNEP 2002). zeromercury.org |
清洁卫生条件支持包括加盖厕所以 满足监狱人口增加的需求、改良化粪池和建垃圾罐。 daccess-ods.un.org | Sanitation support included building additional latrines to meet the needs of an increased prison population, improving septic tanks and constructing garbage tanks. daccess-ods.un.org |
行预咨委会经询问了解到,加盖楼层所需资金为 1 000 145 美元,将从联合国驻非洲联盟办事处和非洲联盟——联合国达尔富尔混合行动 [...] (达尔富尔混合行动)的预算中提供,以换取新大楼完工后的办公场地。 daccess-ods.un.org | Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that the funding [...] requirement for the additional floor, amounting [...]to $1,000,145 was to be provided from [...]the budgets of the United Nations Office to the African Union (UNOAU) and the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) in return for office space within the new building, when completed. daccess-ods.un.org |
应当采用保护生物的标准做法,包括对次生境进行离散取样,样本分开放入 加盖样本 容器(最好是绝缘),以免回收时受到冲刷;在采集 [...] 12 小时内收回样本 以获得优质材料;在船上立即处理和保存样本,或存放在冷藏室,但保存样本前 的存放时间不超过六小时(如计划进行分子鉴定,冷藏室存放时间须更短)。 isa.org.jm | Standard practices for the preservation of organisms should be followed, including: discrete sampling of sub-habitats into [...] separate sample containers (preferably [...] insulated) with closed lids to prevent washing [...]on recovery; recovery of samples within [...]12 hours of collection to obtain quality material; and immediate processing and preservation of samples on deck or maintenance in cold rooms for durations of no more than six hours before preservation (or less where molecular assays are planned). isa.org.jm |
根据中国法律,中国公司须在书面合同上 加盖正式公司用章,而不是代表签字。 china-iprhelpdesk.eu | Under Chinese law, the Chinese company must affix its official company stamp to the written contract instead of a representative’s signature. china-iprhelpdesk.eu |
填写《参展申请表》,要求加盖企业 公章,并提供企业的资质文件复印件,传真或邮寄至组委会办公室。 capafair.org | Please fill in the Exhibition Application Form, seal or sign it and fax back to the Organizing Committee. capafair.org |
收费买卖协议或售卖转易契必须同时 加盖 额 外 印花税和现有的印花税,即自执行日起30日之内。 chi.mazars.cn | A chargeable agreement for sale or a conveyance on sale is to be stamped with SSD at the same time as that for the existing stamp duty, i.e. within 30 days from the date of execution. mazars.cn |
(a) 董事应负责保管印章,除经董事或获董事授权的董事委员会授权并有一名 董事或秘书或董事或董事委员会为此而指定的其他人(一人或多人)在场 外,不得加盖印章 于任何文件,该董事、秘书或其他人应在于他或他们在 (b) 本公司的公章可按该条例第 73A 条所许可,用以盖在本公司发行的股份 或其他证券的证书上(任何此等证书或其他文件无需任何董事、人员或其 他人士的签署,也无需机械复制,而任 何 加盖 了 公 章的证书或其他文件应 属有效并应被视为已按照董事会的授权盖章及签立,尽管如上述般没有任 何签署或机械复制)。 cr-power.com | (a) The Directors shall provide for the safe custody of the seal, which shall not be affixed to any instrument except by the authority of the Directors or of a committee of the Directors authorised by the Directors in that behalf and in the presence of one Director or of the Secretary or such other person or persons as the Directors or the committee of Directors may [...] appoint for that purpose; and such Director, [...]the Secretary or other person or persons shall sign every instrument to which the seal is so affixed in his or their presence. cr-power.com |
行预咨委会回顾,加盖第七层楼此前因资金不足被从项目规模中 排除,但施工合同中加入了关于如有需要且获得资金情况 下 加盖 楼 层 的条款 (A/65/518,第17段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory [...] Committee recalls that the addition of a seventh floor had previously been excluded from the scope of the project owing to insufficient funding, but that a provision had been included in the contract for the construction of an additional floor should [...]the need arise and funding [...]be obtained (A/65/518, para. 17). daccess-ods.un.org |
缔约国还说,申诉人声称她所提交的文件都是原件,但它注意到,文件都 是印制的表格,并且是以蓝墨水钢笔用手填写 、 加盖 蓝 色 印章的。 daccess-ods.un.org | It notes in this regard that the documents consist of printed forms which have all been filled out by hand with blue ink pen and have blue stamps. daccess-ods.un.org |
任何上述委托授权书中 可载有董事会认为合适的规定以用作保障及方便与任何上述受托代表人有事务往来的 人士,并可授权任何上述受托代表人再转授其获赋予的所有或任何权力、授权及酌情 权。如经本公司盖章授权,该位或该等受托代表人可以其个人印章签立任何契据或文 书而与加盖本公司印章具有同等效力。 chiho-tiande.cn | Such attorney or attorneys may, if so authorised under the Seal of the Company, execute any deed or instrument under their personal seal with the same effect as the affixation of the Company’s Seal. chiho-tiande.com |
董事会可以决议案 决定 (无论一般情况或任何特定情况 )任何有关股票(或其他证券的证书)上的任何签名 毋须为亲笔签名,惟可以若干机印方 式 加盖 或 加 印 于 该等证书上。 chiho-tiande.cn | The Board may by resolution determine, either generally or in any particular case or cases, that any signatures on any such certificates (or certificates in respect of other [...] securities) need not be [...] autographic but may be affixed to such certificates by some mechanical means or may [...]be printed thereon. chiho-tiande.com |
巴勒斯坦人没有权利对其房屋进 行简单的改造,比如修建一个鸡舍或 加盖 一 层。 daccess-ods.un.org | Palestinians did not have the right to make simple alterations to their houses, such as building a [...] chicken coop or an additional floor. daccess-ods.un.org |
(2) 如本公司设有专供海外使用的印章,董事会可 藉 加盖 印 章 的书面文 件,就加盖及使 用该印章的目的委任海外任何代理或委员会作为本公司的正式获授 权代理,董事会并可就其使用施加认为合适的限制。 aactechnologies.com | (2) Where the Company has a Seal for use abroad, the Board may by writing under the Seal appoint any agent or committee abroad to be the duly authorised agent of the Company for the purpose of affixing and using such Seal and the Board may impose restrictions on the use thereof as may be thought fit. aactechnologies.com |
在加丹加省北部,由于基温古·穆坦 加 ( “ 盖 德 翁 ”)2011 年 9 月从卢本巴希 Kasapa 监狱越狱,安全局势一直无法预测。 daccess-ods.un.org | In northern Katanga, the security situation remained unpredictable owing to the activities of Gédéon Kyungu Mutanga, who had escaped from the Kasapa prison in Lubumbashi in September 2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这种情况下,申请人必须亲自来马尼拉办理 签证。在到达马尼拉后,如果他提交了全部必需的文件,并缴纳的费用,菲律宾 休闲与退休署会在五个工作日内在他的护照 上 加盖 特 种 常驻退休签证的印章。 philcongenxiamen.com | Upon arrival in Manila and assuming he has submitted/complied with all the documentary requirements and paid the fees, the Authority shall have the SRRV stamped in his passport within five (5) working days. philcongenxiamen.com |
出于验证目的,所有聊天副本都会 加盖 日 期 和时间戳。 providesupport.cn | All chat transcripts are date and time stamped for verification purposes. providesupport.com |
请注意: 生效日期由2013年1月1日起,所有运往伊拉克的集装箱货运将必须一并提供由伊拉克驻货品原产国大使 馆 加盖 印 章认证的原产地证明书及商业发票。 emiratesline.com | Please be informed that with effective from 1st January 2013, all cargoes destined to Iraq will require the certificate of origin and commercial invoices to be stamped by the Iraqi Embassy at the country of origin. emiratesline.com |
若域名持有者的名称与申请者名称不相同,需由申请者提交补充资 料: 补充域名持有者的授权及域名持有者的身份证明, 或 加盖 授 权单 www1.cnnic.cn | Authorization and identity certification of domain name holder or seal the authorized unit; Relevant description material and registration contract of domain name. www1.cnnic.cn |
六)申请资料中的外文应译成规范的中文,并将译文附在相应 [...] 的外文资料前,但本规定要求使用英文或拉丁文的成分名称、人名以 第十五条 申请提交补充资料的,需提供补充资料原件 1 份,逐 页加盖申请 单位印章(或申请人签名),并注明补充资料的日期。 agrichina.org | Article 15 If the supplementary application materials are required to submit, one original of the supplementary materials are required to provide and shall be affixed with the [...] official seal( or [...] signature of the applicant) of the reporting entity on each page with indication [...]of the date of the supplementary materials. agrichina.org |
根据申根签证法则第20条,所有护照(外交,公务,因公护照除外)在递交签证材料时,需 要 加盖 使 馆 公章,为了便于了解签证申请的日期和地点,并无其他含义。 norway.org.cn | According to article 20 of the Visa Code, all passports, except diplomatic and service/official passports, shall be stamped by the Embassy showing the date and place of submitting the visa application. norway.cn |
请在加粗方框内填写日期、公司名称、所在地、部门名、负责人姓名、电话号码、传真号码、 负责人的 E-mail 地址以及采购品品名,请提交加盖有 负责人印章或者签名的原件(PDF 文件 或者原件)。 okidata.co.jp | Please enter date of filling out, company name, company address, name of department, name of person in charge, contact telephone number, fax number, email address of the person in charge, and name of deliverables inside the bold frame and submit the original copy (PDF file or the original file) with a sign or signature by the person in charge. okidata.co.jp |
另外,位於九龙长沙湾道681号贸易广场一楼的香港邮政集邮组大堂将於二○○八年三月十四日上午九时至下午五时开放,为首日 封 加盖 "集邮组" 图案邮戳、邮政总局1号印和特别邮戳。 hongkongpoststamps.hk | Also on 14 March 2008, the public hall of the Hongkong Post Philatelic Bureau on 1/F., Trade Square, 681 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, will open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for datestamping covers with the “Philatelic Bureau” pictorial postmark, the “GPO-1” postmark and the special postmark. hongkongpoststamps.hk |
倘申请人为公司,须由公司合法代表按其身份证明文件上之签名式样签署有关申请书,并附上签署人的身份证明文件影印本 (正面及反面影印在同一版),并加盖 公 司 印章。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | If the application is made by a company, the relevant application letter must be signed by the company's lawful representative(s) according to the signature on the identity document(s). A copy of the representative(s)' [...] identity document(s) (front and reverse side on the same page) as well as the [...] company chop must be appended to the application. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
根据国际试验和网 [...] 络数据系列确定水流状态”项目中,拉丁美洲和加勒比地区第一阶段活动已经启动, 覆 盖加 勒比和中美洲地区。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Latin America and Caribbean component of the FRIEND (Flow Regimes from [...] International Experimental and Network Data) project was launched in a [...] First Phase covering the Caribbean and [...]Meso-America. unesdoc.unesco.org |
巨大的冰盖,加上冰流迅速移动,在冰山覆盖的峡湾内崩裂发出的巨响,形成了令人敬畏的自然现象。 glifr.com | The combination of a huge ice-sheet and the dramatic sounds of a fast-moving glacial ice-stream calving into a fjord covered by icebergs makes for a dramatic and awe-inspiring natural phenomenon. glifr.com |