

单词 加总

加总 ()

sum (result of addition)
add up a number of items

加总 verb ()

accumulate v



cumulative total

External sources (not reviewed)

预计加总部经管保险计划的人数平均增长 6.5%,日内瓦平均增长 7%,联合国维也纳 办事处经管保险计划平均增长 7%。
The projected increases in enrolment are 6.5 per cent on average for Headquarters [...]
plans, 7 per cent on average for Geneva
and 7 per cent on average for plans administered by the United Nations Office at Vienna.
后者 不仅有助于减少贫困和不公平,而且还有助于 加总 的 需求和支助增长。
The latter could contribute not only to reducing poverty and inequalities, but also to boosting aggregate demand and supporting growth.
此外,公共投资还可通过加总需求而使人们产生对利润和销售的期 望,从而促进私人投资。
In addition, by increasing total demand, public [...]
investment gave rise to profit and sales expectations, thereby spurring private investment.
在福斯特是每个人都生病了Herriman的规则,,所以弗兰克决定,她应该 加总 统 竞 选。
Everyone in Fosters is sick of Herriman's rules, so Frankie decides
[...] that she should run for president.
为了增加和丰富部长们的发言与交流的机会,参加大会的部长和其他代表团团长将有 机会加总政策辩论和全会部长论坛。
In order to diversify and expand their speaking and exchange opportunities, Ministers and other Heads of Delegation attending the Conference will have the opportunity to participate in both the General Policy Debate and in the Plenary Ministerial Forum.
但 是,在一些情况下,较低温度下过滤会 加总 通 量 ,对血清等含蛋白质和脂肪的溶液尤其如 此。
In some cases, however, filtration at lower
[...] temperatures may increase the overall throughput, [...]
especially with protein and lipidcontaining solutions such as serum.
目前正在参照实际和预期的工作量驱动因素/ 统计数字,拟订要求增加员额的理由,各项 加总 部 能力的请求都说明了专门履 行这一职能的现有能力情况,以使大会能够就支助账户所需人员配置作出充分知 [...]
The justification of requests for additional posts is made with reference to actual and
expected workload drivers/statistics, and
[...] requests for additional Headquarters capacity provide [...]
information regarding the existing
capacity devoted to the function for which the additional capacity is requested, so as to enable the Assembly to make fully informed decisions concerning the support account staffing requirements.
当我们用某一模块的人数乘以该区的平均收入,即可得出这一区的 总收入;当我们将每一块总收入 加总 , 就 可得知整个贸易区的收入水平 了。
Adding up the census tracts in the trade area gives total area income.
关于新的非集中化政策,与会者建议增加多国办事处和国别办事处的拨款,因为它们 今后是主要的计划执行者,而且还要求它们将筹资和建立新的合作伙伴关系列入其行动领 域,一些代表团强调有必要加总部 外 办事处的人员编制。
As regards the new decentralization policy, the participants suggested an increase in funds for the cluster (and national) offices, which are now the principal platform for programme delivery, and which need to cast their net more widely in the search for funding and the establishment of new partnerships.
总统约瑟夫·卡比拉带领的执政党甚至在选举季正式开始前就已经开始了竞选运动,而反对党则在试图寻找“获胜者”来 加总 统 大选 。
President Joseph Kabila’s ruling party has already launched its campaign, even before the
official start of the electoral season, while the opposition is trying to find its
[...] “champion” for the presidential contest.
在遵守支助预算的 16%上限的情况下,将在另一轮努力中 加强 20 个外地办事处,而且如果有足够的资源,还将 加总 部 提 供支 助的能力。
Respecting the 16 per cent ceiling on the Support Budget, a further
round of 20 field
[...] offices will be strengthened, with some additional capacity for support from Headquarters if resources [...]
are sufficient.
在同次会议上发言的有:法国总统尼古拉·萨科齐(代表欧洲联盟)、坦桑尼 亚联合共和总统加卡亚 ·姆里绍·基奎特(代表非洲联盟)、塔吉克斯坦总统埃 莫马利·拉赫莫诺夫、加利亚总统 格 奥尔基·帕尔瓦诺夫、欧洲联盟委员会主 席若泽·曼努埃尔·杜朗·巴罗佐、经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)秘书长安赫 尔·古里亚、圣多美和普林西比总统弗拉迪克·班达拉·梅洛·德梅内泽斯、塞 舌尔总统詹姆斯·阿里克斯·米歇尔、伊朗伊斯兰共和国总统马哈茂德·艾哈迈 迪-内贾德、科特迪瓦总统洛朗·巴博、哥斯达 加总 统 奥 斯卡·阿里亚斯·桑 切斯和科摩罗总统艾哈迈德·阿卜杜拉·穆罕默德·桑比。
At the same meeting, statements were made by Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France (on behalf of the European Union); Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania (on behalf of the African Union); Emomali Rahmon, President of Tajikistan; Georgi Parvanov, President of Bulgaria; José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission; Ángel Gurría, Secretary-General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); Fradique Bandeira Melo de Menezes, President of Sao Tome and Principe; James Alix Michel, President of Seychelles; Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran; Laurent Gbagbo, President of Côte d’Ivoire; Óscar Arias Sánchez, President of Costa Rica; and Ahmed Abdallah Mohamed Sambi, President of the Comoros.
议会友好小组主席一般与该国大使接触,并 加总 统 、 总 理 和 部长对该国的正式访问。
The heads of the inter-parliamentary friendship groups usually meet with the
related country's
[...] ambassador and participate in official visits of the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and [...]
ministers to relevant countries.
由于海地 90%的大学基础设施在地震中倒塌,多 米加总统莱 昂内尔·费尔南德斯·雷纳宣布在海地 建造一所新的大学,能够容纳 1 万名学生,并有最新 的设备和通信与信息技术。
Since 90 per cent of Haitian university infrastructure collapsed during the earthquake, the Dominican President, Leonel Fernández Reyna, announced the construction of a new university in Haiti, with capacity for 10,000 students and with the latest equipment and information and communications technology.
但是,如果期权之间不是相互独立的,那就要分别在不同的模型中计算它们的值, 然加总得到整个战略的价值。
However, if the options are non-mutually exclusive, calculate them individually in
[...] different models and add up the values for the total value of the [...]
[...] 办事处的能力和回应外地办事处对于严格管理监察主任办公室的期待――由于不 可能加总部工 作人员的人数――监察主任办公室正考虑设立外地机构并将评估 未来实施该计划需要增加哪些资源。
With a view to increasing capacity and respond to the expectation of rigorous management of IGO issues in
the Field, as it was not
[...] possible to increase the number of staff at Headquarters, the IGO was [...]
envisaging the creation of
field-based units, and would be assessing the increased means required to implement this in the future.
利比里亚国家警察监察主任已被 任命加总统钻石问题工作队。
The Inspector General of the Liberia National Police has now been
[...] appointed to participate in the Presidential Task Force on [...]
成立于1994年7月的事业女性组,旨为吸引各行各业的事业女性 加总 商 会 的活动,扩大联系网。
The SCCCI Career Women's Group (CWG) was set up in July 1994 with the aim of attracting more career
[...] women to participate in the SCCCI network.
谨提及安全理事会第 1933(2010)号决议第 20 段,其中表示安理会打算考虑
[...] 在限定的时间内,在选举之前和之后增加核定的军事和警察人员, 加总 人 数 最 多不超过 500 人,这将使联合国科特迪瓦行动(联科行动)的着装人员的总兵力从 [...]
8 650 人增至 9 150 人。
I have the honour to refer to paragraph 20 of Security Council resolution 1933 (2010), in which the Council expressed its intention to consider raising for a limited period of time, prior to and after the elections in Côte d’Ivoire, the level of
authorized military and police
[...] personnel up to a total of no more than 500 additional personnel, [...]
which would raise the authorized
overall strength of the uniformed personnel of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI) from 8,650 to 9,150.
为应对危机,各国采取各种措施,主要是 加总 需 求 ,抵消危机或已经采取 的调控措施对弱势群体产生的不利社会影响。
Countries responded to the crisis
with a broad range of measures that
[...] sought mainly to strengthen aggregate demand and offset [...]
the regressive social effects
on the more vulnerable sectors of either the crisis itself or the adjustment measures that may have been taken.
该税率可能会进一步加总额最高达 0.8%的省市 附加税(由各省市决定)。
The rate may be further increased by the municipal and provincial surtax, determined by each municipality and province at an aggregate rate of up to 0.8%.
全权证书委员会主席和会议按照第 48 条设立的其他各委员 会主席可以加总务委 员会,但无表决权。
The Chairman of the Credentials Committee and other committees
established by the Conference in accordance with
[...] rule 48 may participate, without the [...]
right to vote, in the General Committee.
LED2012年在面板产业逐步复苏下,LED背光需求出现回升表现,加上LED照明市场缓步增温,整体LED产业进入2011年大幅下滑后的复苏期,不过,由于晶粒产品价格下降幅度并未减缓,加上大陆晶粒厂具政府补助优势,持续采赤字接单策略,国内,晶粒厂去年再度经历一场流血战,而晶粒厂去年亏损数字的扩大,也拖累整体产业的获利表现 加总 L E D 晶 粒与封装10大厂盈亏数字,亏损达近10亿元规模。
LED2012 years under the panel industry gradually recovery, led-backlit rebound performance demand, coupled with the LED lighting market slowly heat up, the whole LED industry to enter recovery following a sharp fall in 2011, however, due to the grain price drop did not slow down, along with continental grain factory has the advantage of government subsidies, the continuous mining deficit order strategy, domestic, grain plant last year after a bloody battle again, while grain factory losses last year to expand,
also a drag on earnings of whole industry,
[...] grain and aggregation LED encapsulation [...]
10 big profit and loss figures, loss of nearly 1 billion yuan.
虽然未得到满足的需求普遍下降,但大多数国家的总和计划生育需求却在加,总和计 划生育需求的定义是未得到满足的需 总 数 加 上 当前计划生育药具使 用量。
While unmet need has generally been
[...] declining, total demand for family planning, defined as the sum of unmet need plus current contraceptive use, has been increasing in most countries.
阿尔及利亚指出了布特弗利卡总统2007 年在尼加拉瓜的奥尔加总统来 访 期间曾说,阿尔及利亚和尼加拉瓜在争取实现联合国的目标与原则方面、以及在 保护人权方面是团结一致的。
Algeria noted the remarks by President Bouteflika in 2007 during President Ortega’s visit, that Algeria and Nicaragua were united in the promotion of United Nations objectives and principles, as well as for the protection of human rights.
委员 会在审查预算时审议了管理局工作量的增加和当前的全球经济状况、2013-2014
[...] 年财政期间拟议预算与 2011-2012 年预算相比的加总额以 及当前的通胀率。
In examining the budget, the Committee considered the increase in the work of the
Authority and current global economic
[...] conditions, the overall increase in the proposed [...]
budget for 2013-2014 in relation to
the budget for 20112012 and prevailing inflation rates.
与其它种群的生活史特征相比,抚仙湖种群表现出年龄结构复杂和生长缓慢的特点,这些变化是黄颡鱼在抚仙湖建立种群过程中为 加总 体 适合度而作出的一种适应性响应[动物学报52(2): 263 [...]
These results suggest there were typical characters of a complex age structure and a relatively slow growth in Lake Fuxian
population, which would be adaptive
[...] responses to increase the total fitness of P. [...]
fulvidraco in process of population establishment[Acta
Zoologica Sinica 52(2):263 –271, 2006].
[...] 题,她承认,由于高级专员办事处设立在日内瓦, 因此未能加总部组 织的各项重要活动,如联合国 秘书长召开的各次高级别会议等,为此她提出应该 [...]
In reply to the question put by the representative of Liechtenstein, she acknowledged that because her Office was in Geneva, it did
not take part in significant
[...] activities organized at Headquarters, such as the high-level [...]
meetings convened by the SecretaryGeneral,
and that was the reason for requesting new senior posts in the New York office.
氟氯烃淘汰管理计划对气候的总体影响可以通过其三个主要组成部分影响 加总进 行 估算,这三个组成部分是塑料泡沫生产、制冷和空调生产以及制冷和空调维修。
The overall effect of the HPMP on the climate could be estimated by adding the impact of its three main components – foams manufacturing, refrigeration and air-conditioning manufacturing, and refrigeration and air-conditioning servicing.




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