

单词 加工

加工 ()

working (of machinery)



processing cost


processing efficiency

机加工 n

machining n

External sources (not reviewed)

至於業界,則應採用天門冬酰胺及還 原糖含量較低的原材料來製作高 加工 的 食 物,同時不要過度烹煮食物。
For trade, they should use ingredients that were low in asparagines and reducing sugars when producing products processed at high temperature and should not cook food excessively.
由於 貴集團擁有其自身生產設
[...] 施,且可能不時擁有後備產能, 貴董事認加工協議將令 貴集團得以盡 量運用其產能及人力資源。
Since the Group has its own production facilities and may have
[...] spare production capacity from time to [...]
time, the Directors considered that the Subcontracting
Agreement would enable the Group to maximize the use of its production capacity and manpower.
倘若農業食品與獸醫局有理 由 相信在持加工場所 加工處 理 的 任 何 肉類製品或魚類製品經 攙雜、受 污染或 因其他理由 不適宜供人 食用,農業食品與獸醫局可 向加工場所 的持牌 人 發出書面指示,要求該持牌人即 時回收有 關 肉類製品或魚 類製品的所 有 存 貨 ,以及停 止售賣、供應或分銷該肉類製品 或魚類製品。
Where AVA has reason to believe that any meat product or fish
product which has been
[...] processed in a licensed processing establishment is adulterated, contaminated or otherwise unfit for human consumption, AVA may issue a written directive to the licensee of the processing establishment requiring [...]
the licensee
to forthwith recall all stocks and to cease the sale, supply or distribution, of the meat product or fish product.
經考慮上述因素後,尤其加工商並 非必須提供生產服務,以 加工商 就加工協議 向達利集團提供生產服務而收取之邊際利潤( 加工 費 ) 與 其他上市成衣製造商之邊際利潤相若,吾等認 加工 協 議 之條款對 貴公司 及獨立股東而言屬公平合理。
Having considered the above, in particular the Subcontractor is not obligated to provide the Production Service and the profit margins (being the Subcontracting Fee) for the Production Services as provided by the Subcontractor to the High Fashion Group under the Subcontracting Agreement are comparable to other listed garment manufacturers, we consider that the terms of the Subcontracting Agreement are fair and reasonable insofar as the Company and the Independent Shareholders are concerned.
对大多数条约机构所在地日内瓦的联合国办事处现有统计 数据进行的审查表明,2010 年,会员国提交的文件的数量大幅度 加 , 工 作 量 (需 要处理的字数)也相应增加。
A review of available statistics at the United Nations Office at Geneva, where the majority of the treaty bodies are based, revealed that there had been a significant increase in the number of documents submitted by Member States in 2010, with a commensurate increase in the workload volume (number of words to be processed).
通过提高支撑移动物重量 的构造物的刚性,可抑制重切加工 和 断 续切削时产生的振颤。
By improving the rigidity of the structure to support weight of moving parts, the chatter during heavy-duty cutting or continuous cutting is minimized.
4.4 經營商品、商品期貨及遠期合約交易商之業務,以及為此訂立現貨、 期貨或遠期合約以購買及出售任何商品,包括(但在不影響前述之一
[...] 般性原則下)現時或將來可用於商業買賣之任何原材料 加工 材 料 、 農產品、農畜產品、金條及銀條、硬幣、寶石或次寶石、商品、物 [...]
易或其他交易有所影響及不論是否根據在任何有關商品交換時可予訂 立之任何合約提貨、銷售或交換任何有關商品)。
4.4 To carry on the business of a commodity, commodity futures and forward contracts trader and for that purpose to enter into spot, future or forward contracts for the purchase and sale of any commodity including, but
without prejudice to the generality of
[...] the foregoing, any raw materials, processed materials, [...]
agricultural products, produce
or livestock, gold and silver bullion, specie and precious or semi-precious stones, goods, articles, services, currencies, rights and interests which may now or in the future be bought and sold in commerce and whether such trading is effected on an organised commodity exchange or otherwise and either to take delivery of, or to sell or exchange any such commodities pursuant to any contract capable of being entered into on any such commodities exchange.
它具有高度的灵活性,您可以根据工件和生产状态选 加工 过 程,如用一个主轴进行设置的同时用另一主轴进加 工。
It is highly flexible that you can choose the processes
based on the workpieces
[...] and the production status, such as setting up with one spindle when machining with another spindle.
3.16 提交申請時須連同足夠的資料,例如現時或預計有關 食品在本港市面供應的情況、有關除害劑的相關毒性數據 和安全參考值、除害劑的受監督田間試驗所得數據、殘餘 除害劑數據、除害劑的分析方法和是否有可供使用的分析 參照標準、食加工研究 報告,以及食品法典委員會或海 外司法管轄區是否已就有關除害劑制定最高殘餘限量或海 外司法管轄區是否已豁免就有關除害劑制定最高殘餘限 量。
3.16 Applications must be accompanied by sufficient information, such as the current or anticipated availability of the concerned food product in Hong Kong, relevant toxicological data and safety reference values of the concerned pesticide, pesticide supervised field trial data, pesticide residue data, analytical methods, information on availability of analytical reference standards, reports of food processing studies, and relevant information if MRLs have been established by Codex or overseas jurisdictions or exemption from establishing MRL for the concerned pesticide has been granted by overseas jurisdictions.
[...] 合国政策、透明度、可预见性、环境措施预算保持一致,以及 加工 作 人 员的参 与和保持,提高各组织的绩效、声望和信誉。
The implementation of an EMS would serve many purposes, including consistency with MEAs, national laws, United Nations policies, transparency,
predictability, and budgeting for environmental
[...] measures, as well as increased staff engagement [...]
and retention, and enhancement of the
performance, reputation and credibility of the organizations.
小 组委员会建议监狱当局制定有关管理囚犯之间暴力行为的政策,包括大幅 加工 作人 员数量,并进行人员培训,应着眼于建立和保持囚犯之间以及工作人员与囚 犯之间的良好关系:对监狱工作采取动态安全方法。
The SPT recommends that prison authorities develop their policy on managing inter-prisoner violence, including significantly increasing staff numbers and conducting staff training, which should focus on building and maintaining positive relations among prisoners, as well as between staff and prisoners: the dynamic security approach to prison work.
该联合会的观察员指出,对产加工 时 使 用的奶适用最大残留限量,因为没有为 [...]
The Observer from the IDF recalled that the MRLs applied to the milk
[...] used in the manufacture of the products [...]
as no MRLs had been established for milk products.
教科文组织(利用其多部门方法)与 7 个联合国其他机构和 10 多个国家对应方共同参
[...] 与了关于营养与食品安全的联合计划,该计划旨在通过引入国际食品生产 加工 、 检 测与配 制标准,加强食品安全,尤其是儿童营养产品的食品安全。
UNESCO, with its multi-sectoral approach, is participating with seven other United Nations agencies and over a dozen national counterparts in the joint programme on nutrition and food security that seeks to improve food safety, especially for child
nutrition products, through introduction of international standards in
[...] production, processing, testing and [...]
preparation of food.
因此博茨瓦纳在进一加工主要 出口产 品以增加产品附加值的基础上采取了经济多样化的 措施,并通过废除建立企业的制度和行政障碍等措 施来推动建立一个有利于私人投资的环境。
It had therefore adopted economic diversification initiatives based on further processing of major export products to increase their value added and a drive to create an environment conducive to private investment, including by removing regulatory and administrative barriers to the establishment of businesses.
在泵送易燃或 有害流体时,必须将废气排放到安全的区域,要远离人 群、动物、食加工区及所有火源。
When pumping flammable or hazardous fluids, you must vent the exhaust to a safe place, away from people, animals, food handling areas, and all sources of ignition.
在几乎所有的最不发达国家中,农业都具有举足轻重的地位,既可以促进粮 食安全,也是大部分人的主要经济活动,而且农业与消除贫穷、解决温饱、促进
[...] 农村发展、性别平等、妇女赋权、促进出口、实现商品和生产多样化及提高农加工能力有直接关系。
Agriculture plays a crucial role in almost all least developed countries, both in promoting food security and as the major economic activity for much of the population, with direct linkages to the eradication of poverty and hunger, rural development and gender
equality and empowerment of women, as well as exports, commodity and production
[...] diversification and agro-processing capacity.
为农业部门确立的目标必然涉及农业部门改革的继续、基于市场经 济原则的现代法规和制度框架的建立、农业和食 加工 行 业 竞争力不断增强、对 农业生产者的资助以及农产品在国际市场上的宣传推广等。
Thus, the objectives set for the agricultural sector had to do with the continuation of the reforms, creation of a modern legislative and institutional framework
based on market economy
[...] principles, increase of competitiveness of the agricultural and food processing sectors, [...]
support of agricultural
producers and promotion of agricultural products on external markets.
为了避免污染流体,应使用管道将废气排出流体产品 区之外的地方,并远离人、动物或食 加工 区 域
To avoid contaminating the fluid, pipe the exhaust air to vent outside of the fluid product area, away from people, animals, or food-handling areas.
第 4 节概述头 5
[...] 年的勘探方案和日期表,汤加近海采矿有限公司工作计划目 标是:(a) 确加工和回收多金属结核中的镍、钴、铜和锰的最有效且在环境上 [...]
可以接受的方法;确定在销售成品中以什么形式报告这些金属及其有关的基本建 设费用和生产费用;(b)
决定在尽量不损害环境的情况下,从海底回收物质的最 佳方式及其有关的基本建设费用和生产费用;(c) 确定进行有经济效益的提炼要 求多金属结核中有什么品级的镍、钴、铜和锰,并且通过勘探确定合同区内可以 确认和界定的这种物质的数量和质地。
The objectives of Tonga Offshore Mining’s plan of work are
to: (a) determine the most efficient and
[...] environmentally acceptable method to process [...]
and recover nickel, cobalt, copper and
manganese from the polymetallic nodules, and define in what form these metals would report in a final product for sale, as well as the related capital and operating costs; (b) decide upon the optimum method to recover the material to surface with the minimum of environmental disturbance, as well as the related capital and operating costs; and (c) define what grade of nickel, cobalt, copper and manganese is required in the polymetallic nodules for economic extraction, and determine through exploration what quantity and density of such material can be identified and delineated in the contract area.
在水产养殖中,养殖鲑鱼、鲶鱼和对虾的 大型生产者建立了先进的中央控制 加工 场 , 增 加 产 品 式样、获得更好产量以及 回应不断演化的进口国质量和安全要求。
In aquaculture, large producers of farmed salmon, catfish and
shrimp have established advanced
[...] centralized processing plants to enhance the product [...]
mix, obtain better yields and respond
to evolving quality and safety requirements in importing countries.
没有能力购买或寻求强势品牌加工商 也 正在经历与稀缺的国内原料有关的越来越多问题,为了生意,他们正被迫进 口鱼。
Processors that operate without the purchasing or sourcing power of strong brands are also experiencing increasing problems linked to the scarcity of domestic raw material, and they are being forced to import fish for their business.
Our tool management offers comprehensive services concerning the
[...] supply of machines with machining tools.
2011-2020 十年期的主要目标和具体目标包括调
[...] 集国内资源,增进官方发展援助的数量和质量并解决最不发达国家债务问题,增 进外国直接投资,加工人汇 款的流动及其生产性用途,为最不发达国家开发创 新融资渠道,以及促进南南合作等。
Key objectives and targets for the decade 2011-2020 include domestic resource mobilization; enhancing the quantity and quality of ODA and addressing
debt problems of least developed
[...] countries; enhancing foreign direct investments; increasing [...]
the flow of workers’ remittances
and its productive use; tapping innovative sources of finance for least developed countries and promoting South-South cooperation.
秘书处代表介绍了世界银行代表中国政府提交的关于淘汰作 加工 剂 的四氯化碳以 及其他未查明用途的生产和消费的行业计划(第二阶段)的 2009 年度方案的呈件 (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/56/24 号文件)。
The representative of the Secretariat introduced a submission by the World Bank on behalf of the Government of China on the 2009 annual programme of the sector plan for phasing out the production and consumption of carbon tetrachloride (CTC) for process agent and other non-identified uses (phase II) (document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/56/24).
因此,教科文组织工作人员养恤金委员会的权限扩展至下列事务:(i) 根据《养恤基金 条例》向教科文组织的参加者和受益者发放津贴;(ii) 根据教科文组织的实际情况解释和实
施养恤基金条例和管理细则;(iii) 提出修改养恤基金条例及其细则的建议,供工作人员养恤
[...] 金联合委员会审议,然后提交作为养恤金事务立法机构的联合国大会;(iv) 通过其指定的代 表加工作人员养恤金联合委员会及其附属机构的例会及特别会议。
Thus, the authority of the UNESCO Staff Pension Committee extends to the following matters: (i) granting of benefits under the Pension Fund Regulations to UNESCO participants and beneficiaries; (ii) interpreting and applying the Pension Fund Regulations and Administrative Rules in respect of UNESCO cases; (iii) proposing amendments to Regulations and Rules of the fund for consideration by the Joint Staff Pension Board and subsequent submission to the General Assembly of the United Nations,
which is the legislating body on pension
[...] matters; (iv) participating, through its [...]
designated representatives in the regular
and special sessions of the Joint Staff Pension Board and its subsidiary organs.
买方,如果他确定他的身份,有权向卖方索取有关的个人资料,证实关于他的或不受到这种待遇,信 加工 用 途 ,个人资料的处理和类别的受助人或受助会员国类别该等资料披露,在适当的转移,个人资料数据认为注定非欧洲共同体,数据通信在个人可访问的形式到有关他的任何现有资料的来源及其信息,要知道,挑战逻辑在自动处理决定的基础上,采取个人及其和生产方面的法律效果探讨。
The Buyer, if he establishes his identity, has the right to question the Seller to obtain confirmation that personal data concerning him are or are
not subjected to this treatment,
[...] information on for purposes of processing, the categories [...]
of personal data processed and
the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the data are disclosed, where appropriate, information on transfers of personal data considered destined for a non-member State European Community, the communication in an accessible form of personal data concerning him and any available information on the origin thereof, of information to know and challenge the logic- the automatic processing where a decision taken on the basis thereof and producing legal effects in respect of the individual.
安理会第 1952(2010)号决议第 7 段决定支持推进 2010 年 11 月 29 日最后报
[...] 告(S/2010/596)所述专家组关于刚果矿产品进口商 加工 行 业 和消费者尽职调查 准则的建议,以降低通过为下列团体提供直接或间接支持而进一步加剧刚果民主 [...]
的资产冻结和旅行禁令者;犯罪网络和严重违反国际人道主义法和侵犯人权的 人,包括国家武装部队内的人。
By paragraph 7 of resolution 1952 (2010), the Security Council supported taking forward the recommendations of the Group of Experts on
guidelines for due diligence for
[...] importers, processing industries and consumers [...]
of Congolese mineral products, as set out
in its final report of 29 November 2010 (S/2010/596), to mitigate the risk of further exacerbating the conflict in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo by providing direct or indirect support to illegal armed groups, those found to violate the assets freeze and travel ban on sanctioned individuals and entities, and criminal networks and perpetrators of serious violations of international humanitarian law and human rights abuses, including those within the national armed forces.
国际乳业联合会的观察员提出,关于在《果汁和果浆通用标准》中确 加工 产品最大农药残留限量的问题,如第 1.2.4 部分所述,可由农药残留委员会作为一般性问题来 研究,因加工水果和蔬菜委员会的职责范围不包括果汁和相关产品。
The Observer from the IFU noted that issues surrounding the establishment of maximum
limits for pesticide
[...] residues for processed products in the General Standard for Fruit Juices and Nectars, as indicated in Section 1.2.4, could be addressed by the Committee on Pesticide Residues as a general issue since the Committee on Processed Fruits and [...]
Vegetables excluded
fruit juices and related products from its terms of reference.
[...] 认为,应使外国直接投资在建设供方能力方面发挥重要作用,并可通过开 发出加工区和 实行各种优惠措施来吸引此种外国直接投资。
In that regard, the Committee was of the view that foreign direct investment (FDI) could play an important role in
supply-side capacity-building and could be attracted through the
[...] development of export processing zones and incentives.
同时,下 列法规规定了粮食产品的生产和分配条件和方法:2005 年 6 月 9 日关于生态食 品生产的第 115-XVI 号法律(规定了在不使用加速生长的化学物质的情况下进行 生态食品生产的方法以及源于植物和动物的生态产品分配方法等);2004 年 3 月 18 日关于食品的第 78-XV 号法律(规定了食品生产加工、分配和流通的基本条 件);2006 年 3 月 30 日关于养蜂业的第 70-XVI 号法律(规定了提高养蜂生产质量 和数量的条件)、2006 年 3 月 10 日关于葡萄园和葡萄酒的第 57-XVI 号法律(规定 了葡萄园产品生产加工和分配活动的各种关系)。
Also, conditions and methods of production, distribution of food products are prescribed in the following laws: Law No. 115-XVI from 09.06.2005 on the ecological food production (regulates the method of production of ecological food products without the usage of chemical growth acceleration substances, as well as methods of distribution of ecologic products of vegetable and animal
origin), Law No. 78-XV from
[...] 18.03.2004 on food products (regulates the production, processing and distribution of food products, as well as the basic conditions of circulation of such products), Law No. 70-XVI from 30.03.2006 on apiculture (regulates the creation of conditions for quality and quantity growth of apicultural production), Law No. 57-XVI from 10.03.2006 on vineyards and wine (regulates the relations that exist in the activity of production, processing and distribution [...]
of vineyard products).




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