

单词 加农炮

See also:


cannon (loanword)


agriculture n
peasant n


cannon n
artillery n

prepare herbal medicine by roasting or parching (in a pan)
ancient ballista for throwing heavy stones
dry by heating

External sources (not reviewed)

我会说是一件很可爱的独创性 加农炮。
I will say the cannon is a lovely piece [...]
of ingenuity.
然而,他无法转移所有的藏匿武器,在 Nyamunyoni 剩下的弹药和武器,包括 75 毫加农炮炮弹、 12.7 毫米弹药和 107 毫米炮弹被刚果(金)武装部队查封(见附件 37)。
However, as he could
[...] not transport all of his arms cache, the remaining ammunition and weapons in Nyamunyoni, including 75 mm cannon rounds, 12.7 [...]
mm ammunition and 107
mm rounds, had been seized by FARDC (see annex 37).
与此同时,其他板的弗拉格乔斯学习从拨号音,卫星通信是下降,由于过热的电离层,并最终眼镜蛇的活动跟踪的HAARP阵列,卫星,和西伯利亚的粒 加农炮 , 位 于退役的俄罗斯弹道导弹下方导弹复杂。
Meanwhile, the other Joes on board the Flagg learn from Dial Tone that satellite communications are down due to the
superheated ionosphere, and eventually trace Cobra’s activity to the HAARP array, the satellites, and the
[...] Siberian particle cannon, which lies beneath [...]
the decommissioned Russian ballistic missile complex.
第一个压轴的两部分开始时Mesogog的折磨安东Mercer和艾尔莎显示他的最新计划,一个巨大 加农炮 , 可 以击败格拉斯哥流浪者,并带回了恐龙在我们的世界。
The first of the two part finale starts when Mesogog
tortures Anton Mercer and shows Elsa his
[...] latest plan, a giant cannon that can defeat the [...]
Rangers and bring back The Dinosaurs in our world.
上周日 2012 年 1 月 1 日,有两枚含白磷的迫炮弹从加沙射 到 Eshkol 地区某以色农庄。
Last Sunday, 1 January 2012, two mortar shells containing white
[...] phosphorus were fired from Gaza at an Israeli farm in the area of Eshkol.
本月,共有 13 枚火箭弹,其中包括 1 枚格拉德 火箭弹和 11 枚迫炮弹,从加沙射向以色列,而以 色列安全部队则向加沙发动了 3 次入侵和 3 次空袭。
This month, a total of 13 rockets, including 1 Grad rocket and 11 mortars, were fired from Gaza into Israel, while the IDF conducted 3 incursions and 3 airstrikes into Gaza.
叛国集团在新的一年,还是利用延坪 炮 击 事 件 加 剧 与 朝鲜民主主义人民共 和国的对抗。
It is misusing the case of the
[...] Yonphyong Island shelling to escalate confrontation [...]
with the Democratic People’s Republic
of Korea in the new year, too.
代表们对粮农组织在加农业投 资方面的工作,及其与东盟、南盟和太平洋 岛屿论坛在制定粮食安全区域框架、战略和计划方面的合作表示感谢。
Delegates expressed appreciation for FAO’s efforts to
[...] increase investment in agriculture and for its collaboration [...]
with ASEAN, SAARC and
PIF in formulating regional frameworks, strategies and programmes for food security.
这份 早些时候的文件详细介绍了以下情况:哈马斯不断使用迫 炮 和 火 箭攻击以色列 平民(加沙行动前的八年中有大约 12 000 次此类攻击)而且攻击范围不断扩大; [...]
哈马斯的自杀炸弹攻击;哈马斯通过埃及-加沙边界的地道走私武器弹药,以及 以色列试图通过外交示好和向联合国发出紧急呼吁等非军事手段消除这些威胁。
The earlier paper included detailed accounts of Hamas’s incessant mortar and rocket attacks on Israel’s civilians (some 12,000 such attacks
in the 8 years prior to the
[...] Operation) and the steadily increasing range of such attacks; Hamas’s [...]
suicide bomb attacks;
and Hamas’s smuggling of weaponry and ammunition through tunnels under the Egyptian-Gaza border, as well as Israel’s attempts to address these threats through non-military means, including diplomatic overtures and urgent appeals to the United Nations.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析 加 强 基 层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk
analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex
[...] Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
Delegates recognized the need to develop viable and sustainable market chains to better convey price
[...] signals and increase profits for farmers.
次主题 1.2
[...] 下审查的问题包括,各种农业生产系统在非洲各种农业生态区域 的潜力;不仅加农业部 门投资额而且提高效率(如吸收能力和部门基础设施)所 [...]
需的政策;大力开发适应非洲农业气候条件的品种所需的研究和发展模式,包括 将来适应气候变化;政策必须到位,大力扶助农民适应气候变化。
The issues considered under sub-theme 1.2 included the potential of the various agricultural production systems in the various agro-ecological regions of
Africa; the policies needed to increase not only the level but also the effectiveness of
[...] investment in the agricultural sector (e.g., absorptive [...]
capacity and sectoral
infrastructure); the research and development models needed to boost the development of varieties adapted to African agro-climatic conditions, including for future adaptation to climate change; and the policies that must be put in place to best support the efforts of farmers to adapt to climate change.
粮食安全问题世界首脑会议宣言》包含四项战略目标:(a) 全面实现千年 发展目标 1 和 1996 年世界粮食首脑会议的目标;21 (b) 在全球农业、粮食安全 和营养伙伴关系范围内工作,并充分实施世界粮食安全委员会的改革;(c) 扭转
对发展中国家农业、粮食安全和农村发展的国内和国际供资的下降趋势,并增加 投资,以加强可持续农业生产,提高生产率,减少贫困,并努力实现所有人都拥
[...] 有粮食安全和粮食获取途径;以及(d) 积极应对气候变化给粮食安全带来的挑 战,并加农业生 产者应对气候变化的适应性,特别关注小型农业生产者和弱势 [...]
The Declaration of the World Summit on Food Security includes four strategic objectives: (a) to fully realize the targets of Millennium Development Goal 1 and the 1996 World Food Summit goal;21 (b) to work within the Global Partnership for Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition and fully implement the reform of the Committee on World Food Security; (c) to reverse the decline in domestic and international funding for agriculture, food security and rural development in developing countries, and promote new investment to increase sustainable agricultural production and productivity, reduce poverty and work towards achieving food security and access to food for all; and (d) to proactively face the challenges posed by
climate change to food security and to increase
[...] the resilience of agricultural producers to climate [...]
change, with particular
attention to small agricultural producers and vulnerable populations.
还是在加沙,星期一傍晚,以色列 炮 猛 轰 加 沙市 Al-Zaitoun 居民区的 Abu Eisha [...]
Also in Gaza, Israeli artillery fire rained down [...]
on the Abu Eisha family in Gaza City’s Al-Zaitoun neighbourhood on Monday
evening, killing the entire family.
南非还谴责以色列部队继炮击加沙 , 同时呼吁 加沙人民避免不分青红皂白地向以色列境内发射火 [...]
South Africa also
[...] condemns the continued shelling of Gaza by Israeli [...]
forces and concomitantly calls on the people of Gaza to refrain from the indiscriminate
firing of rockets into Israel.
监察组检查的原始简易爆炸装置包括进行了改装可以进行远程引爆的反 坦克地雷炮弹,为加强破 片效果,可能还增加了一些焊入外壳的金属装置(枪 栓、金属填充物)。
Primitive improvised explosive devices inspected by the
Monitoring Group included
[...] anti-tank mines or artillery shells modified for remote detonation, possibly with some additional metal objects [...]
(bolts, metal filings)
welded to the casing to enhance the fragmentation effect.
此外,加沙市,以色炮舰向加沙 市海岸附近的一群渔 民开火,45 岁的 Zaki Tarosh 腿部中弹。
Also, in Gaza City, Zaki Tarosh, 45 years old, was shot
[...] in the leg after Israeli gunboats opened fire at a group of [...]
fishermen near the city’s shore.
多的关切问题,包括以色列仍在西岸定居并修筑隔 离障碍的行为;巴勒斯坦人在西岸和加沙的流动限
[...] 制;封锁对加沙生活各个方面造成的严重影响; 以 色列军队强行进入近东救济工程处位于西岸的房 地,以及以色列军队袭击炮击对 工程 加 沙 房 地 的损害,调查委员会的报告(A/63/855-S/2009/250
The Commissioner-General’s report (A/64/13 and Add.1) mentioned further matters of concern, including the ongoing Israeli settlement in the West Bank and construction of the separation barrier; the restrictions on movement of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza; the grave impact of the blockade on all aspects of life in Gaza; and the forcible entry of the Israeli military into the West Bank premises of
UNRWA and the damage to
[...] the Agency’s Gaza premises as a result of Israeli military strikes or shelling, described as intentional [...]
in the report
of the Board of Inquiry (A/63/855-S/2009/250).
计划在中期计划内逐步推行更为具体的变革,包括:(a) 劳动改革,涉及公共部门工作人员的重新分配、准许在私营部门就业并通过对私 营部门的活动征税增加国库岁入;(b) 增加农产工 业、旅游业和住房领域的非国 有份额,例如采取合作社和合资企业形式,同时给予国有企业更大的自主权;(c) 取消对国有企业的补贴,同时允许国有企业在一定范围内自行定价;以及(d) 通 过下放投资决策权,增加规划和控制机制的灵活性。
More specific changes are planned to be progressively implanted over the medium term, including (a) labour reform that involves reassigning workers within the public sector, authorizing private employment and increasing public revenue through taxation of private-sector activity; (b) increasing non-State participation, for example by cooperatives and joint ventures, in agro-industry, tourism and housing, while granting greater autonomy to State enterprises; (c) eliminating subsidies for State firms while allowing them, within limits, to fix prices; and (d) increasing the flexibility of planning and control mechanisms by decentralizing investment decisions.
青年党通常将其间接瞄准射击武器——迫 炮 — — 用于加迪沙
Al-Shabaab generally reserves its indirect fire weapons — mortars — for use in Mogadishu.
此外,由于全球人口数量呈下降趋势、经济下滑、就业活动率大幅下降, 农村地区人口在总人口中所占的比重有所上升,农业产值在国内生产总值中所占 的比重也在不断加,农业人 口在总人口中所占的比重也在增加。
Part of the global picture of decrease of the population, the economic decline and decrease of occupational and activity rate, the share of the population in the rural area from the total population
has increased, the
[...] share of the agricultural production in the GDP has also grown, the share of the population involved in agriculture has also risen.
按照非洲农业企业农产品加工业发展倡议,粮农组织和工发组织帮助布基 纳法索、科摩罗、刚果民主共和国、加纳、利比里亚、马达加斯加、尼日利亚、 卢旺达、塞拉利昂、苏丹和坦桑尼亚联合共和国评估 农 产 品 加 工 业所面临的关 键制约因素,这些因素制约了这些国家通 农 产 品 加 工 、 收获后处理、供应链管 理和促进贸易来加农业生 产价值的能力;与各利益攸关方和国际金融机构密切 协作和协商,制定和验证促农产品 加 工 业 发展的具体方案措施;从非洲开发银 行、世界银行、国际农业发展基金和其他双边和多边捐助方筹集资源。
Under the
[...] African Agribusiness and Agro-Industries Development Initiative, FAO and UNIDO helped Burkina Faso, the Comoros, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Liberia, Madagascar, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, the Sudan and the United Republic of Tanzania assess the key constraints faced by the agro-industry sector that limit the ability of countries to add value to agricultural production through agroprocessing, post-harvest handling, supply chain management and trade promotion; develop and validate concrete programme interventions to promote agro-industry development in close [...]
and consultation with stakeholders and international financial institutions; and mobilize resources from AfDB, the World Bank, the International Fund for Agricultural Development and other bilateral and multilateral donors.
Hotchkiss H38是主要装备法国骑兵部队的轻型坦克,H38是由H35坦克发展而来,主要是改进了引擎,而H39与H38的区别在于改进了 炮 和 加 装 了 电台。
Hotchkiss H38 is a light tank that main material France ride soldier's troops, H38 is from
H35 tank developments
[...] are since then, ising a differentiation to improved the engine, but H39 with H38 to consist in improving primarily artillery with added radios.
粮食计划署同联合国在利比里亚的合作伙伴就大规模粮食安全和营养方案 展开工作,以加农业生产。
WFP worked with United Nations partners in Liberia on a large-scale food security and
[...] nutrition programme to increase agricultural production.
其實這 十年來,因為工業污染和濫捕加㆖ 非 法使用 炮 等 等 ,已經令到近岸的漁民生計無 ,有很多已經轉業,現在更加㆖興建機場等等的工程,令到泥土傾倒在魚類的養育 [...]
In addition, works including those of their airport [...]
project have resulted in mud-dumping in the nursery grounds, almost
wiping out the fish in in-shore areas.
在这方面,今天,2011 年 4 月 5 日星期二,以色列占领炮击被封锁 加沙 地 带北部的拜特拉希耶,杀死了 Mohammed Shahla 并炸伤了在野蛮袭击地点附近 的许多其他人,从而增加了以色列违反国际法、包括国际人道主义法和人权法行 为的长清单。
In this connection, today, Tuesday, 5 April 2011, adding to Israel’s long list of violations of international law, including international humanitarian law and human rights law, the occupying forces shelled an area in Beit Lahiya, in the north of the besieged Gaza Strip, killing Mohammed Shahla and injuring many others who were in the vicinity of the brutal attack.
国际社会应加强财政和技术援助、 加农 业投 入、改善农业基础设施、提高农业科技水平,并 帮助发展中国家从源头上解决粮食问题,以充分实现 食物权。
The international
[...] community should intensify its financial and technological assistance, increase agricultural investment, improve agricultural infrastructure, raise the level of agricultural technology, [...]
and help developing
countries to solve food problems at the source in order to fully realize the right to food.
(f) 加强促进增农业加工业 的方案,以此提高农业生产力, 加农 村 收入 并增强农业与工业的联系。
(f) Strengthen programmes
[...] for promoting agro-processing industries with value addition as a means to increase agricultural productivity, raise rural incomes and foster stronger linkages between agriculture and industries.
粮食计划署对新伙伴关系的支持继续注重新伙伴关系的主要优先领域,即加农业生 产,办法是为当地生产的粮食提供进入市场的机会,在新伙伴关系的本 土学校供餐旗舰项目主持下,支持学校供餐和保健方案;利用粮食计划署的当地 粮食采购能力,加小农进入 市场的机会,办法包括在靠近农场门口的地方购买 粮食;建立可靠的粮食储备体制,增强在粮食危机中的复原力,以促进粮食和营 养安全。
WFP support to NEPAD continued to focus
on key NEPAD priority
[...] areas, such as boosting agricultural production by providing market access to locally produced food to support school feeding and health programmes, under the auspices of the NEPAD Home-Grown School Feeding flagship project; leveraging WFP local food procurement capacity to enhance market access for smallholder farmers by, inter alia, [...]
buying food closer to
the farm gate; and promoting food and nutritional security through enhancing resilience in food crises through establishing reliable food-reserve systems.




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