

单词 加冕

See also:

crown in the form of a horizontal board with hanging decorations symbolizing the emperor of China
corona (e.g. solar)
imperial crown

External sources (not reviewed)

加冕的計 時碼表,薩科Rieussec鐘錶時間作家萬寶龍的野心。
The whole is crowned by a chronograph table, the Nicolas Rieussec Horological Time Writer to the ambitions of Montblanc.
即使是瓶蓋的構思也源自Haute Couture,套在瓶咀上猶如為酒加冕。
The stylish cap is also inspired by Haute Couture, like a crown almost.
[...] 市況,位於大埔Providence Bay、西半加冕臺及 大坑華倫街項目亦最早將於二零一一年預售,務求盡享當前的市場發 [...]
Subject to market conditions, Providence Bay
[...] in Tai Po, Coronation Terrace in [...]
Mid-Levels West and Warren Street in Tai Hang
will also be ready for pre-sales launch in 2011 at the earliest timeframe to make the most out of the current market momentum.
此外,本集團洞悉時機,收購兩個分別位於西半 加冕 台 及 位於銅鑼灣大坑華倫街的優質地段發 [...]
In addition, the Group executed in a timely fashion the
acquisitions of two prime development land plots
[...] located at the Coronation Terrace site [...]
in Mid-levels West and the Warren Street
site in Tai Hang, Causeway Bay.
歡迎到商戶捐款,為充滿愛心的天使商 加冕 , 您 的捐款將全數撥捐關懷愛滋作慈善用途。
By visiting an
[...] Angel Outlet and joining their parties you [...]
can make a donation which will go towards the work of AIDS Concern.
报告提到去年 12 月 26 日拉什卡-普里兹伦及整 个科索沃和梅托希亚主教 Teodosije 的加冕仪式 以及 不到两个星期后在同一教堂举行东正教圣诞庆祝活 动。
The report refers both to the 26 December enthronement of His Grace Teodosije as Bishop of Raška-Prizren and all of Kosovo and Metohija, as well as to the fact that the Orthodox Christmas Day liturgy took place in the same church less than a fortnight later.
在过去5个月,竣工70多万来自世界各地的玩家都在网上和现场鉴定活动,努力成为24个,这将最终 加冕 新 的 FIFA互动世界杯冠军决赛一全球。
In the last 5 months, over 700,000 gamers from all over the world have competed online and at live qualification events worldwide
in an effort to be one of the 24 finalists that will
[...] ultimately be crowned the new FIFA Interactive [...]
World Cup Champion.
此啤酒於1954年推出,為的是紀念英國女王伊麗莎白二 加冕 典 禮 及於澳洲的就職訪問。
It was launched to the general public in 1954 to mark the occasion of Queen Elizabeth II's coronation and inaugural visit to Australia.
侧墙上,在国王马克西米利安二世和巴伐利亚第一任国王马克西米利安一世 的肖像旁悬挂着两幅巨大的油画:南边是由 Friedrich Kaulbach 创作的»卡 尔大加冕图«(1861)、北边是August von Kreling 创作的»巴伐利亚路德 维希国加冕图«(1859)。
The side walls of the cloister not only contain portraits of the young King Maximilian II by Julius Zimmermann and the first Bavarian King Maximilian I Joseph by Moritz Kellerhoven, but also two
gigantic canvasses: to the south “The Coronation of
[...] Emperor Charles the Great” by Friedrich Kaulbach (1861) and to the north “The Coronation of Ludwig of Bavaria” by August von Kreling (1859).
科索沃天主教族群领导人参加 12 月 26 日的主加冕仪式也是一个积 极迹象。
The presence of the leadership of the Catholic community in Kosovo at the enthronement of the Bishop on 26 December was a further positive sign.
於未來六個月,本集團將密切關注市場動態,力求把握銷售良機,推出大坑「瑆華」、西半 加冕 臺 及 大埔Providence Bay的項目預售,以及銷售其他豪宅項目的餘下單位。
We will closely monitor the market in the next six months in order to seize the right windows to
launch the presales of “9 Warren Street”
[...] in Tai Hang, Coronation Terrace in Mid-Levels [...]
West and Providence Bay in Tai Po,
as well as to sell the remaining units of our other luxury residential projects.
飞行员在淘汰赛竞争最快的两个飞行员去头对头在总决赛中 加冕 总 冠 军奖杯。
Pilots compete in knockout rounds with the two fastest pilots going head to head in the grand final to be crowned overall champion.
:《阿波罗和女祭司》和《阿波罗和亚森特》,作者为路易德布洛涅(Louis de Boulogne);《阿波罗在特提斯》,
[...] 作者为让儒弗内(Jean Jouvenet);《得到胜利女加冕的阿 波罗和阿波罗的休憩》,作者为诺埃尔科瓦贝尔(Noël [...]
The green damask wall coverings enriched with a gold brocade border form the backdrop for the following paintings: Apollo and the Sibyl
and Apollo and Hyacinth by Louis de
[...] Boulogne; Apollo and Thetis by Jean Jouvenet; [...]
Apollo Crowned by Victory and Apollo At Rest by Noël Coypel.
一九五三年六月二日,英女皇伊利沙伯二世於倫敦西敏寺正 加冕 , 儀 式由坎特伯雷大主教Geoffrey Fisher博士主持。
Her coronation on June 2, 1953 in Westminster Abbey was conducted by Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury.
事实上,我们现在是“看到耶加冕 荣 耀 尊贵”是保证足够的上帝“已经把所有的东西在他的脚下”(希伯来书2:8 [...]
- 9)。
The fact that we
[...] now "see Jesus crowned with glory and [...]
honor" is guarantee enough that God "has put all things under his feet" (Heb. 2:8 - 9).
本集團於二零一零年下半年收購兩個優質住宅地盤,即西半 加冕 臺 1- 2號的地盤,以及銅鑼灣大坑華倫街3-11號與重士 [...]
In the second half of 2010, the
Group acquired two prime residential sites: one
[...] at No. 1-2 Coronation Terrace in [...]
Mid-Levels West and the other at No. 3-11 Warren
Street and No.1-11 Jones Street in Tai Hang, Causeway Bay.
1953年,芝华士兄弟特别研制皇家礼炮,向英女王伊莉莎白二 加冕 典 礼 致敬,这个最优质、权威的苏格兰威士忌品牌,从此傲视全球,并屡获殊荣,备受国际推祟。
Tribute to Honour” was created by Royal Salute, itself established by Chivas Regal in 1953 as a tribute to the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.
从目前的年轻男子,谁是专门麦当娜愈合,由'癫痫时,该图片会成为一个热门的主题奉献表示,丰富他们的礼物,黄金和宝石,直到她被剥夺了所有货物,除珍贵的该冠的辉煌的礼物忠实,与该形 加冕 由 保禄六世后,立即恢复进行了在罗马在1965年。
From the moment a young man who was devoted to Madonna was healed by 'epilepsy, the picture became a subject of popular devotion that the enriched with their gifts of gold and precious stones, until, for fear that the
canvas is rip, was deprived of all goods
[...] except precious diadems of brilliant gift [...]
of the faithful, with which the image
was crowned by Pope Paul VI immediately after the restoration carried out in Rome in 1965.
[...] Chair寶座的仿製品,它自 1308 年起就用加冕典禮 ,現今仍可在西敏寺看到它的蹤影。
In the movie you’ll spot an exact replica of the
Coronation Chair, the 14th-century seat that’s
[...] been used for coronations since 1308 [...]
and that can still be seen on a tour of the abbey today.
当局建立了一党执政制度,使国家失去了基本的自由,让 –巴都·博卡萨 (Jean Bedel BOKASSA)加冕为皇帝。
The Government set up a single-party regime that abolished fundamental freedoms and culminated in the consecration of Emperor John Bedel Bokassa.
加冕是傍 晚的事件,具有可比性,其中專業人士出席了2010年的巴塞爾鐘錶展,主席傑克·豪雅,豪雅表的Jean-Christophe Babin先生,總裁兼CEO的發言被打斷。
Crowning the evening event, comparable to that which the professionals had attended the Baselworld 2010, was punctuated by speeches of Jack Heuer, Chairman of TAG Heuer, and Jean-Christophe Babin, President and CEO.
他在少年和高级阶段都曾代表南非参加重大赛事,如女王杯、金杯赛、南非公开赛 加冕 杯 以 及FIP富国高银雪地马球世界杯2012。
He has represented South Africa in both junior and senior levels and competed in major tournaments like the Queen’s Cup, Gold Cup, South Africa Open, Coronation Cup and FIP Fortune Heights Snow Polo World Cup 2012.
大量华美的内部装饰以及玛丽皇后(Queen Marie)使用过的众多个人物品,将您带入那 加冕 国 王和王后们的迷人世界,并令人惊异地使那些年代久远的华美家具重新焕发光辉。
The opulent and ostentatious interior decoration, and the many personal articles once belonging to Queen Marie, take you back into the enchanting world of crowned kings and queens, and impressively bring alive the magnificent furnishings of a long gone age.
根据一个关于描述质子事件类别和与 1987-2003 年期间高强度太阳射电事件 有关的星际冕质量抛射的到达参数的项目,地球物理学和天文学研究所研究 人员们在带变量分析的逐步多元回归分析的基础上,利用太阳米波射电辐射数 据,对带高强度和低强度米波成分的质子事件研究了质 加 速 度 的可能情况。
Under a project concerning characterization of types of proton events and arrival
parameters relating to
[...] interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) associated with high-intensity solar radio events for the period 1987-2003, IGA researchers studied possible scenarios of particle acceleration for proton events with a high-intensity and low-intensity metric component using solar metric radio emission data [...]
on the basis of stepwise
multiple regression analysis with analysis of variance.
梁特首,無論你是為了樹立管治威信又或是收買人心,請不要再 分化我們的長者,把他們妖魔化,把他們塑造成對將來社會只有負累、 沒有貢獻的壞印象,重蹈曾蔭權的覆轍,使用當年曾特首 加 “ 生 果 金 ”1,000元兼引入審查時的“相同技倆”,不斷以跨大開支、以財政難 以承擔,或帶來財政災難為由,迷惑和誤導一羣中產和知識份子,令 他們誤信這些冕堂皇 的理由和數據,卻忽視箇中的假設。
He must not use similar tactics employed by Donald TSANG. Back then, in increasing the rate of "fruit grant" to $1,000 and introducing the means test, Chief
Executive Donald TSANG
[...] had repeatedly exaggerated the expenditure, citing the reason that it would be difficult for public revenue to meet the expenditure or it would bring about a financial disaster in order to confuse and mislead the middle class and the intellectuals, making them believe in those [...]
lofty reasons and
data, but overlooking the assumptions.
小组委员会注意到,该举措将探索 冕 ; 加 深 了解太阳的功能以及太阳的 变化可能对地球磁层、环境和气候产生的影响;探索行星的电离环境;确定日 光层的极限并加深了解日光层与星际空间的相互作用。
The Subcommittee noted that the Initiative would explore the solar corona; deepen understanding of the function of the Sun and the effects that the variability of the Sun could have on the Earth’s magnetosphere, environment and climate; explore the ionized environments of planets; and determine the limits of the heliosphere and deepen understanding of its interaction with interstellar space.
地球物理学和天文学研究所的专家们利用国际太阳巡视和卫星观测所得的 数据,继续研究强度超过 10 MeV 的质子能量变化强度的方向性,并根据等离子 粒团(行星际冕物质抛射)在太阳中的位置,研究其到达地球附近的时间的 分布情况,在编写材料时采用逐步多元回归办法进行变差分析。
Specialists at IGA continued to study the directionality of the intensity of protonic energy events exceeding 10 MeV and the distribution of arrival times of plasmoids (interplanetary coronal mass ejections) in the immediate neighbourhood of Earth according to their positions in the Sun, using data from the international solar patrol and satellite observations, following the step-by-step multiple regression method with variation analysis in the preparation of the material.




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