

单词 加元



additional element
plug-in (computing)

加热元件 n

heating element n

External sources (not reviewed)

政府向原寄宿学校的学生做出官方道 歉,向该体制的 64 000 名受害者共赔款 14 亿加元, 并且成立了事实和协调委员会。
The Government had offered a formal apology to former students
of those schools, distributed more
[...] than 1.4 billion Canadian dollars to 64,000 victims [...]
of the practice and set up a Truth
and Reconciliation Commission.
除Anvil董事會一致建議Anvil股東接納要約,要約符合彼等及Anvil各自的最佳利益外,支持協議亦 規定(其中包括),一項就Anvil而言的非徵集約定(受慣常的「忠誠義務除外」條文所規限)、 一項以本公司為受益人的權力,於任何較佳的方案出現時(如有)選擇較佳的方案,在若干情況 下(包括若Anvil建議較佳的方案)向本公司支付終止費用53.2百 加元 ( 401.7百萬港元),及若由 於要約開始後80日當天尚未取得公司股東批准,如Anvil終止支持協議,便向Anvil支付撥回終止費 用20百加元(151百萬港元)。
In addition to the unanimous Anvil Board recommendation that the Anvil Shareholders accept the Offer, it being in their and Anvil’s respective best interests, the Support Agreement also provides for, among other things, a non-solicitation covenant on the part of Anvil subject to customary “fiduciary out” provisions, a right in favour of the Company to match any superior proposal which arises (if any), a payment to the Company of a termination fee of C$53.2 million (HK$401.7 million) in certain circumstances, including if Anvil recommends a superior proposal, and a payment to Anvil of a reverse termination fee of C$20 million (HK$151 million) if the Support Agreement is terminated by Anvil due to Company Shareholder Approval not being obtained by the date that is 80 days following the date of the commencement of the Offer.
例如,加拿大政府通过非营利组织“加拿大大挑战”投资 2.25 亿加元,用 于资助整合了科学、社会和商业创新的全球健康创意;美国国际开发署 [...]
(USAID) 已推出一系列“发展大挑战”项目,其中首个项目是与“加拿大大挑战”以及基金会合作推出的“保障母婴生命安全”项目;“巴西大挑战”也于
2012 年启动,该项目是巴西政府与基金会间的合作伙伴框架,其中首个联合计划关注了早产负担的减轻。
For example, the Canadian government has
[...] committed CAD$225 million through the not-for-profit [...]
organization Grand Challenges Canada to fund global health ideas that
integrate scientific, social, and business innovation; the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has launched a series of Grand Challenges for Development programs, the first being Saving Lives at Birth, which includes Grand Challenges Canada and the foundation as partners; and Grand Challenges Brazil was launched in 2012 as a partnership framework between the government of Brazil and the foundation, with the first joint initiative focused on reducing the burden of preterm birth.
此外,Alderon还同意,如果截止至2014年3月31日未获得卡米项目的环境评估和相关批准,则要求Alderon每个整月向河北钢铁集团有限公司支付3 00 万 加元 , 直 至获得这些批准为止。
In addition, Alderon has agreed that in the event that the environmental assessment and related approvals for the Kami Project are not obtained by March 31,
2014, Alderon will be required to
[...] pay to HBIS C$3 million per month for [...]
each whole month until such approvals are obtained.
(c) 在上述任何類別中,提供總額超過200 加元 ( 1 , 140 港 元) 的資 助予註冊政黨使用的每個資助者的姓名/名稱 及地址,不論資助是直接或透過註冊政黨其中一個選 區協會或為獲得註冊政黨支持的候選人參選而設立 的信託基金支付,以及資助的總額。
(c) the name and address of
[...] each contributor in a class listed above who made contributions of a total amount of more than CAN$200 (HK$1,140) to [...]
the registered party for
its use, either directly or through one of its electoral district associations or a trust fund established for the election of a candidate endorsed by the registered party, and that total amount.
要約須待支持協議所載的初步要約條件及要約條件達成後方可作實,並以每股普 通股8.00加元(相 等於約60.40港元)的現金代價提出收購。
The Offer will be conditional on the Preliminary Offer Conditions
and the Offer
[...] Conditions as set out in the Support Agreement, and be made for a cash consideration of C$8.00 (equivalent to approximately HK$60.40) for [...]
each Common Share.
本公司在其 Monte
[...] Carlo模擬中使用的部分關鍵輸入數據包括:最低及最高轉換價、無風險回報率、股價預計波動率、遠期外匯 匯率曲線(加元與美 元之間)和即期外匯匯率。
Some of the key inputs used by the Company in its Monte Carlo simulation included: the floor and ceiling conversion prices, the risk-free rate of return, expected volatility of
the stock price, forward foreign exchange rate curves (between the
[...] Cdn$ and U.S. Dollar) and spot foreign [...]
exchange rates.
而截至二零一一年同期的淨虧損乃主要歸因於與股份購回責任有關的融資成本 630 萬加元, 一般行政開支 450 萬加元(其中包括薪金、顧問費及福利 320 萬加元,法律、審計、租金、 差旅的其他成本 130 萬加元)、以股份為基礎的付款 250 萬加元和首次公開發售成本已開 銷部份 170 萬加元,由認股權證按市價計算的調整 240 萬加元與利息收入 40 萬加元所抵 銷。
For the same period in 2011, the net loss was attributable to $6.3 million of finance costs related primarily to the share repurchase obligation, $4.5 million in general administration costs, which includes $3.2 million for salaries, consulting and benefits and $1.3 million of legal, audit, rent and other costs for travel costs, $2.5 million of share-based payments, and $1.7 million for expensed portion of IPO costs offset by $2.4 million of a mark to market gain on warrants and $0.4 million of interest income.
Richardson已同意以現金796百加元 (79 9百萬美元)美元收購Viterra加拿大穀物處理資產的23%權益、若干農業中心及於北美的若干加工資產,視乎任何最終特定購買價調整 [...]
Richardson has agreed to acquire 23% of
[...] Viterra’s Canadian grain handling assets, [...]
certain agri-centres and certain processing
assets in North America for CAD 796 million ($ 799 million) in cash, subject to any final specified purchase price adjustments such as payment for working capital.
更确切地说,法院认定货物 已经交付而且被告已经支付大部分货款(总计 18,508.94 加元); 再者,法院认 定买方没有提供任何证据证明其就货物的类型、数量或者价格向原告提出抱 怨。
Rather, the Court found that the goods had been delivered and that the defendant had paid most of their price (for a total of $18,508.94); moreover, it found that the buyer had not provided any evidence of complaints to the plaintiff regarding type, quantity or price of goods.
加拿大报告说在两年时间里对渔业科学研究方案投资 3 900 万加元, 以加强养 护和管理,并为基于生态系统的管理提供科学支持。
Canada reported a Can$ 39 million investment over two years in fisheries science research programmes to strengthen conservation [...]
and management and
provide science support for ecosystem-based management.
法院没有支持原告主张的金额为 1,951.90 加元的损 害赔偿以及相 应利息,因为尽管依据 ZPP 第 219 条第 2 款的规定,原告应承担举证责任,但 是原告未能提供证据对其遭受的损害以及损害金额加以证明。
The Court rejected the plaintiff’s claim regarding compensation for damages in the amount of $1,951.90 plus corresponding interest because the plaintiff had failed to provide evidence of the damages sustained and of their amount, although he had the burden of proof under article 219, paragraph 2 ZPP.
[...] 年该领土政府宣布拨款 150 万加元,建造一座两层大楼, 用作蒙特塞拉特 [...]
ZJB 公共广播电台;据管理国提供的资料,2009 年该建筑已进入 设计阶段。
As previously reported, in 2008 the territorial Government announced
[...] that EC$ 1.5 million would be allocated [...]
to build a two-storey building for Montserrat’s
ZJB public radio; according to information provided by the administering Power, in 2009 the building was at the design stage.
多伦多证券交易所股票代码:GIB.A)(纽约证券交易所股票代码:GIB)宣布,公司计划以每股普通股105便士(约合 1 . 6 8 加元 ) 的 现金或17亿英镑(约合 28 亿 加元 ) 的 总价格收购Logica。
(TSX:GIB.A) (NYSE:GIB), a leading global provider of IT and business process services, has announced a recommended cash acquisition of Logica for 105 pence (C$1.68) per ordinary share equivalent to a total purchase price of pound 1.7 billion (C$2.8 billion) plus the assumption of Logica''s net debt of pound 322 million (C$515 million) as of December 31, 2011.
Glencore的營運開支(佔其收益基礎的一小部分)以一籃子 貨 幣 組 合 計 付,其 中 包
[...] 括 美 元、瑞 士 法 郎、英 鎊加 元、澳 元、歐 元、哈 薩 克 堅 戈、哥 倫 [...]
比 亞 比 索 及 南 非 蘭 特 等主要 貨 幣。
Glencore’s operating expenses, being a small portion of its revenue base, are incurred in a mix of currencies
of which the U.S. Dollar, Swiss
[...] Franc, Pound Sterling, Canadian Dollar, Australian [...]
Dollar, Euro, Kazakhstan Tenge, Colombian
Peso and South African Rand are the predominant currencies.
於 二 零 一 二 年 十 一 月 三 十 日,Active Investments亦 已 同 意 將 金 額 為485,000加 元(約3,787,000港 元)之 承 付 票 連 同 累 計 利 息 約108,000加 元(約803,000港 元)、金 額 約 為18,205,000港 元 之 承 付 票 連 同 累 計 利 息 約4,037,000港 元、金 額 為 3,000,000港 元 之 承 付 票 連 同 累 計 利 息 約318,000港 元、金 額 為2,000,000港 元 之 承 付 票 連 同 累 計 利 息約103,000港元,以及金額為300,000 加元 ( 約 2,343,000港元)之承付票連同累計利息約1 5, 0 0 0加 元(約 119,000港元)之到期日延至二零一四年五月三十一日。
On 30 November 2012, Active Investments has also agreed to extend the maturity dates of the promissory notes with the amounts of
[...] (approximately to HK$3,787,000) together with the accrued interest of approximately CAD108,000 (approximately to HK$803,000), the amounts of approximately HK$18,205,000 together with the accrued interest of approximately HK$4,037,000, the amounts of HK$3,000,000 together with the accrued interest of approximately HK$318,000, the amounts of HK$2,000,000 together with the accrued interest of approximately HK$103,000 and the amounts of CAD300,000 (approximately to HK$2,343,000) together with the accrued interest of approximately CAD15,000 (approximately to HK$119,000) to [...]
31 May 2014.
截至二零一二年九月三十日止三個月及九個月 期間,已確認融資成本總額分別為 加元及 266,090 加元(二零一一年-加元及零加元 ) , 其中加 元及 236,873 加元(二零一一年-加元及零加元 ) 已 分別於勘探及評估資產中資本化,而餘下 加元 及 29,217 加元(二零一一年-加元及零加元 ) 已 於融資成本中支銷。
During the three and nine month
periods ended September 30, 2012,
[...] total finance costs of $Nil and $266,090 (2011 - $Nil and $Nil), respectively, were recognized, of which $Nil and $236,873 (2011 -$Nil and $Nil), respectively, was capitalized in exploration and evaluation assets with the remaining $Nil and $29,217 (2011 - $Nil and $Nil), respectively, expensed in finance costs.
[...] 2010/2011 财政年度捐款约 100 万加元,包 括研发最新的系统电子设备,以用来 [...]
监测不停堆换料动力堆,还进行了应用卫星成像的研究,以监测核设施并支持技 术革新,提高保障监督转移至干法贮存过程的效力和效率。
This effort resulted in a contribution of
[...] approximately C$ 1 million over the 2010/11 [...]
fiscal year and included the development of
updated electronics for systems used to monitor on-load refuelled reactors, studies in the application of satellite imagery in monitoring nuclear facilities and support for upgrades to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of safeguarding transfers to dry storage.
於 二零一二年十一月二十八日,540,000 加元 ( 約 4,217,000港元)貸款為本公司行政總裁全資擁有之關連公司 [...]
Active Investments Capital Limited墊支之一筆新貸款,乃無抵押,以香港最優惠利率計息及於二零一四年五月 三十一日到期。
At 28 November 2012, CAD540,000
[...] (approximately HK$4,217,000) representing a new [...]
loan was advanced from Active Investments
Capital Limited, a related company wholly owned by the chief executive officer of the Company, which was unsecured, interest bearing at the Hong Kong prime rate and maturing on 31 May 2014.
加拿大还向原子能机构提供 100 万加元的自 愿预算外捐款,加强保障监 督分析服务项目的能力,以帮助确保原子能机构拥有必须的设施和设备,对各国 遵守核保障监督的情况进行精确和及时的科学分析。
Canada also provided a voluntary, extrabudgetary contribution of C$ 1 million towards the IAEA enhancing [...]
capabilities of the safeguards
analytical services project to help ensure that the Agency has the necessary facilities and equipment with which to undertake accurate and timely scientific analyses of countries’ nuclear safeguards compliance.
使用以下货币的客户是我们的主要客户群: 元 、 加 拿 大 元 、 日 元、韩元、港币、 加 坡 元 、 台 币、新西兰元、澳元、英镑、丹麦克朗、挪威克朗、瑞典克朗和欧元。
The customer speaks loudest with the US Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Japanese Yen, Korean Won, Hong Kong Dollar, Singapore Dollar, Taiwan Dollar, New Zealand Dollar, Australian Dollar, British Pound, Danish Krone, Norwegian Krone, Swedish Krona, and Euro.
(e) 工作人员薪金税收入估计数净额 30 474 500
[...] 美元,即 2011 年 7 月 1 日 至 2012 年 6 月 30 日财政期间的 29 685 000 美元加上 2010 年 6 月 30 日终了财 政期间的加额 789 500 美元,将按比例分配给各在役维持和平行动预算,部分 抵冲上文(d)分段所述的缺额。
(e) The net estimated staff assessment income of 30,474,500 dollars,
comprising the amount of
[...] 29,685,000 dollars for the financial period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 and the increase of 789,500 dollars in respect of [...]
the financial period
ended 30 June 2010, to be set off against the balance referred to in subparagraph (d) above, to be prorated among the budgets of the individual active peacekeeping operations.
根 據 「 全 年 中 國 保 障 」 計 劃 A 的 保 障 , 如 受 保 人 於 內 地 ( 香 港 特 別 行 政 區
除 外 ) 或 澳 門 特 別 行 政 區 因 不 幸 被 劫 受 傷 而 身 故 或 導 致 永 久 完 全 傷 殘 , 則 原 來 的 意 外 保 障 賠 償
[...] 將 由 港 幣 200,000元 加 倍 至 港 幣 400,000 元 。
Under the Plan A of the Annual China Cover, if the customer sustains bodily injury caused by an assault during a robbery while traveling in Mainland China (excluding Hong Kong SAR) or Macau SAR
leading to death or permanent disability, the original HKD200,000 Personal Accident
[...] benefit will be doubled to HKD400,000.
提议编列差旅费 266 500 美元,用于开展以下技术支持活动:现场评价和
[...] 采购招标进程、战略部署物资储存的仓库存货和编目问题,以及审查外地燃料作 业情况(166 000 美元);加强外 地航空安全负责人员的知识和技能,并制定联合 [...]
300 美元);在维和特派团实施电子口粮管理系统和电子燃料管理系统(35 200 美 元)。
The amount of $266,500 is proposed for travel to undertake the following technical support activities: on-site evaluations and provision of technical assistance, including for assessing progress in field operations in connection with the expansion of provincial offices and other contractual activities, the procurement solicitation process, strategic deployment stock warehouse inventory and codification
issues, and review of fuel operations in the
[...] field ($166,000); improve knowledge and technical [...]
skills of staff in the field charged
with aviation safety and establish a formulation of the United Nations Common Aviation Safety Standards for the use of air assets between different United Nations entities ($65,300); and implementation of the electronic rations management system and the electronic fuel management system in peacekeeping missions ($35,200).
总部外--非集中化计划的管理:该拨款项目下出现总额为 190 万美元的赤字,主要是由 于增加了总部外办事处的人事费,如:离职费(60 万美元);为塔什干和达喀尔办事
处设立临时职位(20 万美元);总干事批准的重新定级和职位的设立(20 万美元);
[...] 养恤金分摊额和产假范围的额外要求(10 万元);加强总 部外办事处的行政力量 (10 万美元);与欧洲高等教育中心办公室有关的开支(10 [...]
万美元);特殊服务合同 转为服务合同(10
万美元);喀布尔的工作人员因安全原因暂时迁往曼谷(5 万美 元)。
BFC field: The overall deficit of $1.9 million on this appropriation line mainly pertains to additional staff cost requirements for field offices such as: separation payments ($0.6 million); Creation of temporary posts for the Tashkent and Dakar offices ($0.2 million); reclassifications and post creations approved by the Director-General ($0.2 million); additional requirements for pension
contributions and maternity leave coverage
[...] ($0.1 million); Strengthening the administrative [...]
capacity of Field Offices ($0.1 million);
cost related to the CEPES office ($0.1 million); Conversion of SSA contacts to Service Contracts ($0.1 million) and the temporary relocation of Kabul staff to Bangkok for security reasons ($0.05 million).
执行委员会通过其第 52/33
[...] 计量吸入器中的氟氯化碳消费的项目提案,金额为 3,529,508 美元,加上给工发组织的机构 支助费用 [...]
264,713 美元,但有一个条件,即从核准的计量吸入器改型项目核准的资金中、 或从伊朗国家淘汰计划、或从这二者(由伊朗自行决定)扣除
465,500 美元,以消除重复 计算的资金。
Through its decision 52/33, the Executive Committee approved the transition strategy and the project for the phase-out of CFC consumption in the manufacture of MDIs in the
Islamic Republic of Iran at the amount
[...] of US $3,529,508, plus agency support costs [...]
of US $264,713 for UNIDO, subject to
a deduction of US $465,500 to be applied to the approved funding for the MDI conversion project or to the national phase-out plan (NPP) for Iran, or both, at the country’s discretion, in order to eliminate double-counting of funds.
关于人事费,截至 2003 年 6 月 30 日,预算拨款额为 329,897,700 美元,其中包括重新 定级储备金(2002—2003 年拨款决议中规定的 321,040,700 美元,加上决定 164 EX/6.2 和决 定 166 EX/8.1 所批准的从预算第 IV 篇转拨的 8,857,000 美元)。
With regard to the staff costs, budget allocation as at 30 June 2003 amounts to $329,897,700 including the reserve for reclassifications ($321,040,700 provided for in the Appropriation Resolution for 2002-2003, plus the transfer of $8,857,000 from Part IV of the budget approved under 164 EX/Decision 6.2 and 166 EX/Decision 8.1).
儿童基金会的主要捐助方有国际扶轮 社(4 800 万美元)、比尔及梅林达·盖茨基金会(4 500
[...] 万美元)、免疫联盟全球 儿童疫苗基金(1 400 万元)、加拿大微营养素倡议(1 100 万美元)和全球抗击 [...]
艾滋病、结核病和疟疾基金(620 万美元)。
Among the major contributors to UNICEF were Rotary International ($48 million), Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ($45 million),
GAVI Global Fund for Children’s Vaccines
[...] ($14 million), Canadian Micronutrient [...]
Initiative ($11 million) and the Global Fund
to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria ($6.2 million).




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