

单词 加俸



increase in salary according one's service record for the year [idiom.]

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

在這方面,我希望政府當局還記得財政司在本年㆕月曾許㆘承諾,說他將會在㆘㆒ 年度大幅加薪俸稅免 稅額及對稅級進行檢討。
In this connection, I would also like to remind the Administration of a promise made by the Financial
Secretary in April this year that he will
[...] substantially increase the salaries tax allowances [...]
in the coming year and carry out the review of the tax bands.
主要有數個可能性:第一,是加薪俸稅; 第二,便是增加利得稅;及第三,則是從其他方面增加收入, [...]
There are mainly a few
[...] possibilities, namely, higher salaries tax, higher [...]
profits tax, and additional revenue from other
areas, for example, more revenue from land sales and stamp duty from stock transactions.
雖 然我們明 白加 薪 俸稅會 對市民 有直接 影響, 但 這些建 議 對 中 低 收入 [...]
的 納 稅 人 造 成的影響應該不會 太 大。
Although we understand
[...] the proposed increases in salaries tax are going [...]
to impact directly on the public, the proposals
should have limited impact on lower to middle income taxpayers.
這樣做相等於加薪俸稅和利得 稅,而且是在扣減免稅額前徵收的,因此對個人和僱主均有可能是非常 [...]
This is equivalent to increasing the salaries tax and profits [...]
tax, and as such contributions are made before deducting the
allowances, a very heavy burden may be imposed on individuals and employers.
[...] 去年也反對 加 稅 , 我 們 反 對加薪 俸 稅 , 儘 管我們贊 成 增加利 [...]
We objected
[...] to raising the salaries tax, though we [...]
were in favour of introducing an increase in profits tax.
至於其他收入措施,即減低股票買賣印花稅、加薪俸稅個 人進修開支的最高扣除額,以及增加路邊停車收費錶最高收費 [...]
My other
[...] proposals for increased on-street parking [...]
meter charges, reduced stamp duty on stock transactions and an increased
level of deductions for training expenses under salaries tax will take effect once the relevant legislative amendments have been passed.
財政司司長話不會建議加薪俸稅、 利得稅或其他稅項、亦不會減稅、同埋不會調整差餉徵收率。
The Financial Secretary said that he proposed
[...] no further increases in salaries tax, profits [...]
tax or any other taxes, and there would
be no tax reductions or rates adjustments either.
縱然我不建議更多的寬減措施,我希望議員及市民明白,由於過去兩 年經濟出現負通脹,物價的累積跌幅達 7.5%,無形中已加薪俸稅下各項免 稅額的實質價值。
Although I am proposing no more concessions, I hope Members and the community alike will appreciate that, as a result of the cumulative
decline in prices of 7.5% over the past two years,
[...] the various salaries tax allowances have already increased in real value.
自 由 黨 認 為 財 赤 的主要 根 源 ,是公共 開支連年 增 長,當 局 必須先 改善有 關部門浪費的 情況, 而不是 動 輒 便
[...] 向中產 人士開 刀 , 藉加薪 俸 稅 來 填 補 財 赤 這個無 底深潭 。
The Liberal Party is of the view that the root cause of the fiscal deficit should be the incessant increases in public expenditure over the years. The authorities must first deal with the wastage of resources in government departments, instead
of turning so lightly to the middle class and seeking to fill the abyss of fiscal
[...] deficit by increasing the salaries tax.
缅甸还进行 了一系列社会经济改革,其中包括 加 薪 俸 , 整 顿 公共医疗和社会保障,提高教育和健康水平,修正 [...]
新闻法,促进环境保护和加强应对自然灾害的措施 等。
A series of socio-economic reforms had been undertaken
[...] that included increasing salaries, overhauling [...]
public health care and social security,
raising education and health standards, amending press laws, promoting environmental conservation and enhancing measures to respond to natural disasters.
首先,我建議跟進去年行政長官在施政報告提出的意見, 加 薪 俸稅 個人進修開支的最高扣除額,由目前的 3 萬元增加至 4 萬元,藉此進一步鼓 勵在職人士持續進修。
To take forward a suggestion made by the Chief Executive in his 2000 policy address, and to further encourage lifelong learning, I propose to increase the maximum amount of deduction for self-education expenses under salaries tax, from $30,000 to $40,000.
財政司司長建議既稅項同收費變動包括增加煙草稅、酒稅、飛機乘客離境稅、駕駛執照費和車輛牌照費、和路邊停車咪錶收費,但又調低股票交易印花稅和 加 薪 俸 稅 個 人進修扣除稅額,其他所有項目不變。
The Financial Secretary proposed in this year's Budget, to increase the duties on tobacco and alcoholic beverages, the air passenger departure tax, driving license fees, vehicle license fees as well as on-street parking meter charges while decreasing stamp
duty on stock transactions and
[...] increasing the maximum amount of deduction for self-education expenses under salaries tax.
加 薪俸稅 個 人 進修開支的最 高 扣 除 額 外 , 我們曾 建 議政府 考慮提 [...]
高 僱 主 培訓扣 稅 額 , 將 有 關 給 予 員工的 培訓開 支 作 150%扣 稅 , 以 鼓勵僱 主保送 員工參加培訓。
In addition to demanding a higher deduction for
[...] self-education expenses under salaries tax, we have [...]
also suggested the Government consider
raising employers' training allowance, whereby staff training expenses may be made 150% tax deductible so as to encourage employers to let their employees receive training.
其他引致超額開支的 主要因素,包括支付綜合社會保障援助和公共福利金計劃 加 的 開 支及 俸 的 額外 開支。
Other major contributing
[...] factors include the increased expenditure under the [...]
Comprehensive Social Security Assistance and
Social Security Allowance Schemes and additional expenditure on pension payment.
在“本會”之前加上“鑒於政府已表明本年度的財政盈餘可以達 標,”;在“管理效能”之後刪除“,並明確訂立適當的”,並以“之
[...] 餘,明確執行政府已訂立的適當”代替;在“財政儲備水平,”之後 加上“即把儲備水平維持在相等於 12 個月的政府開支,”;及在緊 接句號之加上“,包括將俸稅的免稅額、稅階及邊際稅率回復至 2002-2003 年度水平,以減輕納稅人的稅務負擔”。
To add ", as the Government has expressly indicated that the fiscal surplus for this year will be able to achieve its target," after "That"; to delete "strive" after "as necessary," and substitute with "and while striving"; to delete "stipulate" after "explicitly" and substitute with "adhere to"; to delete "," after "fiscal reserves" and substitute with "stipulated by the Government, i.e. maintaining the reserves at a level equivalent to 12
months of government
[...] expenditure;"; and to add ", including reverting the allowances, tax bands and marginal tax rates under salaries tax to the [...]
2002-2003 level so as
to relieve the tax burden on taxpayers" immediately before the full stop.
俸紀錄應用軟件的項目 費用,會遠較人力資源管 理資訊系統軟加入薪 俸紀錄組件的為高,因為 上述薪俸紀錄應用軟件 在提供保安、報表、查 詢、審計追蹤、工作流程 等所需常用功能方面的 間接費用會很高。
(c) the project costs of adopting a different payroll package was expected to be much higher than incorporating the payroll module of the software package of HRMIS. It was because there existed very high overhead for the payroll package to provide common functions required like security control, reporter, query, audit trail, work flow, and so on.
政府會否加利得稅及俸稅 算案所造成的影響?政府會否加利 得 稅及 俸 稅 , 或削減各項公共開支 ,或削減各項公共開支 ,或削減各項公共開支 ,或削減各項公共開支,以維持庫房 ,以維持庫房 ,以維持庫房 ,以維持庫房 的收入?
Will the Government increase profits tax and salaries tax or reduce various kinds of public expenditure as a means of maintaining Treasury revenue?
在 “ 措施,如”之後刪除“減免”,並以“豁免一年”代替;在“ 地租” 之加上“(每季上限5,000元 )”;在 “俸稅”之前加上“ 暫緩預繳”; 在 “等;(二 )”之前加上“和利得稅”;在“展開”之後加上“地區小型 [...]
To delete "reducing" after "measures such as" and substitute with "waiving"; to delete "," after
"rates" and substitute
[...] with "and"; to add "(capped at $5,000 per quarter) for a year," after "Government rent"; to add "holding [...]
over provisional" before
"salaries tax"; to add "and profits tax" before "; (b)"; to add "local public works and" after "commencement of"; and to add ", including introducing competition," after "effective measures".
就 經 營 開支而言 ,若計 入 原 來 計 劃 增 加 或 改善的 服 務 、 自 然加 的 開支 如俸 , 以 及 未能按 原 來 假 設 減幅調整 公務員薪酬等因素,2003-04 年 度所 需 的經營 開支將會 超 越 中期預測的 數額。
As regards operating expenditure, if the additional or improved services as planned, the natural increases in such expenditure as on pension, and the fact that the civil service pay cannot be adjusted by the original assumed percentage, are taken into account, the total of operating expenditure to be incurred in 2003-04 will exceed the amount estimated in the Medium Range Forecast.
公務員每年獲得的俸調整 與通貨膨脹之間並沒有這樣的直接因果關係,但很明顯會有心理影響。
There is no direct causal relationship between the annual pay adjustment for civil servants and inflation as such, but there is clearly a psychological effect.
該季所批准的追加撥款為 10.12 億元,包括發還予選擇不加撫恤 孤寡 俸 計 劃 和尚存 配偶及子女撫恤金計劃的公務員供款 3.94 億元,以及撥予財政司法團設立愛滋病特別信 託基金的 3.5 億元。
This included $394 million for the refund of contributions to civil servants opting out of the Widows and Orphans Pension Scheme and the Surviving Spouses' and Children's Pensions Scheme and $350 million for a grant to the Financial Secretary Incorporated for establishing a Special Trust Fund for AIDS.
(d) 司法人員俸及服 務條件常務委員會,代表司法人 員。
(d) the Standing Committee
[...] on Judicial Salaries and Conditions [...]
of Service for judicial officers.
就資歷組別 9 而言, 薪常會注意到公務員與私營機構學位職位的 俸 結 構 不同(即私 營機構的學位職位一般在數年後會有較大幅度 加 薪 ),基於這 個資歷組別的職位會成為公務員隊伍的骨幹,政府必須維持這個 資歷組別職位的競爭力。
For QG 9, the Standing Commission has noted, in particular, the differences in the salary structure of degree jobs in the civil service and the private sector (viz. degree jobs in the private sector generally enjoy a larger jump after a few years) and the importance to maintain the competitiveness of jobs in the QG which form the backbone of the civil service, etc.
(a) 提供下述資料:過去數年就利得稅及 俸 稅 (包 括個人入息課稅)可予扣除的捐款額、就該建議 如何及在多大程度上能鼓勵法團/個別人士作 出慈善捐款進行的評估,以及該建議實施後預 計會加的捐款數額。
(a) Provide information on the amount of tax deductible
donations under
[...] profits tax and salaries tax (including tax under personal assessment) in the past few years, an assessment on how and to what extent the proposal would encourage charitable donations by corporations/individuals, as well as and the estimated amount of additional donations [...]
that would be made after
implementation of the proposal.
以近 年本港不到 120 萬 的 納 稅 人,來支撐 16 萬 至
[...] 17 萬 公務員的各種薪酬福利和俸 開 支加 上 人 口 老化的發展 趨勢, 難怪中 [...]
產 階 級 擔 心加稅 的 重 擔將會 落在自 己 的 身 上 , 這種
想 法 確 實不無 道 理 。
Given that there are less than 1.2 million taxpayers in Hong Kong in recent years and they have to shoulder all types of pay,
benefits and pensions for 160 000 to
[...] 170 000 civil servants, coupled with the trend of an [...]
ageing population, there is no wonder
that the middle class is concerned that the heavy burden of tax increase will fall on their shoulders.
如果有 足夠證據證明現任或前任行政長官的生活水平,超出與其現在或過往的公職俸相稱 的水平,或其控制的金錢資源或財產與其現在或過往的 俸 不相 稱,而該現任或前任行政長官又未能向法庭作出圓滿解釋,則屬觸犯法例。
If there is sufficient evidence to prove that any Chief Executive or former Chief Executive maintains a standard of living above that which is commensurate with his present or past official emoluments; or that he is in control of pecuniary resources or property disproportionate to his present or past emoluments, and he is unable to give a satisfactory explanation to the court, the Chief Executive or former Chief Executive will be guilty of an offence.
(b) 由公務員事務局轄下公務員培訓處與政府資訊科技總監辦公室聯合為政府人 員舉辦的社交媒體實務培訓,以及由公務員事務局和公務及司法人員 俸及 服 務條件諮詢委員會聯合秘書處(“薪諮會聯合秘書處”)為其職員安排的同 類訓練的資料,載於附件2。
(b) Information on practical training in social media co-organised by the Civil Service Training and Development Institute (CSTDI) of CSB and the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) for all Government officers and similar training arranged by CSB and Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service (JSSCS) for their own staff is at Annex 2.
至於余若薇議員的修正案中,促請特首懲處梁展文,包括扣減俸,其 實根據法例第99章《退休金利益條例》,退休高官在數個情況 下才有可能被取消、暫停支付或扣減退休金,包括被裁定犯了任何與 其任職於政府的公職服務相關的罪行,並且由行政長官核證為已對香 港造成嚴重損害或被裁定犯了《防止賄賂條例》或《刑事罪行條例》 所訂的叛逆罪等。
Regarding the amendment proposed by Ms Audrey EU urging the Chief Executive to take punitive action against Mr LEUNG Chin-man including the deduction of his pension payment, it is in fact stipulated under the Pension Benefits Ordinance (Cap. 99) that the pension of a retired senior official may only be cancelled, suspended or reduced under several conditions which include the conviction of any offence in connection with the public service under the Government and the said offence has been certified by the Chief Executive to have been gravely injurious to Hong Kong, any offence under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance or the offence of treason under the Crimes Ordinance.




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