单词 | 功夫 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 功夫—kung fueffort功夫noun—skilln artn laborAEn Examples:功夫茶—very concentrated type of tea drunk in Chaozhou, Fujian and Taiwan 做功夫—practice (work skills) 抓功夫—catch some time out find enough time maximize one's time 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针—If you work at it hard enough, you can grind an iron bar ina needle. study diligently See also:夫—(classical) this, that he, she, they conscripted laborer (old) (initial particle, introduces an opinion) manual worker (exclamatory final particle)
你们已经听了各位报告人的报告;我就不 再重复他们的报告了,因为这完全是白费功夫,因此,我只想作一个综述。 unesdoc.unesco.org | You have already heard the reports of the various rapporteurs, which I shall not repeat – that would be quite pointless – I shall merely try to offer a general synopsis. unesdoc.unesco.org |
为了改善巴拿马人的生活条件,巴拿马制定了相应的行动计 划;这些行动计划主要在四个方面下功夫:社会、经济、机制和环境。 daccess-ods.un.org | The country’s social programmes are aimed at improving living conditions for Panamanians and focus onsocial, economic, institutional and environmental issues. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,过度暴露於阳光却没有做好防晒功夫,可能会导致晒伤,增加罹患皮肤癌的机率。 health.herbalife.com.hk | Excessive exposure to sunlight without sunscreen, however, can result in sunburn and greatly increase one's risk of developing skin cancer. health.herbalife.co.in |
秘书长报告应在针对性和时效性方面多下功夫,使其真正成为反映问题、提出建议的“活文件”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Reports of the Secretary-General should strive to be more targeted and timely so as to become living documents that genuinely reflect problems and present recommendations. daccess-ods.un.org |
监於这些古树名木本身的独特 情况(例如树身大、树龄高、属珍贵或罕有品种等),在保育这些树木时通常需要 特别留意和花较多功夫。 devb.gov.hk | Due to the special circumstances of the OVTs (e.g. large size, old age, belonging to precious or rare species, etc.), their preservation would generally require more attention and efforts. devb.gov.hk |
当然我会注意这些数字与㆖述提到 的计划之间的利益关系,并会研究在这些数字㆖还可以做些甚麽功夫,发掘资料,解 释这方面的问题。 legco.gov.hk | I will certainly note the interest in the relationship between these figures and the specific scheme which has been mentioned and will consider whether anything can be done in the context of these figures to try to illicit information that would shed light on that particular aspect. legco.gov.hk |
文化部门在以下方面特别下了功夫,即加大各种形式的文化遗产--无论是物质的、自然 的还是无形的文化遗产--对于社会凝聚力、后冲突环境下的国家建设以及经济发展的贡献力 度。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Efforts have been especially devoted to enhancing the contribution of cultural heritage in all its forms – whether physical, natural or intangible – to social cohesion, nation-building in postconflict situations, and to economic development. unesdoc.unesco.org |
文化博物馆亦会邀请艺术家或团体为李小 龙的功夫造型塑像,从艺术角度诠释李小龙的功夫精神,增加展览的 吸引力。 legco.gov.hk | HKHM will also invite an artist or art group to produce a statue of Bruce Lee in Kung Fu posture and to interpret the spirit of his Kung Fu from the artistic perspective so as to add to the attractiveness of the exhibition. legco.gov.hk |
深圳要在形成良好的文化氛围上下功夫,才能留得住人才和公司。 gemconsortium.org | Shenzhen has to establish a better cultural atmosphere if it wants tomake talents and businesses stay. gemconsortium.org |
对於创业人士来说,要成功创一番事业, 突围而出,事前的准备功夫实在不可少。 gemconsortium.org | After all, pre-preparation is indispensible for [...] entrepreneursto succeed in their own [...]business and excel in market competition. gemconsortium.org |
只需简要回顾国际法院 的法院惯例即足以解决这一问题,无需多费功夫,从而可以集中关注大会向法院 所提问题的事实背景等关联性大得多的其他因素。 daccess-ods.un.org | This point deserved no more than a brief review of the Court’s jurisprudence constante on it, so as to concentrate attention on other points that are of far greater relevance, such as the factual background of the question but to the Court by the General Assembly. daccess-ods.un.org |
注意:上面的等式告诉我们,卓越领导者必须在两项上都要下功夫,即必须在展现优秀领导属性的同时,实现最佳绩效。 12manage.com | Note that the equation suggests that leaders must strive to achieve excellence in both terms; that is, they must both demonstrate attributes and achieve results. 12manage.com |
虽然案文为进一步谈判提供了 良好的基础,但不管我们下多大功夫去细致调整案 文,解决分歧的任何突破都不能依靠案文取得。 daccess-ods.un.org | While it provides a good basis for further negotiations, nomatter how hard we try to fine-tune the text, any breakthrough in resolving differences will have to be made beyond the text. daccess-ods.un.org |
骆大使:我认为我们始终需要把我们在电影里看到的东西区别开来,不论是好莱坞电影还是中国电影,还是功夫电影,还是我在中国各地旅行时在飞机上看到的那些有关古代中国的电影。 embassyusa.cn | Ambassador Locke: I think we always have to be very, we always need to differentiate between what we see in the movies, whether Hollywood movies or Chinese movies or Kung Fu movies or the movies about ancient China that you see on the airplanes when I travel throughout China. eng.embassyusa.cn |
过去政府在人口政策上相当被动,甚至後知後觉,白白错过了很多改善的契机,现在是时候采取积极措施,在鼓励生育和吸纳专才等各方面多下点功夫。 hkupop.hku.hk | In the past, the government has been rather passive and reactive in handling population policies, missing many golden opportunities. It now high time for the government to take active measures to encourage birth-giving and attract talents. hkupop.hku.hk |
由於明年的竞争会很激烈,因此早点做准备功夫,让申请过程更为顺畅。 4tern.com | Therefore, why not, start to do some preparation work, to make sure the application process will be smoother? 4tern.com |
与会者强调的问题包括:(a) 如何处理消费增加的速度快于提高效率所取得 的效益和技术改进的“反弹效应”;(b) 如何更有效地在需求方面下功夫,改变 消费者的行为和采购选择;(c) 评估外部的短期和长期生产费用,并将其内部化; 和(d) 要转型为可持续消费和生产就不能采取惯常做法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Challenges highlighted by participants included: (a) how to address the “rebound effect”, by which growing consumption had been outstripping efficiency gains and technological improvements; (b) how to work more effectively on the demand side to reorient consumers’ behaviour and purchasing choices; (c) evaluating and internalizing external short- and long-term costs of production daccess-ods.un.org |
凭 藉 卡 通 人 物 系 列「喜 羊 羊」产 品 的 空 前 成 功,集 团 再 度 获 得 卡 通 动 画 电 影 系 列 —「功 夫熊猫2」之 版 权,并 预 计 於 今 年 中 配 合 电 影 首 映 推 出「功 夫熊猫」系 列 产 品,为 集 团 销 售 注 入 新 动 力。 vindapaper.com | Building on [...] the unprecedentedsuccess of the“Pleasant Goat Series”featuringcartoonicons, the Group has obtained the license to promote its products with another animation series —KungFu Panda2. vindapaper.com |
炎炎的夏日,幼嫰的肌肤易容受到紫外线的侵袭,所以防晒功夫一定不能少。 aster.com.hk | Scorching summer, turning the tender skin under ultraviolet light, the sun block must not be less effort. aster.com.hk |
映嘉娱乐为亚洲区的观众带来一系列与众不同的收费电视频道,透过把天映娱乐的旗舰电影频道天映频道(全球覆盖率最高的24小时华语电影频道,专为观众呈献最佳华语及其它亚洲猛片)、天映经典频道(网罗昔日经典巨片,如中国功夫片、剧情片、喜剧及动作片等)、天映自选频道(天映的收费自选服务),与Lionsgate及Saban [...] Capital Group在亚洲区合组的Tiger [...]Gate Entertainment旗下的三个收费电视频道合并,包括KIX(汇聚精彩的动作节目)、 Thrill(亚洲区唯一的恐布及悬疑电影频道),以及KIX HD(以高清的画质提供最佳动作及恐布节目)。 celestialpictures.com | CTE brings together a unique bouquet of pay channel offerings for Asian consumers by combining Celestial Pictures' flagship channels, Celestial Movies, the most broadly distributed 24-hour Chinese movie channel in the world featuring the best of Chinese and other hit Asian [...] films, Celestial Classic Movies, the gateway to [...] an array of Chinese martialarts,drama,comedy [...]and action movie masterpieces, and Celestial [...]Movies On Demand, Celestial’s subscription video on demand service, with the three pay TV channels of Tiger Gate Entertainment, the Lionsgate/Saban Capital Group partnership in Asia -- KIX, the ultimate in action entertainment, Thrill, Asia's only horror and suspense movie channel, and KIX HD, featuring the best of action with a late night dose of thrillers in high definition. celestialpictures.com |
功夫不负有心人,她控制饮食、坚持运动的努力没 有白费,如今她已成功减掉 48 磅,这让她更有信心坚持更 健康的生活方式。 glenraven.com | Her commitment to diet and exercise began to pay off, and she has lost 48 pounds to date and gained a strong commitment to continue a healthier lifestyle. glenraven.com |
对 参 与 社 会 及 公 民 事 务 设 立 法 律 障 碍 ( 例 如 取 消 出 任 陪 审 员 的 资 格 ) , 不 仅 形 同 不 断 提 醒 罪 犯 社 会 不 容 他 们 真 真 正 正 地 重 新 融 入 , 甚 或 会 促 使 他 们 相 信 任 何 重 新 融 入 社 会 的 努 力 都 只 是 白费功 夫。 hkreform.gov.hk | Legal barriers to social and civic participation, such as disqualification from jury service, not only serve as a constant reminder to offenders that they are not permitted to truly re-integrate, but may help to persuade them that any efforts to do so are wasted. hkreform.gov.hk |
可以在使用 三段论等文章的组构 方法上多下功夫。 jasso.go.jp | Write syllogistically or otherwise work on your construction of sentences. jasso.go.jp |
1987年,梁前进先生毕业于中国陈家沟武术学校,师从陈式太极拳第十九代传人:陈春雷、陈小旺、陈世通,陈克勤等着名的武术大师,他精通陈式太极正宗传统各式套路:陈式太极拳老架一路74式、二路炮拳,陈式太极剑49式、太极绝命刀,太极春秋大刀、陈式太极绝门枪、陈式太极五种推手及108式擒拿走化等,并以精湛的功夫赢得多项荣誉。 21bowu.com | Graduated from China Chenjiagou Wushu School in 1987,he learned Chen-Style Taichi Boxing from famous Wushu masters like Zhenglei CHEN,the 19th direct line successor of Chen-Style Taichi Boxing Chunlei CHEN and Xiaowang CHEN etc. He mastered various kingds of traditional Chen-Style Taichi,such as:The Old Frame of Taichi Boxing One and Two ,Chen-Style Taichi [...] Sword ,Taichi Saber ,Taichi Spear,and Five kinds of Chen-Style Push-Hands [...] etc. HisexcellentGongfu wonhim various laures. 21bowu.com |
在三天里,我战战兢兢地学完了老板要传授给我的功夫。 4tern.com | Within three days, I was able to learn everything that is related to my job scope. 4tern.com |
其实这个道理是很浅显的,就如同小时候看过的武侠小说中所描述的一样,功力高深者,可以举重若轻,而功力至高者,则达到了举轻若重的境界,即使是一根树枝,在其手中发挥的威力,甚至远远胜过功夫平平者所持的锋利宝剑。 bsdrc.com | In fact, this reason is very plain, like a kid as described in novels, advanced skill, may be the ease and the skill of the Most High, then held up a realm of light, if heavy, even a tree , might play in their hands, or even far better than those held by theaverage skill sharp sword. bsdrc.com |
该网站自2009年6月注册至今已多次将MMA这种集观赏性、娱乐性、竞技性于一体之优秀运动项目介绍社会公众,已在我国境内取得了一定的知名度,使锐武终极搏击这一包容各种功夫和竞技风格的运动获得了一个全新的展示平台。 ruffchina.com | Since its register in June 2009, the website has repeatedly introduced MMA, an excellent spectator sport integrating entertainment and competition to the public and achieved a [...] certain reputation in China, providing a brand new platform for RUFF to display a [...] wide range ofmartial arts and fight styles. ruffchina.com |
今天优质的学校已逐渐转为直资或私校,遗留下来的,是一般的官津校,也是弱势社群较多选择的学校,政府若真意扶贫,就当在可改善阶级流动的教育上多下点功夫。 hkupop.hku.hk | Today, many quality schools have gradually transformed themselves to directly subsidized or private schools. hkupop.hku.hk |
一是提高注册使用效率,CNNIC 将在国家域名的注册 审核、网站备案流程上下功夫,通过技术手段建设、开展横向合作等方式, 力争在 2012 年基础上,再次缩短国家域名注册及开通使用周期。 cnnic.net | On the one hand, to improve the registration efficiency, CNNIC will put much time and effort in registration audit and website filing of national domain name, and will, on the basis of the achievements in 2012and through new technology and horizontal cooperation, spare no efforts to once again shorten the time needed for registration and open for use. cnnic.net |