

单词 功名利禄

See also:


scholarly honor (in imperial exams)

功名 n

achievement n
glory n

名利 n

fame n


wealth and official post

External sources (not reviewed)

对由多纳Tichonius组成规则本书在较小的“大炮”由普里 西 利 安 圣 保 禄 书 信 一个比喻。
The book of rules composed by the Donatist Tichonius has an analogy in the smaller "canons" of St. Paul's Epistles by Priscillian.
此外,阿布沙耶夫集团成员在三宝颜省和 禄 省 绑 架老师,在平民中造成惊恐, 并使受冲突影响地区儿童的学习生活受到破坏。
Furthermore, accounts of schoolteachers abducted
[...] in Zamboanga and Sulu provinces by members [...]
of the Abu Sayyaf caused fear among
the civilian population and disrupted the learning activities of children in conflict-affected areas.
禄和巴 西兰岛的阿布沙耶夫组织被俘人员报告,该组织队伍中 [...]
The presence of children among the ranks of Abu Sayyaf
[...] Group (ASG) in Sulu and Basilan [...]
was also reported by former captives of ASG,
although these allegations could not be verified owing to security constraints.
The Social Network》不是一個關於「功」的 故事,當中所注視的,是20歲出頭的少年如何面對巨額財富的來臨,與及 名利 得 失之間的內心刻劃。
The Social Network’ is not
[...] really a story about success, but how a twenty-year-old boy is affected by sudden enormous wealth, and his intertwining with fame and money.
次夜,古驰创作总监Frida Giannini将与名利场》编辑Graydon Carter及PPR主席兼CEO François-Henri Pinault一同于du Cap酒店举办私人晚宴与电影功派。
The following evening, Gucci Creative Director Frida Giannini,
[...] with Vanity Fair Editor Graydon Carter and PPR Chairman and CEO François-Henri Pinault, will host an exclusive dinner at the Hotel du Cap, followed by [...]
a party in honor of the film.
教科文组织与互联网 名称与数字地址分配机构(ICANN)签署了一份《意向书》,双方达成一致:共同努力, 进一步加强网络空间多种语言的使用,为国际化国家代码高级 名 的 成 功 执 行 提供 便 利。
A letter of intent was signed with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), agreeing to work together to further strengthen
multilingualism in
[...] cyberspace and to facilitate the successful implementation of internationalized country code top-level domains.
如有不存在的元素的pathname或正在建立档案,并在根目录的根目录是全部或正在建立档案和档案具有相 名 字 和 只读属性已经存在于指定目录或用户接入少了一份利 功能未能.
If any element of the pathname does not exist or the file is being created in the root directory and the root directory is full or the file is
being created and a
[...] file with the same name and the read-only attribute already exists in the specified directory or the user has insufficient access rights, the function fails.
功举办了名为“ 学会和平”的麦地那和平问题青年论坛。
The successful Peace Forum of Medina [...]
Youth, on the theme of “Learning about peace”, was in keeping with the national policy
of peace, reconciliation and greater social cohesion being implemented by the Algerian Government.
他们声称他们的计算公式为高权威,不仅圣 利禄 , 但 他身后的圣亚他那修,教皇朱利叶圣和圣格雷戈里的神奇露。
They alleged high authority for their formula, not only
[...] St. Cyril, but behind him St. Athanasius, Pope St. Julius, and St. Gregory [...]
the Wonderworker.
如果任何元素的pathname或不存在的新档案已经存在或当前pathnamepathname含有不同磁盘驱动器的规格较新的pathname或档案是否被移至根目录,而根目录或用户已经不足以充分 利,功 能 不 改 名 档 案.
If any element of the pathname does not exist or a file with the new pathname already exists or the current pathname specification contains a different disk drive than does the new pathname or the file is being
moved to the root directory, and the root directory is full or user has
[...] insufficient rights, function to rename files fails.
一体化橡胶表带的纹理如同60年代的 禄 普 ( Dunlop)轮胎橡胶,与表壳完美整合为一体,佩戴体验更加流畅舒适。
Finally, the rubber strap with the 1960’s Dunlop racing-tyre motif is integrated with the case for a more flowing look and feel.
1881 年 , 板 垣 退 助 領 導 的 自 由 黨 , 提 倡 法 國 的 自 由 主
義,得 到 了 郊 區 農 民、地 主 及 城 市 貧 民 的 支 持;另
[...] 一 方 面 , 大 隈 重 信 ( Okuma Shigenobu) 領 導 的 改 進 黨 (名 立 憲 改 進 黨 ) 是 較 為 先 進 的 , 它 提 倡 英 國 的 自 由 主 義功 利 主 義 , 得 到 了 城 市 的 知 識 份 子 、 前 政 府 官 員 及 商 人 [...]
的 支 持 。
initiate “minken movement’ which emphasized the people’s right. There were the Jiyuto (Liberal Party) of 1881 which was led by Itagaki, advocated the doctrine of French liberalism and drew support from rural peasants,
landlords and the poor people
[...] in cities, while Kaishinto (Reform Party) which led by Okuma was a progressive party advocating the English liberalism and utilitarianism and drawing [...]
support from urban intellectuals,
former government officials and businessmen.
这些当局,但是,他们却Apollinarian伪造的;的sesarkomene,最喜欢的公式圣 利禄 , 该 协会已借用不知情的physis之从Apollinarian源,并已感意味着原来由一邪教发明研究。
These authorities, however, were but Apollinarian forgeries; the favourite formula of St. Cyril, the mia physis sesarkomene, had been borrowed unwitting from an Apollinarian source, and had been meant by its original inventor in a heretical sense.
這個情 況的出現,部分是由於我們功㆞利 用 了新設於菲律賓的難民收容㆗心。
This is partly due to our successful use of the new [...]
refugee transit centre in the Philippines.
五福临门天珠 功名、福 寿、健康、财富和姻缘, 一切利。
Fulfilling accomplishments, longevity, health, wealth and marriage, everything going very well.
[...] 網站公佈優先註冊期任何階段的中文域名分配結果旨在提供機會給任何第三方在優先註冊期的 相關階段內就分配提出反對,這並不代表通知其中文 名 申 請已 成 功 獲 分 配。
7.2 The publication of the allocation results for any phase of the Pre Launch Priority Registration Period on the HKIRC website is for the purpose of providing third parties with the opportunity to object to the allocation of Chinese Domain Names during the relevant Pre Launch
Priority Registration Period, and does not constitute
[...] notification of the success of any application for a Chinese Domain Name.
协力为善”这 一工具要取得功,就应当“名” (在 拥挤的市场中与众不同)、“可提供”(给 必要数量的全球旅游的销售者)、“中选”(而不是其他捐助选择办法)和“值得信 [...]
For the “Massivegood” instrument to be successful, it should be “known” [...]
(by differentiating itself in a crowded market),
“available” (to a critical mass of the global travel sellers), “chosen” (over other donation options) and “trusted” (by explaining where the donated money went and how it was used in a clear and consistent manner).
取消选定这个选项将禁用文件名 功能。
Unchecking this option will
[...] disable the file naming feature.
如果未经 许可的用户功利用薄 弱的核证证书,就可能导致数据被入侵、无法获得数据、 缺乏问责和完好性受到破坏。
Data violation, unavailability, lack of
accountability and loss of integrity could result, should
[...] unauthorized users successfully exploit weak authentication [...]
製造商一旦使用功能安全列名標誌 ,即應註明該產品接受評估時所採用的功能安全標準及通過的SIL、ASIL、PL或Class等級。
In conjunction with the Functional Safety Listing Mark, a [...]
manufacturer identifies the functional safety standard and the
SIL, ASIL, PL or Class to which a product has been evaluated.
这些学者的许多赞誉只有少数句子或即使只有一个,而对另一些冲高的警句,教导,问题和答案数以百计,以及那些百年犹太传统的代表,该tannaim和亚摩兰,收到了他们 名利 的 作 者放弃传统保留丰富的赔偿时,他们的各种论述与他们的名字一起,从而救出甚至遗忘了他们最少。
Many of these scholars are credited with only a few sentences or with even but one, while to others are ascribed many hundreds of aphorisms, teachings, questions, and answers; and the representatives of Jewish tradition of those centuries, the Tannaim and the Amoraim,
received an abundant compensation for their
[...] renunciation of the fame of authorship when [...]
tradition preserved their names together
with their various expositions, and thus rescued even the least of them from oblivion.
历史表明 在社会安定的环境下谋求发展 极 其困难 而在先进的知识思想(有时是极端思想)的 驱使下 革命性的变革却会成为决定性的因素 由 此必然得出这样的结论 只有当发展所需要的教育 过程利于那 些其学习和进修动机有着比仅仅追求 往往为当地人看重功名更为 广泛的意义的人获得 专业进取途径时 才能够实现可持续的 文化上相 宜的和社会稳定的发展
It must therefore be concluded that sustainable, culturally appropriate and sociologically stable development can only be brought about when the educational processes required for development lead to professional outlets for those whose motivation for learning and development has a broader meaning than arrival at an often locally defined socioeconomic status.
事实上,美国为支持 其不明智的颠覆政策,功利用安 全理事会 名 望 通 过并强加了各种决议,以违 背国际法和《联合国宪章》的不实之词和捏造指控侵犯联合国会员国的主权、领 土完整、独立和统一。
Indeed, to buttress its ill-advised policies of destabilization, the United States has managed to use the mantle of the Security Council to pass and impose resolutions that violate the sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence and unity of States Members of the United Nations through misinformation and fabricated accusations in breach of international law and the Charter of the United Nations.
口译和笔译服务所面临的主要挑战是专业语文工作人员短缺,许多人将在不久 将来退休,存在着接续规划、相关的语言竞争性考试和考试 功 者 名 册 管 理等问题。
The main challenges faced by the interpretation and translation services are, inter alia, the shortage of professional language staff, many of whom will retire in the near future, the problem of succession
planning, and the related issues of the language competitive
[...] examination and roster management of successful LCE candidates.
余若薇議員詢問,假如讓目前的226 000名功能界別選民 以每人一票的方式選出30名功能界 別議員,藉此擴闊功能界別的 選民基礎,是否需要對《基本法》附件二作出修改;若否,則有 關的立法建議是否只須立法會議員過半數通過,而無須三分之二 議員多數通過。
Ms Audrey EU asked whether amendments to Annex II to BL would be required if the electorate base of FCs was broadened by allowing the existing 226 000 FC electors to cast one vote each to return 30 FC Members; if not, whether the relevant legislative proposal would only require a majority support rather than a two-thirds majority support in LegCo.
此外,小组后来了解到,在它访问后,Wulu 镇居民在 2012 年 4 月 25 日逮捕 并短暂拘留了一名联合国警察、 名利 国 警 察和 名 联 利 特 派团人权干事,他们 是到该营地调查营地管理人监禁外国采矿者一事的。
Moreover, the Panel subsequently learned that following its visit, Wulu Town residents arrested and briefly detained a United Nations police officer, an LNP officer and an UNMIL human rights official on 25 April 2012 who had visited the camp to investigate the incarceration of foreign miners by the camp master.
[...] 不管我們提出多少法律理據或具說服力的理論,我絕不相信能夠改變這些狐 假虎威的真小人的想法,因為他們倚靠的是權勢,他們追求的 名利 而 不是 良知。
President, disregarding how many times we have repeated in this Council how we should fight for direct elections and disregarding how many legal justifications or convincing arguments we have put forward, I absolutely do not think that these can change the minds of these real villains who act like
foxes in tiger's hide, because what they rely on is powers and what they
[...] are going after is fame and wealth, not conscience.
联邦当局还必须确保所雇用的安保公司人员在将要执行的保卫任 务、相关的国家和国际法等关键领域,已经得到了相关培训,包括基本 利 、名 人保 护和程序法、对进行抵抗或暴力行为的人应采取的行动、急救、评估使用武 力对健康造成的损害、以及反腐等方面的培训。
The federal authorities must also ensure that the company’s personnel have been trained in the protection tasks that they will perform, applicable national and international law and other key areas, including fundamental rights, protection of personality and procedural law, conduct to be adopted with persons resisting or behaving violently, first aid, assessment of damage to health resulting from the use of force, and combating corruption.




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