

单词 功勋

功勋 ()

contributions (for the good of society)
meritorious deed

See also:



medal n

External sources (not reviewed)

燃用大量的幽默,动作,发自内心的戏剧,和令人惊奇的新技 功勋 , 汽 车是一种高辛烷值喜悦电影观众的青睐。
Fueled with plenty of humor, action, heartfelt drama, and amazing new technical feats, Cars is a high octane delight for moviegoers of all ages.
[...] 货币、授予贵族称号但不得赋予其任何特权、依法颁授 功勋 章 奖 章。
He also has the right to mint coinage in execution of
the law and to confer honorary titles of nobility and
[...] award military honours in keeping with [...]
the requirements of the law.
每当回顾达格·哈马舍尔德所取得的成就,我就 会深切意识到他为我们立下的伟 功勋。
When I look back on what Dag Hammarskjöld accomplished, I am profoundly aware of our debt to him.
斯图尔玛教授是法国“国功勋勋章” 获得者。 正如他的履历所述,斯图尔玛教授在国际法领域的理论和实践中具有极为丰 富的经验。
He is founding Director of both the Institute for International Law and the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies at the University of Leuven.
我们缅怀千百万为阻止法西斯主 义和独裁统治蔓延以及为捍卫自由而英勇战斗 功勋 卓著的男女英雄。
We remember those millions of men and women who fought with courage and distinction to prevent the spread of fascism and dictatorship and to defend freedom.
商业周刊》认为是惠特尼教授使设计和商业联姻,称其为“有远见的设计师”;《福布斯》杂志则因惠特尼教授以人为本的设计工作,提名其为当年仅有六人组成的“网络新贵”;《Fast Company》认为他是“设计大师”,在用户价值开发和经济价值间搭建了桥梁;《环球企业家》提名25位人士,认为他们为中国商业引入新思 功勋 卓 著 ,惠特尼教授名列其中。
BusinessWeek has profiled Whitney as a “design visionary” for bringing together design and business, Forbes named him as one of six members of the “E-Gang” for his work in human-centered design, Fast Company has identified him as a “master of design” for linking the creation of user value and economic value, and Global Entrepreneur named him one of the 25 people world-wide doing the most to bring new ideas to business in China.
出席新闻发布会人士有FNC领导组,FNC董事会委员李海歌手,FNC董事会委员金子 功勋 艺 术 家,胡志明市工商局代表,南方竞争管理局代表,司法出版社代表,Nutrition进口公司代表, [...]
Participants in the press conference include the Board of
Directors of FNC, Singer Ly Hai – a member of
[...] the FNC Board, meritorious artist Kim Tu Long [...]
– a member of FNC Board, representative
of Ho Chi Minh City Department of Industry and Trade, representative of Southern Competition Management Department, representative of Judicial Publishing House, representative of NK Nutrition Company, entrepreneurs being members of 5-Star Team and over 100 guests and distributors and over 20 media and press organizations.
2003年7月17日,为表彰舍弗勒女士对巴伐利亚和巴伐利亚人民作出的杰出贡献,巴伐利亚州州长Edmund Stoiber博士在慕尼黑授予她巴伐利亚 功 绩 勋 章。
On July 17, 2003, the Bavarian Governor Dr. Edmund Stoiber awarded Mrs. Schaeffler the Bavarian Order of Merit for the outstanding service she has performed for Bavaria and Bavarian citizens.
欧洲的三次冠军,世界杯的获得者,欧洲篮球联赛的三次冠军,俄罗斯的三次冠军,俄罗斯环的四次获得者,法国的两次冠军,世界联赛的三次得胜者,奥运会2004和2008的季军 功勋 运 动 健将 - 就是篮球运动员的胜利不完全清单。
Three-time European champion, the World Cup winner, three-time European League champion, three-time Russian champion, four-time Russian Cup winner, two-time France champion, three-time World League champion, bronze medalist of the 2004 and 2008 Olympics, merited master of sports – this is just some Ilona’s victories.
2008/12/5 // 挪威驻香港代表处黄建雄(Sidney Wong)先生因为他四十多年来在香港为挪威所做的杰出而专业的服务被授 功勋 奖 章
03/12/2008 // Mr. Sidney Wong of the Norwegian Consulate in Hong Kong has been awarded the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit for his outstanding and professional service to Norwegian interests in Hong Kong throughout four decades.
原来的模式,从一个基本的石英模式“22系列”的一个特别成功的模型动画“的Valjoux”运动,“耐力”计时记得在这些神秘事件 功勋 乔 Si ffert了自动模式。
Original models, ranging from a basic quartz model "22 Series" a particularly successful model to an automatic model animated by a ''Valjoux'' movement, the ''Endurance'' Chrono which recall the exploits of Jo Siffert in these mythical events.
这些跑车曾在方吉奥、莫斯和贝拉 功勋 车 手 的驾驶下南征北战,获誉无数,在世界赛车史上留下了灿烂的一页,并对玛莎拉蒂高性能公路版跑车产生了深远的影响。
Fielded by drivers of the calibre of Fangio, Moss and Behra, the cars racked up victories the world over, earning their place in motor racing history and directly influencing the company’s high-performance road cars.
然而到九十年代末期,顺风集团的规模已经是名列前茅了;进入1999年顺风集团已经成从传统企业逐步向高科技产业过度,被政府评为 功勋 企 业 ”、“先进私营企业”、“资信AAA级企业”“企业利益重点保护单位”等荣誉称号;到了2000年,顺风集团在传统产业方面,完成了五星级标准的顺风假日饭店的建设,同时将传统产业与新经济接轨的顺风大市场落成开业及构筑网上电子商务平台—易农网,站在了二次创业的起点。
However, the late 1990s, the size of the wind group is among the best; Group has entered into the 1999 wind gradually from traditional to
high-tech industry enterprise over, by the
[...] government as "meritorious enterprises", [...]
"Advanced Private Enterprise", "credit AAA
Grade Enterprise "," business interests protection units "honorary title; to 2000, the wind group in the traditional industries, completed a five-star Holiday Inn building the wind, while the traditional industries and new market economy and integration of large wind completed and opened to build e-commerce platform - easy to rural power, stood second start of the starting point.
为鼓励这些好做法,妇女和社会发展部批准通过了第 498-2009 号部长决 议,该决议通过了对妇女和社会发展部门进行授勋的条例,设立了“促进残疾人 融入社功绩勋章” 奖项,其目的是通过相关政策认可由民间社会组织以及自然 人开展的工作,将残疾问题提上公共议程,并以此促进公共和私人机构以及社会 大众生成与残疾人权利相关的意识。
In order to encourage these good practices, the Ministry of Women and Social Development adopted Ministerial Decision No. 498-2009, which laid out the rules of procedure for the award of decorations in the women and social development sector and created the Order of Merit for the Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities.
由卫生和消费者事务部国家药物计划政府代表团提名后 功 绩 勋 章 (2 008 年);卫生和消费者事务部国家药物计划政府代表团临床委员会成员;西班牙病 理学协会荣誉主席和创始成员。
Medal of the Order of Merit, awarded following nomination by the Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs of the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs (2008); member of the Clinical Commission of the Government Delegation for the National Plan on Drugs of the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs; Honorary President and Founder of the Spanish Pathology Association.
10.用户发贴数统计,用户等级勋等 实 用 功 能。
10. user Posts statistics , user
[...] class HonoursOther useful features.
总干事借此 机会还授予他《海地勋章。
On the same day, he was awarded the “Haiti” medal by the Director-General.
获得了加拿勋章( Order of Canada)和首个联合国科学、教育和环保奖的Angelo,1980年在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省创立了“加拿大河流日”活动并获得巨大 功 , 之 后他又 功 说 服 众多组织及联合国机构,在2005年由联合国批准设立“世界河流日”。
Angelo, a member of the Order of Canada and an inaugural
recipient of a
[...] United Nations (UN) Award for Science, Education and Conservation, founded the highly successful Rivers Day event in British Columbia in 1980 before successfully lobbying numerous organizations as well as agencies of the UN to recognize WRD in 2005.
y 授勋章及其他土库曼斯坦国家勋 章 , 授予战争、其他特殊国家 称号和奖章
Confers honours and other State awards, and grants military and other special State titles and distinctions.
我們的功率衛 星 加上廣泛的服務範圍,讓我們得以為客戶提供由單一衛星連接至全球三分之二人口的高質素和可靠服務。
The high power of our satellites [...]
and our range of services allow us to provide our customers with high quality and reliable
access to two-thirds of the world’s population from a single satellite.
目前的监管框架(具体而言包括工作人员细则和条例》、秘书长公报、行政指 示和其他有关行政通知,以及下文中将详尽介绍的 2001 年《国际公务员行为标
准》(见A/56/30,附件二)1 )包含各种相关规定,涉及因财务利益、工作人员与
[...] 其他利益攸关方之间的个人关系、接受第三方提供的荣誉 勋 章 、 优惠、馈赠或 薪酬而产生的实际或潜在利益冲突,并包含因外部雇佣关系或职业或其他外部活 [...]
The current regulatory framework (specifically the Staff Rules and Staff Regulations, Secretary-General’s bulletins, administrative instructions and other relevant administrative issuances as well as the Standards of conduct for the international civil service of 2001 (see A/56/30, annex II),1 addressed in greater detail below) includes provisions governing actual or potential conflicts of interest arising from financial interests, personal relationships between staff
members and other stakeholders, the receipt
[...] of honours, decorations, favours, [...]
gifts or remuneration by third parties, as well
as parameters addressing conflicting loyalties that may result from outside employment or occupation or other outside activities, including political activities.
委员会下列委员参加了本来文的审议:阿卜杜勒法塔赫·奥马尔先生、莱兹赫里·布齐德先 生、克里斯蒂娜·沙内女士、马哈吉卜·埃尔·哈伊巴先生、艾哈迈德·阿明·法萨拉先 生、岩泽雄司先生、海伦·凯勒女士、拉杰苏默·拉拉赫先生、赞克·扎内莱·马约迪纳女 士、尤利亚·安托阿尼拉·莫托科女士、迈克尔·奥弗莱厄蒂先生、何塞·路易斯·佩雷 斯·桑切斯-塞罗先生、拉斐尔·里瓦斯·波萨达先生、奈杰尔·罗德 勋 爵 、 费边·萨尔 维奥利先生和克里斯特·特林先生。
The following members of the Committee participated in the examination of the present communication: Mr Abdelfattah Amor, Mr. Lazhari Bouzid, Ms. Christine Chanet, Mr. Mahjoub El Haiba, Mr. Ahmad Amin Fathalla, Mr. Yuji Iwasawa, Mrs. Hellen Keller, Mr. Rajsoomer Lallah, Ms. Zonke Zanele Majodina, Ms. Iulia Antoanella Motoc, Mr. Michael O’Flaherty, Mr. José Luis Pérez Sanchez-Cerro, Mr. Rafael Rivas Posada, Sir Nigel Rodley, Mr. Fabián Salvioli and Mr. Krister Thelin.
关于个人利益冲突的报告(A/66/98)是依据大会 第 65/247
号决议提交的,提供了本组织工作人员面 临的主要利益冲突类型的全面资料,并说明了所设立
[...] 的解决冲突的监管框架,这些冲突包括一般和经济利 益冲突;因接受馈赠、荣誉勋章、 优惠或薪酬产生 的冲突;因外部职业或就业和外部活动产生的冲突; [...]
The report on personal conflict of interest (A/66/98), submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 65/247, provided comprehensive information on the main types of conflict of interest faced by the Organization’s staff and described the regulatory framework put in place to address, inter alia, general and financial conflicts of interests;
conflicts resulting from the receipt of
[...] gifts, honours, awards, favours and [...]
remuneration; conflicts arising from outside
occupation or employment and outside activities; and conflicts stemming from personal relationships.
Ball of Revenge: Sick of [...]
Muriel's doting on Courage, Eustace invites Katz, Le Quack, the Weremole, the Cajun Fox, the Giant
Foot, and the Puddle Queen go to the house to destroy Courage in a game of dodgeball.
值得注意的是,“礼品、荣誉、优惠”类别减少将近 10%的直接原因可能是 2010 年 1 月印发的关于报告、保留和处置来自政府和非政府渠道的荣誉 勋 章、 优惠、礼品或报酬的新行政指令 ST/AI/2010/1。
It is worth noting that the nearly 10 per cent decrease under the category “gifts, honours, favours” may be directly attributable to the new administrative instruction, ST/AI/2010/1 on reporting, retaining and disposing of honours, decorations, favours, gifts or remuneration from governmental and nongovernmental sources, issued in January 2010.
各缔约方局可能要求就商标的某些成分,如纹章、徽章、肖像 勋 章 、 称号、厂 商名称或非申请人的姓氏、或者其他类似说明,所提供的合法性使用的证明文件,除 [...]
Documentary evidence of the legitimacy of the use of certain elements incorporated in a
mark, such as armorial bearings, escutcheons,
[...] portraits, honorary distinctions, [...]
titles, trade names, names of persons other
than the name of the applicant, or other like inscriptions, which might be required by the Offices of the Contracting Parties shall be exempt from any legalization as well as from any certification other than that of the Office of origin.
例如: 如果将两个控制输入端都设置为“本地/远程”,一个输入端信号为高
[...] (1),另一个输入端信号为低 (0),则“手动/自动”和“升/降功 能 既 无法借助于前置面板上的 F 按键完成,也无法通过远程通讯的输入端或串口实现。
If you have set both control inputs to "Local/Remote", and the signal is high (1), but low (0) on the
other control input, the "Manual/Auto"
[...] and "Raise/lower" functions are not possible [...]
with either the F keys on the front panel
or the inputs for remote messages or serial interface.
秘 书 长 先 前 关 于 企 业 资 源 规 划 系 统 实 施 战 略 的 提 案
(A/62/510/Rev.1,第 40 至 45 段)建议,企业资源规划项目的设计、建
[...] 立、测试和部署将分两波进行:第一波为期 30 个月,于 2010 年底完 成,建立遵守《国际公共部门会计准则》(《公共部门会计准则》)所需 要的财务、人力资源、采购和资产管理等核 功 能 ; 第二波为期 24 个 月,主要是成果管理制、风险管理、运输和差旅等其 功 能 的 设计-建 立-测试-部署。
The Secretary-General’s previous proposals on the ERP implementation strategy (A/62/510/Rev.1, paras. 40–45) suggested that the ERP project would be designed, built, tested and deployed in two waves: the first to be completed over a 30-month period by the end of 2010, for the core finance, human resources, procurement and asset management functions required for compliance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards
(IPSAS); and a second wave over
[...] a 24-month period for design-build-test-deployment of the remaining functions, such as results-based management, risk management, transportation [...]
and travel.
[...] 准:完成前战斗人员可信的解除武装、复员和重返社会以及民兵的解散; 功完 成 选举;开始安全部门改革,特别是在更广泛的框架内采取建立信任措施,进行 [...]
The Security Council also endorsed the following benchmarks introduced as preconditions for further drawdown of the UNOCI force: completion of credible disarmament, demobilization and
reintegration of former combatants and
[...] dismantling of militias; successful completion of the elections; [...]
commencement of security
sector reform, in particular confidence-building measures within a broader framework for democratic governance and oversight of the security sector, reunification of the army and establishment of functional and republican Ivorian armed forces and security services; and restoration of State authority throughout the country.




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