

单词 劝导

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

例如,妈妈们认为,脂肪、油脂会引起腹泻,为此,我们要特 劝导 妈 妈 们使用脂肪、油脂为幼儿准备膳食。
For instance, there is a belief among mothers that fat or oil can cause diarrhoea, so we specifically encourage them to use it when preparing food.
拒绝出席 第26条
[...] 被要求作证者如果拒绝作证或拒绝遵从委员会的通知,主席应有权吁请主管 当局执行必要的法律程序劝导此人 尊重委员会的要求。
If a person who is requested to attend refuses to do so or to comply with the notification of the Commission, the Chairman shall be entitled to call on
the competent bodies to undertake the necessary
[...] legal procedures to induce the person [...]
to respect the Commission’s request.
对于在学校的日常教学中或学校举办的活动中发生下列行为,可以不通知学生 或予劝导,直 接对该生实施停课或开除处分
Students may be suspended or expelled from the school without notice or compensation for the following activities on school premises or during regular school hours or school-sponsored events
红十字委员会的难民现状评估和行动对策与各种行 动方式相结合,其目的在劝导相关 机构和其他利 益攸关方履行各自援助义务,同时发放直接援助物 资、增强流离失所者群体自我保护能力。
Its situation assessments and operating responses combined various modes of action aimed at persuading authorities and other stakeholders to meet their assistance obligations, as well as distributing direct assistance and strengthening the self-protection ability of displaced groups.
这些取向可能是恒定不变的,也 可以通过学习劝导发生变化。
Orientations may be stable, or they may be changeable through learning and persuasion.
克 利 须劝 导 他 通 过“无 私 之 行 动” 而 达 到 不 朽 的 境 界。
At what point, though, will a man be inclined to the performance of such action?
国家禁毒局要求王国政府在金边和吸毒 者较多的重点省/市设立治疗和康 复中心 ,成立专 家 小
[...] 组,如 治 疗 小 组、吸 毒 成劝 导 小 组 等,鼓励社 区 、家庭 、 非政府组织和宗教界参与治疗和康复方案。
The NACD will request the Royal Government to set up Treatment and Rehabilitation Centres in Phnom Penh and priority provinces/cities in which there are lots of drug users, to
create expert groups such as treatment
[...] team, drug addict counselling team, etc, and [...]
to encourage the involvement of the communities,
families, NGOs and religions in the Treatment and Rehabilitation programmes.
ፌ 联系未入会的以前来宾和未出席最近几场会议的会员,循 劝导 并 鼓 励他们 前来参加下次例会。
ፌ Contact former guests who have not joined and members who have not been attending recent meetings, and gently persuade and encourage them to come to the next club meeting.
在 公 民 权利和媒体素养 的范围之内,信息管理(数字和媒体、广告 劝导 、商 标)也 是可持续消费所涵盖的重要主题。
In the framework of citizenship and media literacy, information management (digital and media, advertising and persuasion, labelling) is also among the important themes covered by sustainable consumption.
爱自己工程"致力于主要通过教育 劝导 预 防HIV/AIDS在菲律宾的年轻人和主要受影响人群中的传播。
The Love Yourself Project aims to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS among the youth and key affected population in the Philippines, primarily through education and counselling.
虽 然匈牙利卓有成效地防治了传染性疾病,例如,控制 肺结核和实施儿童免疫方案,但是我们还未能 劝导 我国 人民舍弃不健康的生活方式方面实现我们想要 看到的突破。
While Hungary has been successful in fighting communicable diseases — for instance, in controlling tuberculosis and in operating comprehensive childhood immunization programmes — we have not yet been able to reach the breakthrough we would like to see in discouraging unhealthy lifestyles among our population.
联邦公共信息权研究所拥有众多职能,除了前文已经提到的,还包括:通过颁布行政法规的 方式解释信息权法;监督法律实施并对违规行为进 劝导 ; 向个人提供咨询意见;确定信息 获取的各种方式;促进相关培训和制作如何使用信息权法的简单指南,(第 37 和 38 条 )。
IFAI has a long list of functions including, in addition to those already noted, interpreting the Law as an administrative regulation, monitoring implementation of the Law and making recommendations in case of non-compliance, providing advice to individuals, developing forms for information requests, promoting training and preparing a simple guide on how to use the Law (Articles 37 and 38).
最近通过了一项 2012-2014 年捍卫民主和与极端主义暴力作斗争的国家行动 计划,其中包括一系列措施,以提高对具有暴力性质的极端主义的认识 劝导人 们 不要加入具有暴力性质的极端主义群体,并教导这类群体的成员脱离这些群 体。
A national action plan for safeguarding democracy and fighting violent extremism had recently been adopted for the period 2012–2014 and contained a range of measures to enhance knowledge and awareness of violent extremism, discourage recruitment to violent, extremist groups and help members of such groups to disengage from them.
联合国维和 人员根据其保护平民的任务而开展的行动,特别是劝导冲突 各方遵守国际人道主义法而采取的措施,可 为改变受武装冲突影响平民的命运发挥重大作用。
Actions undertaken by United Nations peacekeepers in accordance with their mandate to protect civilians, particularly measures aimed at inducing the parties to an armed conflict to comply with international humanitarian law, could play an essential role in improving the fate of civilian populations affected by armed conflict.
保加利亚承认劝导见证 人提供证词方面确实有些困 难,但是保加利亚指出正在慢慢改变,确认的人口贩运受害者和提交保护的人数 持续增加。
While recognizing that there were difficulties in persuading witnesses to provide testimony, Bulgaria noted that this was slowly changing and there was a sustained increase in the number of trafficking victims identified and referred for protection.
菲律宾马尼拉--(美国商业资讯)--Groupon Philippines (http://www.groupon.ph)今天宣布推出G-Team Philippines,它是Groupon的慈善部门,其首次活动为旨在通过教育 劝导 预 防 艾滋病病毒/艾滋病(HIV/AIDS)在菲律宾传播的"爱自己计划"(The Love Yourself Project)提供支持。
MANILA, Philippines--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Groupon Philippines (http://www.groupon.ph) today announced the launch of G-Team Philippines, Groupon's philanthropic arm, with the first ever campaign supporting "The Love Yourself Project," which aims to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS in the Philippines through education and counselling.
鼓励各国政府、公营和私营公司、非政府组织和多边组织酌情采取行动劝阻导致因 道路重大碰撞事故而发病和死亡人数增多的交通分心行为,包括驾车 发短信; 11.
Encourages Governments, public and private corporations, non-governmental organizations and multilateral
organizations to
[...] take action, as appropriate, to discourage distractions in traffic, including texting while driving, which lead to increased [...]
morbidity and mortality owing to road crashes
命 令・・・・若无正当理由便不听从 导 和 劝 告 , 将通过命令的方法令其执行。
Command – if you do not abide by the directive or counsel without a valid reason, you will be ordered to follow the command.
在这方面, 建议预防教育还应包括普劝阻使 用毒品。
In that connection it was proposed that prevention education should also include discouragement of drug use in general.
[...] 到遗憾的是,没有就侮辱、诽谤和伤害公务员的法律提出建议,而这一法 导致 了一些新闻记者遭到关押。
It also regretted the fact that no recommendation had been made on the law
concerning the disrespect, defamation and injury of civil
[...] servants, which had led to the imprisonment [...]
of several journalists.
它注意到战争、恐怖主义和极端主 导 致 暴 力和动荡,表示希望,除其他 外,阿富汗将在不远的将来有能力应对这些问题。
It noted that war, terrorism and extremism produced violence and insecurity and expressed the hope that, inter alia, Afghanistan would be able to cope with these problems in the near future.
先生的电影导演Atma的拉姆Echra,谁在他的英明 导 下 已成 功 劝 说 成 员沙希德万佛姬起山俱乐部(农会)在村抵制BT棉的:起山Bachao [...]
Mr. Atma Ram Echra, who
[...] under his able leadership has successfully persuaded members Shaheed [...]
Bucha Ji Kisan Club (Farmers'
Club) based at the village to boycott BT cotton in a drive under the aegis of Kisan Bachao Andolan (Save Farmer Movement), is known for his love and dedication for animals and nature.
煽动歧视”应构成煽动者在有能力影响被教唆者的情形下任何直接和有 目的的鼓励、导、施加压力劝说 某 人进行歧视的行为。
Instigation to discrimination” shall constitute any direct and purposeful encouragement, instruction, and exertion of pressure or prevailing upon someone to discriminate when the instigator is in a position to influence the instigated.
审判分庭继续采取有力措施,通过以下方式,确保诉 讼程序的迅速进行:限制辩方的举证时间;与会议和语文支助事务科联络,确保 及时翻译文件;与当事方接触,有效安排证人,防止在审判时间的安排上出现空 档;获得生病被告的弃权书,使审判能够在他们不在场的情况下也可继续进行; 鼓励辩方以书面方式举证;严格限制询问证人的时间 劝 阻 使 用重复证据;考虑 辩方关于接受律师桌上的文件而不要求每份文件都通过证人席上作证的证人提 交这一请求。
The Trial Chamber has continued to take rigorous measures to ensure the expeditiousness of the proceedings by, inter alia, limiting the time within which the Defence teams may present their evidence; liaising with the Conference and Language Services Section to ensure the timely translation of documents; engaging with the parties to efficiently schedule witnesses to prevent breaks in the trial schedule; obtaining waivers from ill accused so that the trial can continue in their absence; encouraging the Defence to present evidence in written form; strictly enforcing time limits on examination of witnesses; discouraging duplicative evidence; and entertaining Defence motions for the admission of documents from the bar table rather than requiring each document to be tendered through a witness on the stand.
劝告达 不到预期结果和儿童继续与父 母生活在一起有生命或健康危险的情况下,儿童保护工作者会着手把儿童从父母 身边弄走或剥夺父母的权利。
In cases where counselling does not yield expected results and the life or health of a child are in danger if they continue to live with parents, a child protection worker may initiate removal of a child from a parent or deprivation of parental rights.
他们认为,教科文组织应当采取行动,制定计划, 劝 告 那 些限制言论自由的政府,使 他们认识到信息自由是政治、经济、社会和文化持久发展以及长期和平与稳定的关键。
They suggested that UNESCO ought to develop activities and programmes which would seek to persuade governments which have restricted the freedom of expression that free information was a key to durable political, economic, social and cultural development and to long-term peace and stability.
这 12 个员额包括行政导和管理项下的一个 P-2 协理经济事务干事员额;次级 方案 1(与全球经济的联系、区域一体化及合作)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 2(生 产和创新)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 3(宏观经济政策和增长)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 5(社会发展与平等)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 12(墨西哥和 中美洲的次区域活动)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 13(加勒比次区域活动)下的 1 个当地雇员员额;方案支助项下的一个 P-4 临时员额、一个 P-2 员额和 3 个当 地雇员员额。
These 12 posts comprise one P-2 post of Associate Economic Affairs Officer under executive direction and management; one P-2 post under subprogramme 1, Linkages with the global economy, regional integration and cooperation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 2, Production and innovation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 3, Macroeconomic policies and growth; one P-2 post under subprogramme 5, Social development and equality; one P-2 post under subprogramme 12, Subregional activities in Mexico and Central America; one Local level post under subprogramme 13, Subregional activities in the Caribbean; and one P-4 temporary post, one P-2 post and three Local level posts under programme support.
预算文 件第 29C.35
[...] 段列出这一构成部分下将交付的产出,其中包括:提供范围广泛的 旨在建立和维持本组织导及管 理能力的培训方案;增进方案管理人员和负有行 [...]
政管理职责的工作人员的人力和财政资源管理专门知识;提高秘书处工作人员的 信息技术技能;建立和强化语文能力;支持职业发展和提高实务技能。
The outputs to be delivered under this component are set out in paragraph 29C.35 of the budget document, and include the provision of a wide array of training
programmes designed to build and sustain the
[...] Organization’s leadership and managerial [...]
capacity; improve the human and financial
resources management expertise of programme managers and staff with administrative responsibilities; upgrade the information technology skills of Secretariat staff; build and strengthen linguistic capabilities; and support career development and upgrade substantive skills.
在 2005 年 10 月 6 日的第五和第六次会议上,委员会审议了下列五个项目:项目 8.1:反对在 体育运动中使用兴奋剂国际公约草案;项目 5.3:关于阿拉伯被占领土的教育和文化机构的第 32 C/54 号决议的实施情况;项目 5.24:关于在布基纳法索瓦加杜古建立由联合国教科文组织赞助的非
洲女童和妇女教育国际中心(CIEFFA)的建议;项目 5.8:联合国教科文组织和经济合作与发展组
[...] 织(OECD)合作,共同起草“保障高等教育跨国界办学质量”的 导 方 针 ;以及项目 5.23:关于国 [...]
At its fifth and sixth meetings on 6 October 2005, the Commission examined the following five items: 8.1 “Draft international convention against doping in sport”, 5.3 “Implementation of 32 C/Resolution 54 concerning educational and cultural institutions in the occupied Arab territories”, 5.24 “Proposed establishment of the International Centre for Girls’ and Women’s Education in Africa (CIEFFA) under the auspices of UNESCO, in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)”, 5.8
“Cooperation between UNESCO and OECD in
[...] drafting guidelines on ‘Quality Provision [...]
in Cross-Border Higher Education’”, and
5.23 “Preliminary report on the desirability and scope of an international charter on traditional games and sports”.




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