

单词 力挽狂澜

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From our experience with soccer betting, I can hardly believe in the effectiveness of the new betting duty system in turning the tide.
今天, 特区政 府以乎 有点一蹶 不 振 , 亟 需来一 番 政 治 大 变革, 改 变 管 治 思 维 、改变 施 政 策略, 才力挽狂澜
Today, it seems that the SAR Government has collapsed after one setback and it badly needs a significant political change.
我不知道他们现时在伦敦举行会议会搅成甚麽样子,也不知道大家 是否要采取行动足以挽救现时的情况力挽狂澜
Neither do I know whether we need to take any action and whether it will be
[...] sufficientto savethepresent [...]
situation and stem the tide.
特区政府对这个独特和有发展潜力的创意行业,做力挽狂澜倒; 我今天希望代表演艺行业的成员表达他们的无言谢意,并希望继续得到政府 支持。
On behalf of the members of the performing arts industry, which is so unique, creative and has great potentialsof development, I should like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the SAR Government for the good efforts it has made to save the industry from its desperate situation.
然而,由於警方不熟悉互联网 的标准及规则,检控行动多次无效;学校亦因为一直以“禁慾”为性教育准 则,面对互联网无穷的引诱,亦无力挽狂澜
However, since the police are not familiar with the standards and regulations governing the Internet, their numerous prosecution actions are in vain.
政府曾经拒绝了社会㆟士要求八八直选的建议,又不接纳行政、立法两局议员共识的政 制要求,至九㆒年才正式引进 18 席直选议席,到今㆝进入後过渡时间,试力挽狂澜速民主制度,当然会招致巨大阻力。
Only today when we are in the latter part of the transition period does the Government attempt to correct its past mistake by speeding up the pace of democratization and this will naturally meet tremendous obstruction.
特别代表希望,这些先例力挽狂不仅通过国 际法庭或混合法庭,而且经国家法院的起诉打击有罪不罚现象。
The Special Representative hopes that these precedents will turn the tide against impunity, not only through international or hybrid courts, but also in the context of prosecution by national courts.
Just as the old saying goes, the brave one will win in the
fierce competition, which suitably
[...] demonstrates the great spirit of Li Ke and his [...]
team in forging ahead for national industry
and national brand despite the troubles.
她并认为, 政府当局应制订 策 略 , 吸引高 质素的 毕 业生加入教师专 业,并力 挽职 教师。
She also considered that the Administration should work out
strategies to attract high calibre graduates to join the teaching
[...] profession and retain serving teachers in theworkforce.
这 些 立 论 完 全是站在政府的角 度而作, 完 全是 推 波现。
These arguments are put forward wholly from the Government's point of view and serve to further their own cause.
此外,谈到劳工可以做些甚麽,团体又可以做些甚麽等,如果各位翻查 过去的工运,左派工会在五十年代之前的活动,例如 1922 年的香港海员罢 工、10 万工人的反抗运动;1925 年省港澳大罢工等,这些都是劳工阶级, 特别是当时的左派工会,为工人而发起的的工人运动。
When it comes to what workers and organizations can do, Members may refer back to the labour movements in the past and the activities of the leftist workers' unions in the '50s, such as a strike staged by Hong Kong seamen in 1922, a resistance movement participated by 100 000 workers, and a massive strike staged in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in 1925.
财政司司长可 能 从 事 银 行 工 作 太 长时间 , 从 事
[...] 炒卖金 融 外 币 工 作 太 长时间 , 而这行 业根本 习 惯 利用消 息 来 炒卖货 币 , 借 助 消 息 在 市场内推 波取 暴 利 , 他可能已 习 惯 了 这 样 的工作 环境,对新的工作 环境,对 财政司司长职位所 赋 予他的应 有 的 责任仍 未适应 , 所以他在上任 後 根 本 没 有 想 过 要 避 嫌 , 没 有 想 过 要 看 清 楚 《 问 责 制主要 [...]
官 员 守 则》内 有 甚麽须 关 注 事 项 。
The Financial Secretary may have worked in the banking sector and engaged in the speculative buying of financial products and foreign currencies for too long, and the industry is basically accustomed to making use of information for the speculative buying of foreign currencies and
reaping staggering profits
[...] with theaid ofnewsthat adds fuel to the flames in the market. Perhaps he is accustomed to such a working environment and has not yet adapted to the new working environment, the rights conferred by the Office [...]
of the Financial
Secretary and the responsibilities that he should have, therefore, it has never come to his mind that he has to avoid arousing suspicion after he has assumed office or that he has to gain a clear idea of the points in the Code for Principal Officials under the Accountability System to which he has to pay attention.
塔什干国际会议是筹备世界水论坛的一个重要阶段,来自 32 个国家的 350 多名专家、杰出科学家、环境保护主义者和水资源管理专家,以及大约 30 个有 影际组织和金融机构的代表出席了会议,其中包括联合国及其各个机 构、世界水事理事会、全球水事伙伴关系、世界银行、亚洲开发银行、欧洲经济 委员会、国海基金、美国国际开发署、国际排灌委员会、国际大坝委员 会和其他机构。
The international conference in Tashkent, which marked an important stage in the preparations for the World Water Forum, was attended by more than 350 experts, prominent scientists, environmentalists and water management specialists from 32 countries, as well
as representatives
[...] of some 30influential international organizations and financial institutions, including the United Nations and its agencies, the World Water Council, the Global Water Partnership, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Economic Commission for Europe, the International Fund for Saving theAral Sea, [...]
the United States Agency
for International Development (USAID), the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, the International Commission on Large Dams and other bodies.
在人数方面,我们希望不会 出现精神科医生的逃亡潮,亦希望当局能够深入检讨工作环境及资源调配的 问题,以减轻前线医护人员的工作压力,并力挽才。
We also hope that the authorities can review the working environment and deployment of resources to reduce work stresson front-line health care personneland retain talents by all means.
会上讨论了如下专题:“暴力的新形式与回应新的挑战”,“极端暴力,恐怖主 义政治危机”,“牺牲精神”和“暴力与腐败”。
The themes addressed included: “New forms of violence and tentative answers to new challenges”,
“Extreme violence, terrorism and the crisis of
[...] politics”, “Violence,fanaticism,sacrifice” and [...]
“Violence and corruption”.
We know from experience that having a reliable image of crucial servers and workstations can not only save a company
considerable time and aggravation if a failure
[...] occurs,it cansave the entire company by ensuring that its systems are operable.
我们须了解导致目前通货膨 胀的基本原因,就是香港的劳工及土㆞供应严重短缺,加㆖物业市场投机炒卖风气的 推波如物业格价也包括在消费物价指数之内)。
We know what are the basic causes of our current inflation which are the acute shortage of labour and land, and in addition, speculation in the property market, if property prices are included in our definition of inflation.
时至今天,香港经济总体来说虽然已经算是回过气来,而 今年第三季本地生产总值亦有 4.5%的增长,但减薪的未停止,削减 薪酬福利的个案仍时有发生。
Although at present, Hong Kong economy has on the whole started to recover and the Gross Domestic Product of Hong Kong has also registered a growth of 4.5% during the third quarter of this year, the tide of wage reduction have not yet subsided, and cases of wage cuts and benefits reduction are still very common.
楼价暴升的主因之㆒,是公营房屋远远供不应求,导致㆗㆘层市民被迫到私㆟市 场置业,兼且居屋售价与市价挂 ,不但不能起 遏抑楼市之效,还对炽热的市场 起 推波用。
Moreover, prices of flats under the Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) are pegged to those in the market, which has failed to suppress the property market but further fueled the heated property market.
监於功能组别在本局所占的优势,再加㆖自由党的建议推波认为选举委员会应 加入某些功能组别,作为该委员会的选举基础,结果会使各功能组别代表之间,可以进行 政治交易,因而牺牲公众利益。
Given the preponderance of functional constituencies in this Council, exacerbated by the Liberal Party’s proposal for the election committee to incorporate some functional constituencies as the electoral base for the election committee, this means that deals can be done against public interest by horse-trading between functional constituencies’ representatives.
显然,随着有关在 1967 年以前边界的基础上实 现“两国解决方案”以及需要解决耶路撒冷作为两国
[...] 未来首都的问题的国际共识继续得到巩固,以色列粗 暴加紧里人为建立压倒性的犹太 多数,进一步加强对该城的事实上的吞并。
Clearly, as international consensus regarding the two-State solution on the basis of the pre-1967 borders and the need to resolve the question of Jerusalem as the future capital of two States continues to
solidify, Israel is blatantly and
[...] arrogantly accelerating its efforts toartificially create [...]
an overwhelming Jewish majority there
and further entrench its de facto annexation of the city.
但是,今天我已经力挽法会的礼貌、礼仪和秩序,失去的 已经失去了。
Now I cannot turn the tides back with respect to manners, rites and order in this Council.
这 些 药 物并不好 像 以前般,
[...] 匿藏於 公 厕 或 楼 梯 底 服 食 , 而是 最好有一大 人,在一 些 娱 乐 场 所 , 有 强 劲 音 乐 陪衬, 大 家 都服食 一 些 , 分 甘 同 味 , 然 後就一 齐 在 挤 迫 的 舞池
After taking the drug, they will then squeeze back to the crowded dancing floor to dance tillthey drop of exhaustion.
这个研 讨会包括好几个专题会议:《新的暴力表现形式》、《暴力的原因和根源》以及涉及不同因 素间关系的专题:《极端暴力、恐怖主义和政治危机》、《献身精神》和《暴 力与腐败》等。
This seminar was marked by several thematic meetings dealing with “new forms of
violence”, the
[...] “causes and sourcesof violenceand the links between “extreme violence, terrorism and the crisis of politics”, “violence,fanaticism and sacrifice” [...]
and “violence and corruption”.
必须 要求以色列当局提供安全条件,以便近东救济工程处 和当地其他联合国实体,能够继续援助自
[...] 2008 年 12 月 27 日以来发动的军事侵略所造成的害者。
The Israeli authorities must be required to provide conditions of security so that UNRWA and the other United Nations entities
acting in situ can continue to assist the
[...] victimsof the madviolence unleashed [...]
as a result of the military aggression perpetrated since 27 December 2008.
[...] 事务部支持下举办的一些宗教领袖演讲。这些演讲的目的是推动那些抵制极端主 义、宗的温和宗教言论。
Another State cited a number of lectures by religious leaders organized with the support of its Ministry of Endowments and
Religious Affairs, aimed at promoting moderate religious discourse that disavows
[...] extremism, fanaticismandacts of violence.
联合国儿童基金会项目宣传专员兼快速评估小组成员纳西尔.阿提克(Nasir Ateeq)说:“我们看到一个接一个的村庄被水淹没,住在堤岸上的儿童和他们的父母力挽剩无几的家当。
We saw village after village under water, children and their parents on broken embankments trying to salvage whatever was left of their homes and belongings," said UNICEF's Programme Communication Specialist Nasir Ateeq, who was part of UNICEF's rapid assessment team.
虽然我们现时仍出现很多争拗,但因 为法例权力所限,限制了我们的权力无法达至平衡,於是即使反对28 元最低时薪水平的一方如何有道理、是拥有很多数据,包括通胀剧烈 等预测,抑或认为时薪28元的最低工资水平建议如何不公义,议会和 公众仍然是力挽
Now we have a lot of disputes, but given that we are constrained by the law and our powers are limited, so despite how sensible those who oppose the minimum hourly wage of $28 may sound, and despite the enormous data backing them up like the forecast of a severe inflation or how unfair the proposed wage rate of $28 is, there is nothing this Council or the public can do to avertit.
我奉劝利比亚代表承诺保护所剩 利比亚平民,并利用他的政治诡辩力挽的国家的主权、独立和稳定,以及从利比亚人民处 [...]
掠夺的数以千亿计的美元,掠夺这些财富的正是那 些操控第1970(2011)号和第1973(2011)号决议 的同样势力。
I advise the representative of Libya to commit himself to the protection of the remaining
Libyan civilians and to use his political
[...] eloquence to try toregain his country’s sovereignty, [...]
independence and stability,
as well as the hundreds of billions of dollars plundered from the Libyan people by the same forces that invaded his country after manipulating resolutions 1970 (2011) and 1973 (2011).




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