单词 | 劈 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 劈—chopless common: split open split in two (of lightning) strike hack Examples:劈柴n—firewoodn 劈叉—the splits (move in dancing) do the splits 劈情操—have a friendly chat (Shanghai)
内墙与外墙之间的区域用于劈柴,并向少数犯人提供工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | An area of the premises between the outer and inner wall was in use for chopping wood and provided work for a small number of prisoners. daccess-ods.un.org |
疑点三:保安局局长在有关新闻发布会上的发言,劈头就以本地人士意见书的数目为推算基础,完全没有提及3,812份涉及29,099个签名来自外地的意见书。 hkupop.hku.hk | Doubt No.3: In the media session conducted by the Secretary for Security, she began her analysis right from the local submissions received, and mentioned nothing about the 3,812 non-local submissions involving 29,099 signatures. hkupop.hku.hk |
有一次(14时40 分) 代表团抵达时发现外门没有警卫,在内墙与外墙之间的地区看不到警卫;唯 一看到的人是几个在内墙与外墙之间的地区劈柴的人。 daccess-ods.un.org | On one occasion (14.40 hours) the delegation arrived to find no guard at the outer gate and no guards visible on duty in the area between the inner and outer walls; the only people in view were a few prisoners choppingwood in the area between the outer and inner walls. daccess-ods.un.org |
消费者可以购买带有或不带有 防腐处理及防火处理的木劈瓦和木锯 瓦。 wrcea.cn | Shakes and shingles are available to the consumer with or without chemical preservative treatment, and with or without fire retardant treatment. wrcea.org |
此 外,还有大约1000万平方米的护墙板 以及超过2000万平方米的屋面木劈瓦和屋面木锯瓦出口,美国同样是最大 的 进 口 商 。 wrcea.cn | In addition, approximately 10 million square metres (m2 ) of siding and over 20 million m2 of shingles and shakes were exported, with the USA again as the largest importer. wrcea.org |
这一现象在使用普通钢钉 的屋面木劈瓦和屋面木锯瓦上是常见 的。 wrcea.cn | This phenomenon is common in shakes and shingles where common steel nails are used. wrcea.org |
索马里人将树皮劈开,让树液流出,油状的树液逐渐凝固为黄白色的泪滴状,干了以后就变成红色,也就是我们所熟悉的没药。 clarinsusa.com | The oily sap hardens into yellowish-white tears that turn red as they dry to form what is known as Myrrh. clarinsusa.com |
毛利人的神话故事则说,两个神为了争夺这块石头,而打算劈开一半,大家各获得一份,平息纠纷。 4tern.com | According to the Maori’s legend, two gods were fighting each other for a rock. 4tern.com |
这种木材有很多种 应用途径,例如护墙板、平台板、围 栏、花园装饰品、常规的和层压的房 屋原木、电线杆以及特殊产品,如室 内镶板、乐器以及屋面木劈瓦和屋面 木锯 瓦 ( 通 常 由 森 林 中 的 死 亡 原 木 制 成 ) 等 。 wrcea.cn | The wood is used in many ways such as siding, decking, fencing, garden accessories, conventional and laminated house logs, utility poles, and specialty products such as interior paneling, musical instruments, and roofing shakes and shingles (often made from dead logs lying in forests). wrcea.org |
3 月 21 [...] 日,据报道上帝军袭击了 Agoumar,在那里后来发现了 14 具村民的尸体,他们都是被斧子和砍刀劈死的。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 21 March, LRA [...] reportedly attacked Agoumar, where the bodies of [...]14 villagers, killed with axes and machetes, were later discovered. daccess-ods.un.org |
当白色的mozzarella、红色的西红柿和绿色的罗勒叶配在一起时, 强烈的色彩对比给我们的视觉带来了冲击;木材燃烧发出的劈啪声恰似音乐节奏;它独特的香味沁人心肺;口味的精美自不待言;当你用手指拿起一小块匹萨,举起,然后送入口中,这是何等的触觉享受 knowfood.cn | The sight is enchanted by the contrast of the white of the mozzarella, the red of tomato and the green of basil; the hearing by the crackling of the wood fire; the smell by its characteristic scent; the taste by the deliciousness of its flavour; the touch, as you lift the first morsel with your fingers to reach your mouth. knowfood.cn |
乔木给70米高; 树干到多于1米直径; [...] 树皮灰棕色或深灰色,粗糙,横向劈开;幼时树冠塔形成,成为顶端平老时; [...]侧的小枝紧密,低垂,几乎成羽状安排。 flora.ac.cn | Trees to 70 m tall; trunk to more than 1 m [...] d.b.h.; bark gray-brown or dark gray, rough, [...] transversely split; crown tower-shaped [...]when young, becoming flat topped with [...]age; lateral branchlets dense, drooping, almost pinnately arranged. flora.ac.cn |
贫困家庭如果付不起各种连带性费用,或者年幼的子女需要干活来补充家 庭的收入,或者需要做打水劈柴等无报酬的家务劳动,这些家庭可能就不能送孩 子去上学。 daccess-ods.un.org | Poor families may not be able to send their children to school if they cannot afford the complementary expenses and/or young sons and daughters may need to work to supplement family earnings or to contribute to unpaid household care work such as fetching water or firewood. daccess-ods.un.org |