

单词 副院长

See also:


classifier for pairs or sets of things and facial expressions


assistant n
auxiliary n


chair of board
president (of a university etc)
department head

External sources (not reviewed)

支持建立联系和伙伴关系,例如与非洲科学和技术机构网络以及主管科学、工程 和技术副院长和主任会议建立联系。
Networking and partnerships were supported, for example in conjunction with the African Network of
Scientific and Technological Institutions
[...] and Conference of Vice Chancellors and Deans of Science, Engineering [...]
and Technology.
这些其 他服务条件包院长和副院长代行 院长职务期间的特别津贴、教育津贴、医疗保 险、遗属津贴、旅行和生活津贴条例及退休福利。
These other conditions of
[...] service include the special allowance of the President and of the Vice-President when acting [...]
as President, education
allowance, health insurance, survivors’ benefit, travel and subsistence regulations and retirement benefits.
缔约 国称,根据《民事诉讼法》,最高 院副院长 拥 有 与最高法院院长相同的权利, 可以同意或不同意下级法院的决定。
It submits that under the Civil
[...] Procedure Code, the Deputy Chairman of the [...]
Supreme Court has the same right as the Chairman
of the Supreme Court to agree or to disagree with a lower court’s decision.
中国科学技术发展战略研究院副院长 将作 为该国际中心的临时主任,直至在本建议获得批准后的六个月内任命了正式主任为止。
The Executive Vice-President of CASTED would [...]
serve as interim director of the International Centre until the appointment
of a permanent director, within a period of six months following approval of the proposal.
2006 年审查服务条件时,大会在其 61/262 号决议中认可咨询委员会的结论 和建议(A/61/612 和
Corr.1),因此不接受国际法院的建议,即将院长特别津贴 从
[...] 15 000 美元增加到 20 000 美元以及副院长每日生活津贴从 94 美元增加到 125 [...]
美元,每年最多不超过 12 500 美元(见 A/61/554,第 86 段),因此未就此事 采取进一步行动。
In the context of the 2006 review of conditions of service, the General Assembly, in resolution 61/262, endorsed the conclusions and recommendations of the Advisory Committee (A/61/612 and Corr.1), and as a result rejected the proposal of the Court for an increase in the President’s
allowance from US$ 15,000 to
[...] US$ 20,000 and in the Vice-President’s allowance [...]
from US$ 94 per day to US$ 125 per day, subject
to a maximum of US$ 12,500 per year (see A/61/554, para. 86), and no further action has been taken on the subject.
在这方面,我们还欢迎马尔泰 利总统任命最高法院长和副院长, 籍 此进一步加强 该国的法治机构。
In this regard, we also welcome
President Martelly’s appointment of
[...] the President and Vice-President of the Supreme Court, which further [...]
strengthens the rule of
law institutions in the country.
之友小组肯定自上次报告 (S/2011/540)以来在震后恢复重建和巩固民主方面 所取得的进展,包括在加强海地法治方面,如任命了 期待已久的最高法院长和副院长。
The Group of Friends recognizes the achievements made since the prior report (S/2011/540) with respect to post-earthquake reconstruction and peacebuilding, including progress in the strengthening of
the rule of law in Haiti,
[...] such as the long-awaited appointment of the President and Vice-President of the Supreme Court.
能够与罗大使、巴辛大使和副院长 共 同 出席美国和中国首次联合举办的阿富汗合作项目的启动仪式,我深感荣幸。
It is a privilege for me to join Ambassador Luo,
[...] Ambassador Baheen, and Vice President Qin in [...]
commemorating the launch of a first-ever
U.S.-China joint cooperative project on Afghanistan.
委员会认为,即使这些补救措施在某些情况下 是有效的,但审查也只有在最高法 院长 和 副院长 明 确同意之后才有可能,他们 拥有自由斟酌权可以将案件提交或不提交法院,声称其权利受到侵犯的犯罪人无 [...]
The Committee considered that even if such remedies may be effective in certain situations, such reviews were possible only
with the express consent of
[...] the President or Vice-Presidents of the Supreme Court, who therefore [...]
have discretionary power
to refer or not to refer a case to the Court, whereas a convicted person claiming that his or her rights have been violated could not initiate such a review directly.
1999-2009 年 奥旺多高等院副院长兼奥 约地方法院院长。
1999-2009 Vice-President, Owando high court and Acting [...]
President of the Oyo court.
中国科学技术发展战略研究院常 副院长 王 元 先生在其欢迎词中提到,这个项目对于中国实现可持续发展的国家治理将发挥重要的作用。
In his welcome
[...] speech, Executive Vice President of CASTED [...]
Mr. Wang Yuan underlined the importance of the ongoing project
for Chinese future national governance for a sustainable development.
以下专题讨论小组成员作了简要介绍:印度国家农业经济学和 政策研究中心主任 Ramesh Chand 先生、巴基斯坦国立科技大学商学
[...] 院总干事兼院长 Ashfaque H. Khan 先生、以及越南中央经济管理院 副院长 Vo Tri Thanh 先生。
Brief presentations were made by three high-level panellists: Mr. Ramesh Chand, Director of the National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research of India; Mr. Ashfaque H. Khan, Director General and Dean of the National University of
Science and Technology Business School of
[...] Pakistan; and Mr. Vo Tri Thanh, Vice-President of the Central [...]
Institute for Economic Management of Viet Nam.
耶鲁大学国际和职业体验负责人;耶鲁大学本科 院副院长 Jane Edwards:“我们从耶鲁的学生身上发现,将来自全世界的优秀青年齐聚一堂,在充满挑战性的课堂环境中学习并建立友谊有助于培养新一代的全球领袖。
Jane Edwards, Associate Dean of Yale College, Dean of International [...]
and Professional Experience, Yale University: “We know
from the experience of Yale students that programs which bring together the most talented young people from around the world to learn and to create friendships in a challenging classroom environment can forge a new generation of global leaders.
在举行会议前不 久进行了选举,以任命国际宇航科学院的新成员和高级官员;乌克兰国家空间 局局长 Aleksandr Zinchenko 当选为该科学院社会科学部董事,国营企业
[...] Yuzhnoye 设计局总设计师兼总经理 Stanislav Konyukhov 当选为院副院长。
Shortly before the Congress, elections were held to appoint new members and senior officials of IAA; Aleksandr Zinchenko, Director-General of NSAU, was elected Trustee of the Academy’s Social Sciences Section, and Stanislav Konyukhov, Chief
Designer and Managing Director of the State enterprise Yuzhnoye Design
[...] Office, was elected Vice-President of the Academy.
根据上述大会决定,自 2011 年 1 月 1 日起国际院副院长可每天支领 156 美元津贴,拟参照国际法院这一惯例将 [...]
It is proposed that the rate for this allowance be fixed at
$156 per day in line with the practice at
[...] the International Court of Justice, whose [...]
Vice-President has been entitled to this
amount, since 1 January 2011, in keeping with the abovementioned decision of the General Assembly.
最近更新时间: 2011/9/28 //
[...] 2011年9月18日至22日,由上海交通大学动力与能源工程 院副院长 王 如 竹教授领队的上海交通大学代表团一行13人访问了挪威科技大学(Norwegian [...]
University of Science and Technology, NTNU)。
Last updated: 28/09/2011 // A delegation of 13 people
from Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU)
[...] led by Prof. Wang Ruzhu, Vice Dean of the Power [...]
and Energy Engineering School, visited
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Sept. 18-22, 2011.
两名高级别专题讨 论小组成员:斯里兰卡科伦坡政策研究院执行主任 Saman Kelegama
[...] 先生 和河内经济管理中央研院副院长 Vo Tr i T h a n h 先生作了简要演讲。
Brief presentations were made by two high-level panelists: Mr. Saman Kelegama, Executive Director, Institute of
Policy Studies of Sri Lanka, Colombo, and
[...] Mr. Vo Tri Thanh, Vice-President, Central Institute [...]
of Economic Management, Hanoi.
1998-1999 年 多利西高等院副院长,Madingoou 高等法院历任代理院长。
1998-1999 Vice-President, Dolisie high court; concurrently, Acting [...]
President, Madingou high court.
但最高人民院副院长姜兴 长说,最高人民法院只判决了“极少一部分经济犯罪死刑判决,每年只有几例。
However, SPC Vice President Jiang Xingchang [...]
stated the SPC handed down only "a very small number of death sentences for
economic crimes now, just a few a year.
视界艺术中心:位于上海市M50创意园区的“视界艺术中心”(V ART
[...] CENTER)成立于2010年,它是附属于复旦大学上海视觉艺术学院(SIVA)的非盈利空间,由美术 院副院长 、 知 名当代艺术家丁乙担任艺术总监,中心位于3号楼和6号楼的两个展厅。
As a non-profitable space affiliated
with SIVA of Fudan University, the center is presided by Mr. Ding Yi, a famous
[...] modern artist and an associate dean of SIVA.
此前,Light 先生曾担任金融学院高副院长兼主 席,从事投资管理、资本市场以及创业融资教学工作长达 30 年。
Prior to becoming Dean, Professor Light was Senior Associate Dean, Chairman [...]
of the Finance Area, and a Professor teaching
Investment Management, Capital Markets, and Entrepreneurial Finance for 30 years.
2月18日,美国波士顿大学牙科学院Jeffrey Hutter院长、生物材料学专家周来生教授一行访问口腔医院,赵铱民院长、王利民政委、陈吉 副院长 、 医 教部贺建军主任等参加了欢迎仪式。
Dr. Jeffrey Hutter, dean of Boston University Goldman School
of Dental Medicine
[...] (BUGSDM), together with Dr. Laisheng Chou, Director of Oral AIDS Clinic of BUGSDM and dental biomaterial expert, visited China’s Fourth Military Medical University (FMMU)’s stomatology hospital on February 18, 2011.
最高院副院长和最高法院刑事处处长79 认为, 虽然政府与非政府组织的关系良好,但由非政府组织负责信息中心也不会是最好 [...]
The Deputy President of the Supreme [...]
Court and President of the Criminal Section of the Supreme Court79 considered that,
although the government has good relations with NGOs, it would not be the best option to put them in charge of an Information Centre.
2012年1月29日上午,山西省汾阳医院贾誉书记 副院长 和 信 息中心王昶飞副主任在“明尼苏达消化专科” (Minnesota Gastroenterology, PA)Sam Leon和John Chen医生的带领下,参观了位于明尼阿波利斯市的雅培西北医院( Abbott Northwestern Hospital),并就医院信息化工作进行了交流。
On behalf of Fenyang Hospital of China’s Shanxi Province,Mr. Yu Jia (Assistant President of Fenyang Hospital) and Changfei Wang (Assistant Director of HIS Center) visited Abbott Northwestern Hospital on January 29, 2012.
审议了秘书长的报告1 及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,2 注意到自 1987 年以来国际法院长以及副院长代行 院长职务期间的工作量 增加,而长以及副院长代行 院长职务期间的特别津贴数额却没有增加, 又注意到自前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭和卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭设立以来, 两法庭庭长以及副庭长代理庭长职务期间的工作量增加,而庭长以及副庭长代理 庭长职务期间的特别津贴数额却没有增加
Having considered
[...] the reports of the Secretary-General1 and the related reports of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,2 Noting that the workload of the President of the International Court of Justice and that of the Vice-President, when [...]
acting as President, have
increased since 1987 and that the amounts of the special allowance of the President and of the VicePresident, when acting as President, have not increased since then
之前,Ramesh讲师是新加坡一领先学院法律 副院长。
Previously, Ramesh was a Vice Dean of a law faculty [...]
in a leading college in Singapore.
在这一方面,去年,西澳大学医学、牙科与健康科学学院(Faculty of Medicine,
[...] Dentistry and Health Sciences)副院长温斯 洛普教授郑明浩(音译)负责开展了一个新的联合教学中国博士生招生计划。
In this regard, last year Winthrop Professor Ming
[...] Hao Zheng, Associate Dean of UWA’s Faculty [...]
of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences,
led a new scheme to recruit double-badged PhD students from China.
2012年10月19日,美国克利夫兰艺术学院招生与学费资助部执行总监Robert Borden先生副院长Chris Whittey先生应邀来到美视国际项目部为对美术感兴趣的同学做了一场招生演讲。
On October 19, 2012, Mr. Robert Borden, Executive Director of
Enrollment and Financial
[...] Aid, and Mr. Chris Whittey, Vice President of Academic & Faculty Affairs, [...]
from Cleveland Institute
of Art (CIA), were invited to Meishi International Programs to give a presentation to our some of our selected high school students who are interested in arts.
出席典礼的嘉宾包括陈明卓博士 (世纪大学院副院长 (学术事务)), Ms Jennifer Lopez [...]
(ACCA 马来西亚区域主管) 和 Sugumaran Selladurai (世纪大学学院商学、会计与管理院主任)。
The VIP guests present at the ceremony were Professor Dr. BC Tan (SEGi
[...] University Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic)), [...]
Ms Jennifer Lopez (Country Head ACCA
Malaysia) and Sugumaran Selladurai (SEGi University College School of Business, Accounting & Management Head).
有关证券市场的专家主题发言人:美国证券交易委员会(SEC)主席Christopher Cox、美国威嘉律师事务所(Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP)合伙人、耶鲁管理学院公司治理资 副院长 I ra M . Millstein、美国投资者关系协会执行副总裁Linda Kelleher、罗格斯大学荣誉教授,美国证券交易委员会21世纪信息披露计划主席William Lutz、深圳证券交易所总经理宋丽萍(Liping [...]
Expert keynote speakers on the securities markets: Christopher Cox, Chairman,
Securities and
[...] Exchange Commission (SEC), Ira M. Millstein, Partner, Weil, Gotshal & Manges, LLP, Senior Associate Dean for Corporate Governance, Yale SOM, Linda Kelleher, Executive Vice President, National [...]
Investor Relations
Institute, William Lutz, Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University, Chair, SEC's 21st Century Disclosure Initiative, Liping Song, CEO, Shenzhen Stock Exchange




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