

单词 剖宫产



Cesarean section operation

See also:

surname Gong
first note in pentatonic scale
castration (as corporal punishment)

External sources (not reviewed)

胎位不正仅占所有产妇的3%,如果您的宝宝仍是这3%的其中之一,那 剖 腹 产 将 会 是最安全的分娩方式。
If your baby is one of the 3% that remains in the breech position at
[...] full term then a Caesarean birth will be the [...]
safest method of delivery.
八.86 在设施方面,秘书长表示,制订被称为“战略 产 计 划 ”的万 宫 全面 翻新和翻修方案的筹备工作仍在继续。
VIII.86 With regard to facilities, the Secretary-General indicates that preparatory work continues with regard to the development of a
comprehensive renovation and
[...] refurbishment programme for the Palais des Nations, referred [...]
to as the “strategic heritage plan”.
产妇 死亡率已经下降,部分原因是由于可在横穿境内的五个转诊医院内进 剖 腹 产。
The maternal mortality rate has been
decreasing, which is partially due to the
[...] availability of caesarean operations in the five referral [...]
hospitals spread across the territory.
关于第 33 款的增编(A/64/6(Sect.33)/Add.1)是按照拟议方案预算 第
[...] 33.11 段提出的,其中秘书长指出,他将向大会第六十四届会议提出 全面修缮和装修万宫项目 (又称为“战略 产 计 划”)的详细提议。
The addendum to section 33 (A/64/6 (Sect. 33)/Add.1) was submitted pursuant to paragraph 33.11 of the proposed programme budget, in which the Secretary-General indicated that he would submit detailed proposals with respect
to the project for the
[...] renovation and refurbishment of the Palais des Nations in Geneva (known [...]
as the “strategic heritage
plan”) to the General Assembly at its sixty-fourth session.
[...] 护理和新生儿护理课程的第一个试点国,该课程导剖腹产在所有分娩中所占的比例降至 10%,外阴切 开手术比率从 [...]
69%降至 9%,将有丈夫参与的分娩比 率从 0%提高到 91%。
Georgia was the first country to serve as a pilot for the World Health Organization course in modern evidence-based
obstetric and neonatal care, which
[...] resulted in reducing caesarian sections to 10 per [...]
cent of all deliveries and episiotomy
rates from 69 per cent to 9 per cent, as well as an increase in partner-attended deliveries from 0 per cent to 91 per cent.
将20只孕30 d母兔窒息后立剖宫取出仔兔,随机分为4组:新生兔窒息未治疗组(窒息B组),新生兔窒息ICI174864治疗组(ICI组),新生兔窒息脑啡肽抗血清治疗组(抗血清组),新生兔窒息兔血清治疗组(血清组)。
All the neonatal rabbits delivered by asphyxiated mother rabbits were randomized into  four groups: neonatal asphyxia untreated(asphyxia group), neonatal asphyxia treated with ICI174864(ICI group), neonatal asphyxia treated with enkephalin anti-serum(anti-serum group), neonatal asphyxia treated with normal rabbit serum(serum group).
其他要着重指出的一些倡议包括:乳癌和 宫 颈 癌 检查行动计划,该计划增 加乳房 X 线照射、乳房活组织检查和病理性细胞检查的次数,和减少比较激烈的 切割外科手术治疗;乡产科护 理行动例如培训医生/护士紧急治疗能力,以及 鼓励正常分娩;镰刀型贫血症病患治疗国家方案,该方案特别着重生殖年龄妇女; 流动紧急治疗服务。
Other noteworthy initiatives include the Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Action Plan, which provided increased numbers of mammograms, breast biopsies and Pap smears and reduced the number of radical, mutilating surgeries; field-level obstetrical care, such as training in emergency care for doctors and nurses and normal childbirth campaigns; the National Sickle-Cell Anaemia Carrier Treatment Programme, which focuses on women of reproductive age; and the Mobile Emergency Care Service.
这笔费用使得社区能够剖腹产共同 筹资,以帮助那些需要这一以往该社区大多数妇女都无法获得的服 [...]
The fee enables the community
[...] to cross-finance Caesarean sections for those who [...]
need them, a service that previously had
been out of reach for most women in the community.
如果生产过程长、产道受阻的妇女得不到及时医治和/或手术治疗(主要是 进剖腹产),婴 儿头部对孕妇骨盆的压力会给其中的器官造成大面积损伤。
When a woman undergoes prolonged obstructed labour without
receiving timely medical and/or surgical
[...] care, typically a Caesarean section, the pressure [...]
of the baby’s head can cause extensive
damage to organs in her pelvis.
[...] 措施将对产妇死亡和残疾产生最重大、最直接的影响:计划生育、熟练的保健人 员如助产士协助分娩以及进行产科急诊治疗,特别 剖 腹 产。
Within the context of maternal and reproductive health, three interventions have the most important and immediate impact on maternal death and disability: family planning; attendance during
childbirth by skilled health personnel, such as a midwife; and emergency obstetric
[...] care, in particular Caesarean sections.
[...] 正在努力使农业实现机械化,提供免费的小学义务教 育提高教育水平,并且提供免费剖 腹 产 手 术 ,作为 改善生殖健康的办法。
We are also working on mechanizing agriculture, promoting education by offering
free and mandatory primary education,
[...] and making free Caesarean sections available as [...]
a better approach to reproductive health.
同样,在 2005 年成立 了国家减 少妇女
[...] 死 亡 调查委员会,主要是指 因 怀 孕 、分娩剖腹产、月子 和流产 等引起的死亡。
Also established in 2005 was the National Commission for the
monitoring and reduction of women’s deaths occurring in
[...] pregnancy, childbirth, Caesarean section, puerperium [...]
and abortion.
[...] 期就采取了培训中层技术人员来代替医生,由他们提 供有区别的外科护理,包括给产产 妇 进 行 剖 腹分 娩。
Fifth, recognizing the country’s limited number of doctors, at a very early stage Mozambique took the initiative to train non-doctor,
middle-level technicians to offer differentiated surgery care,
[...] including caesarians for pregnant women with labour [...]
国家历史和文化博物馆(收藏馆)是 1990 年被列为世界产的克林姆宫及红 场的组成 部分。
The State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve is part of the World Heritage site of the Kremlin and Red Square in Moscow, inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1990.
因此,墨西哥代表团主张,推迟 审议,在能够确定如何吸收基本建设总计划和额外及 相关的费用之前,推迟审议万宫的 战略 遗 产 计 划 , 另外,也要推迟审议信息和通信技术的提案,以专注 于恢复机构资源规划(Umoja)项目的进展,该项目比 预定计划落后两年。
Accordingly, his delegation advocated postponing consideration of the strategic heritage plan for the Palais des Nations until the prospects for absorption of additional and associated costs for the capital master plan could be determined, and also postponing consideration of the information and communications technology proposals in order to focus on restoring progress to the enterprise resource planning (Umoja) project, which had fallen two years behind schedule.
在制造工厂的所在地宫城县,THERMAX被宫城工业会认定为 宫 城 优 良 产 品 ” ,并 宫 城 县 认定为“新商品特定任意合同商品”,向各都道府县的网点与网络推介,成为被政府机关项目采用的值得信赖的商品。
In Miyagi Prefecture, where the manufacturing plant is located, Thermax was certified as an “Excellent MONO (Product) of Miyagi” by the Miyagi Industrial Association, and as a “New Commodity in the Category of Commodities Eligible for Specific Optional Contracts” by Miyagi Prefecture.
在这方面,联合国日内瓦办事处与总部中央支助事务厅继续合作,进一步推进旨 在制定一项被称为“战略产计划 ”的万 宫 全 面 翻新和翻修方案的筹备工作。
In this context, the United Nations Office at Geneva continues to work with the Office of Central Support Services at Headquarters in furthering the preparatory work aimed at developing a
comprehensive renovation and
[...] refurbishment programme for the Palais des Nations, referred [...]
to as the “strategic heritage plan”.
2003 年 5 月 15 日至 20 日由教科文组织协调的首支专家考察团访问了巴格达,以便对
[...] 伊拉克特别是伊拉克博物馆、巴格达国家图书馆以及智慧之家和阿巴 宫 的 文化 财 产 遭 到 破 坏和损失的程度作一初步评估,并拟订关于在巴格达的伊拉克文化遗产现状的首份报告。
A first expert mission under UNESCO coordination visited Baghdad from 15 to 20 May 2003, in order to carry out a preliminary assessment of the extent of damage and loss to cultural property in Iraq and in particular of the Iraqi Museum, the
Baghdad National Library, Bayt al
[...] Hikma and the Abbasid Palace, as well as elaborate [...]
a first report on the state of Iraqi cultural heritage in Baghdad.
贝宁政府将加速执行与两性平等有关的经济和社会措施,特别是向最贫穷者 提供小额信贷,免费提剖腹产手术 ,以及艾滋病毒/艾滋病、疟疾、结核病和 其他相关传染病的防治措施等。
The Government will accelerate the implementation of
economic and social
[...] measures in the area of gender equality, in particular those concerning microcredit for the poorest, free caesarean section medical [...]
procedures, and measures
to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and other related infectious diseases.
疟疾预防剖腹产、抗 逆转录病毒治疗、孕妇和儿童结核病治疗均免费。
Malaria prevention, Caesarean sections, antiretroviral [...]
drugs and the treatment of tuberculosis in pregnant women and children
are all provided free of charge.
拉克托玛拉拉博士着重介绍了马拉维、莫桑比克和坦桑尼亚联合共和国的经 验,在这些国家中,所剖腹产中约有 90%是由非正规临床医生实施的。
Dr. Rakotomalala highlighted the experiences in Malawi, Mozambique and the
United Republic of Tanzania, where around 90
[...] per cent of all Caesarean sections are carried [...]
out by non-physician clinicians.
美利坚合众国代表报告了在妇女的机制领域取得的进展,该代表 向会议通报说该国家设立了:(a)白宫 妇 女和女孩问题理事会,该理事会负 责协调应对同工同酬、家事假、儿童保育、对妇女的暴力行为问题和妇女 的医疗卫生等领域的问题;(b) 设立了宫制止 对妇女暴力行为问题顾问 和全球妇女问题无任所大使的职位,其工作重点是努力将妇女问题纳入外 交政策。
The representative of the United States of America
reported on progress in the areas of women’s machinery, informing the Meeting of the establishment of (a)
[...] the White House Council on Women and Girls, which provided a coordinated response to issues such as equal pay, family leave, child care, violence against women and women’s health; and (b) the position of White House Advisor on Violence [...]
against Women and Ambassador-at-Large
for Global Women’s Issues, whose work focused on integrating women’s issues into foreign policy.
当天晚上,在金边和宫举行 了开幕仪式,出席开幕仪 式的有柬埔寨首相洪森、联合国开发计划署署长海伦·克拉克、柬埔寨首相特使 [...]
兼柬埔寨地雷行动管理局副局长普拉克·索克宏恩阁下和地雷幸存者、青年活动 家宋科萨。
In the evening an opening ceremony took
[...] place at the Peace Palace in Phnom Penh featuring [...]
the participation of Cambodian Prime
Minister Hun Sen, the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme Helen Clark, Minister Attached to the Prime Minister of Cambodia and Vice President of the Cambodian Mine Action Authority Prak Sokhonn, and landmine survivor and youth activist Song Kosal.
拟建中心的创始伙伴和主要支持机构目前有:都灵大学、国际劳工组织国际培训中心 (ITC-LIO)、那不勒斯大学、设在米兰的 IULM 大学、由皇家城堡和世界产“维 纳里亚宫”组成的区域组织、文化经济学国际研究中心“Silvia Santagata”、文化管理研究中心 和服务提供者“SiTi”(意大利的主要私立发展基金会“Compagnia di San Paolo”和都灵理 工学院的合营机构)。
The founding partners and main supporting institutions of the proposed Centre currently are: the University of Torino, the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITC-ILO), the University of Naples, the University IULM in Milan, the Domain comprising the Royal Castle and World Heritage property of “Venaria Reale”, the international research centre on the Economics of Culture “Silvia Santagata”, the research centre and service provider in cultural management “SiTi” (joint institution by the leading Italian private development foundation “Compagnia di San Paolo” and the Turin Polytechnic School).
除了其与京都大学合作,佳能正在积极培育和开发人力资源,在光学领域的技术在国内针对在日本和国外学术伙伴关系,包括提供支持,宇 宫 大 学 和促 产 学 联 盟与亚利桑那大学。
In addition to its collaboration with Kyoto University, Canon is actively engaged in academic partnerships aimed at nurturing human resources and developing technologies in the field of optics both at home in Japan and
abroad, including providing
[...] support to Utsunomiya University and promoting an industry-academia alliance with the University [...]
of Arizona.
海洋法专家咨询机构与海洋 事务和海洋法司密切合作,已举行 10 次会议,并完成了关于如下三份文件的工 作:海委会海洋技术转让标准和准则、海委会适用《联合国海洋法公约》第二四 七条的程序以及执行海委会大会关于在阿尔戈方案框架内布放公 剖 面 浮 标的 第 XX-6 号决议的导则。
The Advisory Body of Experts, working in close cooperation with the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea has held 10 meetings and concluded work on three documents: IOC Criteria and Guidelines on Transfer of Marine Technology; Procedure for the Application of article 247 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea by the IOC; and Guidelines for the implementation of resolution XX-6 of the IOC Assembly regarding the deployment of profiling floats in the high seas within the framework of the Argo programme.




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