单词 | 剑走偏锋 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 剑走偏锋 —fig. unexpected winning moveless common: Jian Zoupianfeng, pseudonym of prolific modern novelist • the sword moves with side stroke (modern idiom) • unconventional gambit See also:偏锋—fig. side stroke • lateral thinking • brush stroke the side (calligraphy)
尤斯塔斯蛇战斗,但被打伤的最后剑 , 飞 走 了。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Eustace fights the serpent but is [...] wounded by the last sword and flies away. seekcartoon.com |
这些日子,赫尔辛基出现了许多偏锋 的 、 有优秀美食意识的餐厅,它们烹调的不是创意融合菜,就是 “回归基本” 的北欧地道菜。 visitfinland.com | These days, Helsinki offers dozens of edgy, outstanding gastro-conscious restaurants that serve both exciting fusion food and back-to-basics Nordic dishes. visitfinland.com |
我仍希望公民黨和社民連可以想一想,如果我們的目的是一樣, [...] 大家也是希望在2017年和2020年有雙普選,即使今天你走快一步、我走 慢一步;今天你走偏左一些、我走偏 右 一 些,那又有甚麼問題呢? legco.gov.hk | I still hope that the Civic Party and the League of Social Democrats can think about this: If we share the same objective in that we all hope to achieve dual universal suffrage in 2017 and 2020, even though you may be one step ahead of me [...] while I am one step behind today, or [...] you skew more to the left while I skew more to the right, [...]what problem will there be? legco.gov.hk |
其实这个道理是很浅显的,就如同小时候看过的武侠小说中所描述的一样,功力高深者,可以举重若轻,而功力至高者,则达到了举轻若重的境界,即使是一根树枝,在其手中发挥的威力,甚至远远胜过功夫平平者所持 的 锋 利 宝 剑。 bsdrc.com | In fact, this reason is very plain, like a kid as described in novels, advanced skill, may be the ease and the skill of the Most High, then held up a realm of light, [...] if heavy, even a tree , might play in their [...] hands, or even far better than those held by the average skill sharp sword. bsdrc.com |
阿拉伯利比亚民众国谨提及其在财富分配领域和劳 工权利方面的先锋经验。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Libyan Arab Jamahiriya referred to its pioneering experience in the field of wealth distribution and labour rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
接駁鐵路的路線、切合社會需求的路線(例如 行 走偏 遠 地 區 或乘客主要為長者的巴士路線),而又沒有替代服務可供選 [...] 擇,或繁忙時段班次已定於 15 分鐘或以上的巴士路線則會按 個別情況考慮。 legco.gov.hk | Railway feeder routes, socially essential routes (such as bus [...] routes serving remote areas or where [...]the majority of the passengers are elderlies) [...]with no alternatives available, and routes with peak headways at 15 minutes or more will be considered on individual merits. legco.gov.hk |
而 且 再 加下去, 亦只是 朝 西隧收 費 偏 高的 方向走,這 也 是 不合理的。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, any proposal to increase the tolls would be oriented in the direction of the WHC, the toll of which is considered to be on the high side. legco.gov.hk |
虽然Scissor固定齿轮、钛合金Freezer、几何造型的Mandoline车款均适合城市骑行,但大多数喜爱 冲 锋 陷 阵 的车 迷 偏 好 定制自己的坚固框架,使之适合X-game探险的高性能要素。 mechanicsofstyle.com | Though their Scissor fixed-gear, titanium Freezer, and geometric-looking Mandoline models are all eminently suitable for urban riding, the preference of most Charge-d up fans is to customize their sturdy frames with high-performance elements for X-game style adventures. mechanicsofstyle.com |
从联科行动获得的信息表明,这一武装团伙由 15 至 17 名 男子组成——既有科特迪瓦人也有利比里亚人,持有 AK-47 冲锋枪和手工制 12 号口径猎枪。 daccess-ods.un.org | Information received from UNOCI indicates that the armed group consisted of 15 to 17 men — both Ivorians and Liberians — armed with AK-47s and handmade 12-gauge shotguns. daccess-ods.un.org |
運輸署會考慮的因素包括: (a) 擬予以取消的服務的性質: [...] 對於使用率持續偏低但屬於切 合社會需求的服務(即行走偏遠地 區或乘客主要為長者的服 務的巴士路線),而又沒有合理的替代服務可供選擇,運輸 [...] 署會考慮採取其他改善服務的方法,例如引入載客量較少的 [...] 車輛行走、提供替代服務,例如開設替代的專線小巴路線等 legco.gov.hk | (a) nature of the services proposed to be cancelled: For services the utilisation rates of which have been [...] consistently low but are socially essential (i.e. [...] those serving remote areas or where [...]majority of the passengers are elderlies) [...]and without reasonable alternatives, TD would consider other means to improve the service performance, such as through the use of vehicles with smaller carrying capacities, provision of alternatives such as introduction of replacement green minibus services, etc legco.gov.hk |
该项目着重为亚洲和非洲地区 的发展中国家建设国际等离子研究与教育中心,并在发展中国家建立基准科学教育实验室网 [...] 络,以与世界上等离子物理学最著名的中心开展合作,如俄罗斯联邦的 MITP 和 IHED、美 [...] 国的麻省理工学院和斯坦福大学、英国 的 剑 桥 大 学、南非的约翰内斯堡大学、意大利的比萨 [...] 大学、和其他一些国际研究中心,如瑞士日内瓦的 CERN 和俄罗斯联邦杜布纳的联合核研究 所(JINR)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The project is focused on the development of an international plasma research and education centre for developing countries in the Asian and African regions, and of a network of benchmark scientific-educational laboratories in developing countries for cooperation with world centres of excellence in plasma physics such as MITP and IHED in the Russian Federation, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) [...] and Stanford University in the United States [...] of America, Cambridge University [...]in the United Kingdom, Johannesburg University [...]in South Africa, Pisa University in Italy, and international research centres, such as CERN in Geneva (Switzerland) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna (Russian Federation). unesdoc.unesco.org |
以下小组成员作了发言:国际货币 [...] 和金融委员会副主席和埃及财政部副部长哈尼·迪米安 ; 剑 桥 大 学教授约翰·伊 特维尔;24 国集团主席和叙利亚中央银行理事阿迪卜·马亚莱赫;欧洲发展和人 [...] 道主义援助专员路易·米歇尔;瑞典外交部国际发展合作国务秘书若阿基姆·斯 [...] 蒂姆内;本次会议秘书长特使和德国联邦经济合作和发展部长海德马里·维乔雷 克-措伊尔。 daccess-ods.un.org | Presentations were made by the following panellists: Hany Dimian, Deputy Chairman of the International Monetary and Financial Committee and Deputy Finance [...] Minister of Egypt; John Eatwell, [...] Professor, University of Cambridge; Adib Mayaleh, [...]Chair of the Group of 24, Governor of the [...]Central Bank of Syria; Louis Michel, European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid; Joakim Stymne, State Secretary, International Development Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden; and Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Conference. daccess-ods.un.org |
订单下一步是日内瓦的版本 (1557年至1560年)(第一个版本承认诗句分工到文本); 主教团圣经 [...] (1568年);的兰斯和杜埃版本,根据罗马天主教主持(1582年,1609年)(仍然是标准的罗马天主教圣经); 授权版 [...] (1611年)(最广泛分布的版本,也称为国王詹姆斯授权版本 [KJAV];工作五十四位学者从牛津 , 剑 桥 和 威斯敏斯特,一个修订数很快就作出了1613年,中,1629,1638,1762和1769年),以及和修订版本的新约圣经旧约于1880年在1884年。 mb-soft.com | Next in order was the Geneva version (1557-1560) (the first version to recognize the division of the text into verses); the Bishops' Bible (1568); the Rheims and Douai versions, under Roman Catholic auspices (1582, 1609) (still the standard Roman Catholic Bible); the Authorized Version (1611) (the most broadly distributed version, also called King James Authorized [...] Version [KJAV]; the work of fifty-four [...] scholars from Oxford, Cambridge and Westminster; [...]a number of revisions were soon made, [...]in 1613, 1629, 1638, 1762, and 1769); and the Revised Version of the New Testament in 1880 and of the Old Testament in 1884. mb-soft.com |
由于走访这些偏远地区十分困难,大大阻碍了对这些案例的记录工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The documentation of cases has been significantly impeded by the [...] difficulty in accessing these remote areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
不過,我必須指出,要發展理想的教育制度, [...] 除了對老師的尊重外,首要的條件是要制訂和堅持一套教育哲學,讓自己清 楚以後所走的路向,有否偏離原 來的目標。 legco.gov.hk | But I must point out that, to develop a satisfactory education system, apart from cultivating a respect for teachers, we must, most importantly, formulate and adhere strictly to a set of [...] education philosophy, so that we can be clear about the path ahead and [...] realize whether we have deviated from the set goals. legco.gov.hk |
但是,我們在處理這些工作的同時,是不 會 走偏 路, 即不會令到他日成立這個基金出現問題,這就是我當天在特別財務委員 會向梁家傑議員澄清的。 legco.gov.hk | However, when we implement these current tasks, we would not go the wrong way and would not introduce problems for the setting up of this trust fund in future. This is the point that I have clarified to the Honourable Alan LEONG at the Special Finance Committee meeting the other day. legco.gov.hk |
小组从若干人士那里获得的信息显示,进行这次袭 击的人由利比里亚人和科特迪瓦人混合组成,所持武器为 AK-47 冲锋枪、手工造 12 号口径手枪和砍刀。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Panel received information from several sources that the attack had been carried out by a mixed group of Liberians and Ivorians armed with AK-47s, handmade 12-gauge pistols, and machetes. daccess-ods.un.org |
不過,這是較為“走 偏門” 方式的調查方法而已,但是有效用的。 legco.gov.hk | However, this is a method of investigation which is somewhat "unorthodox", but effective. legco.gov.hk |
教科文组织大会在第 35 C/46 号文件中决定以泰戈尔、聂鲁达和塞泽尔那些久经考验 的先锋思想 为起点,促使教科文组织进行实质性的探讨并继续就“普遍性”与“多样性”的 对立统一问题采取行动,这符合本组织根据其《组织法》在联合国系统内所肩负的“智力警 戒”使命,目的是在人之思想中筑起保卫和平之屏障。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The General Conference of UNESCO by 35 C/Resolution 46 resolved to take the pioneering and ever-pertinent message of Tagore, Neruda and Césaire as the starting point for engaging the Organization in substantial reflection and renewed action on a universal reconciled with diversity in keeping with UNESCO’s intellectual watch mandate within the United Nations system so as to promote peace in the minds of men, in line with the Organization’s Constitution. unesdoc.unesco.org |
1991年5月,在Shamkir 火车站,执法机构官员在一辆巴库至第比利斯的火 车上逮捕了亚美尼亚 Noyemberyan 区居民 S. [...] Aznaryan,并从他身上缴获了两个地 雷、一挺冲锋枪以及阿塞拜疆铁路网和公路网地图。 daccess-ods.un.org | In May 1991, officials of the law enforcement agencies arrested S. Aznaryan, an inhabitant of the Noyemberyan district of Armenia, on a Baku-Tbilisi train at [...] Shamkir station and removed from his possession two [...] mines, a sub-machine gun and maps [...]of the Azerbaijan rail and road network. daccess-ods.un.org |
拖纍該匯率的因素包括﹕風險偏好回 升﹔油 價 走 高 ﹔主權資金對加元的需求﹔加拿大10月份零售額數據好於預期。 htisec.com | Weighed by improved risk appetite; buoyant oil prices; sovereign demand for CAD; stronger-than-expected 0.7% rise in Canada October retail sales. htisec.com |
不錯,政府已不斷要求巴士 公司作出改善,例如提供低地台巴士,以及在購買或更換巴士時須符合這些 [...] 要求,而很多巴士其實已符合這目標,只有少數 行 走偏 遠 地 區路線的巴士, 礙於路程或路線的限制而未能符合這項要求。 legco.gov.hk | Only that a small number of buses running on [...] routes in some remote areas do not [...]meet these requirements owing to constraints [...]in the journeys or routes in question. legco.gov.hk |
代表团成员 得知,在一些州已经司空见惯的是,警察无故抓人,用警车将所抓之人运到空地 上或其他偏僻的地方,夺走他们 的财物,如果他们做出任何反抗,就威胁将他们 投入监狱,随后将他们释放。 daccess-ods.un.org | Members of the delegation learned that it is common practice in some states for the police to pick people up without any grounds and transport them in their vehicles to empty plots of land or other isolated places, strip them of their possessions, threaten to put them in jail if they put up any kind of resistance and then subsequently release them. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于反对 阵营的消极行为,对话很难开展,但这不会使我 们 偏 离 我 们想 要 走 的 改 革之路;我们 不会让损害叙利亚利益的颠覆行为和阴谋阻止我们实现自己的目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the difficulty of conducting that dialogue, which is caused by the negativity of the opposition stance, will not divert us from moving along the path of the reform which we desire; we will not allow subversion and conspiracies against the interests of Syria to prevent us continuing towards our goal. daccess-ods.un.org |
木 槳 價 格 趨 勢 方 面,因 全 球 經 濟 不 穩 而 影 響 外 圍 對 木 槳 需 求,加 上 市 場 上 將 有 新 木 槳 產 能 推 出,我 們 展 望 下 半 年木 槳價 格 走勢偏 向 穩定。 cre8ir.com | In respect of wood pulp prices, the Group anticipates that the price trend to stabilize in the second half of the year due to the impacts of the volatile global economy on the international demand for wood pulp, and new wood pulp production capacity coming to the market. cre8ir.com |
这些 非法行为已构成犯罪,如果企图掩饰这些行为,则只能说明占领国决 意 走 暴 力和 偏见道路,而不走巴勒 斯坦人民和国际社会致力推动的和平与合作道路。 daccess-ods.un.org | These illegal acts are criminal and any attempt to justify them serves [...] only to highlight the [...] occupying Power’s determination to walk the path of violence and prejudice [...]rather than the one of [...]peace and cooperation to which Palestinians, along with the international community, are committed. daccess-ods.un.org |
(e) 该研究所的工作人员向国际预防诈骗大会提交文件,包括 2010 年举 [...] 行的注册舞弊审查师学会环太平洋地区舞弊问题会议;在英 国 剑 桥 大学耶稣学 院举行的第二十八届国际经济犯罪专题讨论会。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) Staff members of the Australian Institute presented papers at international fraud prevention conferences, including the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners’ Pacific Rim Fraud Conference 2010; [...] the twenty-eighth International Symposium on Economic Crime, at Jesus [...] College, University of Cambridge (United Kingdom). daccess-ods.un.org |
說實話,所謂的“三權分立”其實只是精神,在結構上,《基本法》已 令行政權非常大,立法會也沒有足夠的制衡權,回歸後,本港的法治亦有不 少的倒退,所以第四權是一種很重要的制衡力量,足以令社會不 會 走偏。 legco.gov.hk | Honestly speaking, the so-called "separation of powers" is actually just in terms of spirit. legco.gov.hk |
酒 稅偏高也引發走私酒 猖獗,在 2006 年上半年,海關便搜獲共 32 000 公升未 完稅酒精類產品,涉及的應課稅雖然只是 50 萬元,但我有理由相信這只是 冰山一角。 legco.gov.hk | Though the duty payable only amounted to $500,000, I have reasons to believe that it was just the tip of the iceberg. legco.gov.hk |