单词 | 前门打虎,後门打狼 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 前门—main entrance Qianmen subway station on Beijing Subway Line 2 前门n—front gaten 虎门n—Humenn 虎门—the Bocca Tigris, a narrow strait in the Pearl River Delta, Guangdong
闪烁 - 亮起打开前门,然後打开後门。 cryptoman.com | Open the front door, and then open the rear door. cryptoman.com |
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日子的精神得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来临之前的时间世界末日图片惊人的相似:“在最后的日子假先知[假救世主]和腐化将增加,羊变成狼被打开,爱被仇恨;无法无天 [见匪徒]将占上风,导致男人的仇恨,迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中的神的儿子幌子创造奇迹,作为地球的统治者犯下奇闻的罪行“(”十二使徒遗训,“十六3起。 mb-soft.com | This view of the prevalence of the spirit of evil and seduction to sin in the last days received special emphasis in the Ḥasidean schools; hence the striking resemblance between the tannaitic and [...] the apocalyptic [...] picture of the time preceding the Messianic advent: "In the last days false prophets [pseudo-Messiahs] and corrupters willincrease and sheep beturned into wolves, love into hatred; [...]lawlessness [see Belial] [...]will prevail, causing men to hate, persecute, and deliver up each other; and Satan, 'the world-deceiver' (see Antichrist), will in the guise of the Son of God perform miracles, and as ruler of the earth commit unheard-of crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq. mb-soft.com |
请注意:若纸张不易取出,请打开後门来取出纸张。 cryptoman.com | Note: If the paper is not easy to remove, then open the rear door to remove the paper. cryptoman.com |
然後,他开始了制表学校,随後整合应用细观学校,他的父母已经出色的制表艺术,在自己的工厂中,伯纳德·理查兹制定了一系列的手表,钢笔,打火 机和专门从事 奢侈品行业的主要国际集团的其他配件。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Then he began a [...] watchmakingschool, subsequently integrate Applied micromechanics school, his parents already excelled in the art of watchmaking in their own factory in which Bernard Richards developed a series of watches, pens, lightersandother accessories for major international groups specializing inthe luxury [...]industry. en.horloger-paris.com |
促成这一成果的原因有二:一是打败和解散了猛虎组 织,此前报告的斯里兰卡儿童兵招募案件绝大部分与该组织有关;二是斯里兰卡政府及 “猛虎人解”组织承诺遣散“猛虎人解”组织以前招募的儿童兵。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is owing both to the defeat and disbanding ofLTTE,responsible for most of the child recruitment cases reported in Sri Lanka, and the commitments of the Government of Sri Lanka and TMVP to release children recruited previously by TMVP. daccess-ods.un.org |
为防止加压流体 [...] (如流体溅泼到眼睛中或皮肤上)带来的重伤,在停止 泵吸时和清洗、检查或维修设备前,请按照泄压步骤进 行操作。 graco.com | To help prevent serious injury from pressurized fluid, such as splashing in the eyes or on [...] skin, follow the Pressure Relief Procedure whenever you [...] stop pumpingand before you clean, check, [...]or service the equipment. graco.com |
计划另设有多种不同的延续惠益,例如住院 前门诊谘询、化疗 及电疗费用赔偿、门诊透析费用、人体免疫力缺乏病毒/爱滋病治疗惠益(由第 5 个保单周年後开始 )及精神疾病或神经疾病惠益,并提供「美国国际支援服务」(“AIAS”) 的环球紧急 医疗服务。 aia.com.hk | The plan also provides various extended benefits including [...] prehospitalization outpatient [...] consultation, chemotherapy and radiotherapy benefit, outpatient dialysis benefit, HIV / AIDS treatment benefit (starting after the policy’s 5th anniversary) and mental or nervous disorder [...]benefit. aia.com.hk |
受害者报案 时说她出远门前有将房子锁好,但当她回到家後发现有人强行从厨房对外的门进入并且盗 取了一些现金和珠宝。 templecity.us | The victim locked and secured her residence,prior to goingout of town. When she returned, [...] she discovered someone broke [...]into her residence through the kitchen door and stole money and jewelry. templecity.us |
压下印表机左侧的按钮,放下前门,即可打开 前门。 cryptoman.com | Maintaining the printer Open the front doorby pressing the button on [...] the left side of theprinter andlowering thefront door. cryptoman.com |
这很容易让我打开窗口上方,抓住牵绳,然 後打开底部门,确保没有逃脱。 hkcarworld.com | That makes it easy for me to open the top window, grab leashes and then open the bottom gate, ensuring no escapes. hkcarworld.com |
狼不会在羚羊吃草的时候轻举妄动,因为其反应灵敏、奔跑快捷,狼根本不是其对手;当羚羊睡觉的时候, 狼虎视眈眈却不敢放肆,因为羚羊的敏感度非常高;当羚羊散步时,狼只能在其周围无所事事,因为警惕性决定了这时进攻必定失败;只有在早上羚羊撒尿的时候,而且是撒了三滴尿的时候,狼才会出击,这时的羚羊由于膀胱充盈,奔跑的速度受到限制,两腿的快速摩擦可以导致膀胱破裂,狼的早餐便有了着落。 powermetal.com.cn | Wolf will not act rashly when the antelope is grazing because the quick response and running speed of the [...] antelope is far more [...] superiorto the wolf; whenthe antelope is sleeping,wolf will starebut [...]do not dare to take any action [...]since the sensitiveness of antelope is very high; when the antelope is walking, wolf will just lurk around but do nothing, since its vigilance decides that attacking antelope at this time is bound to fail; only when antelope is peeing in the morning and has just peed out three drops of urine, wolf will attack because at this time, antelope’s running speed is limited since its bladder is filling and the quick friction between two legs will cause its bladder to break, now there will be a delicious breakfast for the wolf. powermetal.com.cn |
执行起飞前检查时,我(副驾驶)注意到机身表面有许 多积冰,我想透过位於机翼上方逃生门上的窗户检视上 翼面的积冰情况,然而从这个窗户望出去并无法看得清 楚,於是我认为若将逃生门打开,应可获得较好的视野。 tacare.org.tw | Not being ableto see clearly through the emergency exit window, I thought that opening the exit door would give me a better view of the amount of ice on the wings. tacare.org.tw |