

单词 前言

External sources (not reviewed)

前言英国统计局声称,“本指南阐明了外部 审计员所要求的情况和需要管理层提供的证据;并举例说明了可能出现 [...]
In the foreword, NAO claims that [...]
“the guidance sets out the circumstances required and the evidence needed by external auditors
from management; and gives illustrations of the audit issues and problems that can arise and which need to be avoided.
但俄罗斯联邦代表团不希望撤回该修正案,也不希望撤回它 前言则 I 所提 出的其它修改意见。
The delegation of the Russian Federation did
not, however, wish to withdraw the amendment or the amendments that it
[...] had proposed tothe Preamble and to Principle I.
前言调,行为标准是“我们要在教科文组织 提倡的问责和透明文化的关键”。
In his messageaccompanyingthe document, [...]
he stressed that the Standards of Conduct “are a key to the culture of accountability
and transparency that we want to promote in UNESCO”.
For techniques of this communication, please refer to item III-2, advantages
[...] of the TNR programin the Preface.
食典委还同意,为了不延误标准的更新,在第 1 卷中相关标准里提及的关于带入 原则的规定,应该用食品添加剂通用标准(GSFA)第 4
[...] 部分里的相应规定来代替,同时 删除食品添加剂通用标前言关第 1 卷的注脚。
The Commission also agreed that, in order not to delay the updating of the standards, the provisions for the carry-over principle in Volume 1 as referenced in the relevant standards should be replaced with a reference to the
corresponding provisions in Section 4 of the GSFA while deleting the footnote
[...] referencing Volume 1in the Preamble of the GSFA.
毛里塔尼亚宪法系统将人权的价值置于宪法 前言 文中。
The Mauritanian constitutional system enshrines human
[...] rights values inthe preamble and body ofthe Constitution.
这种绝对性质的原因还在于,强迫失踪给家属造成“痛 苦和不幸”(《前言5段),这种痛苦达到了酷刑的程度,因为它还 起因于该《宣言》第 [...]
1 条第 2 款的规定:“任何强迫失踪行为(……)违背了 保障包括以下权利的国际法准则,(……)免受酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或
This absolute character also results from the fact that the enforced
disappearance causes “anguish and
[...] sorrow”(5th preambular paragraph of the Declaration) tothe family, [...]
a suffering that reaches
the threshold of torture, as it also results from article 1§2 of the same Declaration that provides: “Any act of enforced disappearance (…) constitutes a violation of the rules of international law guaranteeing, (…) the right not to be subjected to torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Baumert 等 (2002) 对大多 数主要的方法提供了更深入的分析, 以及其中极好前言,对任何方案都需要的一些构成要素进行 了概括介绍。
Baumert et al (2002) provide a more in-depth analysis of most of the major approaches, and an excellent introductory chapter outlining ‘architectural elements’ required of any proposal.
关于第 7 条草案,特别报告员指出,起草委员会最近已经建议,对驱逐外
[...] 国人专题加上一个关于人的尊严的类似条款草案(不是作 前言 ),他认为没 有理由为什么在本条款草案中不能这样做。
With respect to draft article 7, the Special Rapporteur recalled that the Drafting Committee had recently proposed the inclusion of a similar draft article on human
dignity in the context of the expulsion
[...] of aliens(notasa preambularclause), andhe saw [...]
no reason why the same could not be
done with the present draft articles.
食 典 委 同 意 要 求 食 品 添 加 剂 委
员 会 决 定 是 否 有 必 要 修 订 食 品 添 加 剂 通 用 标 准
[...] (GSFA)第 4 部分,广泛采用食品添加剂通用标 前言4 部分和品法典第 1 卷中有关 食品添加剂带入原则规定之间的差异,从而使“食品添加剂通用标准”成为食典中这一 [...][...]
项原则的唯一参考,同时撤回第 1 卷中相应的规定。
The Commission agreed to request the Committee on Food Additives to determine whether it was necessary to revise Section 4 of the GSFA to take on board divergences between provisions for the
carryover principle of food additives in
[...] Section4 ofthe Preamble to the GSFAand in [...]
Volume 1 of the Codex Alimentarius and
thus make the GSFA the sole reference point within Codex for this principle while withdrawing the corresponding provisions in Volume 1.
事实上,范本前言“促进供应商和承包商通过竞争来供应采购 标的”作为公共采购的一项主要目标。
In fact, thepreamble of theUNCITRAL Model [...]
Law lists “Promoting competition among suppliers and contractors for the supply
of the subject matter of the procurement” as one of the main objectives of public procurement.
此指引包含每项国际会计准则理事会(IASB)准则和解释公告的概要、《财务报告概念框架》和国际财务报告准 前言 述,以及国际财务报告准则在世界各地采用的情况。
This guide includes summaries of each
IASB Standard and Interpretation as well as the
[...] Framework andthe Prefaceto IFRSs and [...]
the use of IFRSs around the world.
[...] 法,这样各国可以按照本国的情况对其加以调整,而不损 前言的公共采 购的性质、原则和一般规则。
We would highlight that the revised text of the Model Law takes a flexible and non-prescriptive approach so that States can adapt it to their local
circumstances without jeopardizing the nature, principles and general rules of public
[...] procurement as setout in thepreamble.
In that case, reference shall
[...] be madein the preambleofthe agreement [...]
to the present Act as specified pursuant to subsection (8).
第一版出现在1611年后不久,Douay圣经;,尽管后者不是审校1到命名的版本中的指示,据了解,这对他们相当大的影响( 前言版本,我2。
The first edition appeared in 1611, soon after the Douay Bible; and although this latter was not one of the versions named in the
instructions to the revisers, it is understood that it had considerable
[...] influence on them (see PrefacetoRevised Version, i, 2.
j的登泰,第3A条,维也纳,1847年),塞缪尔Nagid(在他的“湿润烧伤膏公顷塔木德”),迈蒙尼德(在介绍到他的评论在mishnah和在向亚得公顷Ḥazaah 前言美日(在他的“投注公顷Beḥirah”),以及关于PirḳeAbot(第6A条,第8B,9A条,维也纳,1854)的评注和许多其他中世纪的作家,以及一些(可比施特拉克,“导论在巢穴塔木德经”,第54页)现代学者,持相同意见。
J. Goldenthal, p. 3a, Vienna, 1847), Samuel Nagid (in his "Mebo ha-Talmud"), Maimonides (in
the introduction to his commentary on the
[...] Mishnah andin the prefacetothe Yad ha-Ḥazaḳah), [...]
Meïri (in his "Bet ha-Beḥirah"),
and a commentary on Pirḳe Abot (pp. 6a, 8b, 9a, Vienna, 1854); and many other medieval authors, as well as some modern scholars (comp. Strack, "Einleitung in den Talmud," p. 54), hold the same opinion.
徐西-尼科洛夫的算术很受欢迎,以致1856年出了第二版,但这本书第一版 前言定了其历久不衰的价值, 前言了新保加利亚标准语的形式的争论。
Sichan-Nikolov’s arithmetic was popular enough for a second edition to be published in 1856, but the lasting value
of the book is based
[...] mainlyon thepreface to thisfirst edition, which contributed to the debate over the form of the new Bulgarian literary language.
前言 言,会议商定,第 29 段应当澄清,在发生违约时,有担保债 权人有权处分设保资产,而受让人则获得设保人的权利,不附带担保权,其优 [...]
With respect to the preface and the introduction, [...]
it was agreed that paragraph 29 should clarify that, upon default, the
secured creditor had a right to dispose of the encumbered asset and the transferee acquired the rights of the grantor free of security rights with a lower priority ranking than that of the security right of the enforcing secured creditor.
前言,根据大会关于全系统一致性问题的第 62/277 号决议,开发署 打算继续审议经常资源“临界数额”的问题,包括在将要举行的联合国系统发展 方面的业务活动四年期全面政策审查过程中加以审议。
Building on General Assembly resolution 62/277 on system-wide coherence, UNDP intends, as mentioned in the introduction, to pursue deliberations regarding the ‘critical mass’ of regular resources, including in the context of the forthcoming QCPR.
前言 联合国副秘书长兼委员会执 行秘书长金学洙指出,这是委员会和研究所之间多年来为造福亚洲和太平洋国 [...]
In the foreword, Kim Hak-Su, Under-Secretary-General [...]
of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of the Commission, stated
that it was but the latest example of the many years of fruitful collaboration between the Commission and the Institute for the benefit of the countries of Asia and the Pacific.
各代表团应事先向会议干事提交至少 30
[...] 份高级别会议和一般性辩论的发言 稿;如无法实现,则请代表团在发言者 言前译员提供 10 份发言稿。
A minimum of 30 copies of the text of statements to be delivered at the highlevel meetings and the general debate should be submitted in advance to the Conference
Officers; failing this, delegations are urged to provide 10 copies for
[...] the interpreters beforethe speaker takes the floor.
在请秘 书长言前谨通知安理会,我们将在秘书长发言 后进行非正式磋商,并在磋商结束后再继续本次会 议。
Before I invite himto take the floor, I would like to inform [...]
the Council that we will hold informal consultations after
the statement by the Secretary-General, and that thereafter we will resume this meeting.
就 科特迪瓦从来没能执行这一规定,如前所述,其原因是,在通过立 [...]
In the case of Côte
[...] d’Ivoire, the former Government was never [...]
able to implement this provision, as stated above; at the
time the legislation was passed, the diamond fields were already under the control of the Forces nouvelles.
瑞士国家银行总监兼银行业务运营负责人 Daniel Wettstein、S.W.I.F.T. 瑞士(国家成员和用户组)董事长及 SWIFT
[...] 银行业事业部总监兼执行委员会成员 Lazaro Cámpos 在结束言前 就银行业在未来数月或数年内面临的挑战进行了简短发言。
Before the closing words of Daniel Wettstein, Director, Head of Banking Operations, Swiss National Bank, and Chairman S.W.I.F.T. Switzerland (National Member and User Group) Lazaro Cámpos, Head of Banking Industry Division, Member of
the Executive Committee, SWIFT, gave a
[...] short and concise speech on the challenges [...]
that awaits the banking industry over next months and years.
因 此 , 尽 管 周 先 生 不 再 於 贵 集 团 担 任 执 行 职 务 , 吾 等 认 为 , 就 作 为 贵 集 团 创 办 人之周 先 生 所 具 备 之 高 级 行 政 人 员 背 景 、 知 识 及 专 业 知 识酬 及 福 利 符 合 市 场 常 规 及 并 非 过 高 。
Accordingly, although Mr. Chow will no longer have an executive role in the Group, we consider the aforesaid remuneration and benefits for a senior executive with the background, knowledge and expertise of Mr. Chow who is the founder of the Group are consistent with market norm and are notexcessive.
如果在我结束言前扬负责儿童与武装冲 突问题的秘书长特别代表、儿童与武装冲突工作组以 及安全理事会有关制裁委员会所发挥的作用,那将是 我的失职,但是我要特别称赞维持和平行动部努力将 儿童保护纳入维和特派团的主流。
It would be remiss of me if I were to conclude my intervention without commending the roles played by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Children in Armed Conflict, the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict and the relevant Security Council sanctions committees — but more especially the Department of Peacekeeping Operations for its efforts in mainstreaming child protection into peacekeeping missions.
关于非正式语文的口译问题,包括 非联合国口译员如何进入大会堂口译厢的问题,必须事先通过会议管理科(电话: 212 963
[...] 8114;电邮:emeetsm@un.org)作出详细安排。该口译员或提示员应在言前30钟由代表团带到大会堂前的会议干事办公处。
Detailed arrangements for interpretation from non-official languages, including access by non-United Nations interpreters to the interpreter booths in the General Assembly Hall, must be made in advance through the Meetings Management Section (telephone: 212 963 8114; e-mail: emeetsm@un.org). The interpreter or the guide provided by the delegation should be brought
in by the delegation to the Conference
[...] Officer’sdesk in front of theGeneral Assembly [...]
Hall 30 minutes prior to the speech.




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