

单词 前瞻









consider prudently
look forward and back

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 仅请求获得必要的时间以评估相关事实并以这些事实为基础制定有意义 前瞻划的重要性。
In this context, the Meeting noted the importance of Eritrea requesting only
the period of time necessary to assess relevant facts and develop
[...] a meaningfulforward looking plan based [...]
on these facts.
The Office acknowledged the need to be
[...] strategicandforward-looking toensure [...]
results, impact and achievement of expected accomplishments.
食典委注意到,需要清楚第 7 项建议中法典秘书处“前瞻色”和有关“进 行国际谈判的新方法”的意义。
The Commission noted a request to clarify what was intended in Recommendation 7 by a “more proactive role” of the Codex Secretariat and the reference to “new means of conducting international negotiation”.
他请委员会特别就下列方面提前瞻见:不同计划的主要优先事项和次优先事项;它们与 《中期战略》的战略目标的相互关系;如何加强跨学科和跨部门的工作方法;把非洲、最不发达国 家、妇女和青年的需要贯穿于各项工作之中。
He invited the Commission to provide future-oriented indications in particular regarding the principal and other priorities of the different programmes, their interrelationship with the strategic objectives of the Medium-Term Strategy, the ways and means of ensuring enhanced transdisciplinarity and intersectorality, the mainstreaming of needs of Africa, the least developed countries, women and youth.
然而,近年来,受东道国公众高度环境意识的影响,他们为改善维也纳国 际中心的环境和费用绩效采取了许 前瞻施:安装照明光电感应器和效率更 高的水龙头;使用再生纸和为循环使用分离废物。
However, benefiting from a high level of public environmental consciousness in the host country, they have adopted many proactive measures in recent years to improve the environmental and cost performance of Vienna International Centre (VIC): the installation of motion-detectors for lighting and of more efficient water faucets; use of recycled paper and segregation of waste for recycling purposes.
秘书长在报告中指出,“本组织必须制定一个 前瞻 、具备中 央能力的协调一致的全面系统,协助联合国各工作地点、国家办事处和 [...]
安保管理小组加强对重大人员伤亡事件的防备”(同上,第 1 段)。
In his report, the Secretary-General [...]
states that “it is imperative for the Organization to put in place a proactive, comprehensive
and coordinated system with central capacity to assist the United Nations duty stations, country offices and security management teams in enhancing preparedness for mass casualty events” (ibid., para. 1).
前瞻述中所作表 述仅以截至有关陈述作出当日为准,而不应假设 [...]
有关陈述内容曾作修订或更新,以反映最新资料 或日後事件。
Forward-lookingstatements speak [...]
only as of the date they are made, and it should not be assumed that they have been revised
or updated in the light of new information or future events.
前 瞻述 乃 反 映 中 芯 国 际 高 级 管 理 层 根 据 最 佳 判 断 作 出 的 估 计,存 在 重 大 已 知 及 未 知 的 风 险、 不确定性以及其他可能导致中芯国际实际业绩、财务状况或经营结果 前瞻述所载资料有重大差异的因素, 包 括(但 不 限 於)与 半 导 体 行 业 周 期 及 市 况 有 关 风 险、激 烈 竞 争、中 芯 国 际 客 户 能 否 及 时 接 收 晶 圆 产 品、能 否 及 时 引 进 新 技 术、中 芯 国 际 量 产 新 产 品 的 能 力、半 导 体 代 工 服 务 供 求 情 况、行 业 产 能 过 剩、设 备、零 件 及 原 材 料 短 缺、制 造 产 能 供 给 和 终 端市 场 的金 融 情况 是 否稳 定。
These forward-lookingstatements are necessarily estimates reflecting the best judgment of SMIC’s senior management and involve significant risks, both known and unknown, uncertainties and other factors that may cause SMIC’s actual performance, financial condition or results of operations to be materially different from those suggested bytheforward-lookingstatements including, [...]
among others, risks
associated with cyclicality and market conditions in the semiconductor industry, intense competition, timely wafer acceptance by SMIC’s customers, timely introduction of new technologies, SMIC’s ability to ramp new products into volume, supply and demand for semiconductor foundry services, industry overcapacity, shortages in equipment, components and raw materials, availability of manufacturing capacity, and financial stability in end markets.
委员会认为,一个全面前瞻媒体宣传策略对于一般受众和具体受众 的有效参与非常重要,而且应当继续利用联合国现有资源。
The Committee considers a
[...] comprehensive and forward-looking mediaoutreach [...]
strategy is important for effective engagement
with both general and specific audiences and should continue to capitalize on existing United Nations resources.
与会者支持继续保留“次优先事项”:“哲学思考 前瞻预测性研究”,它将有 助于本组织在它所有的主管领域发挥思想作用。
Support was expressed for a continuation of the “other” priority “Philosophical reflection and prospective and anticipatory studies” which would help fulfil the intellectual function of the Organization in all its fields of competence.
部分下列声明前瞻明, 并且实际结果可能与此前瞻明预计的结果有很大差异。
Some of the following
[...] statements areforward-looking and actual results may differ materially from the results anticipated in these forward-looking statements.
前瞻 述涉及并非历史事实以及包括,但不限於有关Glencore的信念或意见的若干陈述,或对业务、财务状况、经营业绩、前景、策略及计划 [...]
的 预 测 性 陈 述。
Theseforward lookingstatements include [...]
all matters that are not historical facts and include, but are not limited to,
statements regarding Glencore’s beliefs, opinions or current expectations concerning, among other things, the business, financial condition, results of operations, prospects, strategies and plans of Glencore.
由于我们的经营历史较短、财力资源有限、市场认可度有限、市场竞争激烈以及在APDN呈送美国证券交易委员会的报告(包括2011年12月8日提交的10-K表年报和后续的10-Q表季报)中详细描述的各种其他因素,实际结果可能 前瞻述中预测的结果有实质性差异。
Actual results could differ materially from those projected due to our short operating history, limited financial resources, limited market acceptance, market competition and various other factors detailed from time to time in APDN's SEC reports and filings, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K, filed on December 8, 2011 and our subsequent quarterly reports on Form
10-Q. APDN undertakes no obligation to
[...] update publicly anyforward-looking statements [...]
to reflect new information, events or
circumstances after the date hereof to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.
[...] 动索马里和平进程的承诺,而且也是朝着建设非盟和联合国之间创新性 前瞻伴关系迈出的非常重要一步,以解决当今非洲和平与安全方面的复杂和多方面 [...]
Clearly, the adoption of the resolution is not only a testimony to the commitment of the Security Council and the larger United Nations system to help advance the peace process in Somalia, but also a
very significant step towards building an
[...] innovative and forward-lookingpartnership [...]
between the AU and the United Nations
in addressing today’s complex and multifaceted peace and security challenges in Africa.
其中,下列因素可能导致实际结果与这 前瞻明中所描述的结果存在实质性的差异:技术的快速变化或产品停产,潜在成本上涨,客户订单偏好的改变;半导体行业的激烈竞争以及随之而来的价格下滑压力,对产品的需求与接受程度相关的不确定因素;终端市场的不利条件;正在进行中或已计画的发展或市场推广和宣传所带来的影响,预测未来需求的困难性;预期订单或积压订单无法实现的可能性;产品责任问题,以及现有或预计半导体行业出现其它未能预计的潜在业务和经济情况或不利因素;保护专利及其它所有权的困难性和成本,客户的产品认证事宜而引致产品停产或其它困难等。
The potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, such factors as rapidlychanging technology and product obsolescence, potential cost increases, variations in customer order preferences, weakness or competitive pricing environment of the marketplace, uncertain demand for and acceptance of the company's products, adverse circumstances in any of our end markets, results of in-process or planned development or marketing and promotional campaigns, difficulties foreseeing future demand, potential non-realization of expected orders or non-realization of backlog, product returns, product liability, and other potential unexpected business and economic conditions or adverse changes in current or expected industry conditions, difficulties and costs of protecting patents and other proprietary rights, inventory obsolescence and difficulties regarding customer qualification of products.
These risks will be mitigated by
[...] maintaining a forward-looking market analysis [...]
of its critical providers.
(e) 俄罗斯联邦提交的关于设立国际全球监测航空航天系统的项目以作为
[...] 预测和减缓自然和人为灾害后果前瞻举措的工作文件(A/AC.105/C.1/ 2012/CRP.23)。
(e) Working paper submitted by the Russian Federation on the project to create the
international global monitoring aerospace
[...] system (IGMASS) asa forward-looking newinitiative [...]
in predicting and mitigating the consequences
of natural and man-made disasters (A/AC.105/C.1/2012/CRP.23).
前瞻 明会受到风险和不确定性因素的影响,可能会导致实际结果与声明所述产生重大差异,这些风险和不确定性因素包括但不仅限于,三频无线产品未实现预期功能的风险、技术开发和集成中的困难、合作效益未完全实现或实现时间长于预期的风险、竞争、技术变化及其对定价的影响、以及Atheros在提交给证券交易委员会的截止至2009年12月31日的10-K表格年度报告、截止至2010年3月31日的10-Q表格季度报告以及Atheros不时提交给证券交易委员会的其他报告中提到的风险。
Theseforward-lookingstatementsare subject [...]
to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially,
including, but not limited to, the risk that the proposed tri-band wireless solutions will not function as intended, difficulties in the development and integration of the technologies, the risk that the benefits from the collaboration may not be fully realized or may take longer to realize than expected, competition, technological change and their effects on pricing, and the risks detailed in Atheros' Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009 and its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2010, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and in other reports filed with the SEC by Atheros from time to time.
[...] 外,Glencore并无义务且Glencore及其联属公司明确表示概无意愿或责任基於新资料、未来事件或其他事宜而更新或修订任 前瞻述。
Other than in accordance with its legal or regulatory obligations (including under the UK Listing Rules and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the Financial Services Authority and the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited), Glencore is not under any obligation and Glencore and its affiliates expressly
disclaim any intention or obligation to
[...] update or reviseanyforward looking statements, whether [...]
as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
可考虑搞一个发展增强贸 易及其他相关的政策工具箱,将贸易引导的增长模式同适应越来越开放的贸易环 境的前瞻代产业和劳工市场政策结合起来。
A toolbox of development-enhancing trade and related policies could be considered, combining a trade-led growth model with proactive, modern industrial and labour-market policies adapted to an increasingly open trade environment.
除有关历史事实的声明外,本新闻稿中所含的所有针对我们预期、确信或期望在未来将会或可能会发生的活动、时间或发展趋势的声明,包括有关未来资本开支、股息及收购(包括其额度及性质)、房地产行业发展趋势及曼哈顿、布鲁克林、皇后区、威彻斯特郡、康涅狄格州、长岛和新泽西州的写字楼市场、业务战略、我们业务的扩张和增长以及其他类似事宜的声明,均 前瞻明。
All statements, other than statements of historical facts, included in this press release that address activities, events or developments that we expect, believe or anticipate will or may occur in the future, including such matters as future capital expenditures, dividends and acquisitions (including the amount and nature thereof), development trends of the real estate industry and the Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Westchester County, Connecticut, Long Island and New Jersey office
markets, business strategies, expansion and growth of our operations and other
[...] similar matters, are forward-looking statements.
大会应该均衡和协调一致地处理环境问题,就 加强环境治理结构和更有力地解决土地退化、荒漠 化和生物多样性丧失等问题做出大胆而具 前瞻决定,这些问题不仅威胁到粮食安全,而且还引 起社会和经济紧张。
The Conference should give more balanced and coordinated treatment to environmental issues, take bold and forward-looking decisions on strengthening the architecture of environmental governance, and more vigorously address land degradation, desertification and loss of biodiversity, which threatened food security and triggered social and economic tensions.
(c) 明确那些经内陆发展中国家认定切实有助于为加速进一步 执行《阿拉木图行动纲领》而开展区域合作、而且能使它们更好地应 对各种发展挑战前瞻期和长期政策,并参照 大会关于千年发展目标的高级别全体会议成果文件 ( 见大会 2010 年 9 月 22 日第 65/1 号决议) 在其基础设施方面作出必要改进,以期 努力缩小在实现千年发展目标方面的各种差距
(c) Identifies forward looking medium- to long-term policies characterized by landlocked developing countries as being useful in enhancing regional cooperation for accelerating the further implementation of the Almaty Programme of Action as well as better enabling them to confront their development challenges and make the necessary improvements in their infrastructure needed to narrow the gaps in achieving the Millennium Development Goals in the light of the outcome document of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals (see Assembly resolution 65/1 of 22 September 2010).
就其性质而言,所前瞻述涉及风险及不明朗因素,因所有该等陈述 与日後事件及非保诚所能控制的情况有关,包括(其中包括)英国当地及全球经济及业务狀况、市场相关 [...]
特别是有关死亡和发病趋势、保单退保率及续保率的事项;在相关行业内日後收购或合并的时间、影响及 其他不明朗因素;保诚及其聯属公司经营所在司法权区内,在资本、偿债能力标准或会计准则以及税项及 其他法例或规例变动的影响。
By their nature,all forward-looking statements involve [...]
risk and uncertainty because they relate to future events and circumstances
which are beyond Prudential's control including among other things, UK domestic and global economic and business conditions, market related risks such as fluctuations in interest rates and exchange rates, and the performance of financial markets generally; the policies and actions of regulatory authorities, the impact of competition, inflation, and deflation; experience in particular with regard to mortality and morbidity trends, lapse rates and policy renewal rates; the timing, impact and other uncertainties of future acquisitions or combinations within relevant industries; and the impact of changes in capital, solvency standards or accounting standards, and tax and other legislation and regulations in the jurisdictions in which Prudential and its affiliates operate.
[...] 的基本协定,设置重申无核武器世界的全面政治目 标前瞻程,制订未来审查周期方案,其中包 括对所有三大支柱的明确而有约束力的承诺。
In Norway’s view, the final document should reaffirm the
underlying compact of the Non-Proliferation
[...] Treaty, set a forward-looking agenda reaffirming [...]
the overall political objective of
a world without nuclear weapons, and establish a programme for the next review cycle that included clear and binding commitments on all three pillars.
[...] 告,而且非盟和平与安全理事会随后决定,非盟和联 合国需要在创新性、战略性前瞻读《联合国宪 章》第八章的基础上,发展强有力的伙伴关系。
That is the background that informed the report of the Chairperson of the Commission and the subsequent decision of the Peace and Security Council regarding the need for the AU and the United Nations to develop a
stronger partnership, based on an innovative
[...] strategic and forward-looking readingof Chapter [...]
VIII of the United Nations Charter.
前瞻乃本公司对未來事件之预期或信念,且涉及已知及未知风险及不 [...]
明朗因素,而此等风险及不明朗因素足以令实际业绩、表现或事态发展与 该等声明所表达或暗示之情况存在重大差異。
These forwardlooking statements represent [...]
the Company’s expectations or beliefs concerning future events and involve known
and unknown risks and uncertainty that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements.
在全面执行《条约》的极为重要的事项中,代 表团同意采取三项具前瞻行动计划;重申实 现《条约》普遍性和落实 [...]
1995 年审议和延期大会上 通过的关于中东问题的决议极为重要;并审议了需 要制定核武器公约,在一个具体的时间框架内全面 消除核武器,还需要就消极安全保证问题制定一项
Among the issues of vital importance for the full
implementation of the Treaty, delegations had
[...] agreedon three forward-looking action plans; [...]
had reaffirmed the critical importance
of the universality of the Treaty and the implementation of the resolution on the Middle East adopted at the 1995 Review and Extension Conference; and had examined the need for a nuclear weapons convention for the total elimination of nuclear weapons within a specified time frame, as well as a legally binding instrument on negative security assurances.




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