

单词 前生召唤

See also:




while living
(of a deceased) during one's life



External sources (not reviewed)

波多黎各 的自由事业是一项正义的历召唤, 也 是对加强区 域一体化前景的信心。
The cause of freedom for Puerto
[...] Rico constituted a just historical demand and a belief in a future of greater [...]
regional integration.
在拉米生提出关于在 2008 年底前召开新 的部长级会议的计划,以及欧 洲联盟计划召开关于自由贸易协定的会议之后,他对多哈谈判表示乐观。
He was optimistic about the Doha negotiations following Mr. Lamy’s plan to convene a new ministerial meeting before the end of 2008 [...]
and the planned European
Union meeting on free trade agreements.
他强调指出,即使巴博生的阵 营也 认为,举行选举的所有条件都得到满足,共和国总统签署 召唤 选 民 法令和接受 最后选民名单足可证明。
He emphasized that, even in the opinion of Mr. Gbagbo’s camp, all conditions had been met for
holding the election, as demonstrated by
[...] the signing by the President of the Republic of the decree to convene the electorate and the acceptance of the final electoral list.
(b) 董事亦得暫緩登記生於於股東召 開 前 十 四天之股份移轉。
(b) The Directors may also suspend the registration of transfers during the
[...] fourteen days immediately preceding the annual general meeting [...]
in each year.
前2090年,上召唤亚伯 拉罕离开那座城市,将他与邪恶影响相隔离,并使用他成就了一个伟大的国家。
In about 2090 BC, God called Abraham out of that city, to separate him from that evil influence, and to make of him a great nation.
透过我们 在海地人脸上看到的痛苦和忧伤,我们不仅看到希 望,而且还看到成为更好的人和崇尚 生 命 ” 的真实 含义,特别是发自我们内心,不求任何回报,但求顺 应我们良知召唤,希 望与他们同命运共患难的机 会。
In the anguish, pain and sadness we see on Haitians’ faces, we see not only hope but also the opportunity to become better human beings, to ennoble the
meaning of the word “life” and, above all,
[...] to join with them in solidarity from the bottom of our hearts, with no expectation of reward other than answering the call of our consciences.
除 CAC/31 INF/5
[...] 提供的信息外,来自世界贸易组织(世贸组织)的观察员向食典 委通报了若干重大事项,尤其是在食典委本次会 前 不 久 召 开 的 卫 生 及 植 物检疫措施委 员会会议上涉及的问题。
In addition to the information provided in CAC/31 INF/5, the Observer from the World Trade Organization (WTO) informed the Commission
of some key issues, especially those from the SPS
[...] Committee which had met just prior to this session of the [...]
无论他们是响应社区医院召唤,前 往 受伤事故现 场或与事先联系好的地面救护车衔接(固定翼飞机,空 中救护机的常用做法) 他们备有三等医院的技术和设 备、先进的药物和更为复杂的重症医疗技术。
They bring the additional skills and equipment of a tertiary hospital, more advanced drugs, and more sophisticated critical care medical skills whenever they respond to a community hospital, to the scene of an injury or accident, or to a pre-planned rendezvous point with a ground ambulance (a common practice for fixed wing, or airplane, air ambulances).
宗教往往唤醒人的精神,保生命,赋予弱者力量,把理想转变为行动,净化制度,帮助 解决经济和非经济的不平等现象,激励领导人超越正 [...]
常职责的要求,并且使人们能够更充分地实现其自然 潜力,并通过和解、建设和平进程以及愈合不公正带 来的记忆创伤来度过冲突局势。
They also tend to raise
[...] the human spirit, protect life, empower the weak, translate [...]
ideals into action, purify institutions,
contribute to resolving economic and non-economic inequalities, inspire their leaders to go beyond the normal call of duty, and permit people to attain a fuller realization of their natural potential and traverse situations of conflict through reconciliation, peacebuilding processes and the healing of memories scarred by injustice.
前召开了 董事会的第二次战略规划会议,由美国动物园和水族馆协会的Michael Hutchins先生主持
Prior to the conference the second strategic planning session is held, facilitated by Michael Hutchins of the American Zoo and [...]
Aquarium Association.
以所有遭受这场苦难的人们的名义,以更 前 途 未卜的人们的名义:受够了!请立 召唤 并 利 用您的影响力,将叙利亚人民和这一地区从灾难中解救出来。
In the name of all those who have so suffered, and the many more whose futures hang in the balance: Enough!
即便不存在与阿以冲突和巴勒斯坦问题相关的其他问题,如今加沙地带遭受 的苦难也使阿拉伯人相召唤,使 阿拉伯人的领袖对采取行动义不容辞。
Even without the other problems related to the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Palestinian problem, the horrors besetting
the Gaza Strip today would make it incumbent on
[...] Arabs to call out to each other and to call on their [...]
leaders for action.
召唤各位 家长牙仙/牙(岛,费舍尔),复活节兔子/ E “紫菀Bunnymund(休·杰克曼)和”睡魔/大口,北学习的人,他们是在月球感应杰克作为他们的新成员。
After summoning fellow Guardians [...]
the Tooth Fairy/Tooth (Isla Fisher), the Easter Bunny/E. Aster Bunnymund (Hugh Jackman)
and the Sandman/Sandy, North learns from the Man in the Moon that they are to induct Jack as their new member.
[...] 者提供一个个人代表以在程序中帮助他;改进了通知程序,可参加审讯 召唤 “可合理得到的”证人。
New DRB procedures afford detainees a personal representative to assist them during the proceedings,
improved notification procedures, and the ability to
[...] attend hearings and call witnesses that [...]
are “reasonably available”.
在宣布约瑟夫·卡比拉选举获胜后,和平高级理事会企图重新组织布卡武 及其周边前穆敦杜 40 战斗人员和 Shi 族军官,以便唤民众起义。
The Conseil supérieur de la paix (CONSUP) was an attempt to reactivate former Mudundu 40 combatants and officers of Shi ethnicity in and around Bukavu in order to galvanize a popular uprising in the wake of the promulgation of Joseph Kabila’s electoral victory.
电影开始时,悟饭和乌龙茶搜索龙珠都被聚集在冷冻Tsumisumbri山,但在他们到达 前 , 神龙 被 召唤 科 钦博士希望他的部下......
The movie begins when Gohan and Oolong search for the Dragon Balls that have all been gathered
in the frozen
[...] Tsumisumbri Mountains, but before they reach them, Shenron is summoned by Dr. Kochin [...]
who wishes that his men...
2010 年在该国各地观察到反政府分子招募并使用儿童的情况,其中包括塔利 班及其各派系、哈卡尼网络、吉尔布丁·希克马蒂亚尔的伊斯兰党、托拉博拉阵 线、拉蒂夫·曼苏尔网络以及萨拉菲亚 召唤 圣 行 协会。
The recruitment and use of children by anti-government elements, including the Taliban and its various factions, Haqqani network, Hizb-e-Islami of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the Tora Bora Front, Latif Mansur Network and Jamat Sunat al-Dawa Salafia, was observed throughout the country in 2010.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是 前 的 一 级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的 生 开 展 外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now
functioning at level I-plus
[...] rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
约翰尼的地狱约翰尼在不知不觉中遵循:撒旦的笔记本电脑,企图得到BU FF , 召唤 恶 魔征召他参加一个邪恶横行的指示。
Johnny's Inferno—Johnny unwittingly follows the
instructions of a satanic notebook in an attempt to
[...] get buff, thus summoning a devil that [...]
enlists him to join on an evil rampage.
[...] 性和重要性,以及保护和促进他们的权利不仅是其未来生活的迫切需要,也是他 们前生活的迫切需要。
As the immediate beneficiaries of the Convention, the presence of the young people helped to remind participants of the continuing relevance and importance of the Convention and that the protection
and promotion of their rights is urgent not only for their lives in the future but
[...] also for their lives in the present.
[...] 由主席代表各位联合主席和联合报告员,负责在请求国最后期限到 前召 开 的缔 约国会议或审议会议之前,尽早将分析提交各缔约国。
Ultimately, the President, acting on behalf of the Co-Chairs and Corapporteurs, is charged
with submitting the analyses to the
[...] States Parties well before the Meeting of the [...]
States Parties or Review Conference preceding
the requesting State’s deadline.
如果建議新的第二份技術備忘錄可在二零 一零年前生效,則自二零一五年一月一日起的每一排放年度的排放限額可於二零一 [...]
五年一月一日起生效,以符合條例第 26G(4)條的規定,即:除首份技術備忘錄外,根 據技術備忘錄就某排放年度所分配的排放限額,在該技術備忘錄生效後不少於 4 年後 具有效力。
If the proposed new Second TM
[...] commences to have effect before the end of 2010, [...]
the new emission allowances in relation to
the emission years from 1 January 2015 would take effect starting from 1 January 2015, having regard to the statutory requirement in section 26G(4) of the APCO that an allocation of emission allowances made by the TM in relation to an emission year (other than an allocation made under the First TM) could only take effect at least four years after the commencement of the TM making the allocation.
研讨会召 开导致产生了新 的伙伴关系,并为在亚洲、非洲、拉 丁美洲和加勒比地区建立其他社区多媒体中心创造了 条件。
This has resulted in new partnerships and created conditions for the establishment of other community multimedia centres in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.
(ii) 倘及每當本公司須資本化任何金額的溢利或儲備(包括任何股份溢價 賬或實繳盈餘賬),並將該等款項悉數用於繳足任何普通股(不包括 任何自可供分派溢利或儲備(包括任何股份溢價賬或實繳盈餘賬)撥
[...] 普通股持有人將會或可能會收到而將不會構成資本分派的股息或分 派)的面值,緊接有關記錄日前生 效 的 換股價須透過乘以一個分數 (分子為緊接有關發行前已發行普通股的總面值,而分母為緊隨有關 [...]
(ii) If and whenever the Company shall capitalise any amount of profits or reserves (including any share premium account or contributed surplus account) and apply the same in paying up in full the nominal value of any Ordinary Shares (other than any Ordinary Shares credited as fully paid out of distributable profits or reserves (including any share premium account or contributed surplus account) and issued in lieu of the whole or any part of a cash dividend or specie distribution which the holders of the Ordinary Shares concerned would or could otherwise have received and which would not have constituted a
Capital Distribution), the Conversion
[...] Price in force immediately prior to the Record [...]
Date therefor shall be adjusted by a
fraction of which the numerator shall be the aggregate nominal amount of the issued Ordinary Shares immediately before such issue and of which the denominator shall be the aggregate nominal amount of the issued Ordinary Shares immediately after such issue.
除此之外,这些权力包括以任何形式 获取任何文件并有权收到副本;要
[...] 求包括管理公司或托管银行在内的 任何人员提供信息,必要召唤并质 问相关人员以获取信息;要求停止违 [...]
背UCITS指令的任何行为;要求暂时 禁止专业活动及全面撤销对UCITS、 管理公司或托管银行的授权;为了单
元持有人或股东或公众利益,暂停单 元/股份的发行、回购或赎回,并处以 罚款。
These powers include, inter alia, the access to any document in any form and the right to receive a copy; to require any person including management companies or
depositaries, to provide information and if
[...] necessary to summon and question [...]
a person with view to obtaining information; to require
the cessation of any practice that is contrary to the UCITS regime; to request temporary prohibition of professional activity as well as full withdrawal of the authorisation granted to the UCITS, management company or a depositary; to impose the suspension of the issue, repurchase or redemption of unit/shares in the interest of unit or shareholders or the public, to impose fines.
普惠加拿大公司的客户服务网络包括30个自营或指定维修和检修中心、七个零部件配送中心、大约100名现场技术支持代表、100 名随时听召唤的移动维修团队技师以及800台租赁/更换引擎。
The P&WC network includes 30-owned or designated repair and overhaul facilities, seven parts distribution centres, approximately 100 Field Support Representatives, 100 mobile repair team (MRT) technicians ready to be dispatched at a moment's notice, and 800 rental/exchange engines.
(G) 每當根據本文規定者調整換股價時,本公司須向可換股優 先股股東發出換股價經已調整的通知(其中載列導致調整 的事項、有關調前生效的 換股價、經調整換股價及其生 效日期),此後,只要任何換股權仍可行使,本公司須於 兌換日期前在當時主要營業地點及股份過戶登記處存置上 述經簽署的核數師或(視情況而定)相關認可商人銀行的 證書副本,以及本公司董事簽署的載列導致調整的事項、 有關調前生效的 換股價、經調整換股價及其生效日期等 簡明資料證書,以供可換股優先股股東查閱。
(G) Whenever the Conversion Price is adjusted as herein provided, the Company shall give notice to the CP Shareholders that the Conversion Price has been adjusted (setting forth the event giving rise to the
adjustment, the Conversion
[...] Price in effect prior to such adjustment, the adjusted Conversion Price and the effective date thereof) and shall at all times thereafter so long as any of the Conversion Rights remains exercisable make available for inspection at the principal place of business for the time being of the Company and the Registrar's Office prior to the Conversion Date a signed copy of the said certificate of the auditors or (as the case may be) of the relevant approved merchant bank and a certificate signed by a Director of the Company setting out the brief particulars of the event giving rise to the adjustment, the Conversion Price [...]
in effect prior to
such adjustment, the adjusted Conversion Price end this effective date thereof.
(2) 因股東身故、精神錯亂或破產而對股份享有權利之人士,本公司可透過 預付郵資的信件、信封或包裝紙郵寄通告至該人士,郵件可以按該人士之姓名、或身 故者之代理人、或破產者之受託人、或任何類似稱謂為收件人,並寄往聲稱享有股份 利益人士為此目的而提供之地址(如有),或(於獲提供有關地址前)以股東身故、精 神錯亂或破產未生前的同 樣方式寄出通告。
(2) A Notice may be given by the Company to the person entitled to a share in consequence of the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy of a Member by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter, envelope or wrapper addressed to him by name, or by the title of representative of the deceased, or trustee of the bankrupt, or by any like description, at the address, if any, supplied for the purpose by the person claiming to be so entitled, or (until such an address has been so supplied) by giving the notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy had not occurred.
[...] 问题、在解决这些问题之前储存各类氟氯化碳的可行性、 前生 产 的 有效成分数目相对较 少和与费用相关的问题。
He explained that several issues had been discussed with UNIDO including: outstanding technological problems; the feasibility of stockpiling CFCs until those
problems had been resolved; the relatively small number of active
[...] ingredients currently produced; and cost-related issues.




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