

单词 前来



surpass all others of its kind before and since
have neither predecessors nor successors

External sources (not reviewed)

前来说, 这类条约不再单单地以参加国的数目而界定, [...]
Currently, such treaties were [...]
no longer defined solely by the number of participants but also, and especially, by the intention
of the parties to preserve the integrity of the treaty regime.
充满活力的私营传媒加入了竞选进程,而且政府邀请了 国际观察前来观察竞选情况。
Vibrant private media were engaged in the process, and the Government had invited international observers to observe the elections.
前来参会 的多位农业部长及农业秘书对本届会 议的重视表示感谢。
He appreciated the importance accorded to the meeting, exemplified by the large number of participating ministers and secretaries of agriculture.
市中心极具吸引力的 移民博物馆 讲述着移民的故事,他们从世界各 前来 , 将南澳大利亚变成了自己的家园。
The fascinating Migration Museum in the City Centre tells the stories of migrants who came from all over the world to make South Australia their home.
前来纽约 参加今年裁军审议委员会会议的 所有同事道别并祝他们一路顺风之前,我还要感谢秘 [...]
Before bidding farewell and [...]
wishing a safe journey to all colleagues who came to New York to participate in this year’s
session of the Disarmament Commission, let me also thank the staff of the Secretariat for their assistance to delegations.
前来看, 速度和性能还不错,初步的打算是将速度放在最后处理优化。
Now, good speed and performance , the initial intention is to speed on the final disposition of the optimization.
(d) 从恩塔甘达在 Runyoni 的据点投降的另一名前 M23 军官告诉专家组说, 他亲眼看到,在刚果(金)武装部队直升机轰炸兵变人员据点之后,卢旺达国防军 的一个前来增援兵变人员。
(d) Another ex-M23 officer who surrendered from Ntaganda’s position at Runyoni told the Group that he personally witnessed how one RDF battalion came to reinforce the mutineers after a FARDC helicopter bombarded their positions.
在被查询的几家派出所当中,没有一家有投诉方面的公开登记,也没有家 属、律师或监查机前来探访的记录。
None of the police stations visited had a public register of complaints or a record of visits from relatives, lawyers or monitoring bodies.
拟编列 519 600 美元,用作下列各项:由执行办公室代表管理事务部集中 管理的商业通信服务所需经常性费用,按照从以往支出模式得出的标准费率确定 (434 800 美元);购置标准通信设备(24 300 美元);为重要工作人员提供移动办 公技术和令牌,以便在工作人员无 前来 办 公室上班时可远程访问联合国服务器 (56 000 美元);视频会议服务(4 500 美元)。
An amount of $519,600 is proposed to provide for recurring requirements centrally administered by the Executive Office on behalf of the Department of Management for commercial communications services, at the standard rate derived from past expenditure patterns ($434,800), for the acquisition of standard communications equipment ($24,300) and for mobile office technology and tokens for critical staff to enable remote access to the United Nations server in the event that staff are unable to come to the office to carry out their duties ($56,000), as well as for videoconferencing services ($4,500).
我还要欢迎所有其他今前来的外 交部、商务部、教育部、民政部、民航事务、中国国际贸易促进委员会的杰出中国官员和地方政府官员。
I also want to welcome all the other distinguished
[...] Chinese officials joining us here tonight [...]
from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the
Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Civil Aviation Affairs, the China Council for Promotion of International Trade and the local government officials.
2008年的42BELOW鸡尾酒世界杯是这个年度赛事举办的第五年年头,将会吸引数百名观 前来 这 个 被冰雪覆盖的山峦包围的新西兰皇后镇观赛。
The 42BELOW Cocktail World Cup 2008 is the fifth year of this annual event that sees hundreds of people travel to the snow covered slopes that surround Queenstown in New Zealand.
11 月 24 日,135 名 中国工程师到达苏丹参加联合国/非盟维和任务时,JEM
[...] 要求他们撤退,并警告“我们反对他 前来 , 因 为中国 对人权并不感兴趣,它感兴趣的不过是苏丹的资源”。
On 24 November, as 135 Chinese engineers arrived in Sudan to take part in the UN/AU
peacekeeping force, JEM demanded their withdrawal, warning,
[...] “we oppose them coming because China [...]
is not interested in human rights.
据几名在事发前被拘留的和平高级理事会成员说,在布卡武起义 后,“增援的卢旺达国防部队将从卢旺达的尚古古/ Rusizi 出发,借口前来援 助 据称将成为示威运动迫害对象或目标的讲卢旺达语人口或卢旺达公民”(见图 14)。
According to several CONSUP members detained before it could take action, following the uprising in Bukavu, “reinforcements from the RDF were to come from Cyangugu/Rusizi in Rwanda on the pretext of coming to assist the Rwandophone population or Rwandan citizens supposedly the victims of persecutions or targeted by the manifestation” (see image 14).
尽管国际金融危机余波未尽,但从 前来 看 ,巴拿马对移民劳工的吸引力丝毫没 有衰退。
This trend has not as yet been affected by the global financial crisis.
牙买加教科文组织全委会秘书长 Everton Hannam 先生前来牙买 加参加会议者表示欢迎,并指出首次在该地区英语国家召 开的这次磋商会将有助于振兴和进一步扩大教科文组织的活力和知名度。
Mr Everton Hannam, Secretary-General of the Jamaica National Commission for UNESCO welcomed all participants to Jamaica and noted that the consultation – the first in an English-speaking country of the region – should contribute to the rejuvenation and increased dynamism and visibility of the Organization.
前来看,南苏丹希望 欢迎并充分利用所有参与者的利益。
For now, it wants to welcome, and leverage, the interest of all actors.
一位患儿的母亲韩平瑶,告前来咸 镜 南道省儿童医院的联合国儿童基金会访问团,染上像麻疹一样的症状后,她六个月大的女儿金伊涌正为自己的生命而战。
One mother, Han Pil Nyo, told a visiting UNICEF team at the South Hamgyong Provincial Paediatric Hospital that her six-month-old daughter Kim Il Gyong was fighting for her life after contracting measles-like symptoms.
一艘前来营救 :“洛杉矶2号救火船”是美国最让人印象深刻的救火船之一。
L.A. Fireboat 2" is one of the most impressive fireboats in the United States.
政务官阁下,您今前来参加 本次会议,说明日本重视本论坛的工作以及裁 军和扩散问题方面的多边和双边努力。
Mr. Vice-Minister, your participation in this Conference today shows the value attached by Japan to the work of this forum and to multilateral and bilateral efforts concerning disarmament and proliferation.
对我的成长意义非凡的是,孟买给我以及数以千计和我一样 前来 过 的人和经济难民提供被照顾和接受专业指导的机会。
Intrinsic to my growing up, Bombay offered me and thousands of others like
[...] me who arrived before, and those who [...]
followed as economic refugees, the opportunity
to be cradled and mentored professionally.
上海是中国最具影响力的金融、文化以及科技中心,吸引着众多游 前来 感 受 中国现代化发展的脉搏。
Shanghai is the most influential financial, cultural, science and
technology centre in China. The city draws
[...] many tourists who come to experience [...]
the pulsating development of modern China.
同一天,在来文提交人得知被驳回 前 , 来 文 提交人向最高法院提出越级 上诉,要求不置理在当时尚未发布的上诉法院的延误裁决,在最高法庭假期休庭 [...]
On the same day, before he learned about the [...]
dismissal, the author applied to the Supreme Court for a leapfrog appeal, seeking
to ignore the delayed judgment of the Court of Appeal not issued by that moment and to have the case heard by the Supreme Court before it closed down for vacation.
报告的主要目 的是评估非洲及其发展伙伴所作出的承诺得到了何种程度的履行,这些承诺是否 已经产生了所欲实现的成果,以及 前来 说 构成为今后政策主要的优先目标是什 么。
The main objectives of the report are to gauge the extent to which commitments made by Africa and its development partners have been delivered, whether they have produced the desired results and what are now the key future policy priorities.
Following the statement by the Deputy Minister, the meeting was opened by the Chair, Mr. Patrick McInerney (Australia), who welcomed members to Indonesia and, on behalf of the Executive Committee, thanked the Government of Indonesia for hosting the meeting.
儿童为了和家人团聚而进入或离开摩尔多瓦共和国的情况未曾出现,或者 无人陪伴的难民儿前来要求庇护的情况也未曾出现。
Cases of entrance or leave from the Republic of Moldova of children with the purpose to reunify their families have not been registered, nor cases of children of refugees, not accompanied by anyone coming to ask for asylum have not been registered either.
如先前报告所述,经陆路前往直布罗陀的旅客主要 是来自西班牙的当天往返游客;搭机旅客主要来自联合王国;乘船旅客部分从摩 洛哥乘轮前来,部 分为乘游轮的一日游游客。
As previously reported, arrivals in Gibraltar by land comprise mainly day visitors arriving from Spain; arrivals by air are primarily from the United Kingdom, and arrivals by sea comprise ferry arrivals from Morocco and day-trip arrivals from cruise ships.
中国政府充分认识到外国知识与外国专业技能对发挥中国创新潜力的重要意义,自1970 年代末以来,中国发展了完善发达的基础设施与技术生产线实力,吸引跨国公 前来 开 展研究活动,而相关优惠政策也有助于鼓励跨境合作;这其中包括税收减免和政府研发补贴、加强知识产权保护以及通过政府采购对所开发的产品予以优惠待遇。
The Chinese government recognises that foreign knowledge and expertise is critical to unlocking China’s innovation potential, and since the late 1970s, the nation has developed advanced infrastructure and technological production line capacities to attract MNC (multi-national corporations) research operations onshore.
当考虑全球教育领域的新兴趋势和 来前 景 时,联合国国际教育议程远景应 承认全球发展情况的多样性及其给教育带来的具体挑战,包括要考虑到中等收入 和高收入国家的情况,这些国家可能已实现与教育有关的千年发展目标,但它们 在教育领域仍面临重大挑战。
When considering emerging trends in education worldwide and perspectives for the future, the United Nations vision of the international educational agenda should acknowledge the diversity of global development situations and the specific challenges they pose for education, including the situation in middle-income and upper-income countries which may have achieved education-related Millennium Development Goals but that continue to face important challenges in this field.
4 个一般临时人员职位中的 2 个,即 1 个 P-4 和 1 个 P-3 培训干事,以及 1 个 P-4 续设员额,前由支助账户供资,负责设计、提供、升级、统一和评价前三个贯穿各领域的领导方案: 高级特派团领导方案为期 2 个星期的课程, 每年由一个会员国主办两次,每次 来 自 会员国、秘书处以及联合国机构、方案 和基金的 26 名候选人参加;高级领导方案是特派团所有 D-2 及以上级别的人员 必须参加的概况介绍课程,每年在纽约举行两次;高级行政管理和资源培训方案 为两组 40 名候选人提供的持续一年的强化方案,包含远程教学和为期三个星期 [...]
Two of the 4 general temporary assistance positions, 1
P-4 and 1 P-3 Training
[...] Officers, and 1 P-4 continuing post, currently funded from the support account, design, deliver, upgrade, harmonize and evaluate three ongoing cross-cutting leadership programmes: the senior mission leaders’ programme, a two-week course, conducted twice annually [...]
at a host Member
State, for 26 candidates from Member States, the Secretariat, the United Nations agencies, programmes and funds); the senior leaders’ programme, a compulsory orientation course for all mission personnel at the D-2 level and above, conducted twice annually in New York; and SMART, an intensive year-long programme involving distance learning and three week-long workshops for two groups of 40 candidates.
低于 6.71 亿美元这一实际零 增长水平的任何预算额,都将意味着本组织可动用资金比本双年度更少,而且会给在联合国 各组织激烈竞争环境中向各会员国提供落实国家和国际发展目标的援助和服务方面,特别是 教科文组织在联合国改革背景下逐步恢复其在国家一级的参与和影响, 来前 所 未 有的更多 困难。
Any budget level lower than this ZRG level of $671M would mean that the Organization will have fewer resources available than in the current biennium, and would pose more difficulty than ever in an environment of intense competition among the United Nations organizations to provide Member States with the assistance and services in pursuit of national and international development goals, especially at a time when UNESCO is progressively re-establishing its presence and programmatic impact, notably at the country level in the context of United Nations reform.




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