

单词 前期

前期 ()

early stage
preceding period


可行性前期 n

pre-feasibility n

提前期 n

lead time n


have a promising future
have bright prospects

External sources (not reviewed)

目 前 本 集 團 認 為 時 機 已經 成熟,著 手進 行 服 務外 包 基 地 項目 建 設前期 準備工 作。
Currently the Group is of the view that the time is ripe ,and the Group is at the early stage of preparation for the construction of services outsourcing base project.
(i) 在刑事诉讼程序前、期间和之后,对暴力行为受害人和证人予以适当 保护。
(i) To provide adequate protection to victims and witnesses of
[...] acts of violence before, during and after criminal [...]
估计呼叫 中心支助、外地网络支助和维和部/外勤部应用程序支助费用 前期 费 用 增长 5%。
Call centre support, field network support and DPKO/DFS application support costs are estimated as 5 per cent
[...] growth against the previous period costs.
[...] 育目标所需的合格教师人数,并使师资培训机构得到了加强,具体的做法是对主要院校进前期评估 ,制定改进计划;下发政策方面的新指标;明确教师资格、短缺、辍学、性别不平 [...]
UNESCO strengthened capacities of Member States in sub-Saharan Africa to improve the quality of teaching and increased the number of qualified teachers needed to achieve the EFA goals
and strengthened teacher-training
[...] institutions through pro-active assessments of [...]
main institutions and resulting plans for
improvement; disseminating new policy-oriented indicators; identifying teacher and qualification, shortages, drop-outs, gender inequities; and raising awareness of the importance and professionalism of the teacher profession.
餘下前期基礎 設施工程的設計工作正在進行,有關工程將分階段落實,以配合前跑道南面 [...]
The remaining advance infrastructure [...]
works are under design and will be implemented in stages to tie in with the planned
developments at the southern part of the former runway.
因此,我们提出如下两个双 年度计划优先事项:“营造有利于表达自由和获取信息的环境”和“开展能力建设,通过媒 体和信息服务促进信息和知识的普及利用”,从而一方面着眼 前期 的 政 策咨询和分析,另 一方面支持机构和人的能力建设,以及媒体和信息服务。
Hence, through the two proposed biennial sectoral priorities “Fostering an enabling environment for freedom of expression and access to information” and “Building capacities for universal access to information and knowledge through media and information services”, it is proposed, on the one hand, to focus on upstream policy advice and analysis while, on the other hand, to support institutional and human capacity-building and the development of media and information services.
[...] 的惯例,秘书处公布了工作方案、举行会议的模式,其中包括各国和其他利益攸 关者的发言模式,以及工作组会议 前 、 期 间 或 以后由联合国成员国、非成员国 和观察员以及非政府组织所收到的有关理事会对外网页而提供的全部意见。
In accordance with established practice, the Secretariat posted the Programme of Work, the Modalities for conducting the meeting, including with regard to the interventions by States and
other stakeholders, as well as all
[...] contributions received, before, during or after the [...]
session of the working group, by United
Nations Member States, non-member States and observers and non-governmental organizations on the Extranet page of the Council.
促成 2009-10 年度工務計劃修訂預算增 加的主要工程項目包括:淨化海港計劃第 2A 期 (建造污水輸送系統及改善昂船洲 污水處理前期工程 )、港島西雨水排放隧道、荔枝角雨水排放隧道、中環填海計 劃第 3 期、更換及修復水管工程第 2 階段,及牛潭尾濾水廠。
Examples of major projects contributing to the increase in the revised estimate for PWP in 2009-10 include Harbour Area Treatment Scheme, stage 2A (construction of the sewage conveyance system and advance works for upgrading of Stonecutters Island sewage treatment works); Hong Kong West drainage tunnel; Lai Chi Kok drainage tunnel; Central Reclamation phase 3; replacement and rehabilitation of water mains, stage 2; and Ngau Tam Mei treatment works.
责任:虽尽最大努力及时、勤勉、专业地执行指定工作,但 Interroll 不会提供任
[...] 何保证或承担任何损失的责任,不论是由于任何产品失效或故障或者无法发现日后失 效的产品在工厂验收前、期间及之后生产延迟或随后停工所引起的直接损失还是间 [...]
Liability; Whilst every effort will be made to carry out the specified work in a timely, diligent and professional manor, Interroll does not offer any warrantees or accept liability for any costs whatsoever, directly or indirectly
arising from delays or subsequent loss of
[...] production either before, during or after the Site [...]
Survey due to the failure or breakdown
of any product or its failure to identify a product that subsequently fails at a later date.
[...] 咨询,并在外地特派团进行关于应付账款和支出模式分析 前期 债 务 和纠正会计 分录等主题的实际培训。
In the upcoming period, the Officer will continue to provide guidance and advice on field finance systems, and conduct hands-on training in field missions on topics
such as: analysis of accounts payable and
[...] expenditure patterns, prior-period obligations and [...]
corrective accounting entries.
編 製 比 較 合 併 財 務 報 表 時,前 期 財 務 報 表 的 相 關 項 目 進 行 調 [...]
整,視 同 合 併 後 形 成 的 報 告 主 體 自 最 終 控 制 方 開 始 實 施 控 制 時 一 直 存 在。
In preparing the comparative consolidated financial statements, adjustments were made
to relevant items in
[...] financial statements in previous periods as if the [...]
reporting entity formed after the
consolidation had been in existence since the ultimate controlling party started to exercise effective control.
可 行 權 日 之 前,於 每 個 資 產 負 債 表 日 計 算 截 至 當 期 累 計 應 確 認 的 成
[...] 本 費 用 金 額,再 減前 期 累 計 已 確 認 金 額,作 [...]
為 當 期 應 確 認 的 成 本 費 用 金 額。
The charge or credit to the income statement for a period represents the movement in cumulative expense recognized as at
[...] the beginning and end of that period.
(i) 於下文第(ii)分段所述公佈刊發期前 1 2 年 期 間 ( 或倘刊發於不同日期, 則以較早日期為準),本公司透過郵遞方式以抬頭人為該股東或因轉讓 [...]
而有權收取之人士之預付郵資信封,寄往股東名冊中所載由應收取有關 股份所涉及支票、匯票或股息單之股東或人士所提供之地址或其他最後
已知地址之支票、匯票或股息單均未被兌現,且本公司未就有關股份收 到該股東或人士之通訊,惟於該12年期間內本公司須已派發至少三次股 息(不論中期或末期),且該有權收取之人士未有認領有關該股份之股 息
(i) during the period of 12 years prior to the date of [...]
the publication of the advertisements referred to in sub-paragraph
(ii) below (or, if published on different dates, the earlier thereof) no cheque, order or warrant in respect of such share sent by the Company through the post in a pre-paid envelope addressed to the member or to the person entitled by transmission to the share, at his address on the register or other last known address given by the member or person to which cheques, orders or warrants in respect of such share are to be sent has been cashed and the Company has received no communications in respect of such share from such member or person, provided that during such period of 12 years the Company has paid at least three dividends (whether interim or final) and no dividend in respect of such share has been claimed by the person entitled to it
[...] 由主席代表各位联合主席和联合报告员,负责在请求国最后期限 期前 召 开 的缔 约国会议或审议会议之前,尽早将分析提交各缔约国。
Ultimately, the President, acting on behalf of the Co-Chairs and Corapporteurs, is charged
with submitting the analyses to the
[...] States Parties well before the Meeting of the [...]
States Parties or Review Conference preceding
the requesting State’s deadline.
除該等條文所規定者外,兌換股份在各方面與發行兌換股份時已發 行的普通股享有同等地位,並在本公司細則第
6(C)條第 5(C)段及本 第 7 段條文的規限下,賦予兌換股份持有人權利獲得於兌換日期後
[...] 記錄日期普通股所獲派付或作出的一切分派,惟倘於兌換日期後記 錄日期就本公司截至該兌換期前止 任 何財務期間作出任何分派, 則兌換股份持有人將無權獲得有關分派。
The Conversion Shares shall, save as provided for in these provisions, rank pari passu in all respects with the Ordinary Shares in issue at the time the Conversion Shares are issued, and shall, subject to the proviso of paragraph 5(C) in this Bye-law 6(C) and this paragraph 7, entitle the holders thereof to all distributions paid or made on the Ordinary Shares by reference to a Record Date falling after the Conversion Date, provided that if a Record Date after the Conversion Date is in respect of any
distribution in respect of any
[...] financial period of the Company ended prior to such Conversion [...]
Date, the holders of the Conversion
Shares will not be entitled to such distribution.
董 事 會 須 根 據 該 計 劃 規 則 及 上市 規則,有 權 釐 定(其 中包 括)購股 權之 行 使價、歸 屬 前 持有 獎 勵之最 低 限期、於 獎 勵歸 屬 前須 達 成的 業績、 營 運 及 財 務 目 標 及 其 他 條 件,以 及 獎 勵 之 其 他 條 款 及 細 則,然 而,就 購 股 權 獎 勵 而 言,購 股 權 之 行 使 價 須 由 董 事 會 全 權 酌 情 釐 定,且 不 得 低 於 以 下 三 項 之
最 高 者﹕ (i)要 約 日 期 聯 交 所 每 日 報 價 表 所 列 股 份 之 收
[...] 市 價﹔ (ii)緊 接要約期前 五個 營 業 日 聯 交所 每 [...]
日 報價 表 所列 股份之 平均收 市 價﹔及(iii)要 約日期 之 股份 面 值。
The Board shall, subject to the rules of the Scheme and the Listing Rules, have the right to determine, among others, the exercise price of an Option, the minimum period for which the Award must be held before its vesting, performance, operating and financial targets and other criteria to be satisfied before the vesting of an Award and other terms and conditions of an Award, provided that, in respect of an Award of Option, the exercise price of an Option shall be a price determined by the Board at its absolute discretion but shall not be less than the highest of (i) the closing price of the Shares as stated in the daily quotations sheets issued by the Stock Exchange on the date of offer; (ii) the average closing price of the Shares as stated in
the daily quotations sheets issued by the
[...] Stock Exchange for the five business days [...]
immediately preceding the date of the offer;
or (iii) the nominal value of the Shares on the date of Offer.
(2) 在不影響第(1)款的一般性的原則下,任何批給訓練局的租契、租賃、准許、許可或牌照如 在緊接指定期前是有 效的,或是在該日期當日或之後生效的,則該等租契、租賃、准許、許可或 [...]
(2) Without affecting the generality of subsection (1), any lease, tenancy, permit or licence
granted to the CITA that is in force or
[...] effective immediately before the appointed [...]
day or which is to take effect on or after
that day has effect as if granted to the Council.
(G) 每當根據本文規定者調整換股價時,本公司須向可換股優
先股股東發出換股價經已調整的通知(其中載列導致調整 的事項、有關調整前生效的換股價、經調整換股價及其生
[...] 效日期),此後,只要任何換股權仍可行使,本公司須於 兌換期前在當 時主要營業地點及股份過戶登記處存置上 [...]
述經簽署的核數師或(視情況而定)相關認可商人銀行的 證書副本,以及本公司董事簽署的載列導致調整的事項、
有關調整前生效的換股價、經調整換股價及其生效日期等 簡明資料證書,以供可換股優先股股東查閱。
(G) Whenever the Conversion Price is adjusted as herein provided, the Company shall give notice to the CP Shareholders that the Conversion Price has been adjusted (setting forth the event giving rise to the adjustment, the Conversion Price in effect prior to such adjustment, the adjusted Conversion Price and the effective date thereof) and shall at all times thereafter so long as any of the Conversion Rights remains exercisable make available for
inspection at the principal place of
[...] business for the time being of the Company [...]
and the Registrar's Office prior to the Conversion
Date a signed copy of the said certificate of the auditors or (as the case may be) of the relevant approved merchant bank and a certificate signed by a Director of the Company setting out the brief particulars of the event giving rise to the adjustment, the Conversion Price in effect prior to such adjustment, the adjusted Conversion Price end this effective date thereof.
[...] 的申請人指定了一名申請人並且在 HKIRC 指定的期前依照第 4.6 節的規定通知 HKIRC,該申請人將 [...]
If the Eligible Applicants nominate an Applicant and notify HKIRC
of their agreement in accordance with
[...] Section 4.6 by the date specified by HKIRC, [...]
that Applicant will be awarded the Chinese Domain Name.
(o) 如私穩專員本可就第㆒太平銀行違反或被指稱違反《個㆟資料(私 隱)條例》(第 486 章)或保障資料原則㆒事而在緊接指定 期 之前 根據 該條例就第㆒太平銀行行使任何權力,則自指定日期起,他可就 東亞銀行行使該權力;但根據本條例將第㆒太平銀行的業務移轉及轉 歸東亞銀行,以及因預期或由於進行㆖述移轉及轉歸而向東亞銀行所 作出的任何信息披露,並不屬違反第㆒太平銀行在緊接該指定 期前 所負有的保密責任,而東亞銀行或第㆒太平銀行亦不屬違反《個㆟資 料(私隱)條例》(第 486 章)或保障資料原則。
(l) The Privacy Commissioner may, on and from the appointed day, exercise in respect of Bank of East Asia any power under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance
(Cap. 486) which he could
[...] have immediately before the appointed day exercised in respect of First Pacific Bank in respect of a breach or alleged breach by First Pacific Bank of that Ordinance or the data protection principles; but the transfer to, and vesting in, Bank of East Asia by this Ordinance of the undertaking of First Pacific Bank and any disclosure to Bank of East Asia of any information in contemplation or as a result thereof shall not amount to a breach of any duty of confidentiality to which First Pacific Bank is subject immediately before the appointed day [...]
or to a contravention
by Bank of East Asia or First Pacific Bank of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) or the data protection principles.
(bb) 於決定配發基準後,董事會應 於不少於兩個期前向股東發 出書面通知,知會彼等所獲得 [...]
的選擇權,並隨附選擇表格, 註明其須遵循的程序及為使填 妥的選擇表格生效而必須送達 的地點、最後日期與時間; (cc) 股東可就附有選擇權的股息全 部或部分行使選擇權
(bb) the Board, after determining the basis of allotment, shall give not
[...] less than two weeks' notice in writing [...]
to the shareholders of the right of election
accorded to them and shall send with such notice forms of election and specify the procedure to be followed and the place at which and the latest date and time by which duly completed forms of election must be lodged in order to be effective
除以上所披露者外,經擴大集團任何成員公司概無於本通函刊發 期前 兩 年 當日起至 最後實際可行日期止期間,簽訂並非於日常業務過程中簽訂屬或可能屬重大合約。
Save as disclosed above, none of the members of the Enlarged Group
had entered into any contracts after the date
[...] falling two years prior to the issue of [...]
this circular and up to the Latest
Practicable Date which are not in the ordinary course of business and which are or may be material.
倘 獲 准 保 釋 者 或 其 律 師 申 請 延 長
[...] 保 釋,使 獲 准 保 釋 者 可 在 一 較 原 定 報 到 日 期 為 後 的期 才 前 往 報 到,有 關 方 面 應 通 知 獲 准 保 釋 者 必 頇 在 原 定 報 到期 前 前 往 廉 政 公 署,重 新 具 結 或 再 繳 付 現 金,以 取 得 批 准 在 一 [...]
較 後 日 期 才 報 到 。
When a request is received from a bailee or his legal adviser to extend the bail to
enable the bailee to report on a
[...] later date than the original reporting date, he should be informed that he must surrender to his bail before the existing reporting date and enter into [...] [...]
a fresh recognizance or deposit cash to appear at the later date.
(b) 根據公司條例之條文,本公司每份資產負債表須經簽署,及每份資產負債表
[...] 同董事會報告副本及核數師報告副本,須於不遲於大會舉行 期前 ( 二 十一)日,向本公司每 名股東及每名債權證持有人及根據細則第 [...]
46 條登記之每位人士以及每名有權收取本公司股東 大會通告之其他人士寄發,惟本細則並無規定須向本公司並不知悉其地址之任何人士或超過一
(b) Every balance sheet of the Company shall be signed pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, and a copy of every balance sheet (including every document required by law to be annexed thereto) and profit and loss account which is to be laid before the Company in general meeting, together with a copy of the Directors’ report and a copy of the
Auditors’ report, shall not less than
[...] (twenty-one) days before the date of the meeting, [...]
be sent to every member of, and every
holder of debentures of, the Company and every person registered under Article 46 and every other person entitled to receive notices of general meetings of the Company, provided that this Article shall not require a copy of those documents to be sent to any person of whose address the Company is not aware or to more than one of the joint holders of any shares or debentures.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是 前 的 一 级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察; 期 对 阿 比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活期 间 向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now
functioning at level I-plus
[...] rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
本會促請政府全 面 檢討西九龍文娛藝術區發展計劃,在規 劃文化設施前 , 應 先 考慮有關‘軟 件 ’的 內容, 延 長提交發展建議期 限 ,並公開 及 詳 細 地 諮詢文化界 、 專 業 團 體 、地產 界 、立法會、公眾 [...]
及相關組織 , 以 貫徹文化委員會就西九龍發展計劃提出‘以 人 為本’、 ‘建立伙
伴 關 係 ’ 和 ‘民間主導’的原則 , 制 訂 公 開 、公平 和 適切合 宜 的發展及運作方案, 而 在發展過程中,政府應 促成發展商與 文化界 的 伙 伴 關 係,讓 文化界參 與 區 內 設施的策 劃及將來的運作。
That this Council urges the Government to comprehensively review the West Kowloon Cultural District
development project,
[...] consider the ‘software’ contents before planning the cultural facilities, extend the deadline for submission of development [...]
proposals, openly
and thoroughly consult the cultural sector, professional bodies, the real estate sector, the Legislative Council, the public and relevant organizations, and uphold the ‘people-oriented’, ‘partnership’ and ‘community-driven’ principles put forward by the Culture and Heritage Commission for the West Kowloon development in formulating a development and operation plan that is open, fair and proper; and in the process of development, the Government should also facilitate a partnership between developers and the cultural sector, so as to allow the latter to participate in the planning and future operation of the facilities in the district.
(h) 由東亞銀行或代表該銀行在任何時候發出的證明書,證明其內
[...] 所指明的財產或法律責任(該財產或法律責任在緊接指定期 前為第 ㆒太平銀行的財產或法律責任)根據本條例當作或不當 [...]
作(視屬何情況而定)轉歸東亞銀行者,就所有目的而言均為 其所證明事實的不可推翻的證據。
(d) a certificate given by or on behalf of Bank of East Asia at any time that any property or liabilities specified
in the certificate (which property or
[...] liabilities immediately before the appointed [...]
day is the property or liabilities of First
Pacific Bank) is or, as the case may be, is not, deemed to be vested in Bank of East Asia under this Ordinance, shall be conclusive evidence for all purposes of the fact so certified.
一些代表团认为,地球静止轨道是有可能饱和的有限资源,因而应当合理 利用,将具有期前景的 活动放在优先位置,为实现千年发展目标(A/56/326, [...]
附件)服务,同时考虑到所有国家平等的条件,而不论其现时的航天能力如 何。
Some delegations expressed the view that, as the geostationary orbit was a limited resource at risk of becoming saturated, its use should be
streamlined, giving priority to
[...] activities with a long-term perspective, leading [...]
to the achievement of the Millennium Development
Goals (A/56/326, annex), while taking into account the conditions of equality of all countries irrespective of their current space capacities.
除在大會上退任的董事外,任何人士如未獲董事推薦參選,均無資格在任何股 東大會上獲選出任董事,除非總辦事處或註冊辦事處已收到一份由妥為符合資格 出席大會並於會上投票的股東(不包括擬獲提議推薦的人士)簽署的通知,其內
表明彼擬提議推薦該人士參選董事之職,以及一份由該獲提議推薦人士所簽署表 示候選意願的通知,惟作出有關通知的最短期間須至少為七(7)日,且提交有關通
[...] 知的期間不得早於指定進行選舉的股東大會的通知寄發翌日,也不得遲於有關股 東大會召開期前七(7)日。
No person other than a Director retiring at the meeting shall, unless recommended by the Directors for election, be eligible for election as a Director at any general meeting unless a Notice signed by a Member (other than the person to be proposed) duly qualified to attend and vote at the meeting for which such Notice is given of his intention to propose such person for election and also a Notice signed by the person to be proposed of his willingness to be elected shall have been lodged at the head office or at the Registration Office provided that the minimum length of the period, during which such Notice(s) are given, shall be at least seven (7) days and that the period for lodgment of such Notice(s) shall commence no earlier than the day after the despatch of the notice of the
general meeting appointed for such election and end no later
[...] than seven (7) days prior to the date of such general [...]
除受於投票當時任何類別股份附帶的任何特權、優先權或限制的規限 外,於任何股東大會上,以舉手方式表決時,每名親身出席(為個人)或(為法團) 根據公司法第 78 條由其正式獲授權代表或(為身為結算所(或其代名人)之本公司 股東委任之一名或多名受委代表)由一名或多名受委代表出席之股東將均有一票,而 以投票方式表決時,每名親身出席,或(為法團)由其正式獲授權代表,或由受委代 表出席之股東所持的每股已繳足或入賬列作繳足(就本公司細則而言,催繳股款或分 期股款期前之已 繳股款或入賬列作繳足股款均不會視為已繳股款)之股份均有一 票。
Subject to any special rights, privileges or restrictions as to voting for the time being attached to any class or classes of shares, at any general meeting on a show of hands every member who (being an individual) is present in person or (being a corporation) is present by a representative duly authorised under Section 78 of the Companies Act or (being a proxy or proxies appointed by a member of the Company which is a clearing house or its nominee) is represented by one or more proxies shall have one vote, and on a poll every member present in person, or (being a corporation) by duly authorised representative, or by proxy shall have one vote for every share of which he is the holder which is fully paid up or credited as fully paid up (but so that no amount paid up or credited as paid up on a share in advance of calls or instalments shall be treated for the purposes of this Bye-law as paid up on the share).




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