单词 | 前囚犯 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 前囚犯 noun —ex-offender nSee also:囚犯 n—prisoners pl • prisoner n • inmate n 囚 n—prisoner n 犯—offend • make a mistake • assault • recurrence (of mistake or sth. bad)
津巴布韦监狱联谊会通过小额贷款和职业训练协 助前囚犯及其家人创业。 daccess-ods.un.org | Prison Fellowship Zimbabwe assisted ex-prisoners and their families [...] in starting businesses through microloans and vocational training. daccess-ods.un.org |
如同图 21 和 22 所示,亚洲和非洲审判前囚犯所占比率最高(约占囚犯 人数的 40%)。 daccess-ods.un.org | As figures 21 and 22 indicate, the [...] highest share of pretrial prisoners (about 40 per cent of the prison population) [...]was recorded in Asia and Africa. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 Viana [...] 第二最高警戒监狱,管理方仅允许大多数 审 前囚犯 每 天 一个小时的户外 活动,能够参加劳教活动的囚犯人数更少。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the Viana II maximum security [...] penitentiary, the regime was limited for the [...] majority of pre-trial prisoners to one hour of [...]outdoor exercise per day, and only a reduced [...]number of inmates had access to work and education programmes. daccess-ods.un.org |
在转往医院 之前,囚犯必须站立排长队,接受医生体检,有时来自各不同监狱的 daccess-ods.un.org | Before a transfer to the hospital an inmate had to stand [...] in a lengthy queue to be examined by a doctor. daccess-ods.un.org |
而SCORE每次挑选15至20名具有潜质的华裔 女 前囚犯 参 与 “职训与就业”计划,管理学院为她们提供“卓越服务”,以及“服务业英语”课程培训。 cwg.sccci.org.sg | Instructors will conduct Go-the-Extra-Mile for Service (GEMS) [...] and English for Front-Line Staff courses [...]for these selected candidates. cwg.sccci.org.sg |
前囚犯还可 以获得戒毒治疗、 个别及小组咨询、基本保健、家庭咨询和调解。 daccess-ods.un.org | Former inmates also have access [...] to drug addiction treatment; individual and group counselling; basic health care; family counselling; and mediation. daccess-ods.un.org |
另外还有其它的潜在问题根源,包括:一些不再使用暴力的组织(如回教祈祷团(Jemaah [...] Islamiyah,JI))的心怀不满或者被孤立的成员;躲过早期反恐行动追捕的逃犯;非常危险 的 前囚犯 或 者 从监狱里招募的圣战成员;那些被杀或者被捕的恐怖嫌疑人的弟弟妹妹;以及接受了伊斯兰宗教军事训练(tadrib)并想测试他们的技能的人,这些人包括唯一真主游击队的成员。 crisisgroup.org | There are other potential problems from disaffected or isolated members of older groups like Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) that [...] have moved away from [...] violence; fugitives from earlier operations; former high-risk prisoners or men they [...]recruited inside; younger [...]siblings of slain or detained terrorism suspects; and individuals, including from JAT, who have taken part in Islamist military training (tadrib) and want to test their skills. crisisgroup.org |
第三份联合材料进一步指出,警务人员已组成敢死队,执行“标记死 亡”――前囚犯、吸 毒者和所有其他被视为“危害社会”的人。 daccess-ods.un.org | JS3 further stated that police officers had [...] formed death squads to execute the “marked [...] for death”- ex-prisoners, drug addicts and [...]all others deemed “harmful to society”-. daccess-ods.un.org |
2月23日,事业女性组邀请了内政部属下的新加坡复员技训企业管理局 [...] (SCORE) 职员,向20名本会会员讲解雇主如何通过提供职位空缺,协 助 前囚犯 重 返 社会。 cwg.sccci.org.sg | On February 23, CWG invited SCORE, a statutory board under the Ministry of Home Affairs, to [...] introduce to 20 SCCCI members on how [...] they could help ex-offenders re-integrate into [...]the society by providing employment opportunities. cwg.sccci.org.sg |
(a) 调查在入侵期间和到 2003 年之前与囚犯有任何联系的所有安全人员的 情况,如前政权负责这类档案的阿里·哈桑·马吉德和其他已知的领导人和军官。 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) To investigate information from all security personnel who had [...] any connection to prisoners during the invasion [...]and until 2003, such as Ali Hassan [...]Al-Majid and other known leaders and officers responsible for this file under the previous regime. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前,如果囚犯想对监狱官员或设施进行投诉,他们可 以向内政部发送秘密信件。 daccess-ods.un.org | At present, prisoners may send confidential [...] letters to the Home Ministry, if they wish to make a complaint with regard to [...]prison officials or the facilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前正在审查电子远程监控工具和软禁适用规则,同样旨在减少 审 前 拘 留的 囚犯人数。 daccess-ods.un.org | Current review of electronic remote supervisory tools and the rules of application of house arrest are also aimed at reducing the number of detainees in pre-trial detention. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,监狱长没有申请或不申请某个 囚犯 提 前释 放的酌处权。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, a prison director lacks discretion either to apply or not [...] to apply for early release of a prisoner. daccess-ods.un.org |
囚犯在审判前拘押 中所占比例以及监狱过分拥挤指示 数反映了执法工作有可能令人关切的一些方面。 daccess-ods.un.org | The proportion of prisoners in pretrial detention and indicators [...] of prison overcrowding reflect areas of concern in the administration of justice. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,小组委员会建议建立司法程 序,根据医疗报告考虑将发现身患绝症 的 囚犯 提 前 释 放 、转移到家里或医院。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, the SPT recommends that judicial procedures be established to consider, on [...] the basis of medical reports, early release, transfer to home [...] or hospital, of prisoners found to have a [...]terminal illness. daccess-ods.un.org |
联海稳定团还将支持全国解除武装、复员和重返社会委员会为 1 200 名前武 [...] 装集团成员制定和执行基本技能和重返社会培训方案,并支助海地政府重新安置 200 名退役海地国家警察、400 名前武装人员和囚犯以及 300 名前军事人员(前海 地武装部队)。 daccess-ods.un.org | MINUSTAH will provide support to the National Commission on Disarmament, Dismantlement and Reinsertion on the development and implementation of a basic skills and reinsertion training programme for 1,200 former members of armed groups, and to the Government of Haiti on the reinsertion of 200 decommissioned Haitian National [...] Police, 400 former [...] armed individuals and prison inmates and 300 former military personnel [...](former Forces armées d’Haiti). daccess-ods.un.org |
30名 前库尔德族囚犯都曾 被单独拘禁在安全部门,他们受到安全部队的审讯,据称有 些人遭受了酷刑和其他形式的虐待,包括被剥夺睡眠和强制体位。 daccess-ods.un.org | The organization affirmed that, inter alia, the Emergency Law had been used to detain a number of leading Kurdish political activists without arrest warrants, and that 30 former Kurdish detainees, who were interviewed for the report, had been held incommunicado at the security branches for interrogations by security forces and that some of them had allegedly been subjected to torture and other forms of ill-treatment, including sleep deprivation and stress positions. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于声称囚犯 在获释之前已同 意被驱逐出境,且以色列已承诺允 许囚犯在被遣送的任何国家与家人团聚,因此仍需 要进一步澄清是什么严重问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Due to claims that the prisoners had consented to the deportation prior to being released [...] and that Israel had committed [...]to allowing family reunification in whatever country they were sent to, further clarification was needed on what was, nonetheless, a serious issue. daccess-ods.un.org |
咨询委员会获悉,大会第 65/230 号决议授权修订相关联合国标准(囚 犯待遇最低限度标准规则),目前禁毒 办没有具备刑事改革方面专门知识的工作 人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was informed that the revision of the relevant United Nations standards (the [...] Standard Minimum Rules for [...] the Treatment of Prisoners) was mandated by General Assembly resolution 65/230 and that there is currently no staff member [...]at UNODC with specialized expertise in penal reform. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,A 分节下适 用于被判刑囚犯的规则,也应当同样适用于 B 分节所涉及的囚犯类别,前提是这 些规则并不与管辖这一类别的女性的规则冲突,并且对这些女性有利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nevertheless, the rules under subsection [...] A, applicable to prisoners under sentence, shall be equally applicable to the category of prisoners dealt with [...]in subsection B, provided [...]they do not conflict with the rules governing that category of women and are for their benefit. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些内容包括 囚犯控制 监狱的情况,以及预防并终止这类情况的 必要性;有必要对私刑杀人问题进行系统性研究, 以便根据具体情况采取重点行动来预防并终止这类 情况;提议举行专家磋商,讨论新技术在 当 前 及潜 在的人权用途及其有效使用的风险和障碍。 daccess-ods.un.org | They included [...] situations where prisoners controlled prisons and the need to prevent and end such situations; the need to undertake systematic studies of vigilante killings in order to take context-specific and focused action to prevent and end them; and a proposal to convene an expert consultation to discuss the current and potential human [...]rights applications [...]of new technologies and the risks and obstacles to their effective use. daccess-ods.un.org |
这位检察官表示,该监狱最多可容纳 50 名犯人,但第一次前去那 里检查时 发现有 104 名犯人,第二次发现有 109 名犯人;划拨的犯人伙食费预算为每人每 天 8.30 伦皮拉(洪都拉斯货币);由于漏雨,一些牢房里遍地是水,许多没有床铺 的囚犯不得 不睡在地上,由于人多厕所数量不足而且总是湿乎乎的,使得厕所里 满是污垢而且充斥着难闻的味道;牢房里拥挤不堪,男人、女人、恶势力帮派成 员、精神病人以及正在接受审理和判决的人都挤在一间牢房里,这些直接威胁到 犯人的个人安全乃至群体安全;监狱当局缺少安保和监控措施的后果在 2005 年 10 [...] 月 27 日发生的一起暴力事件中得到应验,在那起事件中有一个囚犯丢掉了性 命。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Attorney for Human Rights noted, inter alia, that the jail had 50 places, but that at the time of the first inspection there were 104 [...] inmates and at the time [...] of the second, 109; the budget allocation for food was 8.30 lempiras a day per inmate; some cells were prone to flooding from water leaks, yet because there were not enough beds many inmates slept on the wet floor; the toilets were constantly foulsmelling and full of filth [...]because there were [...]not enough for the large number of inmates, which constitutes a hazard to their health; overcrowding is a serious risk to the individual and collective safety of the prisoners, with men and women, members of rival gangs, prisoners with mental illnesses, and convicted prisoners and prisoners awaiting trial sharing the same cells; and the lack of security and the absence of authority had led to a violent incident on 27 October 2005, in which an inmate lost his life. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管 以 色 列和巴勒斯坦之间最近达成了交换 1 000 多名巴勒斯坦囚犯的协 议,从而朝着实现和平 的方向迈出了一步,但我们不应忘记, 目 前 还 有 包括 妇女、儿童和当选官员在内的 5 000 名巴勒斯坦平民 囚犯仍被以色列囚禁或任意拘留。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the recent agreement between [...] Israel and Palestine for the swap of over 1,000 Palestinian prisoners is a step towards achieving peace, we should not forget that 5,000 Palestinian civilian prisoners, including children, women and elected officials, are [...]still imprisoned or [...]arbitrarily detained by Israel. daccess-ods.un.org |
联利特派团正在协助司法部制定审查机制,以解决刑事司法系统糟糕的案件 流程管理问题,这一问题仍在打击公众信心,并使得大 量 囚犯 在 审 前 遭 到 超期羁 押。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNMIL is assisting the Ministry of Justice to develop review mechanisms to address poor case flow management in the criminal justice [...] system, which continues to undermine public confidence and leaves [...] large numbers of prisoners in prolonged pre-trial detention. daccess-ods.un.org |
16.84 刑事改革干事(P-4)将领导司法科开展以下工作:(a) [...] 制订禁毒办的政策和战略,协助修订、 更新和执行相关联合国标准和规范(特别是关 于 囚犯 待 遇的标准最低限度规则、联合国 女 囚犯 待遇 规则和女犯罪者非拘留措施(曼谷规则)和联合国非拘留措施标准最低限度规则(东京规 [...] 则);(b) 在刑事改革方面制订禁毒办的工具和手册并提供培训;(c) [...] 为各国提供刑事改革咨 询服务,包括判刑的改革、监禁替代办法和重建公正方案和监狱管理;(d) 支持在冲突后同维 持和平行动部和政治事务部以及计划署和其他机构联合编制方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | 16.84 The Penal Reform Officer (P-4) will lead the efforts of the Justice Section in (a) developing UNODC policies and strategies and supporting revision, updating and implementation of relevant United Nations standards and norms (particularly the [...] Standard Minimum Rules for [...] the Treatment of Prisoners, the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial [...]Measures for Women [...]Offenders (the Bangkok Rules) and the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-custodial Measures (the Tokyo Rules); (b) developing UNODC tools and manuals and providing training in the area of penal reform; (c) providing specialized advisory services to countries in the area of penal reform, including sentencing reform, alternatives to imprisonment and restorative justice programmes and prison management; and (d) supporting joint programming with Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Political Affairs in postconflict settings, UNDP and other agencies. daccess-ods.un.org |
律政司動議㆓讀:「㆒項修訂與警司警誡少年罪犯有關的法律、撤銷與出版有關的某些 罪行、修訂關於在刑事法律程序㆗某些程序事項的法律、修訂影響律師及外國律師執 業的法律、授權律政司向法庭申請委任司法受託㆟、使若干條例在㆒些次要方面合理 [...] 化及加以改善、將女性罪犯或女性受感化者的監管㆟員須為女性的規定予以免除、授 [...] 權㆟民入境管理隊的成員在某些情況㆘持手令進入㆞方及搜查、修訂關 於 囚犯 在 監 管 ㆘釋放的法律、修訂關於將去世㆟士的遺體或其部分用於治療或其他獲准目的的法 [...] 律,以及就其他雜項及次要修訂訂定條文的草案。 legco.gov.hk | THE ATTORNEY GENERAL moved the Second Reading of: "A Bill to amend the law relating to juvenile offenders cautioned by police superintendents, to abolish certain offences relating to publication, to amend the law relating to certain procedural matters in criminal proceedings, to amend the law affecting solicitors' and foreign lawyers' practice, to enable the Attorney General to apply to the court for appointment of judicial trustees, to rationalize and improve minor aspects of various Ordinances, to dispense with the requirement for supervising officers of female offenders or probationers to be female, to empower members of the Immigration Service to enter and search with warrant under certain [...] circumstances, to amend the law [...] relating to release of prisoners under supervision, [...]to amend the law relating to the use [...]of deceased persons' bodies or parts thereof for therapeutic or other permitted purposes and to provide for other miscellaneous and minor amendments. legco.gov.hk |