

单词 前向拥塞通知

See also:


block up
jam (of traffic, crowd etc)



通知 n

notifications pl
notices pl

通知 v

inform v

External sources (not reviewed)

在2011 年,两个国向小组委员会转交了指定预防机制的正 通知 : 前南 斯拉夫的马其顿共和国塞尔维亚。
Two official notifications of designation were transmitted to the Subcommittee in 2011: the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia.
根据细则交付或邮寄或留置于股东登记地址的任何通知或其他文件,尽管 该股东当时已身故或破产或已发生任何其他事件,及不论本公司是否己知悉该身故或 破产或其他事件,均视为已就以该股东作为单独或联名持有人名义登记的股份妥为送 达或交付(除非在送达或交付知或 文 件之时其姓名已从股东名册删除作为股份持有 人),而且该送达或交付就所有目的而言,均视为 向 所 有 拥 有 股 份权益(不论共同或 透过该股东申索)的人士充分送达或交付 通知 或 文 件。
160. (1) Any Notice or other document delivered or sent by post to or left at the registered address of any Member in pursuance of these Articles shall, notwithstanding that such Member is then dead or bankrupt or that any other event has occurred, and whether or not the Company has notice of the death or bankruptcy or other event, be deemed to have been duly served or delivered in respect of any share registered in the name of such Member as sole or joint holder unless his name shall, at the time of
the service or
[...] delivery of the Notice or document, have been removed from the Register as the holder of the share, and such service or delivery shall for all purposes be deemed a sufficient service or delivery of such Notice or document on all persons interested (whether jointly with or as claiming through or under him) in [...]
the share.
塞拉 利昂政府在同一封信中建议,委员会在审查第 1171(1998)号决议第 4 段关向塞 拉利昂出口武器通知规定 时,不妨除其他外考虑到以下情况:塞拉利昂已批准 的西非国家经济共同体《关于小武器和轻武器、其弹药及其他相关材料的公约》; [...]
In the same letter, the Government of Sierra Leone suggested that, in reviewing the
notification provision for arms
[...] exports to Sierra Leone set out in paragraph 4 of resolution 1171 (1998), the Committee might wish [...]
to take into consideration,
inter alia, the following: the Economic Community of West African States Convention on Small Arms and Light Weapons, Their Ammunition and Other Related Materials, which Sierra Leone had ratified; the adoption by the General Assembly of the International Instrument to Enable States to Identify and Trace in a Timely and Reliable Manner, Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons; and the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms, to which Sierra Leone has been contributing.
在該項安排下,如資料使用者擬在直接促 銷中使用資料當事人的個人資料、提供有關資料予 他人以供用於直接促銷或售賣有關資料,則須在使 用或售賣資料前,向資料當事人提供(a)有關資料 當事人個人資料的若干書面資訊( 下稱" 書通 知 "),以及(b)一項回應設施,讓資料當事人可藉此 以書面向資料使用者表明是否反對擬定的使用或 售賣,而如果資料當事人在30日內沒有向資料使用 [...]
Members raised concern about the Administration's proposed “30day response period”, under which a data user who intended to use the personal data of a data subject, or provide such data to other persons for use, in direct
marketing or sell such data
[...] had to provide, before the use or sale, the data subject with (a) certain written information about the data subject's personal data ("written notification"), and (b) a response [...]
facility through
which the data subject might indicate in writing to the data user whether the data subject objected to the intended use or sale, and the data subject would be taken not to object if no reply indicating objection was sent to the data user within 30 days.
由于浮点算子很深的流水线特 性以及较宽的算法结构,产生了较大的数通路延时和布线拥塞,因 此,传统的浮点 符号和定义 FPGA设计效率较低。
The inefficiency of traditional floating-point FPGA designs is partially due to the deeply pipelined nature and
wide arithmetic structures of the floating-point operators, which
[...] create large datapath latencies and routing congestion.
此外通过地方人口社会支助基金的方式,共和国基金促进了针对某些弱 势类别人口的特殊用途项目的实施,比如,在国际儿童保护日——6 月 1 日向拥 有儿童的困难家庭和在 9 月 1 日前向必须 送子女上学的困难家庭提供一次性的 可支付资金援助。
Also the
[...] Republican Fund, through the means of local funds of social support of population, contributes to the implementation of the special destination programmes for certain underprivileged categories, thus offering one time payable monetary aid to families in difficulty with children on the International Children’s Protection Day [...]
– 1 June, and to families
in difficulty that must send children to school by 1 September.
在同一封信中,主席谈及塞拉利昂政府就审查第 1171(1998)号决议第 4 段规定向塞拉利 昂运送武器或相关物资 通知 要 求提出的建议,并 知塞 拉利 昂常驻代表,委员会成员认为,就武器禁运的未来作出决定属于安全理事会的职 权范围,因此委员会决定将常驻代表的信转递安全理事会主席,并提请特别关注 [...]
就第 1171(1998)号决议规定的通知要求提出的建议。
In the same letter, and in connection with the Government of Sierra Leone’s suggestion regarding
the review of the notification requirements for the delivery of arms or related
[...] materiel to Sierra Leone set out in paragraph 4 of resolution 1171 (1998), the Chairman informed the Permanent Representative [...]
of Sierra Leone that the members were of
the view that decisions on the future of the arms embargo fall within the purview of the Security Council, and that the Committee had therefore decided to convey the Permanent Representative’s letter to the President of the Security Council, drawing particular attention to the suggestions related to the notification requirements set out in resolution 1171 (1998).
而同时众所知的是,阿塞拜疆 年度国防开支符合预算的 总体增加,阿塞拜疆军队开支在国内生产总值中所占比例比亚美尼亚小得多,阿塞 拜疆军队的规模同其人口、领土和边界长度相称,也少于亚美尼亚。在此方面值得 一提的是,亚美尼亚共和国总统谢尔日·萨尔基相 2010 年访问北约总部时指出, “亚美尼亚军拥有的 弹药是比亚美尼亚大十倍的国家都梦 拥 有 的 ”(见北约秘 书长和亚美尼亚总统新闻稿,http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/opinions_ 63920.htm)。
At the same time, it is well known that the annual defence spending of Azerbaijan remains in line with overall budget increases; that Azerbaijan continues to spend a much smaller percentage of its gross domestic product on the army than Armenia; and that the size of the armed forces of Azerbaijan is proportional to its population, territory and length of borders and remains less than Armenia’s. It is worthwhile mentioning in this regard that President Serj Sargsyan of Armenia stated, during [...]
his visit to NATO headquarters
in 2010, that “[t]he Armenian army has types of ammunition that countries 10 times the size of Armenia would dream of having” (see press point with the NATO Secretary General and the President of Armenia, http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/ opinions_63920.htm).
(G) 每當根據本文規定者調整換股價時,本公司 向 可 換 股優 先股股東發出換股價經已調整通知 ( 其中載列導致調整 的事項、有關調前生效 的換股價、經調整換股價及其生 效日期),此後,只要任何換股權仍可行使,本公司須於 兌換日期前在當時主要營業地點及股份過戶登記處存置上 述經簽署的核數師或(視情況而定)相關認可商人銀行的 證書副本,以及本公司董事簽署的載列導致調整的事項、 有關調整前生效的換股價、經調整換股價及其生效日期等 簡明資料證書,以供可換股優先股股東查閱。
(G) Whenever the Conversion Price is
[...] adjusted as herein provided, the Company shall give notice to the CP Shareholders that the Conversion Price has been adjusted (setting forth the event giving rise to the adjustment, the Conversion Price in effect prior to such adjustment, [...]
the adjusted Conversion
Price and the effective date thereof) and shall at all times thereafter so long as any of the Conversion Rights remains exercisable make available for inspection at the principal place of business for the time being of the Company and the Registrar's Office prior to the Conversion Date a signed copy of the said certificate of the auditors or (as the case may be) of the relevant approved merchant bank and a certificate signed by a Director of the Company setting out the brief particulars of the event giving rise to the adjustment, the Conversion Price in effect prior to such adjustment, the adjusted Conversion Price end this effective date thereof.
资金和其它资源将会越来越多地向 那 些 拥 有 更 强 知 识 基 础的 国家,从而加剧上述不平等状况。
Increasingly, capital and other resources
[...] will flow to those countries with the stronger knowledge bases, reinforcing [...]
在本报告所述期间,委员会举行了一次正式会议 和三次非正式磋商;在此期间,委员会通过了暂行工 作准则;批准了一项给所有会员国的 通 照 会 ,提醒 其在 2011年6月26日前向委员 会提出报告,介绍执 行武器禁运、旅行禁令和资产冻结的情况;批准了委 员会的个人和实体旅行禁令和(或)冻结资产清单上 的条目更新;会见了新任命的专家小组;听取了由国 际刑警组织的情况通报;讨论一个会员国援引第 1973(2011)号决议第 4 段提交通知(S/2011/402); 听取了秘书处人道主义事务协调厅的情况通报;讨论 了委员会的待处理事项,主 要是指认提案以及会员国 要求就有关冻结资产提供指导的请求。
During the period under review, the Committee held one formal meeting and three informal consultations, during which it adopted provisional guidelines for the
conduct of its work;
[...] approved a note verbale to all Member States reminding them to report to the Committee by 26 June 2011 on the implementation of the arms embargo, the travel ban and the assets freeze; approved an update to an entry on the Committee’s list of individuals and entities subject to the travel ban and/or assets freeze; met with the newly appointed Panel of Experts; heard a briefing by INTERPOL; discussed a notification submitted by a [...]
Member State (S/2011/402)
invoking paragraph 4 of resolution 1973 (2011); heard a briefing by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the Secretariat; and discussed outstanding matters before the Committee, mainly designation proposals and requests for guidance from Member States in relation to the assets freeze.
(4) 除本章程細則有任何相反的規定,股東在根據本章程細則召開的股 東大會上可以通過普通決議案在某一董事任期屆滿之前罷免該董事,不管本章程
[...] 向本公司提出的任何損害索償),惟為了罷免董事而召開的該等大會的通知應當 包含一份關於罷免該董事的向聲明 ,並且 通知 在 大 會召開 前前 十 四(14)天 送達該董事,同時在該大會上該董事應有權就罷免動議發言。
(4) Subject to any provision to the contrary in these Bye-laws the Members may, at any general meeting convened and held in accordance with these Bye-laws, by ordinary resolution remove a Director at any time before the expiration of his period of office notwithstanding anything in these Bye-laws or in any agreement between the Company and such Director (but without prejudice to any claim for damages under any such agreement) provided that the notice of any such meeting convened for the purpose of removing a Director shall contain
a statement of the
[...] intention so to do and be served on such Director fourteen (14) days before the meeting and [...]
at such meeting such
Director shall be entitled to be heard on the motion for his removal.
在 2012 年 1 月格林特里庄园会晤前,“塞浦路 斯 2015”(一个民间社会团 体,也是联合国开发计划署(开发署)“塞浦路斯合作与信任行动”项目的合作伙 伴)为双方谈判团队作了一次有针对性的政策简介,让双方了解在目前所讨论的 问题上的舆论现状,并就如何推进和平进程提出建议,包括确保公众有更大拥 有权
Ahead of the January 2012 meeting at Greentree, Cyprus 2015, a civil society group and partner in United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Action for Cooperation and Trust in Cyprus (UNDP-ACT), shared a targeted policy brief with the two negotiating teams, which informed them about the state of public opinion on the issues under discussion and suggested ways forward in the peace process, including ensuring greater public ownership.
可以避免能源冲突。交通工具使用者不必遭受燃料价 格冲击;(b) 减少通阻塞、空 气污染和噪音将对环境和人类健康产生积极影 响;(c) 通过防止城市无序扩张以及优先发展半密集混合使用居民区,减少土 地需求;(d) 提高了在建立可持续现代低碳交通系统方面引导潮流的城市能见 度和认可度,因为此种现代交通系统会提高城市竞争力和吸引力,可吸引顶级企 业公司,高素质工人和雇员到本国来;以及(e) 在未来气候变化协定达成前, 减 缓幅度超过基线假想的城市和国家将能够获得排放量证书并利用碳相关融资 办法。
Resource conflicts can be avoided and transport users will not have to suffer from fuel price shocks; (b) reduced traffic congestion, air pollution and noise will have a positive impact on the environment and human health; (c) reduced land demand by preventing urban sprawl and giving preference to semi-dense mixed-use neighbourhoods; (d) enhanced visibility and acknowledgement of cities that demonstrate leadership in establishing sustainable and modern low-carbon transportation systems that increase the competitiveness [...]
and attractiveness of cities
and attract top business corporations, highly qualified workers and employees to the country; and (e) cities and countries that achieve mitigation beyond baseline scenarios will be able to gain access to emission certificates and carbon-related funding schemes, pending future climate change agreements.
欧洲专利组织(EPO)是一个前拥有24 个成员国的政府间组织(奥地利、比利时、保加利亚、瑞士 塞 浦 路 斯、捷克共和国、德国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、西班牙、芬兰、法国、联合王国、希腊、爱尔兰、意大利、列支敦士登、卢森堡、摩纳哥、荷兰、葡萄牙、瑞典、斯洛伐克和土耳其)。
The European Patent Organisation
(EPO) is an intergovernmental organisation currently having 27 member states (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Monaco, the Netherlands, Portugal, Rumania, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey and United Kingdom).
新独立国拥 有通知其同 意被视为条约不同当事国的权利,这一权利不是取代被继承国。
Its right was to notify its own consent to [...]
be considered as a separate party to the treaty; that was not a right to step
into the predecessor’s shoes.
(a) 加强努力通过有 效措施,改善监狱的物质条件,减少 前拥 挤情 况,适当地照顾到被剥夺自由的所有人的基本需要,以及消除各种麻醉药品
(a) Strengthen its
[...] efforts to adopt effective measures to improve material conditions in prisons, reduce the current overcrowding, properly meet [...]
the basic needs of all
persons deprived of their liberty and eliminate drugs
(b) 根據上市規則及任何適用法例、規則及規例,任何通告或文件(包括但 不限於第161條所述的文件)及任何公司通訊可只以英文、只以中文或 同時以中英文作出,惟本公司已獲取有關股東事先表明同意的確認書 只以英文、只以中文或同時以中英文方式收取或以其他方式獲得本公 司向其作出的通告或文件除外,以及惟該股東如有要求,可向本公司發 出書通知,隨時要求本公向其寄 發或作出其 前 未 獲 提供語言的 任何通告或文件或公司通訊。
(b) Subject to the Listing Rules and any applicable laws, rules and regulations, any notice or document, including but not limited to the documents referred to in Article 161 and any Corporate Communication, may be given in the English language only, in the Chinese language only or in both the English language and the Chinese language provided that the Company has obtained the relevant member’s prior express positive confirmation in writing to receive or otherwise have made available to him such notices or documents in either the English language only or the Chinese language only or in both the English language and the Chinese language and provided further that such member may, if he so
requires, by notice in
[...] writing served on the Company, demand at any time that the Company sends or makes available to him any notice or document or Corporate Communication in the language not previously provided to him.
专家组了解到,委员会最近得通知 , 黑山 和 塞 尔 维亚 最向刚果民主共和国转让了武器,专家组打算向刚果民主共和国国家当局跟 踪了解此事,以核实对这些进口的武器进行了适当记录并采取了防护措施,从 而避免被转手。
The Group is
[...] aware of recent notifications to the Committee of arms transfers from Montenegro and Serbia to the Democratic [...]
Republic of the
Congo, and intends to follow up with the national authorities to verify that these imported weapons are duly recorded and safeguarded from diversion.
(bb) 於決定配發基準後,董事會應 於不少於兩個星前向股東發 出書通知,知會彼等所獲得 的選擇權,並隨附選擇表格, 註明其須遵循的程序及為使填 [...]
妥的選擇表格生效而必須送達 的地點、最後日期與時間; (cc) 股東可就附有選擇權的股息全 部或部分行使選擇權
(bb) the Board, after determining the basis of
allotment, shall give not
[...] less than two weeks' notice in writing to the shareholders of the right [...]
of election accorded to
them and shall send with such notice forms of election and specify the procedure to be followed and the place at which and the latest date and time by which duly completed forms of election must be lodged in order to be effective
此 外,由於銅鑼灣行車天橋通擠塞, 通 往該 行車天橋的 維園道東行線也 經常出 現車龍 , 導 致由告士打前往港島 東的交通受 阻 。
Besides, owing to traffic congestion at the CBF, the queuing traffic along the VPR eastbound leading to the CBF often holds up the onward [...]
traffic from Gloucester Road to Hong Kong east.
该办事处的活动是:确认被驱逐者和自愿回归者, 知 他 们关 于 塞 尔 维亚共和国 重新接纳的信息,确定他们在重返后面临的基本问题,在他们调整个人地位、社 会福利、医疗和就业等问题向他们 提供基本法律支助和咨询,收集数据 向人 权和少数民族权益部提供关于重新接纳的人的人权和少数权利状况的信息,并收 集有关回归者重新参与社会生活的其他数据。
The activities of the office
[...] are to: identify deported persons and voluntary returnees and inform them about readmission in the Republic of Serbia, identify the basic issues they face upon readmission, provide basic legal assistance and council on regulating their personal status, social welfare, health [...]
care and employment,
collect data and provide information to the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights about the status of human and minority rights of persons upon readmission and collect other data relevant to the reintegration of returnees.
大赦国际欢迎各向塞尔维 亚提出的许多建议,包括要求确保 前 南斯 拉 夫 问题国际刑 事 法 庭 开展全面 合作的呼吁。
Amnesty International (AI) welcomed many of the
recommendations made by
[...] States to Serbia, including calls to ensure full cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.
社 会保通过如 下途径实施:以国家补助金形 向拥 有 子 女的低收入家庭和无劳动 收入的无劳动能力人士提供社会保障金;向特定种类居民提供资金补偿;向需要 特殊住院条件的人和孤寡老人提供社会服务;对临时丧失劳动能力的公民以及怀 [...]
Social services are provided through guaranteed social payments in the form of aid to [...]
low-income families with dependants
and to incapacitated persons with no working experience, financial support for certain categories of the population and welfare services for persons in need of special nursing care in hospital conditions, elderly persons living alone at home, temporarily incapacitated persons, and pregnant women and newborns, as well as for inhumation.
她指出,根向会议 提出 要求供资的项目所需的全部数额,有可能 前拥 有 的 资源不足以支付项目的核准款额和其 他费用。
She indicated that, given the total amount requested for funding projects at the meeting, it was possible that the total resources available would be insufficient to cover project approvals and other costs.
根据 2000 年 2 月 18 日关于共和国和地方人口社会支助基金的第 827-XIV 号法律以及 2000 年 10 月 26 日第 1083 号政府决通过的 关于贯彻落实共和国和 地方人口社会支助基金法的条例,每 向拥 有 子女的家庭、拥有 16 岁以下残疾 儿童的家庭、单亲家庭、需要监护非社会福利机构孤儿的家庭、由于需要照顾 3 岁以下子女而没有参加就业的人员以及其他低收入家庭提供援助,以及向孤儿、 失去父母照顾和处于社会援助和家庭保障司/局照顾下的儿童提供援助。
In accordance with the Law on the republican fund and local funds of social support of population No. 827-XIV from
18 February 2000 and
[...] the Regulations adopted by Government Decision No. 1083 from 26 October 2000 on implementation of the Law on the republican fund and the local funds of social support of population, aid is offered annually to [...]
families with children,
to families with children with disabilities of an age of up to 16 years, single parent families, families with tutorship on non-institutionalised orphan children, persons not involved in employment due to the need to take care of children until the age of 3 years and other families with low incomes, as well as to orphan children and left without parental care and who are under care of the social assistance and family protection Sections/Directorates.
除非由董事推薦選舉,否則除退任董事外,並無任何人士符合資格於任何 股東大會上獲選擔任董事職務,惟有關建議該人士獲選為董事的書面向 通知及該 人士願意被選舉的書面通知已遞交本公司除外,在各情況下,該 等通知的限期最少為七天,由將考慮有關推選董事的股東大會的通告發出 後翌日起 計至股東大會日前滿七 天之日為止(包括首尾兩天)。
No person, other than a retiring Director, shall, unless recommended by the Directors for election, be eligible for election to the office of Director at any general meeting, unless notice in writing of the intention to propose that
person for election as a
[...] Director and notice in writing by that person of his willingness to be elected shall have been given to the Company in each case, during the period (being a period of at least seven days) commencing on the day after despatch of the notice of general meeting at which elections to the office of Director are to be considered and ending on the day that falls seven days before the date of the [...]
general meeting (both days inclusive).
并且, 虽知识管理工作组(前为秘书处知识 共 享工作队)的目标之一,是帮助建立提供 一个有效的协作环境,使联合国人员及其利益攸关方能够获取、共享 拥 有 与其 专知识有关的实务知识(见 A/62/793,表 1),但是工作组并没有在秘书处一级 界定所得经验教训的共同定义。
Furthermore, while one of the goals of the Working
[...] Group on Knowledge Management (formerly known as the Secretariat Task Force on Knowledge Sharing) is to help build an effective collaborative environment in which United Nations personnel and their stakeholders capture, share and own the substantive knowledge relevant [...]
to their expertise (see
A/62/793, table 1), this group has not developed a common definition of lessons learned at the Secretariat level.
2009 年,哥斯达黎加、巴 拿马及拉丁美洲和加勒比另外六个国家的试验基地投入使用,方案还在非洲 (贝宁、佛得角、马里和多哥)、巴尔干地区(阿尔巴尼亚、克罗地亚、黑山塞尔维亚、前南斯 拉夫的马其顿共和国)和中亚(土库曼斯坦)设立了新基 地,预计 2010 年将在欧洲联盟委员会资助下向经 济 合作组织国家(阿富汗、 阿塞拜疆、伊朗伊斯兰共和国和哈萨克斯坦)提供援助。
The year 2009 saw the coming online of Costa Rica and Panama, together with a further six States in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the establishment of new sites in Africa (Benin, Cape Verde, Mali
and Togo), the Balkans
[...] (Albania, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) and Central Asia (Turkmenistan), with the European Commission funding the Economic Cooperation Organization [...]
countries (Afghanistan,
Azerbaijan, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Kazakhstan) targeted for assistance in 2010.
何弗尼,Madkhal ILA“基地塔木德(=”介绍犹太法典“,这是最早的工作产生影响的称号,并且只 通 过 在伊本Janaḥ,SV词典报价 知 ); 塞 缪 尔 公顷Nagid,湿润烧伤膏公顷塔木德(形成一个附录到现代版的犹太法典上册);约瑟夫伊本Aḳn in , 向 塔 木 德介绍(。
Hophni, Madkhal ila 'al-Talmud
[...] "Introduction to the Talmud"; this is the earliest work bearing the title and is known only through a quotation in the lexicon of Ibn Janaḥ, sv ); Samuel ha-Nagid, Mebo ha-Talmud (forming an appendix to the first volume of modern [...]
editions of
the Talmud); Joseph ibn 'Aḳnin, an introduction to the Talmud (Hebr. transl. from the Arabic), edited in the Jubelschrift des Breslauer Seminars zum Siebzigen Geburtstage Frankels, 1871.




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