

单词 前台

前台 ()

front platform
reception desk
foreground in politics etc (sometimes derog.)
front of theatrical stage

台前 ()

front of the stage

External sources (not reviewed)

它的特点包括基于模板前台界面 ,分页支持, 多用户管理,等。
Its features include
[...] template-based front interface , paging [...]
support , multi-user management , and so on.
当使用RAID管理控制台软件创建一个磁盘阵列,用户就可以指定一个初始化项 (跳过初始化前台初始化,后台初始化)。
When creating an array using the HighPoint RAID
Management Console software, you can specify an initialization option (Skip
[...] initialization, foreground and background).
其他經營開支較先前12個月上升22.7%,主要是由於租金 以前台及新後勤辦公室系統的維護成本增加所致。
Other operating expenses rose 22.7% compared to the
proceeding 12 months mainly due to higher rental expenses and
[...] maintenance cost of the front and new back office system.
[...] 多明各的差旅股构成部分将提供与航空旅行相关的服务,而该股设在太子港前 台办公 室部分将协助抵达海地的联合国警务人员办理签证申请。
The component of the Travel Unit based in Santo
Domingo would provide services related to air
[...] travel while its front office component [...]
in Port-au-Prince would support the visa
application process for United Nations police personnel arriving in Haiti.
通过宣传 这张 DVD 光盘,通过在互联网上两个论坛激起辩论,项目继续推动了地方(和全球)的参 与性交流活动,并且将小岛屿问题推到 前台。
Through promotion of the DVD and by generating debate via two Internet discussion forums, the project has continued to advance local (and global) participatory modes of communication while bringing small-islands issues to the fore.
前台和餐 厅设施正在建设中,之后可能要再向酒 店住宿过渡,因为管理层担心其目前的商业住客可 能会投资建设更永久的工作和住宿地。
New reception and restaurant facilities are under construction, and a transition back to hotel accommodation may follow, as management is concerned its commercial occupants may invest in more permanent locations.
该系统具有易于操作的可视化安装界面、完善 前台 商 品 展示和户在线购物车功能、强大的后台管理和维护功能模块简单易用、70,000人的官方社区用户和活跃的论坛、121,300家已经注册的在线商店的解决方案3,000个成熟的插件供你选择。
The system has easy-to- visual installation
[...] interface , improved front display and household goods online shopping cart functionality , strong management background and maintenance [...]
function modules
easy to use, the official community of 70,000 peopleAnd an active forum users , 121,300 homes have already registered online store solution 3,000 mature plug-in for your choice . osCommerce Open Source world with a variety of mainstream technology solutions , providing a set of free and open platform , including the powerful PHP web development language dynamic , stable Apache web server and MySQL database server speed class .
前台面板 中可以指定默认的打印机,包括页面大小和打印方向。
Specify default printer "front panel" settings [...]
including page size and orientation.
由于展会的普及,柳丁搁来乱也成为了主题的电视剧,视频游戏,玩具的范围,和T恤线,尽管展示的主要是负面 前台。
Due to the popularity of the show, The Annoying Orange has also become the subject of a TV series, a video game, a range of toys, and a t-shirt line, despite the show’s largely negative reception.
根据程序属性的定义,程序会前台 或 后 台运行。
The program will
[...] execute in the foreground or background [...]
as defined by the program’s properties.
世服宏图卓越的电话呼叫路由服务,Find Me Follow Me,为企业主和中小企业带来最热门的电话通信趋势:尽享先进的、全天候专业电话服务,而费用仅为聘请一位全 前台 接 待 人员成本的极小部分。
Servcorp's premium call routing service, Find Me Follow Me, gives entrepreneurs and small businesses access to the hottest trend in telephony: getting an advanced, round-the-clock professional service at the fraction of the cost of hiring a full-time receptionist.
华德士银行与金融服务部门专精于为金融服务行业内的资深银行业专业人才寻找理想职位,涵 前台 、 中 台 和 后 台的各种支持职位。
The banking & financial services division specialises in placing experienced
banking professionals within financial services, covering
[...] a full spectrum of front, middle and back office [...]
support roles.
由於服務人手短缺,集團只好將一班四星級酒店的員工全數調職百星酒店工作,這群員工的核心包括了日夜盼望升為大堂經理的副經理包定(鄭中基飾演);覺得自己是明星胚子的餐飲主管兼酒保彭俊(杜汶澤飾演);對房間整理嚴格得接近病態的房務總管桃姐(吳君如飾演);一心希望嫁個有錢人 前台 S a m my(盛君飾演)。
However, this hotel is run by a group of incompetent staff including OK (Ronald Cheng) the Assistant Manager, Pacino (Chapman To) the Chief Bartender, Peach (Sandra Ng) the Head of Housekeeping and Sammy (Janelle Sing) the Receptionist.
毕业后,Ryan希望在前台到销 售和营销等一系列酒店管理岗位上积累工作经验。
After graduation, Ryan hopes to gain experience in a range of positions in hotel
[...] management, from front office to sales [...]
and marketing.
可持续发展教育是一个让与新兴的社会、经济和环境挑战相关的新教 育解决方案走前台的机会。
ESD is an opportunity to bring to the fore new education solutions in
[...] relation to the emerging social, economic [...]
and environmental challenges.
中国同俄罗 斯合作,将对 1737 号决议的谈判拖了五个月,不过当时 活跃前台的是俄罗斯,中国藏在俄罗斯背后做辅助性 工作。
Along with Russia, it helped ensure that negotiations on Resolution 1737 dragged on for five months, although at the time the Russians were more at the forefront, with the Chinese supporting and hiding behind them.
一种被称为“灰色工作”的工作指的是从形式上看起来是合法规范的,但是却 带有不规范的因素在里面:工作时间不符(一般来说他们让你工作的工作时间超过法律所规 定的时间);一部分的工资在“工资单以外”支付(你得到的工资和合同上的不符,会比合 同上的工资多或者很多时候比合同上的少);在合同上注明的工作种类不同于事实上你在工 作中所作的事情(比方上在合同上注明你是一般工人或搬运工,而事实上你是一个专业工人 或是一个酒店前台工作人员)。
There is the so-called “grey work”, i.e. work which is formally regular, but which includes some elements of irregularity: different working hours (often you are made to work more hours than those permitted by law); a part of your payment is not registered on the pay bill (i.e. you receive a wage which is different from the contractual one, it can be higher or, often, also lower); you are taken on with a qualification (for example of simple worker or porter) which is different from the duties you really carry out (as a matter of fact you are a specialised worker or you work at the reception of a hotel).
前台灣本原擁有 ISO2000 及 CNLA的認證資格,上海本原廠是於1997年在上海扣件業第二家取得ISO [...]
9001 認證的優良廠商,本原第三廠位於蘇州的江震廠於2000年六月建廠完工量產也取得ISO 9001 品質認證。
Ben Yuan
[...] headquarter in Kaohsiung, Taiwan has been certified [...]
with ISO9001:2000 and CNLA , our 2nd plant in Shanghai is the
second company which received the certification of ISO 9001:2000 in China ( Shanghai ).
您甚至可以在用户移动或调整时间条大小时进 前台 设 置 (设置为小时,天等等)。
You can even force rounding (to hours, days, etc.) as the user moves or resizes the bars.
看来,由于磨难,这所罗巴伯房子不得不接受,并非如达尔曼(“死耶稣又写道,”第243页)认为,“因为弥赛亚是不是一个国家的希望的重要组成部分──”期望一个救世主从大卫家被关在后台,和先知以利亚,作为在主大节谁将会重组所有以色列支派,前身是 前台 ( ec clus.
It seems that, because of the tribulation which the house of Zerubbabel had to undergo-not, as Dalman ("Die Worte Jesu," p. 243) thinks, "because the Messiah was not an essential part of the national hope"-the expectation of a Messiah from the house of David was kept in the background, and the prophet Elijah, as the forerunner of the great Day of the Lord who
would reassemble all the tribes of Israel, was
[...] placed in the foreground (Ecclus. [Sirach] xlviii. 10; I Mace. xiv. 41).
无论是工程维护服务、餐饮、保安和消防服务 前台 或 清 洁,我们均建立起同一种服务标准,衍生到70多种专业服务的独特的、具有成本效益的物业管理理念。
Whether technical services, catering, security and fire services, reception or cleaning, we develop an individual, cost-effective Facility Management concept from more than 70 individual services.
1906-1989-2012》用民间物料和都市日常故事构成港粤两地之间的民间历史;共有三个组件 前台 、 后 台 、 和分 隔 前 后 台 的 藩 篱。
With its
[...] three components – front stage, back stage, and the partition [...]
separating the two stage zones – I play with the
assumed hierarchy of dramaturgy.
您可能会发现,选择IWB的预订引擎 前台 系 统和渠道经理的任意组合,可以实现显着的节约。
You may find that by selecting any combination of IWB's
[...] Booking Engine, Front Desk System, and [...]
Channel manager, you can achieve significant savings.
對於普通ShopBest客戶,可以開前台 代 碼 和數據庫,包括在線修改模板,查看並修改模板代碼、客戶層代碼和顯示層源代碼對於高級ShopBest客戶,在簽訂保密協議後,可以索取ShopBest全部源代碼,程序和網站可由客戶自行託管,需要支付一定費用。
For ordinary ShopBest customers,
[...] you can open the the foreground code and database, [...]
modify the template online, view and
modify the template code, client-layer code and display layer source code for senior ShopBest customers, after the signing of the confidentiality agreement, can obtain a copy of the ShopBest full source code, the program and the site hosted by the customers themselves, need to pay a fee.
9.5 委员会注意到申诉人的观点,即她2004 年受雇于刚果议会前台接待 ,据 说为卢旺达的叛乱分子传递了秘密情报,加上她在瑞士申请政治庇护,这些都使 她面临返回刚果民主共和国后遭受虐待的风险。
9.5 The Committee notes the complainant’s argument that the fact that she supposedly passed secret information to the Rwandan rebels when employed as a receptionist at the Congolese Parliament in 2004, added to the fact that she has requested political asylum in Switzerland, would expose her to the risk of ill-treatment if she were to return to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[...] 安裝計畫多年後,他創立了一個開發多種軟體系統的服務公司,其中包括Serenity,一 前台 / 中 台 辦 公 室租賃系統,為歐洲一家大型銀行的租賃部門所採用。
After years spent on various ERP implementation projects, he created a service company which
developed several software solutions,
[...] including Serenity, a front/middle office leasing [...]
system that has been retained by a
large European bank for equipping its leasing subsidiaries.
萨瑟兰全球服务公司(Sutherland Global Services)创建于1986年,是全球业务流程及技术服务提供商,提供一套包括分析驱动型后台与面向客 前台 的 解 决方案组合,支持完整的客户生命周期。
Established in 1986, Sutherland Global Services is a global provider of business process and technology management services offering an integrated portfolio of analytics-driven back-office and customer facing solutions that support the entire customer lifecycle.
今年,狗醫生Jo Jo獲選為台灣的“動物星球大使”。 前 , 台 灣 正 在推展各項教育活動,並向青少年宣揚人類與動物親密關係的重要性,同時介紹兩所國立大學的動物輔助治療的課程。
Just this year Dr. Jo Jo was selected as the Animal Planet Ambassador for Taiwan and educational [...]
initiatives are focusing
on presentations to young children about the importance of the Human-Animal bond, as well as the introduction of an animal-assisted therapy classes at two national universities.




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