

单词 前人栽树,後人乘凉


Former Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (314-376)


front and rear
all around
from beginning end


cool off in the shade

External sources (not reviewed)

我套用一句中国谚语:後人乘凉西方的民主成果其实正好让香港作参考,看看怎样 才可以走少一点冤枉路,加快我们的民主步伐。
As a Chinese proverb goes, "the
[...] ancestors planted thetrees,and their descendants enjoythe cool under theshade". The success of Western countries [...]
in achieving
democracy can actually serve as reference for Hong Kong, so that we can see how we can avoid taking unnecessary steps and speed up our pace of democratization.
(e) 和管面需要有专门的知识及经验;因 此有必要培育/培训一批本地的合资以进行 绿化理的工作
(e)tree planting and management required specialized knowledge and experience; it was imperative to nurture/train a pool of local qualified personnel for greening and tree management
所谓後人乘凉今天的Cornwall Park全靠前人的功劳。
Thanks to them, we, peopletoday are able to enjoy a great Cornwall Park.
该署会在所有绿化工程完面检视接 收。
The CEDD will
[...] inspect and accept theplanted trees upon completion of all greening works.
至於在过往的绿化总纲图坏 的个案(包括载列在附件一的个案),因为没有足够证据,所 [...]
As for cases of damages to trees plantedunder the GMPs [...]
in the past (including those cases listed in Annex I), we have not
issued any warning or instituted any prosecution due to insufficient evidence.
在 斜坡方面,工务局已 规定有关部门 在 设 计所有新 斜坡或 改善现坡时 , 要优先 考植 物。
For new slopes or improving existing artificial
slopes, the Works Bureau requires that the
[...] relevant departments should give priority consideration toplanting of vegetation.
[...] 復被山火破坏的地点和控制水土流失外,渔护署会致力为现有的外來树种林木区 进行补植工作,在该些林木区内混
Apart from rehabilitating areas damaged by hill fires and controlling soil
erosion, more attention will be given to enriching existing exotic plantations
[...] through inter-planting with native treespecies.
最後,他提议先处理况,办法聘请他们, 大家看看当时那些员工多过,经没有这支歌唱了。
LAM Woon-kwongfinally proposed that we should first deal with the issue at hand, and then find ways to hire those workers.
价格仅五十分之一! ! 根据百合的经验,温度不宜超过120度,虽然日本供货商承诺的是180度的,但是温度高了比较伤发发哦.作卷小贴士: 发发用卷发棒做好造型要 马上展开,需要在持卷的形状,等发,哈哈,就有大大的卷卷拉~! 买发发+3元换购假发专用随身梳,超级节省包包空间http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?
According to Lily's experience, thetemperature
[...] should not exceed 120 degrees, Japanese supplier commitment is 180 degrees, but the temperature is relatively injury hair Oh for Volume Tips: hair hair curling rod good shape, do not immediately commence the need to maintain the shape of thevolumebefore and letcool hair, and other haircoldafter expand,there is a big curly pull ~!
不过,主席,这 正正是很这是一个不能的理由,因为即使有关的文件也只 是指出,在视圆拱的造工只属一般。
However, President, this is exactly why so many people find this reason unacceptable.
乘客根据本 2.1.1 条文所述在截止入
[...] 闸时间之前抵达入闸柜台/闸口但是因办理出境手续延误以致无 法在其关码头登船闸口时可选空余座 位的航班,并且如乘客因此而只能乘坐比船票上所示等级要低的 [...]
A Passenger who has arrived at check-in counter/gate before deadline as per Article 2.1.1 here but fails to
arrive at the boarding
[...] gate of theterminal before its closingas a consequence of delay in finishing immigration [...]
may choose to take the next sailing subject to the availability of the seat and in case the Passenger has to travel on a lower class than that stated on the Ticket, the Passenger will not be refunded or reimbursed in any kind.
要 减低有 关影响, 往往须 采取一系 列 不同的 措施,例如 辟 设市区通风 廊 ;采 用
梯 级式建筑 物高度;调 整建筑 物 的 座 向 和布局,改善空气流 通;大 厦 采用 有 效 的 隔 热 物料或设计, 减少因使用空调
[...] 而产生的热 量 , 以 及 增 辟 市 区 绿 化 地 带 , 为乘凉施。
The reduction of its effect often requires a hybrid of measures such as provision of urban breezeway; stepping building heights; better planning of the orientation and disposition of building blocks to enhance air flow; improving insulation of buildings and incorporating other design
features that reduce heat load,as well as provision of more urban
[...] greenery to provide shading and cooling for pedestrians.
在东铁尖东站下車, 他们便可在 9 至 11 分钟时间内 到达广东道,无需像目前般要用 11 至 13 分钟的时间,在路面横过 汉口道和亚士厘道到达北京 道行人隧道广东道。
With that new pedestriansubway,passengers canreach Canton Road in about 9 to 11 minutes after getting off the East Rail at its East Tsim Sha Tsui Station instead of 11-13 minutes at present when they have to cross Hankow Road and Ashley Road before reaching the Peking Road Subway.
个别议员亦吁请政府当局制订全面的园境政策、利用空 置的政府用供补充林木之用、购置先进的仪器检 查树木、成立一个有效的通知和回应机制以处理生病/危险的 树木、就树木建立一个全面的资料库、搬迁地下公用设施以提 供地下空以及避免把管理树木的工作外判。
Individual Members also called on the Administration to formulate a comprehensive landscaping policy, make use of vacant government sites for growing saplings for tree replenishment,
procure advanced equipment for tree
[...] inspection, establish an effective notification and response mechanism to deal with sick/dangerous trees, establish a comprehensive database on trees, relocate underground utilities to provide underground space for treeplanting,and refrain from contracting out tree management task.
如果正如我所说,局长、政府和新的铁路公司只将这些优 惠维持至今年年底,市民前乘由元昌站可能是 10 元,成 11 元、12 元。
If, as I have just said, the Secretary, the Government and the new railway corporation will offer these
[...] [...] concessions only until the end of this year, passengerstravellingfrom Yuen Long to Nam Cheong [...]
who may be paying $10 in fare will have to pay $11 or $12 infuture.
对临时工程仓库使用时造成环境影响的关注,路政署已检 讨及要求承建商加强相关缓解措施,包括把贮存物料的地 方尽量移至远离民居、妥善覆盖贮存物料以避免尘土飞
[...] 扬、避免在清晨及晚间进行发出较高音量的工序、经常检 查排水系统以防积水,以化环境。
To address the concerns of the residents of Richland Garden over the environmental impact of these temporary sites, the HyD has reviewed the situation and requested the contractors to strengthen the relevant mitigation measures, including relocation of the storage areas away from the residential premises as far as possible; proper covering of stored materials to prevent dust emission; avoiding the carrying out of noisy operations in the early morning or at night; regular inspection of
the drainage system to prevent accumulation of stagnant water; and
[...] carryingout more planting to beautifythe environment.
Is currentlyexamininghow the new system can also be used for improving the protection of occupants in the [...]
vehicle's rear seat.
我们在议会内这个有票无权的困局下,如果不去思量如何运用我 们斧及手中的一票,强迫这甚至充满盲点、活在一 个与我们完全不同的生活环境的政府,为这些每天皆在挣扎如何可以 令生活好过一点的市民做些工作的话,我才会觉得惭愧。
In this Council where we are trapped in this quagmire of having the votes but not the power, and if we do not ponder how we can make use of the last resort that we have and the votes in our hands and force this heartless government which is so full of blind spots and totally detached from the people to do something for those who struggle for survival every day, so that their life can be made somewhat better, then we would feel ashamed of ourselves.
(C) 在不违反上述(B)项规定之前提下,当任何联名帐户持有人身故、精神失常及/或其他丧失行为能 力、或发生无力偿债事件,吾等将会将所有帐户中持有的贷方余额以及吾等在任何交易及服务下 应向联名帐户持有人支付的所有款项及资产交予联名帐户持有人的生存者(若所有联名帐户持有 人全部身故,则应当交予的联名帐户持有人的遗嘱执行人或遗产管理人),而吾等就以 上所述完成的任何支付应当被视为已完全地、绝对地解除吾等针对所有联名帐户持有人的负值 (包括已身故的联名帐户持有人及其继吾等会要求提供身故证明文件及/或身故者 遗产的相关法律受让文件。
(C) Subject to paragraph (B) above, we shall hold on the death, or mental and/or other incapacity of or the occurrence of an Insolvency Event in relation to any of the joint Account holder all credit balance or balances and properties in all the Accounts and all monies due by us to the joint Account holders under any Transactions and Services to the order of the surviving joint Account holder (in case of death of all of the joint Account holders, to the executors or administrators of the last surviving joint Account holder) and any payment by us above shall be an absolute full and conclusive discharge of us as against the joint Account holders (including the deceased and his/her/estate and successor) provided that we may require the production of documentary proof of the death and/or the relevant legal grant to the estate of the deceased.
(4) 倘 未 能 根 据 第 ( 3 ) 款 获 准 进 入 该 场 所 , 则 凡 持 有 拘 捕 令 的 人 员 , 或 该 员 在 有 可 能 获 发 拘 捕 令 , 但 因 恐 拟 拘 捕人 乘脱 以 致 未取 拘 捕 令 的 情 形 下 , 得 有 合 法 权 力 进 入 该 场 所 , 以 及 在 其 内 搜 查 ; 如 该 员 表 明 其 权 力 及 目 的 , 并 正 式 要 求 准 许 入 内 而 遭 拒 绝 , 则 在 别 无 他 法 可 行 时,不 论 该 场 所 属 於 拟 拘 捕 的 人 或 他 人 所 有 , 该 员 得 有 合 法 权 力 打 破 该 场 所 的 内 外 门 窗 , 以 便 进 入 。
(4) If ingress to such place cannot be obtained under subsection (3) it shall be lawful in any case for a person acting under a warrant and in any case in which a warrant may issue but cannot be obtained without affording the person to be arrested an opportunity of escape from a police officer, to enter such place and search therein and in order to effect an entrance into such place to break open any outer or inner door or window of any place whether that of the person to be arrested or of any other person if, after notification of his authority and purpose and demand of admittance duly made, he cannot otherwise obtain admittance.
乘坐黑 色奔驰车的有司机、坐位上官员 Faratullah Babar 先生、 以及坐在后排座位上从左到右的两位人民党官员——Babar [...]
Awan 先生和 Rehman Malik 先生及 Tauqir Zia 将军(已退役)。
Riding in the black Mercedes-Benz car were
the driver, PPP official Mr.
[...] Faratullah Babarin the front passengerseat and,in the rear [...]
passenger seat from left to right,
two PPP officials Mr. Babar Awan and Mr. Rehman Malik and General (ret) Tauqir Zia.
另外,「 创意智 优计划」 继续提供资助予两个毕业见习生 支援计划,即 香港数码娱乐 业新毕业生支援计划及 香港数码广告毕业生支援计划在为动 画、漫画、数码游戏及後期制作与视觉效果等数码娱乐界别栽培新血,为本地数码广告
CSI has continued with the funding support for two graduate internship support schemes, namely the Hong Kong Digital Entertainment Industry New Graduate Support Scheme and the Hong Kong Digital Advertising
Industry Fresh Graduate
[...] Support Scheme.The former aimsat nurturing new talents in animation, comics, digital game and post production and visual effect fields of the digital entertainment sector whilethe latteraims at nurturing a pool of creative human capital for [...]
the local digital advertising industry.
根据这 个逻辑,企业变成摇有的降低票价可能都等於没有,因为只要 地铁不停地投资扩大,如果地铁将来作为一个大企业国、亚洲投资 时,我们如何能填满它资产膨胀的洞呢?
[...] to this logic, after a corporation has been turned into a money spinner, there may not be any possibility of fare reduction because as long as the MTRCL keeps on expanding its investment and if the MTRCL, beinga large-scale [...]
corporation in the future,
will invest in China and Asia, how can we fill up the hole of its ever expanding assets?
21 世纪议程呼吁所有国家:(a) 把土地使用规划和交通规划结合起来,以鼓 励减少运输需求的发展模式;(b) 酌情采高的城市交通方案;(c) 通过 酌情在各国城市和郊区中心提供安全的自行车道和步行道,鼓励采用非机动车交 通工具;(d) 特别关注有效的交通管理、公共交通的高效运营和公共基础设施的 维护;(e) 促进不同国家和代表性地区和大城市地区交流信息;(f) 重新评估费和生产模式,以减少能源和自然资源的使用。
In Agenda 21, all countries were called upon to (a) integrate land use and transportation planning in order to encourage development patterns that reduce transport demand; (b) adopt urban transport programmes favouring high occupancy, as appropriate; (c) encourage non-motorized modes of transport by furnishing safe cycleways and footways in urban
and suburban centres in countries, as
[...] appropriate; (d) devote particular attention to effective traffic management, efficient operation of public transport and maintenance of public infrastructure; (e) promote the exchange of information among countries and representatives of local and metropolitan areas; and (f) re-evaluate current consumption and production patterns in order to reduce the use of energy and natural resources.
(三) 鉴於政府不时提倡市民使用环保的悼念仪式(例如在纪念公园)代替传统葬礼,政府会否考虑在浩园安排类似的环 保葬礼,以悼念殉职的公务员及非公务
(c) given that the Government constantly encourages the public to hold
environment-friendly memorial ceremonies(such as planting trees at memorialparks, and so on) in place of traditional funerals, whether the Government will consider holding similar environment-friendly ceremonies at the Gallant Garden to mourn for civil servants andnon-civil servants who died while on duty?
为了 鼓励商 进 行 更 多 园 境 美 化 和 绿 化 ,政府最近 推 出了一 系 列 措施, 鼓励发 展环保 楼 宇,其中包括在 楼 宇 中 提 供 更 多 用 地,让 住户可盆栽。
To encourage landscaping and greening in
[...] private developments, the Government has recently introduced a series of initiatives to promote green buildings, which include the provision of more open space and more floor areas for residents to plantvegetationand treeswithin the buildings.
如果我们真的认为教育是开启民智、提高㆟民素养和栽培优秀公民的工具,政府 就有必要重估卓越学科㆗心的发展方向,以免令未来的大专教育,成为训练「赚钱 机器」「摇工厂,令香港大专教育蒙污之余,又无法改善市民质素。
If we really think that education is a means of enlightening people, improving their qualities and nurturing fine and excellent citizens, then the Government must re-adjust the direction in which the centres of academic excellence are to be developed in such a way that tertiary institutions will not turn into “money-making machines” which churn out “milch cows” If not; it will bring disgrace to our tertiary education on the one hand, and bring no improvement to the quality of the people on the other.
[...] 柜长城”,即使你把土地收回来,重新凿开石屎,是否可以迅间把它 恢复为一块农地,或可地方呢?
President, a more important point is that when a piece of farmland has been turned into the "Great Wall of Containers" with the laying of cement on it, can you convert it
back into farmland or a piece of land
[...] that youcan grow treesand flowersinstantly [...]
even after you have taken the land back and removed the concrete?




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