单词 | 前不见古人,後不见来者 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 后人—later generation 后人n—descendantspl descendantn 后者n—formern 古人—the ancients the late (i.e. person who has passed away) people from ancient times
(B) 依据本公司细则出售任何股份之方式、时间及条款(包括但不限 於出售之一个或多个价格)须由董事会根据其认为适当之往来银行 、经纪或其他人士 之谘询意见,经考虑所有情况(包括出售股份之数目及不可延迟出售之规定)後确定 为合理可行;且董事会不会就任何人士因依赖该等谘询意见之任何後果承担责任。 asiasat.com | (B) The manner, timing and terms of any sale of shares pursuant to this Bye-law (including but not limited to the price or prices at which the same is made) shall be such as the Board [...] determines, based upon [...] advice from such bankers,brokers or other persons as the Board considers appropriate consulted by it for the purposes, to be reasonably practicable having regard to all the circumstances including the number of shares to be disposed of and the requirement that the disposal be made without delay; and the Board shall not be liable to any person forany ofthe consequences of reliance onsuch advice. asiasat.com |
(C) 在不违反上述(B)项规定之前提下 ,当任何联名帐户持有人身故、精神失常及/或其他丧失行为能 力、或发生无力偿债事件,吾等将会将所有帐户中持有的贷方余额以及吾等在任何交易及服务下 应向联名帐户持有人支付的所有款项及资产交予联名帐户持有人的生存者(若 所有联名帐户持有 人全部身故,则应当交予最後生存的联名帐户持有人的遗嘱执行人或遗产管理人),而吾等就以 上所述完成的任何支付应当被视为已完全地、绝对地解除吾等针对所有联名帐户持有人的负值 (包括已身故的联名帐户持有人及其继承人),前提是吾等会要求提供身故证明文件及/或身故者 遗产的相关法律受让文件。 tanrich.com | (C) Subjectto paragraph (B) above, we shall hold onthe death, ormental and/or other incapacity of or the occurrence of an Insolvency Event in relation to any of the joint Account holder all credit balance or balances and properties in all the Accounts and all monies due by us to the joint Account holders under any Transactions and Services to the order of the surviving joint Account holder (in case of death of all of the joint Account [...] holders, to the [...]executors or administrators of the last surviving joint Account holder) and any payment by us above shall be an absolute full and conclusive discharge of us as against the joint Account holders (including the deceased and his/her/estate and successor) provided that we may require the production of documentary proof of the death and/or the relevant legal grant to the estate of the deceased. tanrich.com |
(cc) 紧随有关行使後,须全数缴足新增股份面额的认购权 储备进账额应予以资本化,用於全数缴足须随即向可 行使认股权证持有人分配并入账列作缴足股款的股 份的该等新增面额;及 (iv) 倘任何认股权证所指的认购权获行使时,认购权储备的进 账额不足以全数缴足可行使认股权证持有人有权获得相 等於上述该等差额的新增股份面额,则董事应运用当时或其後成为可供作此用途的任何溢利或储备(以法律准许或不禁止者为限,包括股份溢价账),直至缴足该等新增股 份面额及按上述分配为止,在此之前,不得就当时本公司 已发行缴足股份支付或作出股息或其他分派。 chinaallaccess.com | (iv) if upon the exercise of the subscription rights represented by any warrant the amount standing to the credit of the Subscription Right Reserve is not sufficient to pay up in full such additional nominal amount of shares equal to such shortfall as aforesaid to which the exercising warrantholder is entitled, the Directors shall apply any profits or reserves then or thereafter becoming available (including, to the extent permitted or not prohibited by law, share premium account) for such purpose until such additional nominal amount of shares is paid up and allotted as aforesaid and until then no dividendor other distribution shall be paid or made on the fully paid shares of the Company then in issue. chinaallaccess.com |
最後失败的阿巴斯王朝又是来自境外穆斯林世界的时候,基地穆斯塔西姆被置於死亡的,由蒙 古人入侵时的顺序hulagu ,孙子的成吉思汗。 mb-soft.com | The final defeat of the Abbasid dynasty came from outside the Muslim world, when al-Mustasim was put to death by the invading Mongolsat the order [...] of Hulagu, the grandson of Genghis Khan. mb-soft.com |
哥伦比亚首都波哥大为永续运输领导者,市长古斯塔沃(Petro Gustavo)最近提到,「已开发国家并非代表贫民拥车,而是富人搭乘大众运输工具」,这句话切中要害,也代表着文化转型,而非经济转型,各种改善方案未必能克服这些文化因素,可是这种先入为主的成见究竟 从何而来? thisbigcity.net | Petro Gustavo, mayor of Bogota, a city leading the way on sustainable transportation, recently stated, “A developed nation is not one where the poor have cars. thisbigcity.net |
游戏滑鼠的解析度在FPS游戏中是非常重要,玩家为了射击上的需求常常在急转身的动作上就需要高灵敏度的支援,容易躲过被敌人击毙的机会,M873U可以让完家随时更改滑鼠的解析度范围在2,000dpi ~500dpi之间,滑鼠的滚轮前後方各设计按键达到切换的任务(在萤幕的右下方可清楚的见到目前的解析度),所以玩家在不同游戏场景中可以进行不同的解析度调整来适合自己的需求。 btc.com.tw | In the hugely popular FPS (First Person Shooter) games, the resolution and agility of the mouse plays a very important role because it is often necessary to make precise and rapid movements when avoiding an enemy or when staging a counterattack, etc. Because the optimal resolution is highly dependant on the mission at hand, the M873U is equipped with easily adjustable resolution buttons on either side of the scroll wheel that allow gamers to change the mouse resolution at any time during game play between 2,000dpi, 1000dpi and 500dpi. btc.com.tw |
以法式玫瑰园为主题,鰂鱼涌太古坊ag nès b. FLEURISTE早前重新设计,延续agnès b.对花卉的锺爱和浓厚兴趣的分享,花店布置俨如法国南部後花园,统一摆放来自不同地方如肯雅、荷兰及厄瓜多尔等的玫瑰花,种类超过三十款。 think-silly.com | With French rose as its theme, agnès b. FLEURISTE at Taikoo Place (Quarry Bay, Hong Kong) has been renovated and reopened recently. In keeping with the love of floral, the agnès b. florist is set up like a garden [...] in South of France, placing [...]over thirty types of roses (from Kenya, The Netherlands, República del Ecuador and more) together. think-silly.com |
(iv) 趟於任何认股权证所代表的认购权获行使时,认购权储备的进账 额不足以全数支付行使权利的认股权证持有人有权获得相等於上 述有关差额的有关新增股份面值,则董事须运用当时或其後成为可供作此用途的任何溢利或储备(以法律准许者为限,包括股份 溢价账及资本赎回储备金),直至缴足有关新增股份面值及按上 述配发股份为止,在此之前,不得就股份支付或作出股息或其他 分派。 wuling.com.hk | (iv) if upon the exercise of the subscription rights represented by any warrant the [...] amount standing to the [...] credit of theSubscription Right Reserve is not sufficient to pay up in full such additional nominal amount of shares equal to such difference as aforesaid to which the exercising warrantholder is entitled, the Directors shall apply any profits or reserves thenor thereafter becoming available(including to the extent permitted by law, share premium account and capital redemption reserve fund) for such purpose until such additional nominal amount of shares is paid up and allotted as aforesaid and until such time no dividend or other distribution shall be paid or madeon the shares. wuling.com.hk |
本部份列出网上调查中被访者提出 的自由意见,有关意 见来自通过身份核实的问卷,经我们判定不带粗言秽语或人身攻击,及与主题有关。 hkupop.hku.hk | This part lists out the open-ended opinions [...] submittedby the respondentsof the online survey. These submissions are compiled from questionnaires which have passed our identity check, and judged by us to contain no foul language or personal attack and are relevant to thetopic. hkupop.hku.hk |
未来公开范围将涵盖人居署所有专案,例如单一国家、单一城市计画,或是规模更大的「世界都会论坛」,或是署内资讯透明计画本身,依据网站资讯, 後者落实经费高达763,910美元(完整预算细目请见此)。 thisbigcity.net | All UN-Habitat projectswillbe included, whether country- or city-specific—even larger, more general projects like the WUF, or the Transparency Initiative itself, which, coincidentally, is already listed on the site as having cost a cool $763,910 to implement (see the full [...] budget breakdown here). thisbigcity.net |
2.6.15 在某些个案中,可能不宜披露是否曾寻求法律意见,或曾向私人执业的法律从业人员还是政府内部寻求意见,而如属後者,曾向哪个层面的人员寻求意见。 access.gov.hk | 2.6.15 In some cases it may be inappropriate to disclose whether or notlegal advice has been sought or whether it has been sought from privatepractitioners orinternally and if the latter, at what level. access.gov.hk |
Seagate 个人电脑业务部的执行副总裁暨总经理 Michael Wingert 表示:「全球各族群的组织和消费者都不断在建立、共享与消费数位内容,规模前所未见,因此而有新兴市场、应用环境的出现,以及对具备更佳储存容量、效能和可靠性的桌上型电脑和笔记型电脑的需求。 seagate.com | Organizations and consumers of all kinds worldwide continue to [...] create, share [...] and consume digital content at levelsnever beforeseen, giving rise to new markets, new applications and demand for desktop and notebook computers with unprecedented storage capacity, performance and reliability,” [...]said [...]Michael Wingert, Seagate executive vice president and general manager, Personal Compute Business. seagate.com |
艾滋病,治疗受感染者。古巴强调了刚果在教 育领域的努力,尽管作为当前不公正的国际经济秩序的又一个牺牲品的这一欠发 达国家明显面临种种障碍。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cuba underscored the Congo’s efforts in the area of education, notwithstanding the clear obstacles arising for this underdeveloped country, which was yet another victimof the current unfair international [...] economic order. daccess-ods.un.org |
古巴常驻代表团强调指出,不结盟国家运动深感关注的是,由于占领国以色列 非法的侵略行动,造成加沙局势恶化,数百巴勒斯坦平民、包括未成年人死亡, 并鉴于人权理事会将召开特别会议审议这一事件,在此之前,古巴常驻代表团谨 请将本照会及其附件作为即将召开的特别会议的正式文件分发。 daccess-ods.un.org | ThePermanent Mission of Cuba wishes to express the grave concern of the Non-Aligned Movement at the worsening situation in the Gaza strip, which has caused the death of several hundred Palestinian citizens, including children, as a result of the illegal acts of aggression by Israel, the occupying Power, and since a special session of the Human Rights Council may soon be convoked to consider that topic, would be grateful ifthis letter and its annexes could be circulated as official documents, in the event that the session is convened. daccess-ods.un.org |
挖掘与保存、培训及文化旅游:“文化路线--耶稣基督之路”,涵盖从加沙地带 (Nusseirat 遗址,圣希拉容修道院所在地)到约旦河西岸(布尔津村和圣乔治教 堂)的文化、宗教和考古景点,不仅包括与耶稣生前相关的景点和传统,还包括 那布卢斯的撒玛利亚传统这种宗教传统和民间传统。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Excavations and preservation, training, cultural tourism “Cultural Itinerary Jesus Christ Route”, covering the cultural, religious and archaeological sites from the Gaza strip (the site of Nusseirat, location of the Saint Hilarion Monastery) to the West Bank (the village of Burqin and the Church of Saint Georgos) including not only thesites and the traditions related to the life of Jesus Christ, but also religious and popular traditions such as the Samaritan traditions in Nablus. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在2009年从加利福尼亚州搬迁到纽约市之前﹐ Yu先生曾在奥兰治郡的受害者证人援助处任职数年﹐职位包括包括退赔事务专员和受害者权益倡导专员等﹐ 後来被提升到领导岗位。 manhattanda.org | Prior to relocating to New York City from California in 2009, Mr. Yu worked several years for the Victim Witness Assistance Program in Orange County; serving under various capacities [...] including Restitution Specialist [...]and Victim Advocate before moving into management. manhattanda.org |
第一任特区行政长官的推选工作已进入白热化阶段,社会舆论此起彼落,对民意数据的渴求亦骤然增加,形形种种的民意收集方法开始在坊间流行,其中包括极低成本的音频互动录音电话访问方法,早前常见的 观众读 者来电投 票方法,国际网页传送问卷方法,及随意街头或电话访问方法。 hkupop.hku.hk | The selection process for the First SAR Chief Executive has reached a critical stage, the crave for public opinion data was never greater. With this unprecedented demand for opinion data, a number of [...] cheap but unscientific [...] methodsof datacollection has become popular, including the so-called interactive tone-dial recorded telephone [...]interviews, phone-in [...]polls, electronic interviews using the World Wide Web, and casual street and telephone polls. hkupop.hku.hk |
保时捷总代保时捷总代理 永业也於车展开幕记者会当天, 盛大举办全新 911 车款发表会,此次发表会吸引了上百位媒体及贵宾的光临,全新的911 发表会特别邀请保时捷亚洲卡雷拉盃官方媒体代言人及在华人地区颇负盛名的 F1主播龚怀主先生担任主持人,也象徵保时捷品牌的赛车基因与热情,紧接在科技前卫的机械舞表演後,全新 911 由保时捷亚太区总裁 Christer Ekberg 与保时捷总代理 永业李智龙总经理的揭幕下正式与国 人见面,在会场里展出的一黑一白全新 911,以极高的 911 车型辨识度但绝对创新的外型再加上全新设计的驾驶舱,获得现场来宾的 注目跟一致的好评,车展现场也运用巨大的液晶电视墙放映并介绍全新 911 车系的相关性能及配备的影片,让现场的车迷可以更快速的了解完整的第七代 911 车系。 pap.porsche.com | At the launch event, videos on the features of the Porsche 911 model line were played on the large-sized LCD wall, so that attending sports car fans could quickly learnabout the seventh-generation 911. pap.porsche.com |
不过,整体来说这做 法 还 是 较 为 公 帄 的 , 否 则 被告人便无权 向 出资者追讨讼 费 , 而 因 为 出资者的介入 才 会 令 一项後来证实 无 理 据 的 申 索 得 以 进 行 。 hkreform.gov.hk | However, overall justice would be better served than leaving defendants in a position where they had no right to recover any costs from a funder whoseintervention had enabled the continuation of a claim which had [...] proved to be without merit. hkreform.gov.hk |
先前该等有 期 贷 款 根 据 经 协 定 的 偿 还 计 划 分 类,除 非 本 集 团 有 理 由 相 信贷款人在可预见的未来将行使 立 即偿还 条款的 权 利则 作 别论。 vindapaper.com | Previously such term loans were classified in accordance with the agreed repayment schedule unless the Group had reason to believe that the lender would invoke its rights under the immediate repayment clause within the foreseeable future. vindapaper.com |
香 港 的 委 员 会 并 无 足 够 资 源 自 行 对 此 计 划 进 行 可 行 性 研 [...] 究々英 格 兰 现 正 展 开 广 泛 的 实 地 研 究 , 我 们 认 为 明 智 的 做 法 , 是 在 该 等 实 地 研 究 有 结 果之後香港才 决 定 是 否 进 行 独 立 的 本 土 研 究,最 低 限 度 对 於 把 警 方 的会见录音来说,情 况 应 是 如 此 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The Hong Kong Commission did not have the resources available to conduct its own feasibility study but we consider it sensible to await the results of the extensive [...] field studies now being carried out in [...] England before any decision ismade in Hong Kong to proceed with independent local research, at least insofar as the taping of the police interview is concerned. hkreform.gov.hk |
(1) 凡任何人在紧接本条例生效之前是教师,并有权获《香港大学条例》(第 1053 章)第 12(9)条所描 述的关於终止聘任的保障,则校务委员会不得 终止该人的聘任,但如该委员会在对有关事实妥为 作出调查,及在接获教务委员会就该项调查结果所提供的意 见後,认为有好的因由终止聘任,则不在此限。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | (1) The Council must not terminate the appointment of a person who was a teacher and entitled to the protection against termination of appointment described in section 12(9) of the University of Hong Kong Ordinance (Cap. 1053) immediately before the commencement of this Ordinance except where after due enquiry into the facts and after receiving theadvice ofthe Senate on the findings of such enquiry there exists in the opinion of the Council good cause for such termination. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
甘烜文是古冈人,他用古冈樵(据莫士撝未付梓知见录亦有古冈渔的一件甘烜文烟壶)这个别号也许没有别的意思,不过,渔夫跟樵人在中国文艺传统中是典型的阴者,是最看透人世兴亡得失的空虚,再说,元军南下灭宋和清军南下灭明总是可相比拟,不知道甘氏的别号会不会有含糊不清的别意? e-yaji.com | It was also the native place of Gan Xuanwen, so [...] whether his signatureis intended to identify him as a fisherman/woodcutter who remembers the fall of the Song as one example of the endless vanities of man or simply as a native of Xinhui [...]is open to speculation. e-yaji.com |